Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

So sad to hear this update! Was hoping it was your time sweetie....*Hugs & Prayers for you:hugs:
Super I'm so sorry hun. I popped in just to check on you. I know your heart is just breaking. Sending you hugs. As far as your thyroid levels, it's actually more important in pregnancy than you think. A high thyroid level can contribute to pg loss as well as effect the babies brain development. Have they checked your progesterone levels? I'd have them check that as well. A low prog level seems to be very common in pg loss among us TR ladies for some reason. If its low that is an easy fix and you'll know for the next time, because there WILL be a next time.
Super, I am giving you a big hug. I am glad to hear that you are ready to try again already. It shows that even if it does happen again, you got the moxie to get back up. That truly is the most important thing. I did hear something about you are more fertile after a miscarriage or a d&c... not sure which.. Not that that makes it any easier, but it does a little.
I think on my appt. coming up I will get the doc to check my thyroid levels.. Never had that done. I am also gonna see if I can have another hsg test..

About how long after a miscarriage does it take to normally get pregnant again? It has been 3 months since mine.. I am growing impatient.

I forgot... I am pregnant this month...
All joking aside, I had the weirdest dream last night. I was out somewhere and had to go pee pee and I had blood in my drawers. I was shocked in my dream and I realized it was implantation bleeding. I was pregnant in my dream and not only that, I knew I was going to keep it. I have never had implantation bleeding. I was excited over bleeding! :haha:
I hope everyone has a great cycle! Mine is painful. I have lower back pain and belly cramps. I have been having headaches on and off since yesterday and I have left side cramping and dizziness. I am 5dpo. Too many hurtings in my opinion. I haven't had pain like this since I lost my baby. Since I am pregnant, I am praying this isn't how a whole pregnancy will be. :winkwink:
Positive thinking makes me positively nuts!
Super, I am giving you a big hug. I am glad to hear that you are ready to try again already. It shows that even if it does happen again, you got the moxie to get back up. That truly is the most important thing. I did hear something about you are more fertile after a miscarriage or a d&c... not sure which.. Not that that makes it any easier, but it does a little.
I think on my appt. coming up I will get the doc to check my thyroid levels.. Never had that done. I am also gonna see if I can have another hsg test..

About how long after a miscarriage does it take to normally get pregnant again? It has been 3 months since mine.. I am growing impatient.

I forgot... I am pregnant this month...
All joking aside, I had the weirdest dream last night. I was out somewhere and had to go pee pee and I had blood in my drawers. I was shocked in my dream and I realized it was implantation bleeding. I was pregnant in my dream and not only that, I knew I was going to keep it. I have never had implantation bleeding. I was excited over bleeding! :haha:
I hope everyone has a great cycle! Mine is painful. I have lower back pain and belly cramps. I have been having headaches on and off since yesterday and I have left side cramping and dizziness. I am 5dpo. Too many hurtings in my opinion. I haven't had pain like this since I lost my baby. Since I am pregnant, I am praying this isn't how a whole pregnancy will be. :winkwink:
Positive thinking makes me positively nuts!

Angie- The only natural BFP I received after my TR was right after I made an appt with my fertility doctor to start the IVF process LOL. Unfortunately because of polyops that I had the baby didn't implant well and it was lost. But it happens!! So maybe since you have considered other potential options it will happen for you ;)
Super, Sending hugs your way. Definitely ask the doc wth!! I truly hope this is your last loss and the beginning of the cycle where you get that sticky bean!

DH and I are ttc#5. It can be frustrating at times but trying to keep the faith and positive. I am 36 and I am worried that I am too old and DH is 40. We had tubes reversed 3/22/12 and have been trying since July of 2012. Now we have decided to get some help. We go to see the fertility doctor on 9/20/13 to see if my tubes are clear and if my eggs are any good. GYN took a FSH blood test and it was 6.2, she said anything under a 10 was good. I guess that's why she referred the fertility doctor. I am so nervous and scared that something is wrong. We have a DS 20, DS 16, DD 14 and DS 12 and a GS 7mos. Keeping my fingers crossed that we are able to conceive.[-o<
Hello Brandy,

Thanks for the welcome! No she didn't do a AMH test. I hope the fertility doctor does it on the 20th. She said the fertility doctor will check to see if my tubes are clear. So I don't know what to expect or ask on my first visit. We have never done this before. Any advice on what to expect and ask?:shrug:

Hi bright and welcome! Did your doctor do an amh test?
This PMS is getting the better of me. I have been hurting for three days. It is too much! I need to sleep. I have been restless at night and I can't sleep on my belly and since that is my usual sleep position, I am struggling to stay asleep; which is making me cranky, which I already am without the sleep issues.
I am feeling too disheartened to be positive today so I am just gonna say that I am 6dpo, I feel like I have been run over, or like I am catching the flu.. I know I am in for a long weekend, especially with our little 'walk' tomorrow.

Bright, if you are too old to have more babies, then we are all too old. :haha:
We are all around the same age. So since I don't consider myself too old, I am pretty sure you ain't either. I am also starting my doctor visits this month. : ))
Also.... WELCOME!!! :winkwink:

I am gonna start peeing on stuff come Monday morning at 10dpo..
Brandy, I know that my tubes were blocked until I had the HSG test. My left one was unblocked during that procedure. I watched it on the screen, unblock. I am not sure if it is still open. That's why I want another hsg. When you only have one tube, you need to keep it in working order. :haha: Either way, I should have the money for IVF at the first of the year. If it does not work at that time, then I will try once more in the fall. We also decided that we will try with three transfers, quality allowing, because if it takes that much we won't be able to afford to do it every year.
I have big plans, but sometimes God throws big curves... I pray He throws me one where I don't have to have IVF at all. I like good curves.. :winkwink:

Today I just want to curve up my body and sleep the day away. With all this war stuff going down I stay stressed; worried about my husband and him being deployed into that. Blargh!!

I pray for you Ladies. I hope you are all well!
Hello Brandy,

Thanks for the welcome! No she didn't do a AMH test. I hope the fertility doctor does it on the 20th. She said the fertility doctor will check to see if my tubes are clear. So I don't know what to expect or ask on my first visit. We have never done this before. Any advice on what to expect and ask?:shrug:

Hi bright and welcome! Did your doctor do an amh test?

Well, I am not really sure how far you're willing to go with the fertility doctor. But I do know that AMH test which tells them your eggs quality and ovarian reserve should be done on Cycle day 3 while you're still on AF. So if that is not when you will be at the doctor dont be suprised if he makes a calendar for you to tell you when to go to the lab for tests.

How long are you tubes?

I ended up with short tubes 3.0 and 3.0 The eggs were being fertilized but they were getting to the uterus either too early or they never were caught by my tube. Since we tried for 3.5 years when we went to the fertility doctor we did very little before moving onto IVF.

Our fertility doctor said were the most fertile infertile couple he has seen all because of 5cm of missing tube :(

On my first visit they did history mostly... but we talked about what I would want to do treatment wise in the short term and long term. We asked to do some medicated cycles with pills only to get more eggs to release so we had a better shot each time. Then when that didnt work we did a femara cycle with IUI.... That didn't work. I said enough is enough how soon can I do IVF? LOL he had me on that route within weeks.

Really I think if you have the right doctor that fits your needs he will do whatever is reasonable that you're requesting. Lucky for us we dictated our treatments.

Just remember you're hiring this person so they need to do what you're comfortable with and not sell you a used car if you want a new one.

I wish you the best of luck in your journey. I hope it's a short one :hugs:
This PMS is getting the better of me. I have been hurting for three days. It is too much! I need to sleep. I have been restless at night and I can't sleep on my belly and since that is my usual sleep position, I am struggling to stay asleep; which is making me cranky, which I already am without the sleep issues.
I am feeling too disheartened to be positive today so I am just gonna say that I am 6dpo, I feel like I have been run over, or like I am catching the flu.. I know I am in for a long weekend, especially with our little 'walk' tomorrow.

Bright, if you are too old to have more babies, then we are all too old. :haha:
We are all around the same age. So since I don't consider myself too old, I am pretty sure you ain't either. I am also starting my doctor visits this month. : ))
Also.... WELCOME!!! :winkwink:

I am gonna start peeing on stuff come Monday morning at 10dpo..
Brandy, I know that my tubes were blocked until I had the HSG test. My left one was unblocked during that procedure. I watched it on the screen, unblock. I am not sure if it is still open. That's why I want another hsg. When you only have one tube, you need to keep it in working order. :haha: Either way, I should have the money for IVF at the first of the year. If it does not work at that time, then I will try once more in the fall. We also decided that we will try with three transfers, quality allowing, because if it takes that much we won't be able to afford to do it every year.
I have big plans, but sometimes God throws big curves... I pray He throws me one where I don't have to have IVF at all. I like good curves.. :winkwink:

Today I just want to curve up my body and sleep the day away. With all this war stuff going down I stay stressed; worried about my husband and him being deployed into that. Blargh!!

I pray for you Ladies. I hope you are all well!

I hear you! My DH isnt in the military and I cringe at the news reports its so upsetting. I wont go into the politics of the whole thing since we have enough crap to deal with haha! I wish the best for you and your DH that he isnt deployed to deal with this crap.

I hope you wont have to use your IVF plan Angie :) We will get to see a h&h baby come 2014!
Thank you Brandy,

You have giving me great information. I will absolutely ask for the different test and inquire what my options are. I feel a little more at ease about the visit. Thank you so much. I how this works out for me. Did you have to bring DH with you on the first visit? And yes I hope its a short on too!
Thank you Brandy,

You have giving me great information. I will absolutely ask for the different test and inquire what my options are. I feel a little more at ease about the visit. Thank you so much. I how this works out for me. Did you have to bring DH with you on the first visit? And yes I hope its a short on too!

I did not take DH with me but they supplied me with a packet ahead of time for me to fill out on both of us.

Some of the tests they might recommend is

  • AMH and FSH day 3
  • Progesterone to make sure youre ovulating CD 21
  • HSG which you're aware of
  • Sperm Analysis
  • Full blood panel including STD's
  • Saline Hysteroscopy to check for polyops
  • ultrasound to check the follicles on your ovaries and uterus lining
Hey ladies,I had my TR done June 19,2012. I got my first bfp January 28,2013 &I started February 2. I was told that I had a possible ep but to come back in two days to check my numbers my first numbers were 268 and my second was 483. They did another vaginal ultrasound and scheduled me for surgery that afternoon, my left tube had ruptured....I was heart broken I told my unborn that I would have been an awesome mommy but God decided to make him(I was convinced it was my son) my Angel. My due date would have been next month September 27,2013. I'm left with my right tube 5.5 I am still hopeful and pleased to be with a group of ladies who understand. I'm 33 and my dh is 39 I have two daughters 10&12 from my previous marriage and my dh husband has 5 ages ranging from 10-17 we've been together for 6 years and would love to have one or two together.That's my story ladies.
Hey ladies,I had my TR done June 19,2012. I got my first bfp January 28,2013 &I started February 2. I was told that I had a possible ep but to come back in two days to check my numbers my first numbers were 268 and my second was 483. They did another vaginal ultrasound and scheduled me for surgery that afternoon, my left tube had ruptured....I was heart broken I told my unborn that I would have been an awesome mommy but God decided to make him(I was convinced it was my son) my Angel. My due date would have been next month September 27,2013. I'm left with my right tube 5.5 I am still hopeful and pleased to be with a group of ladies who understand. I'm 33 and my dh is 39 I have two daughters 10&12 from my previous marriage and my dh husband has 5 ages ranging from 10-17 we've been together for 6 years and would love to have one or two together.That's my story ladies.

Welcome! It's nice to meet you ;)
Thank you so much Brandy!!! i am printing this out and using it as a guide. You have been extremely helpful!!
Welcome ladies!

Angie, get to peeing!

I am cd6. One more clomid pill to go :)
Welcome Ladies! Hope you bring some baby dust with you to share ;) AFM cd 14. no + Opk yet, so I guess we keep bd & waiting lol I figure O was going to be a little bit later since I took the SI a couple days later this cycle...Sure do hope this is our "lucky" cycle!!!! Ready to see this board EXPLODE with good news of BFPs & THB!!!!

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