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Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Hey ladies,

Welcome to all the new ladies. Yes I am back and ready to cheer you ladies on. I am not sure when I will TTC again but here to encourage and cheer you ladies on.
Super, it's such a pain when AF plays around with you emotions, as if we're not going through it enough every month with temps and opk's checking cm and any other symptoms of ov or pg, then af leaves you playing a guessing game.

Hope you get one or the other soon so you know. x
:coffee: i am fine Super how are you hunni?? xx

I am well thanks :thumbup: I tested hpt and opk today, seems i have a +opk?? thought I already had o'd like 2 weeks ago..I never had any oks on hand nor was I temping I was just going by O like pain and ewcm..but today I get this? confused. I posted a pic on my journal.

Still no word from Jasmine? I hope all is well.

How are you finding the new job crystal?

Thank you spuggle :hugs:
Hey ladies. I hope all is well. It is very cold here today. I just want to go home and cuddle with my dh.

Okay so my dh stated he was ready to try again. I want to try again but I still kind of scared. He keeps reminding me that God doesn't give us the spirit of fear. Is this normal that I am afraid? I said we could just do the NTNP method.
NTNP is a good way to start. It is scarey....it's all I think about, having to go through that all again. But that does not stop me. I want nothing more than to make a beautiful baby! I know I will get just that one day soon. And so will all of us TR ladies! :hugs:
:flower: yes hunni it is normal to scared.. I am scared of having another ectopic.. but it wont stop me trying..
Emotions are troublesome arent they!.......All I can say is go with your heart and do whats right for you, there is no wrong way to do things, if things are meant to be then it will happen regardless how much worrying we do....We know mother nature is within us and maybe life has just given us a little taste of joy and what is to come in our future, I am positive we will get our dream come true soon............I am feeling good vibes for us all! Things will be better our next time around, what will be will be..xxx

Good luck to everyone in their TWW and I really hope we hear of some good news soon..xxxx I am so excited for everyone trying..:happydance:

I am also willing everyone lots of good health for their BD duties, and we will be back in the TWW before we know it.......:coffee:

Sending everyone lots of love and happiness for February, it is the LOVE Month after all.:flower:..........xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey ladies,

Where is Jasmine? I hope she is okay.

It is very cold here in Texas and we are leaving early. :happydance: I am going home to get in my bed.
Hi everyone,

Yes I have heard the weather in North America is really bad at the moment with snow, wow hope everyone who is effected by this is ok?... Ready I dont blame you for wanting to get into bed and snuggle up, hope you are keeping well. x

I have been wondering the same regarding Jasmine, its been a while since we have heard anything from her, I really hope she is ok.......Jasmine please post hunny when you can to let us know you are safe and well..xxxx

Super how you doing with your OPK's and Ovulation, its confusing when you dont know where you are within your cycle and you get mixed symptoms etc....

Anymore symptoms from ladies in their TWW yet??? We are on the edge of our seats here girls, please post us some details soon.:coffee:

Anyone Ovulating soon?....I am about to O really early this month so I am keeping my fingers crossed....xx:cloud9:

Hope everyone is in good spirits,:thumbup: and if your feeling a little down, get posting so we can cheer you up and keep you motivated!...xxxxx Everyone on here deserves a voice and I like to hear them too. xxxxx

Have a great day everyone xxxxxx
Hi ladies hope you are all well.

Crystal, no symtoms as of yet, sorry to disappoint but i didn't get any symtoms with my first 2 pregnancies until about 3 days before af was due and then i just got an overwhelming feeling i was pregnant and i was. so not expecting to much on the symtoms side at the moment.

I have to say i am really looking forward to a week on monday, thats when i will poas if af hasn't got me by then already, i'm going to be really good this month and wait until i am late or on time if it's a 26 day cycle, we're hoping for a for a valentines BFP.

Hope you lovely ladies have a fab weekend, oh and Crystal, how is the new job going ?
Hi girls just popin in to say Hi and to see what everyone is up to im soo sick I cant even see staright! Just wanted to see if there was any good news :)
Hey ladies,

Crystal, no more positive opk, no af, no bfp..lol I had some serious cramping last night thought for sure she was coming. Just a matter of time before she arrives.

Momma, you have a bug? I sure hope you feel better real soon. :hugs:

Spuggle, fx for that valetines bfp, how nice that would be.

jojo, you are also in you tww too right? FX!! how exciting ladies.

Ready, how is that cold weather? I hope is has left! :hugs:

Jasmine, thinking of you hun xx
I'm 5 dpo today (ovulated early) and I've got symptoms galore which means I'm probably not going to be pregnant this time lol. I've got headaches, backache, cramps, sickness and to top it off achy boobs. I feel like a walking disaster today and real poorly with it. My nose won't stop running either. Hope everyone else is doing ok? Great news that you are ovulating Crystal, where is everyone else in their cycle? xxxxx
Hello ladies,

Crystal, how is the job going?

Super, no it is still cold and the streets are filled with ice. It is currently 28 degrees and expect to have a hard freeze tonight then tomorrow afternoon warm up.

Momma3x, I hope you get to feeling better really soon.

spuggle, I didn't have any symtoms with my first 2 either.

Jojo, you said your nose want stop running and my nose feels stuffed. I hope you feel better soon.
Super I tell ya the wait sucks something horrible doesnt it?! If the witch is coming I hope she gets on with it and lets you start ttc again soon :)
jojo Im totally stuffed up there is some major head cold thing getting us in my house both my boys and I have gotten it and boy it really knocks your butt down!
Crystal we should be on the same cycle or at least close again this month :) This month is gonna be a good one!
Ready are you ttc again? I seen you got a new house I hope its working our great for you :)
Thanks to all for the well wishes :) at least I can read straight again this morning when I was onhere I felt high lol I couldnt even keep my eyes focused
Hi Crystal, I'm in the "ovulating soon" category:winkwink:

We're doing SMEP...and just waiting:thumbup:

Hope everyone is snug and warm today:hugs:
Hi Ladies,

Thanks for posting everyone, its good to hear in detail how everyone is doing?

TWW Ladies - including Spuggle & JoJo glad you are all hanging in there its hard when you are symptoms spotting or the fact that there are no symptoms are also just as mind boggling, our bodies like playing tricks on us I am sure of it!...I really hope you get your Valentines BFP, it would be so special for me to share good news with you on my Anniversay, I cant wait!..:hugs:

Waiting to O Ladies, Faith, Momma and me included:- Keep the energy up and the SMEP routines going, or anything else you are trying this month...lol..I know I am trying Robitussin this month to combat the clomid CM...I will see soon if this is making a difference...

Super I really hope you find out where in your cycle you are at the moment, this must be confusing for you babes....I really hope you find out one way or another and real soon....xxx:hugs:

NTNP Ladies, going with the flow is good and relaxing about things will help heal your mind...xxx Good luck with everything...xxx

Nice to hear about the house move Ready, I hope you are settling in nicely and you have had a chance to unpack all the boxes...I think I still have some in our garage...not touched...lol:shrug: well if I havent needed the contents by now... I guess I never will....lmao.x

JoJo I am sure your cold will get better over the next few days, sorry your feeling under the weather hunny....xxx sending lots of cyber medicine..lol..xxx

Yay Momma we are running on the same cycle again cant wait to Ovulate and start the TWW....bring on the loving!...

Jasmine hunny, we are thinking about you girl, hope you are ok, thinking about you babes, post soon xxxx

Sorry If I have missed anyone let me know if I have xx:hugs:

On the new job front, I am starting on Monday coming so I will let you know how I get on...xxx It will be good to keep my mind off the TWW....xxx

Hope everyone has a great weekend :flower:..........I will check in again soon xxxxxxxxxx
Good luck for monday Crystal xxxxx Hope everyone else is doing ok and feeling better. TBH at the moment I feel like s**t, and I can't wait til I'm better. The sickness is really getting me down xxxx

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