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Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Good luck for monday Crystal xxxxx Hope everyone else is doing ok and feeling better. TBH at the moment I feel like s**t, and I can't wait til I'm better. The sickness is really getting me down xxxx

Jojo, sorry you're feeling so poorly:hugs: I do hope it is a good sign for you though.:thumbup:
7 dpo today Faith and still feeling crabby...... I'm hoping its a good sign too :thumbup: it would be lovely to see us all get a BFP on here very soon :winkwink: xxxxxx
jojo I hope your 2ww goes really fast and you get your BFP!!!!!!!! It seems to be a great month for tr ladies :)
CD 1 today ladies . Looks like since mc in Jan I have resumed 28-29 day cycle PTL!!!! I pray all is well with everyone. Fxd and prayer hands for all that are in the TWW :)
Hi all, how's it going i know we are all at different stages of our cycles has anyone got any symptoms ? or O'ing ?

Jojo i'm 9dpo and crabby, and hot flushes galore, i think that's just what would be the day 21 change in hormones for me though as i get them a little earlier as i have a 24-26 day cycle.

I'm feeling quite nostalgic today as it's my younger sons 5th Birthday, just thinking back to 5 years ago today makes me smile so much, hope i get that feeling again sometime soon.

1 week maximum until i can test, still going to wait until monday the 14th, unless af gets me first.
Floppy glad to hear your back to your normal cycle :)I bet you cant wait to get the bding started so you can get your BFP sicky bean this month :)
Spuggle I hope your 2ww goes really fast and you get a awsome valentines day BFP!!!
Floppy glad to hear your back to your normal cycle :)I bet you cant wait to get the bding started so you can get your BFP sicky bean this month :)
Spuggle I hope your 2ww goes really fast and you get a awsome valentines day BFP!!!

Thanks Momma, it would be a dream come true wouldn't it. i do hope one of us gets a BFP soon. It seems to be quite rare for us tr ladies.
FX to the tww ladies! How exciting! :hugs:

Floppy, you're back on track! Awesome!

Crystal, how are you hun?

Still no word from Jasmine...I sure hope all is well!

Momma, it does seem to be the month for the TR ladies...So exciting.
Hi Girls,

Nice to hear from you Floppy and your back on track with your cycle..:flower:

Spuggle & Jo Jo, hope the TWW is flying by and it will be Valentines Day soon - 7 more sleeps...:happydance:Cant wait to hear some good news...I have everything crossed for you .xxxxx

Super how you feeling hunny?...any clues on where you are with your cycle yet babes..xx

Ready I hope you are feeling a little better and you are settling into your new home xx:hugs:

Momma & Faith how you feeling ladies...x its nearly O time for you 2..xx:thumbup:We will be in our TWW soon if not already......Keep up the good deeds..xxx

ATM - I am feeling really crabby at the moment and really short tempered, my DH needs a medal for putting up with me at the moment, I am a nightmare, I hope I feel better soon xxx I cant seem to get a good nights sleep either I feel shattered which doesnt help.
Anyway enough about me, I hope everyone is hanging in there and I really hope we have some FANTASTIC NEWS posted on this thread soon.........xxx
Aww Crystal..I hope you feel better soon. :hugs: Some days are worse than others for sure. We woman are allowed to have those days! hehe

Well nothing new with me, I have no clue...did a few tests today and opk looks great.. and bfn, although hubby thought he seen something. I never though. Pics are on my journal. I am very crampy today even went to the washrrom to check for af because I thought she came..but nope..nada. Something has to give, sooner or later..lol I have to say I am very confused with the opk's
Hi ladies hope you're well.

I caved today and poas, did an opk first as i'm sure i have read somewhere that they too can detect hcg ?? i have a faint line on opk like how it is when your surge is just starting or ending.

Did a hpt but that is a bfn, although it is probably a bit soon to test, i'm 9dpo.

I was doing so well this month, i was going to be patient and wait, i'm just too impatient !!! Lol
Aww Crystal..I hope you feel better soon. :hugs: Some days are worse than others for sure. We woman are allowed to have those days! hehe

Well nothing new with me, I have no clue...did a few tests today and opk looks great.. and bfn, although hubby thought he seen something. I never though. Pics are on my journal. I am very crampy today even went to the washrrom to check for af because I thought she came..but nope..nada. Something has to give, sooner or later..lol I have to say I am very confused with the opk's

Just been checking your journal and your OPK's look great, Iam sure I see something on the HPT too........If AF is due you shouldnt be getting lines like that surely.......No wonder you are confused with it all..........I really hope you get some answers soon babes...xx
Hi ladies hope you're well.

I caved today and poas, did an opk first as i'm sure i have read somewhere that they too can detect hcg ?? i have a faint line on opk like how it is when your surge is just starting or ending.

Did a hpt but that is a bfn, although it is probably a bit soon to test, i'm 9dpo.

I was doing so well this month, i was going to be patient and wait, i'm just too impatient !!! Lol

Aww Spuggle we are all guilty of caving in...the urge is always too great sometimes, and yes 9DPO is really early try and hang on until 12DPO before you test again hunny........I have everything crossed for you xxx:flower:
Will do Crystal thanks, silly really as testing early doesn't give you the answer you want any sooner but sometimes makes you fel a bit better, i've had my poas fix for today so i'm going to wait now.

Super I have been reading your journal i'm about halfway through atm but I'm going to check out your tests now as i have just noticed crystal mention some pics.
oh spuggle I hope this is it for you girl Good luck!!!!
me too momma but i'm not to hopeful tbh, i just don't feel this is my month, i have been so positive up until now but i have to say i'm starting to loose faith as time goes on, I jst don't think it's ever going to happen for me.

Apologies for the depressing start to the day.
Hi Ladies:flower:

I hope everyone is having a good Wednesday.

I do hope we have some BFPs this month! It's so uplifting to celebrate with others in their BFP joy! SPUGGLE & SUPER...I hope two lines show up for you two soon! I know it's soooo tempting to test early and have actually convinced myself today that maybe it CAN be a good thing. I figured if testing early gives you a + that ultimately results in a chemical (although very sad:cry:) you at least have the assurance that you're ovulating and your tubes aren't blocked....right? If we wait till AF and don't know we've just had a chemical, we might be wondering if we're even ovulating. It also might cause further investigation into the progesterone thing. so anyway, :thumbup:to early testing:haha:
Hi Girls......Faith I totally agree with you on the testing issue, and the thing is....we are all guilty of wanting a BFP real bad, so whether we test every day from Ovulation until AF...its up to everyone individually whether they test or not.........I just love to see the lines, and I think we all become secret POAS addicts, no harm in wanting to know as soon as possible is there?:thumbup:

Spuggle, chin up hunny, I have heard about women who had more symptoms and feelings when they werent pregnant and hardly had any when in fact they were......I really hope you do get your BFP soon, please dont give up just yet, we are all in the same boat hunny, and we can at least live with the hope now we are fixed.... cant we?.....:hugs:

I really do wish every single person on here the very best of luck and I pray we hear some good news soon, until then, we will all battle on like true soldiers we are..... until we achieve our goals in life and get our babies........Best wishes to everyone from the bottom of my heart........xxxx:kiss:
Hi everyone, hpoing you are all ok? I'm 10dpo aswell Spuggle. Really hope you all get your BFP very soon xxx
Hi everyone, hpoing you are all ok? I'm 10dpo aswell Spuggle. Really hope you all get your BFP very soon xxx

I really hope you get your dream come true Jo Jo & Spuggle, cant wait to hear of some positive HPT's soon xxxxx

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