Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Ok ladies I maybe crazy but I used a digi clearblue opk and I'm at my peak. So my a dh are going to gently bed as soon as he gets off work lol. Hope this is my time
Brandy, can't wait to see pics of you snuggling with your girls:cloud9: Hope it's just around the corner for you:hugs:

Momsbaby, fx'd for a quickie BFP like Brandi had:happydance::hugs:

Angie, hope your job is treating you well:hugs: sorry today sucked:hugs:

Just a quick update..started Lupron injections today..still have 4 days left of BCP, too. The injection wasn't bad at all:thumbup: I have a little "achy" feeling there, but not bad. dh gave me the shot and will continue throughout the cycle. I know some women said they took lupron in the belly, but my RE said lupron in the thigh (front of thigh) and stim meds will be in the belly. I head back to the dr. Monday or Tuesday of next week. Hoping the side effects from this won't be too harsh:dohh: headaches (which I HAVE today), PMS, hot flashes, vaginal dryness..ugh..very low libido..which I totally started dealing with when I started the BCP:nope: hubby's not understanding why the sudden change:haha: guess we just gotta get through this. It's not like it lasts for months...it'll be over with before we know it!:thumbup:

Oh how I hope we see lots and lots of babies coming from this thread THIS year! We've all been at this way too long:cry: :dust:[-o<
UGH.....I STILL don't have my HCG results from Thursday! About to text my Dr. to find out what the crap is going on now:growlmad: On a good note though, I got a very light line today, almost a squinter I believe. I have decided I will not go back for anymore draws. I will just wait to O or AF or whatever comes next :/ Good luck Moms! Faith-Hang in there! Sure hope you get your Miracle with all this!
Good luck and lots of baby dust Faith and MomsBaby!

Negative Lines dust to you, cupcakes, so you can get working on that sticky baby!
I am SO frustrated! My numbers started dropping over a month ago, with complete M/C 3 weeks ago & my HCG was STILL 171 last Thursday! Hoping the light test means it is haulin' butt toward 0!!!!! This is torture. I just want to have a regular cycle & be able to try again, sometime BEFORE June would be GREAT!!!! Sorry for the rant, but it seems my stupid body just doesn't have a clue anymore as to what the heck its supposed to do!!!!!!!
Fx for a quick BFP like Brandi!!

Faith, is the lupron SC or in the muscle?

Cupcake, My betas dropped from 152 to 0 in a week so Fx yours drop quickly!!

AFM, I am still waiting on AF. I had major pains in my lower right side for about 3 hours this morning so Fx that was the cyst busting and that AF will be here by tomorrow! I am so ready to get this next cycle going!!
So I finally reached the halfway mark yesterday. On the ticker, it looks like it's going by quickly, but with the weather the way it is, I feel like it's dragging. My birthday's next week and I remember playing outside in shorts and a tshirt. These days, if I'm not shovelling snow on my birthday, I'm huddling in the corner to keep warm. It's crazy! Today was another -30C day. It's FREAKING MARCH!!! They're STILL calling for AT LEAST -15C next week and snow. I'm so over winter, and feel like until it starts warming up, this pregnancy will still feel like it's going by slowly.

But hey, halfway there! Progress
Brandy, can't wait to see pics of you snuggling with your girls:cloud9: Hope it's just around the corner for you:hugs:

Momsbaby, fx'd for a quickie BFP like Brandi had:happydance::hugs:

Angie, hope your job is treating you well:hugs: sorry today sucked:hugs:

Just a quick update..started Lupron injections today..still have 4 days left of BCP, too. The injection wasn't bad at all:thumbup: I have a little "achy" feeling there, but not bad. dh gave me the shot and will continue throughout the cycle. I know some women said they took lupron in the belly, but my RE said lupron in the thigh (front of thigh) and stim meds will be in the belly. I head back to the dr. Monday or Tuesday of next week. Hoping the side effects from this won't be too harsh:dohh: headaches (which I HAVE today), PMS, hot flashes, vaginal dryness..ugh..very low libido..which I totally started dealing with when I started the BCP:nope: hubby's not understanding why the sudden change:haha: guess we just gotta get through this. It's not like it lasts for months...it'll be over with before we know it!:thumbup:

Oh how I hope we see lots and lots of babies coming from this thread THIS year! We've all been at this way too long:cry: :dust:[-o<

I overlapped the bcp with the lupron as well. Honestly the only side effects I did have was the lupron. I would get mild headaches. That lasted about a week. How long are they having you on it for suppression? You're right it will be over before you know it. Fx it's as successful for you as it was me.

Yes lupron can be injected in multiple places for some it's better in the thigh but for me it was better in the stomach. Maybe I just had more padding there :)
Cupcake that is frustrating I'm sorry. I really hope it's dropping rapidly.

Brandi congrats on 20w! I don't know how anyone could live in a climate that cold ever. I would die for sure.
Galvan I hope that cyst ruptured today during those pains. Reading your post reminded me of those pains uggh. There was times I thought I was having an appendix attack! Not fun.
Mom's I hope you have a quick tr bfp coming up!

Angie are you enjoying your new job?
Tell me about it, Brandy! This shit is hell! The pains come and go now, but are no where near as bad as this morning. Brandy, the girls have another 4 days in there! I bet you will have them on my nephews Bday, the 7th!! How are you feeling? Any signs of labor?

I told OH that I will probably be as ecstatic when this AF comes as I was when I saw the second line last year. LOL My RE is very optimistic about this cycle, he said I responded so well last cycle with my lining and all so he is confident that this time with follies on the right side, I will get my BFP. I so hope so and pray that this one is my rainbow baby.
Galvan, I hope your iui cycle is the bomb shiznit for you! I don't even know how many dpo I am. ha ha...
Brandy, my new job is good. I like it, but I don't think everyone likes me very well. I don't cuss or wear blue jeans.. It's not that I wear long dresses all of the time, but I do wear what I personally consider "women's clothing". It is not really a religious preference, but more of a womanly one. I have jeans, I just don't wear them. I also don't feel that women should not wear jeans, but I guess with my personal wardrobe most people get that impression. Plus, I don't feel like I should have to explain my clothing preferences to them. That is why I haven't worked in so long.. Women just don't like me and I don't understand why. I am not mean to anyone and I would never hurt someone on purpose. I just get the impression from a few of the women that I am not liked very much. Plus, I have this Kentucky accent that must make women believe I am slow-minded or something.. I know first impressions are important, but I really don't think what I wear or the music I listen to should matter so much to others. I like the job. It is easy and I am gonna just mind my own business and do my job till my husband's time here is over. Working with only women is like walking into a lion's cage each day..
I did find out today that this job will transfer wherever we go after this.. I am SUPER excited about that!

Faith.. I figure you are taking almost the only self-given shots that are worth it when they are over.. :)
Cupcake, waiting to try again is almost as bad as a miscarriage. It made me feel so incompetent. Not being able to get your body to do what it should be doing is sucky! I know I am waiting on mine to o from my good side.. Seems like for the last 3 cycles it has been my right side.. I hope you get your flow soon.
Brandi, I can't believe you are 20 weeks already! Dang, the time has flown by for me... :p jk

Momsbaby, Good luck with your bd'ing.. I hope you gently catch that little egg. : )
I am praying we all get to catch some of those elusive little buggers...

Long day at work and my head is throbbing!
I hope all you ladies are doing well! Night, and I will chat at you'uns later!
Galvan- I actually was getting excited today because I was having contractions... they were very mild... at first they started regular but then went irregular and then almost non existent UGGH!

Angie- Other than the forums here I dont get along well with other females. I work as a corporate accountant in the fashion industry ROFL.. You can imagine what the kinds of attitude I come across. I have had to learn not to let them get to me. I am pretty withdrawn from people IRL so the forums is the only place I open up. I would have to say 99% of the people I work with and or for dont even know why I am off work! I left before I was even showing.... thats how involved I get with others there. I go to work to do my job and go home not make friends. I hope you find a middle ground with them but I totally understand how it can be.

Oh and not that it matters if your wardrobe is religous based or not.... I grew up Pentecostal (no longer practicing) and Most of my life was spent in a floor length dress, skirt, or a uniform for school ;) Ignore the biotches.
Brandi congrats on the 1/2 way mark!

Galvan I hope AF shows soon for you.

Faith I'm so excited for you. After reading yours and Galvans posts I realize I did not ask near enough questions about the IUI process. I wonder of I will start meds right after BCP?

Afm I tested today just bc it's been awhile since I have. 9-10 dpo and bfn lol
Brandy, I am usually a very friendly, open person about a lot of non-important subjects. I don't normally mind people knowing the basic stuff, but I am very closed about the things that are important to me, and ever since childhood I do not get along well with females. I am so open and I hate lies and gossip, so much so that I haven't watched television in over 3 years.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE clothes and shoes, (shoes for sure) and I just hate not feeling cute and/or womanly. Jeans just make me feel blah.. (most of them) I decided to start dressing like a woman. I mean in clothes made specifically for a woman. I really don't feel that women should wear dresses all of the time, but I do feel that women should look like women. It is purely personal and I don't look differently at anyone that doesn't feel the same way I do.. I just love dresses and heels and cute little boots. I am VERY religious, but I do not read my Bible to say that women should wear dresses all of the time, but that women should look and act like a woman. That is a broad spectrum in my opinion and has a different meaning for each woman. What my idea of being a woman is might differ from someone elses idea; it just happens that my idea of 'womanhood' finds it's peak in the 40's and 50's. For some reason that era shines the epitome of womanhood to me.
I feel that people that judge a person by their dress are shallow and it is not someone I would want to know on a deep level anyhow. Also, anyone that would look at me weird because I listen to Christian music instead of cry-baby country is insane! Country music is all monotone hip-hop to me. I love such a wide variety of music, (currently The Piano Guys are my favorite.) (If you haven't heard the group you should youtube them.) Anyhow, Christian music keeps me steady and helps me to remember that every person is going through a hard battle, so during the day when I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs at the ignorance of society in general, the music I listen to soothes me. Not really a big deal, but when I said I don't like, nor listen to country music, it was like hell opened up and swallowed me and the gates of heaven barred.. You would've thought I killed someone's grandma..

Now I am not saying I am not judgmental cause in some circumstances I surely am, but I ain't gonna write a person off just cause they like girly clothes or opera music.. The people in this city have been some of the most harsh I have ever met. After a year here I am surely ready to go home.
If I were rating this city based on the people and the friendliness and enjoyment of living here, it would be a low 2..
It is depressing sometimes cause I know that I will not be able to find a friend in this place. Moving away from all my family and friends was sucky, but it is made more so by the realization that there really is no place like home. Also, my husband has quite a few friends, since males are nowhere near as stupid and judgmental as women. I now suffer from spousal jealousy.. Add on the incompetence of not being able to keep a baby and emotionally I was a tad unsteady there for awhile.. Thankfully I grew more steady after my moment of unsteadiness, instead of becoming a drunk, (which in my fun moments) I figure I could've went instead..

The moral of my story: Some women are harsh!
OMG! I feel like I robbed Babies R Us today!

The breast pump I wanted is regularly $299.99. Today, it was on sale for $239.97. They also released their 2014 Baby Book which had a $10 off Avent products coupon if you spend $40 or more, and I also carry a 10% off Avent discount card for Babies R Us.

All of their Avent feeding products were 20% off today, and I got a safety gate for my kitchen, regular $39.99 for $19.97.

So today, after the coupons, discounts, and the sales, I got the breast pump, three Avent bottles, a wall mounting safety gate, and a monkey crib mobile for the SAME PRICE as the breast pump's regular price! I saved $85 at Babies R Us today. I almost feel guilty!
Angie~ I have found out over the years, that I don't do well in the "girls club" either! lol I just can't do drama & cattiness! I have a couple of friends who are female, but in all honesty I have a better relationship with my guy friends. It's kinda funny cause me & dh are on the fire dept. together & are close knit with the members. It's not a bit strange for me to have daily phone conversations with the guys! DH kids me about our Asst. Chief being my "other" husband! lol We also have 7 or 8 "Jr. Members" who are high school boys. They are hilarious & we have adopted them into our family. Any given day they will come by our house to just hang out or vent about stuff to us. It's great, except my 15 y/o daughter looks forward to their visits more than we do! :dohh: lol

Brandi~Way to go on your bargains!

LLawson~How are you doing?

Flutter~I'm of no help, as I have yet to do injects, nut I wish you luck!

AFM~Nothing new again :/ lol Just working like crazy! Our "weekend" nurse is out of town & usually does our call, weekends & night time visits. Since she is gone, guess whose stuck doing an IV at Midnight? Yep.....Me :( Of course its about 75 miles away too, so that makes for a long night, as well as a long day that follows! Praying she returns SOON!!!
Brandi congrats on the 1/2 way mark!

Galvan I hope AF shows soon for you.

Faith I'm so excited for you. After reading yours and Galvans posts I realize I did not ask near enough questions about the IUI process. I wonder of I will start meds right after BCP?

Afm I tested today just bc it's been awhile since I have. 9-10 dpo and bfn lol

I was supposed to have started IUI the cycle following BCP, but that was when my brohter was killed so we postponed the IUI. So, you should be able to start injectables immediately after your cycle starts when you stop BCP.

I nursed both my kids, but I couldn't use a pump. I never could get my boobs to work right. ;) Sounds weird, but there it is! When I read 299$, I was for a second a little shocked. I am such a penny pincher that I would've ebay-ed that sucker for more around 10 bucks, but it has been over 15 years since I bought a pump and inflation costs probably fixed my 10 dollar walmart pump to a 300$ one.. I can't believe that 300 is what they cost now! I did pay 60 bucks for a heartbeat monitor around my second pregnancy, so it is now hidden in the top of one of my closets so as I won't be reminded of my repeated failure.

Cupcake, it sounds like the fire dept friendships don't leave you desiring the companionship of a woman. I have always gotten along better with males to; as my Daddy says I think more like a man in most things and don't have time for the insignificant pettiness. It is good your husband is like that. I am so jealous that I wouldn't make it two minutes if my hubby had a female friend. I would feel threatened. I am such a jealous cow.
I am on my last week of college homework for the semester. YAYAY!! I also looked at my calendar and I am 5dpo based on my usual o day since I didn't track. No progesterone this time for me. I don't think there was any reason for it. No symptoms, no dreams, will try again next month. I am not even due for my period until next Monday or Tuesday. I will be waiting a few weeks to try again.
I will be keeping my progesterone and taking it only at the first sign of a bfp. I also had to stop taking my vitamins and will HAVE TO get some that does not include iron since they make me bleed very badly anally, to the point of thinking something might be wrong, then I stop taking them and it quits. I have decided it is in my body's best interest if I don't take iron anymore.
On that note, I am going to paint my nails and enjoy the quiet before my son gets home from school.

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