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Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

:hugs::hugs: Crystal and Super.. yeah its gonna be our turn next month.. hope you are both ok xx
Hi ya.........Yes I am fine, got over the initial disappointment of my BFN and AF has arrived with a vengence this morning, I am pleased I can move on to Feb now, starting with Clomid tomorrow again for next 5 days.......and at least I had a 29 day cycle this month which was alot longer than normal which is incouraging....

Hope you get your +OPK soon Spuggle...........yey guess you will be busy doing the deed at the moment......hope them swimmers find your egg...fingers crossed.

Thanks for the well wishes Angel and I pray this is your month too babes...xxx

Hope everyone else is doing ok.........Momma has AF arrived yet hunny???

I will check in again later and see how everyone is feeling......:hugs:
:thumbup: yep i am ok now...
I can think about February now as well... :winkwink:
good luck ladies xx
Hey crystal no af has not arrived she was suppose to be here yesterday morning Im getting bfn its driving me nuts!!!! I keep thinking I have my period run to the bathroom and nothing :( not sure what to think I really dont think im preggo just thing af is being her witchy self! Gl this month you are gonna get that egg girl :)
Angel you to babe lets get some BFP!
So sorry the :witch: got you Crystal :flower: I really thought it was going to be your month. Hope you get a :bfp: Momma, remember you're not out til the :witch: rears her ugly head xxxx
So sorry the :witch: got you Crystal :flower: I really thought it was going to be your month. Hope you get a :bfp: Momma, remember you're not out til the :witch: rears her ugly head xxxx

Thanks jojo and Angel :hugs:
My AF's have been all over the place since I miscarried hunny. I'm really hoping Feb is going to my month with Crystals help and she knows what I mean! TTC after TR is really hard babes, I've had so many chemicals confirmed by the doctors its unreal but hopefully they are going to try and help me now? I don't have a problem concieveing its holding on to them and them sticking! I've had so many miscarriages its unbelieveable really...... FX we will all have our sticky beans soon xxxx
I agree Momma, you are not out until the witch shows her face.

Crystal, congrats on the job again. :hugs:

How you doing angel?

Jojo, I am sorry for all your losses :hugs: I am glad you are going to get help some help doll. FX for a bfp for you very soon.

Still no news from Jasmine? I hope she is well.

AFM, If I did O I should be anywhere from 8-10dpo...Tested..lol I know..lol BFN...No shock there. Not really any symptoms going on, just have a very upset belly today. I felt fine this morning but once I had my morning tea and toast , it almost came back up. Fine for the rest of the day until I just ate some pizza and I feel sick again...And some cramping.

I tested with an opk today for the heck of it and it was not positive but very very close...Unsure whats up with that. It all boils down to me waiting..LOL

Babydust to all you lovely ladies. xx
Sounds very promising Super, try a PT soon babes and GL I'm praying for your BFP hunny xxxx
Super im getting a little excited for you :)
Jo jo Im soooo sorry to hear that you have had many loses, why must tr girls suffer so?!?! I cant wait to hear you are preggo with your lil sicky bean :)
AS for me the damn witch got me last night :( Onto month 5 ttc
Sorry the witch got you doll...stupid beast!lol

I was feeling pretty good yesterday about the chance of being preggers...but not feeling anything today..Nada..ziltch! lol and a bfn...I am weak..lol Come on af come and get me!!
Sorry the witch got you doll...stupid beast!lol

I was feeling pretty good yesterday about the chance of being preggers...but not feeling anything today..Nada..ziltch! lol and a bfn...I am weak..lol Come on af come and get me!!

lol your too funny :haha: Im thinking feb. the month of love is gonna be our month good luck dear :hugs:
Good morning ladies, sorry to all who got af or bfn's good luck for feb, hoping we all get bfp's and sticky beans.

I'm starting the dreaded 2 week wait :dohh: damn I hate this time of the month soooo much, I'm so hoping that we will get a valentines bfp, my af will be due between 12th-14th Feb I would love it if on valentines day we had the best present in the world.
Super how is everything going for you?
Jojo im having a good feeling about feb. :)
spuggle my fx you get your bfp and your 2ww goes really fast!
Im trying to temp this month but I suck lol when I finally remember in the am i already have tossed around alittle :(
Momma I tried temping for the first couple of months ttc, the first month went well but after that it went downhill lol, good luck and I hope it works for you.
I'm the same as you Spuggle, I'm in the tww now and due AF on Valentines day xxxx FX for feb BFPs xxxx
Wishing all you ladies in your TWW a :bfp::happydance::happydance::happydance: Soon, Aww I think Valentines day will be lucky for everyone in love.......xxxx

I am waiting on the big O day which will fall just before our Anniversary so I will still have everything crossed on that day and hope we all get our wishes.........Cant wait to hear more on the symptom spotting girls!... Hope everyone is still hanging in there, big and strong, we can do this, we are all special! xx

Hello ladies :)

jojo and Spuggle I have my fingers crossed for you! I hope the tww goes fast and results in a bfp!

Momma, thanks for checking in on me.:hugs:

4 weeks tomorrow and no af anf bfn. Just waiting for af to arrive. Just wish she would come on with it... I am unsure after a mc would you go back to your regular af dates or would it be a whole new cycle. Af usually arrives 28-29 days.

Babydust to you lovely ladies!

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