Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Hello Angie,

Thanks for the encouragement and congrats on your great news, it will be fine God will see you through this. I will be praying for you. :hugs:

Brandy... I got to start this off with saying that I am praying for your little ones. I am praying very hard!

Bright, I hope your hsg test goes ok. It didn't bother me a bit, but I got the impression that I was on the small side of the count. Hopefully you will not feel it either. I was so excited to get it done!

Cupcake and Faith... I pray that you guys catch your little egg this month!

I start my first doctor visit tomorrow at 5pm. I was nervous and now I have another reason to be nervous...I am pregnant again. I took two tests yesterday (10dpo) and both were positive. I took another this morning and it is darker. I am nervous. I am not really worried about miscarriage since there is nothing I can do, but I am worried about miscarriage cause there is nothing I can do. :nope: First, I am excited though.
For all you Ladies that pray, say a few words to Him for me.. I need them.

I hope you all have a great week!! God bless!
Oh and Brandy, I am impatiently waiting for your news..
Im 42 and 6 months ago had a Tubal Reversal & just started Clomid!

Hi, Im 42 (will be 43 in December). I have 3 healthy children from a previous marriage 23, 21 and 16.
I of course was in a not so great relationship and decided after my last child to have my tubes tied. That was 16 yrs. ago in Feb. I met the man of my dreams 13 yrs ago. Weve been married for 11 yrs. hes 10 yrs younger than me. We wanted to have a tubal reversal yrs ago but I had a work related issue and after 10 knee/leg surgeries I was finally able to go through with the reversal.
I had that done locally (Im in Ky.) by a very successful doctor about 6 months ago. I ended up having to get a huge incision and not the normal cut(30 staples) because I had alot of fatty tissue and scar tissue around the tubes that he needed to take out. He said my tubes looked great but I would have to wait a full 6 weeks before TTC so everything healed well.
So weve been trying for about 5 months now with no luck. He did tell me with my age he wouldnt let me go very long without trying to speed things up if I didnt conceive quickly.
He just recently started me on 100mg.Clomid I finished that on Thursday so now Im waiting to ovulate and see what happens😉. I have had positive ovulation tests on 4 of the 5 cycles but the doctor said that does not neccesarily mean I did. He said your brain can send signals like you are ovulating and actually produce a positive OPK when in fact you arent. He said it only means a message was sent from your brain (pituatary gland) to the ovary to stimulate the release of an egg. Ive never heard such weird stuff but I guess it makes since. Now I wonder if any of those positive OPK's actually released an agg if any?
I did try IVF about 8 yrs ago and I produced too many follicles so the doctor cancelled and we didnt have that much money to keep doing that so we decided to wait until we could do the reversal. It was 6200 vs. 8500-12000 each IVF cycle.
Now,one of my only concerns is that my doctor put me on the Clomid and hes not doing any scheduled ultrasounds, he just wants me to keep charting, which Ive done this whole time and see what happens. If I produce too many follicles I wonder if it will hurt my chances this way as well and he started me on 100 mg. it looks like most women start out at 50mg. My only side affect so far has been some headaches and one day of bloating in the beginning so I cant say for sure that was even Clomid since it didnt stick with me.
Has anyone else been in a similar situation or know someone of my age that still successfully got pregnant? Im scared, anxious and my brain is just plain worn out over it all but I dont want to give up especially with time not being on my side.
Update~ My fertility doctor was unable to find any reason for the bleed other than possible scratch to the cervix or vaginal wall from progesterone.

I saw both babies today in ultrasound! Both were literally dancing all over the place. Both measured 10w4d ahead of schedule. Heartbeat for baby A was 171 and B was 168. Baby A had hiccups too so it was so cute. we counted their fingers thats how well you could see them! Totally made my day. Doctor told me just to rest up and not worry that everything was perfect :)
Brandy - I'm so glad the little babies are happily dancing in there. :)

LLawson - Welcome to the group. I am also taking clomid. I ovulate, but I don't ovulate well, so my temps and luteal phase are deficient. The clomid has worked to fix that problem, although no BFP for me yet. My first month of clomid was unmonitored, but the second I had monitoring and had one 20mm follicle at cd12. A positive OPK just lets you know that your body is gearing up to O, but the only way to tell if you actually O'd is by temping, progesterone level checks, and/or ultrasound.
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad Brandy!! I am so happy that you got to see your little ones again too. I am going to post a photo of my tests. I am really nervous this time cause my belly and back and legs have been hurting since the day I stopped my period almost. Like they did last time. I am trying not to think about it. My hubby is so excited and so am I. I am very early along.. My ovulation day was either the 23rd or 24th.. That would make me only 2 weeks pregnant today. I also have NEVER found out so early. I have always had to wait until after I missed my period. I personally think my test lines are pretty dark for just 2 weeks along. I tested early only because I keep a journal on countdowntopregnancy.com and said I was going to start on the 10dpo cause I had lots of extra tests.
Do your animals treat you different Brandy? I have a little girl cat and she has started to climb on my belly and sprawl out and dig me with her claws. She has never laid on anyone before..
I decided to just take it easy and keep having faith. I really don't want to have faith in the two my hubby said he gave me earlier in the month, but I will focus on hoping for a healthy one.. :haha: I don't think I am cut out for twins but I don't mind having one.. The best part of this pregnancy is that I can get pregnant repeatedly and as long as I don't have a tubal pregnancy and lose my one good tube, I am going to be able to conceive naturally. Even if I have another miscarriage I know I am blessed to get those double lines and I will not stop thanking God for that mercy, even if I do lose it. I will keep putting my faith in God.

Now, tell me what you guys think of my lines.. The bottom test is from 10dpo night urine, the top is 11dpo morning urine.. Today I am 11dpo..
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad Brandy!! I am so happy that you got to see your little ones again too. I am going to post a photo of my tests. I am really nervous this time cause my belly and back and legs have been hurting since the day I stopped my period almost. Like they did last time. I am trying not to think about it. My hubby is so excited and so am I. I am very early along.. My ovulation day was either the 23rd or 24th.. That would make me only 2 weeks pregnant today. I also have NEVER found out so early. I have always had to wait until after I missed my period. I personally think my test lines are pretty dark for just 2 weeks along. I tested early only because I keep a journal on countdowntopregnancy.com and said I was going to start on the 10dpo cause I had lots of extra tests.
Do your animals treat you different Brandy? I have a little girl cat and she has started to climb on my belly and sprawl out and dig me with her claws. She has never laid on anyone before..
I decided to just take it easy and keep having faith. I really don't want to have faith in the two my hubby said he gave me earlier in the month, but I will focus on hoping for a healthy one.. :haha: I don't think I am cut out for twins but I don't mind having one.. The best part of this pregnancy is that I can get pregnant repeatedly and as long as I don't have a tubal pregnancy and lose my one good tube, I am going to be able to conceive naturally. Even if I have another miscarriage I know I am blessed to get those double lines and I will not stop thanking God for that mercy, even if I do lose it. I will keep putting my faith in God.

Now, tell me what you guys think of my lines.. The bottom test is from 10dpo night urine, the top is 11dpo morning urine.. Today I am 11dpo..

Thats a solid line for being 11dpo. I think it's great! Are you going to have HCG checks?

I am not a cat person at all... But we have a cat that is 9 years old my my husband adores him. But all the sudden he has to sleep on me everywhere I go it makes me nuts. I wake up and he is on me in bed! I dont allow pets on the beds lol. He knows something is up for sure.
Hello LL- I haven't quite had the same experience as you nor am I quite 40 yet. What I do know if that your body can gear up to ovulate which is an LH surge but sometimes you may not actually ovulate and or you will release a egg that is of too low quality to fertilize.

The positive OPK is when your body senses the urge to ovulate. It doesnt confirm that you actually released the egg. However, if you're temping and using OPKs you can compare the 2 and know for sure that you have ovulated.

If you get a positive opk on say CD 14 and your temp is 97 in the morning and on CD15 you have a negative opk and your temp is 98 then you would be able to tell that you ovulated and the spiked temp should remain elevated until you reach menses.

I would use fertility friend if I was you to track your opks and temps so you get an idea of whether it is working or not.

I did clomid as well and had awful side effects. I had horrid ovulation pains and headaches that made me almost go insane. I was only on 50MG. Everyone reacts differently though.

Has your fertility doctor checked you AMH levels on CD3 to make sure your ovarian reserve is adequate?

Since time is of the essence it might be wise to do monitored cycles with ultrasound to be sure that you catch the egg at just the right time.
@Navygrrl, thanks for the info. I have been doing the temp charting and he says everything looks like Im ovulating but hes never done an ultrasound or anything. I believe he tries every option before going on to other things because he does any other testing or procedures for free. Anyone having a TR with him gets free follow up care, including everything except IVF or meds. Which the Clomid only cost me 15.00 so thats not bad. I would say if I were paying, they would probably be doing alot more.
Dang, LLawson, you got a good deal there for sure.. Everything included?? Man, I couldn't get my reversal dr to talk to me when my belly got infected after the procedure.. :haha: You sure picked a good one. Even those small tests can run up the money. I heard Clomid with ovulation monitoring was a little expensive, so maybe that's why he hasn't offered it yet.

I am going to TRY to get the doctor I see tomorrow to start the number counter.. Last time I was pregnant, my first numbers were 25.. Yep....25.. I am nervous about that part.. Waiting for numbers is hard, especially when you have to try to brace your heart for bad news all while trying to remain positive. I am going to get him to do a test tomorrow if he will, or at least schedule me for one somewhere. These Army regulations for Tricare Prime are crazy sometimes. I will post as soon as I know. My appt. isn't until 5pm.
Dang, LLawson, you got a good deal there for sure.. Everything included?? Man, I couldn't get my reversal dr to talk to me when my belly got infected after the procedure.. :haha: You sure picked a good one. Even those small tests can run up the money. I heard Clomid with ovulation monitoring was a little expensive, so maybe that's why he hasn't offered it yet.

I am going to TRY to get the doctor I see tomorrow to start the number counter.. Last time I was pregnant, my first numbers were 25.. Yep....25.. I am nervous about that part.. Waiting for numbers is hard, especially when you have to try to brace your heart for bad news all while trying to remain positive. I am going to get him to do a test tomorrow if he will, or at least schedule me for one somewhere. These Army regulations for Tricare Prime are crazy sometimes. I will post as soon as I know. My appt. isn't until 5pm.

Ya I know the insurance through the military is pretty wonky and I hear its even different for the different forces and some just by location or base! What a crazy thing.

I wish you the best and think this is it for us girl ;)
WOW!!! Lots of excitement on here today!!! Brandy-So Thankful that the munchkins are perfect! How scary! Angie Congrats on your BFP! I'm not a line judge, so no help there as I can not see anything unless its blazing lol Hope you get awesome #'s!!! Welcome to all the New members :) As for me, nothing new....2nd cycle of Soy Isos., 2dpo today starting Progesterone tonight...Hoping that bd on O-2 & O-1 was good enough, as DH picked O day to get a stomach bug along with a nasty attitude problem :/....Oh well, We'll eventually get it right ;P Baby Dust to all!!!
WOW!!! Lots of excitement on here today!!! Brandy-So Thankful that the munchkins are perfect! How scary! Angie Congrats on your BFP! I'm not a line judge, so no help there as I can not see anything unless its blazing lol Hope you get awesome #'s!!! Welcome to all the New members :) As for me, nothing new....2nd cycle of Soy Isos., 2dpo today starting Progesterone tonight...Hoping that bd on O-2 & O-1 was good enough, as DH picked O day to get a stomach bug along with a nasty attitude problem :/....Oh well, We'll eventually get it right ;P Baby Dust to all!!!

:happydance: Lets hope you nailed it...... or he did :blush:
Hi Brandy. I am doing temp charts and everything is showing as ovulating. Im using cyclewatch and actually have to send a copy of my chart to the doctor every month so hes watching it closely. That being said, like you said the egg may not be healthy enough to fertilize or something else going on. I hope he will do some more tests soon if this doesnt work out this month. This is my first month on Clomid 100 mg. and with hope, I should be ovulating anyday now. I have had some headaches the last few days but didnt know if it was the Clomid because I finished that Thursday?
He has not checked my AMH. Im not even sure what that is, sorry? Im new to all of this. I did have to have the FST test done before the reversal is that about the same?
If you dont mind me asking, did you get pregnant on the Clomid and if so how many cycles did you have to take it?
Hi, AngienDaniel, hes a very good doctor and Awesome at what he does and Awesome for including everything! He has people come from all over the world because of this and Im lucky enough to have him here locally so Im trying to be patient and go with what hes thinking but Im ready to rush everything!
Hi Brandy. I am doing temp charts and everything is showing as ovulating. Im using cyclewatch and actually have to send a copy of my chart to the doctor every month so hes watching it closely. That being said, like you said the egg may not be healthy enough to fertilize or something else going on. I hope he will do some more tests soon if this doesnt work out this month. This is my first month on Clomid 100 mg. and with hope, I should be ovulating anyday now. I have had some headaches the last few days but didnt know if it was the Clomid because I finished that Thursday?
He has not checked my AMH. Im not even sure what that is, sorry? Im new to all of this. I did have to have the FST test done before the reversal is that about the same?
If you dont mind me asking, did you get pregnant on the Clomid and if so how many cycles did you have to take it?

I actually got pregnant through IVF. We didn't have fertility issues other than my tubes were too short. I ended up with 3.0 and 3.0 and were unsucessfsul at keeping a baby even once it fertilized.

There is many tests they do on CD3 they essentially tell you how many eggs you have left and what the quality is of the eggs.

The AMH would give an idea if you have a diminished reserve of eggs and if you're really working on borrowed time.

They are not that spendy either so if he is willing to request them then it might give you a better idea.

Also did your partner have an Sperm Analysis?
Yes Brandy he had the sperm analysis and thats all good! Hes 10 yrs younger than me.��
I will check into the AMH, Im surprised hes never mentioned it?
I see everyone using abbreviations for stuff that Im still not sure what it is. Is there a link on here that tells you what all these mean?
I am sure there is somewhere but I have never checked.. I just eventually decoded the stuff lol.

You're welcome to ask us if we say something that doesnt make sense thats for sure :)

I am really bad about using abbreviations.
Bless your heart, Brandy!!! I know that had to scare you to death! I truly think all is fine, just as you do. There are so many things you could bleed from. Keep up the faith!! Sent up a prayer for you! :hugs:

Welcome to all the new ladies!!! Hope your journeys are short ones! :flower:

Angie.....:happydance: Bfp!!!!!

LLawson- You could probably search TTC abbreviations and you'll find a list either here on BNB or on google. There are so many though it's still hard to keep up with them all. :winkwink:
Thanks everyone for the congrats..
Brandy, I am very confident that this one is a keeper!
We decided to NOT ask for the numbers unless the doctor specifically asks us. I know that most times they are important after a reversal, but I decided that the worry would stress me more than I need to be, and for me to have faith means that I need to just let things be that I cannot control and trust in the God I believe in.
I am going straight to Amazon and buy myself a doppler. I really feel that I am going to keep this baby, but even if I am wrong, I am gonna have one either way so it is worth the investment.
The one thing I have changed and will try to get better at for this pregnancy is to drink more water. I hate drinking water. I am truly nervous about the shots I will have to take. Guess I will discuss all that tomorrow with my doctor. It really does help to blab to all you ladies about the bazillion things on my mind. I don't mean to be all talkative all the time. I just don't speak to anyone about us trying to have a baby. Not even my mom. They did not think it was a good idea to get the reversal so I don't bother telling them anything.
Anywho.. I AM EXCITED!! :happydance:

LLawson, I am from Kentucky to!! :haha:

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