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TTCAL waiting (not so patiently) for our rainbows

Hey sunshine, great to see you back. You never know, trying to relax this cycle may make it your lucky one!
I'm 5+5 weeks now. Scan on Tuesday to check everything is going well.

I'm the same with the insomnia thing, fall asleep within minutes but wake up in the night loads of times and struggle to sleep well. I don't mind any symptoms if it means all is well:)
i'm currently now in the TWW. i HATE the tww. i've gone through it so many times now that i'm not holding out much hope this cycle u__u
So pleased to hear your scan went well Beckster :)

Hey sunshine lovely to see you on here hope the time out is helping sweetie.

Yazzy not long til your scan :)

Pichi and anyone else on the 2ww got my fingers crossed for you and for anyone gearing up to ov sending lots of baby dust your way.

Afm finally heard back from the hospital in regards to my antibodies and went to have some blood taken at the clinic yesterday. Guidelines state that the blood tests should be taken 4 weekly til 28 weeks and then every fortnight til birth. Well the hospital that deals with my bloods have decided that because my levels were low at my 8 week booking in bloods I need no further monitoring and will have to wait til 28 weeks to have a repeat blood test. I'm fuming and so upset. This hospital deal with my bloods only so have no idea of my history of loss and knowing that the extra monitoring would be there helped calm my worries of something happening to baby and now all I can think of is that my baby will die before 28 weeks. The levels can change at any given moment and rise quite quickly and even at low levels the antibodies can still attack. Some women have really high levels and their babies are fine. Its all pot luck and not one pregnancy is the same. Needless to say the nurse who took my blood and a midwife tried to reassure me that its ok but they can't see into the future no one can. I'm complaining to pals and hopefully get in touch with my consultant who I still haven't heard from.

Its too much to ask for a plain sailing pregnancy I always have to fight for the care I need its not fair :cry: x
:hugs: babytots, can't believe they have said this. I'm not surprised you are feeling anxious. I really hope PALS can help you get sorted.

Good to hear from you sunshine :)

Keeping everything crossed pichi, when will you test?

Flinging plenty of baby dust around for those gearing up to o :dust:
babytots i would be asking them for those tests regardless. you've had previous losses, you're anxiety is up for that reason too - even if it's once a month it's better than waiting until 28w!
Babytots that's terrible, I'm so sorry. I really hope the antibodies just leave baby alone. What a stressful pregnancy :(
Hi ladies , babytots I really hope you resolve the issues with your hospital .
So I'm back ttc after my MMC and d&c .
D&c was on the 9th jan I bled lightly for 10 days then some spotting on and off , I took a pregnancy test on Friday and it was still very faintly positive, now today at 16 days post d&c I have my usual ov signs is that even possible ?? Especially when hcg must still be hanging around ?? X
Thanks for your reply Kelly, I'm just going to bd anyway can't hurt to try :)
TTC do you take ovulation strips at all? I ovulated the day after my HPT turned negative after my loss so it is possible to bounce back quickly.
Thanks ladies. I'm sending a complaint off tomorrow with pals and hopefully they can liase on my behalf with the hospital that deals with my bloods and my consultant at my local hospital.

TTC lovely to see you over here hun I have been thinking of you lots. Yes it is possible to ov so soon. I had similar after my loss in August the hcg took a good while to leave my system but once it did ovulation happened a few days after. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that you get your sticky bfp soon.

Hope everyone is keeping well. x
Sil I haven't used opks since I first started ttc last year , trying to just relax and if it happens it happens :) I definately think I o'd yesterday fingers x . Thanks babytots I'm feeling positive x how are you feeling ?
Im actually freaking out right now. Im on a few boards so not sure what ive said where....but im only mid cycle and due to ovulate on Wednesday...well a few days ago I spotted twice and have been cramping (just like my previous 2 pg)...so ive been testing and all bfn. Until maybe today. Saw a line on my tests but 6 hours later. Retested but again bfn but again another evap and I swear there is a line on my frer. Testing tomorrow morning for the final result...otherwise I plan on ovulating on wednesday. All pics of tests in my journal below starting on page 9.....I havent even ovulated and I might be pg??? I dont believe it yet...,
hi ladies , hope your all well I havnt posted in a while, so still no af post mc, feb 6th will be 8 weeks which is not unusual for me anyway. does anyone know any coping mechanisms to stop the bitterness ...I would have been 12 weeks on weds and I'm feeling quite upset/bitter/angry at pregnant women I feel so awful about it
:bfn: for me this morning...oh well. Im due to ovulate anyways on wednesday so lots of bding coming up!

Comotion im sorry for your loss. I have not found any thing to help me with bitterness really. Its hard...especially when I have a coworker due a few days before I was due and now my sil is pg. Its rough. I still know in my head where id be to..19 weeks yesterday...almost half way.
Glad your feeling positive TTC yes I'm good thanks hun.

Commotion sending you a big hug hope af turns up soon for you. I have no advise on how to deal with the bitterness I have just learnt to roll with it and hope that one day it won't be so bad. Its so hard isn't it. Even now I'm still bitter that my friends who were due the same month as me are going to be having their babies soon and that should of been me with them. Being pregnant makes it easier but its hard when I know in 2 months time I should of had a baby in my arms.

Heather big hugs hun. Could the spotting have been down to ovulation at all and perhaps you ovulated earlier in your cycle then normal. I know lots of women on this forum have had spotting around ovulation. Got my fingers crossed for you that you get a lovely bfp this cycle. x
Thanks. I have no idea whats going on this cycle...I dont temp or use opks so who knows. Ill keep bding until af comes or I get a :bfp:!
I find the bitterness comes and goes, depends on what day of the week it is. I found positive thinking about that time not being my time helps but then I'm a big believer in everything happens for a reason.

Ttc, my HCG levels were 2.9 on 11th November after my mc, I ovulated the next day.

Hope all is well at your scan tomorrow Yazzy :)

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