Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Hi everyone. I am back and have been on the TR forums since my reversal in nov. 2010 but stay fairly silent. My previous DH who went through the reversal with me would never BD with me after or try. I have had two dye tests showing my left blocked and right open. I have 8cm on each side but my right was connected more towards the fimbrea and that convinces me the right side does not work either.

I had an ultrasound last week and everything looks good no polyps, fibroids, cysts and my DH now loved the happy face OPK this month. He will walk down the road of infertility with me which ruined my last marriage of six years it is completely different having a partner that wants to try. Kinda fun but I am still waiting for that dark cloud to come and he looses interest because it does not happen.

How do I post my charts though. I have been charting but not temping my wake up times vary way too much and temping always frustrated me. As for my DH and his diligent efforts BDing he prefers the every day method of trying even though it may not be recommended.

Btw DH 31 Me -27

TL 2007 TR 2010

Dye test march 2011 - left blocked right open
Dye test dec 2011 - left blocked right open

Hi ya Hun! Welcome Back! Have you tried to see if you could do laproscopy to punch through the scar tissue?

I hope you get your sticky bean soon especially since you have a DH who is willing to go through all this with you!
Good luck at your appt, Angie! Like Flutter said, you are your only advocate so don't give in! :hugs:

I think Drs might give the trigger after +OPK to make all bigger follies mature and release.

Anyhope, Welcome to our rollercoaster thread. There are great women here. Some of us have been here for 2+ years. There are some who have been here even longer. There are some who are super lucky and gets their BFP really quick, too. GL to you!!

AFM, I started Clomid again last night, and talk about SEs! I have never had hot flashes that bad that quick. I was burning up all freaking night! I have been so irritable all day too! I hope it doesn't get much worse. I feel sorry for Miguel and the kids if it does. LOL Honestly, I don't have much hope for it to work, but it is sort of WTH kind of thing. I have it here so why not give it a shot while I am saving for IVF. I have enough for 2 months and enough progesterone for 30 days so, my plan this month is to take my 100mg Clomid CDs 4-8 (like when I got my BFP last year) and as soon as FF gives me my CHs I will start the progesterone until 15dpo. I will test then if not earlier. LOL If +, I will go to the Dr for betas, if - I will stop progesterone. we will do this for 2 cycles then, NTNP until IVF.

Cheri22 sent me another email and said that she still sees a boy for June. I will be testing this cycle in June and the next cycle will be in June so Fxed it means a June find out date or a June conception date for THIS YEAR!!
Well Ladies, as of today I get-----DUN-DUN DUNNNN-----ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Yep, no tube fixed, no femara, no estrogen... My progesterone number plummeted last week Wednesday WAY before my miscarriage started...
To get one tube tied supposedly I have to be seeing an infertility doctor on post or have a referral for Seattle Reproductive Center and to tell ya the truth, I would rather never have a baby then go to that clinic since they don't help ANYONE unless you are having IVF.
I will be looking for places online to buy estrogen, possibly progesterone too. I guess I must wait.. I get so tired of waiting.

Supposedly the doctor will call me tomorrow and let me know what I 'can' try this cycle. I don't care if she gives me anything. I am so frustrated and disappointed in healthcare. You can't even walk into an office of people YOU pay AND HAVE THEM DO LEGAL, APPROPRIATE things to help you medically. They get to sit back and decide what is best for you even with your own money. I am so sick of this journey into deeper ignorance. I will just get the stupid pills myself and wait for the tube-tying, while I check locally for anyone that might do the essure.. I despise this crap..
Gl today Angie I know I don't have alot of posts but I do read and wish everyone the best!
Angie I'm so sorry to hear that your doctor is not being supportive :cry: :hugs: It's the worst feeling in the world when for whatever reason they just can't pull their heads out of their butts to help you achieve your dream of a baby.

As far as estrogen and progesterone products, I have to highly recommend Bezwecken. My acupuncturist put me on it and it's reportedly just as effective as the prescriptions you get from a doctor but it's OTC. I'm on ProgonB-L 40ml (click me) 7drops a dose twice a day and they also carry natural estrogen. All their products are only natural hormones and safe for use and the best thing (for me since I'm in a tiny town with nowhere to shop) is they're available on Amazon.

I hate that you're having to wait like this and it in beyond infuriating that health care puts up these walls to keep people from getting help.
I have been so frustrated since my husband got this insurance. This place has been a miserable excuse for physicians. I have to say that I have never in my life been so amazed at the total incompetence of a group of people that have supposedly studied for years upon years. I read 10 minutes of Google and have more intelligence than the most studied of doctors in this state. I have been both saddened and astonished at what our medical 'experts' have become, for sure in this area I am in.. I CAN'T WAIT to get out of here. This has been the worst experience of my life; since I have been in this place and had to deal with the people here.
I no longer care if they do anything. I will ask and then move on. I will try to get done what I can get done while I am still here and thank God every day that we are on our way out of this place, even if it is awhile before I have insurance again. It will be worth it.
Gonna ask for blood workup for clotting disorders tomorrow.
Tomorrow is my cd5 so it's almost too late for me this cycle if I don't get answers tomorrow. I got my b6 today and after reading online, decided I will stick with 50mg. I hope I get my raspberry tomorrow.
I still have Clomid. I won't be using it this cycle though cause I need to work on my lining. I will be just trying with no medicine from now on according to what she says tomorrow.
In a little way I am relieved cause it forces me to slow down, but I didn't want to slow down until a few months from now. I was hoping to see if fixing my lining would enable me to carry... I could order the pills from online.. It is still not out of the question for me.. I have the tabs open on my computer and am ready for whatever..
Tomorrow is gonna be a long day for me.
Kuawen, do you ingest that medicine or is it topical?
:hugs: the products I suggested are topical. I'm praying so hard for you to find the strength you need for this, and to make these doctors wake up. My blood workup only took 3 days to come back so there's still time for this cycle.
I have been taking aspirin every day but getting someone to do something is another story. When I first got here and I made known that I had had a blood clot in my right lung the doctors would not even do a workup to see if I had a disorder.. I went over my medical records today and one doctor thought I might have a clotting disorder, but never even bothered to have me tested even though I was going in every two days for 4 miscarriages in 8 months time... The records state that since one doctor believed that ALL of my pregnancies were ectopic (even though I never ONCE made it past 5 weeks and only once had weird numbers) they could not give me a blood thinner in case I was to bleed out from their imagined ectopics.. They NEVER tested me for a single clotting disorder. I still do not know why I got the clot before.. I will be asking tomorrow for a blood workup.
I went to the Essure website just now to look up doctors in my area that do the procedure and what do I find but my current doctor's office listed as a 'HIGH TRAFFIC AREA' and my doctor IS qualified to do the procedure in office... Now what I am wondering is why that b-word would lie to me about not being able to do it? She better be glad that it is night time or I would be cussing her till next Tuesday.
I did find another doctor about 30 minutes away that takes Tricare and has listed that they do the procedure in office as well. They all just lie and lie... I will be calling the different doctor tomorrow and asking over the phone if they would do the procedure for me and if they can't tell me yes or no over the phone I ain't wasting my time.
Good luck at your appt, Angie! Like Flutter said, you are your only advocate so don't give in! :hugs:

I think Drs might give the trigger after +OPK to make all bigger follies mature and release.

Anyhope, Welcome to our rollercoaster thread. There are great women here. Some of us have been here for 2+ years. There are some who have been here even longer. There are some who are super lucky and gets their BFP really quick, too. GL to you!!

AFM, I started Clomid again last night, and talk about SEs! I have never had hot flashes that bad that quick. I was burning up all freaking night! I have been so irritable all day too! I hope it doesn't get much worse. I feel sorry for Miguel and the kids if it does. LOL Honestly, I don't have much hope for it to work, but it is sort of WTH kind of thing. I have it here so why not give it a shot while I am saving for IVF. I have enough for 2 months and enough progesterone for 30 days so, my plan this month is to take my 100mg Clomid CDs 4-8 (like when I got my BFP last year) and as soon as FF gives me my CHs I will start the progesterone until 15dpo. I will test then if not earlier. LOL If +, I will go to the Dr for betas, if - I will stop progesterone. we will do this for 2 cycles then, NTNP until IVF.

Cheri22 sent me another email and said that she still sees a boy for June. I will be testing this cycle in June and the next cycle will be in June so Fxed it means a June find out date or a June conception date for THIS YEAR!!
I'm on day 4 of Clomid now, was expecting the worst, but other than an occasional HA & a few hot flashes, all is well so far, except I have managed to catch an resp. infection & feel like poo :(
Well Ladies, as of today I get-----DUN-DUN DUNNNN-----ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Yep, no tube fixed, no femara, no estrogen... My progesterone number plummeted last week Wednesday WAY before my miscarriage started...
To get one tube tied supposedly I have to be seeing an infertility doctor on post or have a referral for Seattle Reproductive Center and to tell ya the truth, I would rather never have a baby then go to that clinic since they don't help ANYONE unless you are having IVF.
I will be looking for places online to buy estrogen, possibly progesterone too. I guess I must wait.. I get so tired of waiting.

Supposedly the doctor will call me tomorrow and let me know what I 'can' try this cycle. I don't care if she gives me anything. I am so frustrated and disappointed in healthcare. You can't even walk into an office of people YOU pay AND HAVE THEM DO LEGAL, APPROPRIATE things to help you medically. They get to sit back and decide what is best for you even with your own money. I am so sick of this journey into deeper ignorance. I will just get the stupid pills myself and wait for the tube-tying, while I check locally for anyone that might do the essure.. I despise this crap..
I'm sorry your Dr. wasn't in agreement with you....Being in healthcare, I can understand somewhat, why she may not want to do the essure in the bad tube, maybe she's not done that before or feels it may set her up for some kind of liability issue? I don't know, but I hope you can find someone to listen to your concerns...:hugs:

Afm---I'm doing ok with the Clomid, on day #4 today...Thought I had an allergy flare up or a Springtime cold, but now I'm sure its bronchitis :dohh: Planning to call my Dr to get some antibiotics called in...Hoping to be well before next week, don't want to be sick when we have our IUI in a week! Haven't thought too much more about the trigger shot, figure I'll just suck it up & do it when its time & try not to sike myself out lol
The trigger doesn't really hurt. I can't do it myself, but I never really feel it.

Last night was better with the CLomid. Not hotflashes, just 1 hell of a headache. I can deal with that as long as it isn't too bad, I can at least sleep.
I am on cd5.. If the doc won't give me any meds this cycle we are going au' natural. Probably best anyhow. I have only been having o pains in my left side so far so I figure that will be my dominant side this time.
I have been taking so many pills! UGH! One thing though is that I have felt better. I have felt more even tempered. Yesterday when the nurse did all that crap, I didn't even cry.. Never even really was angry. I think it is the Zinc. I started the b6 yesterday. Maybe it's the sunshine and warm weather that has me happy??

Cupcake, I am in my second year of medical assisting and there really are no liabilities that come from tying someone's tube.. People tie their tubes all the time. There is a contract you have to sign before anyhow absolving them from any blame from anything that might arise from the procedure, PLUS the nurse just outright LIED. Not the doctor. Their was no doctor in office yesterday which I felt was a total lack of professionalism and honestly, just shows a terrible lack of judgement and makes for a bad experience all around. Nurses are not qualified to do much of anything in a doctor setting except for bp and put equipment in the room. They can't write scripts, they can't even do the ultrasounds here. They are literally glorified medical assistants.. Bp and weight please... Plus to lie makes me feel that you lack compassion and intelligence, since you never know if the person you are lying to is smarter than you are. I know it is a doctors decision, but really, I feel as long as I am within legal boundaries, my insurance covers the procedure or I have the cash for it, and it does not make you or myself break any moral or ethical code, that I should be able to ask someone I HIRE AND PAY for the services required to maintain my physical AND EMOTIONAL health. They don't walk in my skin and my doctor has been practicing 21 years.. It's been awhile since she went to school so new advancements have been made. As a person who is going to school for medical, I feel that it is completely appropriate for a person and/or doctor to better themselves in new advancements and not consider yourself too intelligent to learn or hear new ideas. Well at least in a perfect world anyhow and we all know this place is anything but..
I am over it now.. I have accepted that we will be trying with no medical help. I thought it was going to bother me but it doesn't really. I will still be calling around to see if I can get the procedure before I leave here, but if not I will be fine. I will wait until we get some real insurance and God-willing, some place that might have people in it that still know the meaning of compassion. The city is a lot different than a small town. I am used to being in a place where everyone knows everyone and you don't feel out of place, but being in a city is it's own hell. Literally there are idiots and money-hungry freaks everywhere. Everyone is for themselves and you could be burning on the side of the street and they would only be standing there snapping photos.. I would rather be a hillbilly ANYDAY than to live my life here. I know God sent us here for a reason, but I am so glad it's over soon. I wanna go home where people still care about each other and strangers say hello on the street.
I have definitely learned my lesson about a city and hating my small hometown..
I never want to be in a city again!
Cupcake I havent asked for Femera but will. Is it more expensive? Im just wondering why hes never mentioned it?
I called my gyno for a second opinion and she said at my age she thought Clomid was fine but that it can thin your lining.
Those of you having the headaches on Clomid, Ive found the Excedrin Migraine was the only thing that helped with those.
Got my :bfp: Weds...betas this morning were 68. Fx for doubling numbers! So far this pregnancy is mimicking Emmaleigh's to the T other than I am horribly tired with this one.
Congrats momma!

I started opk's Tuesday. Tuesday and Wednesday had plain circles this morning was a solid smiley. Confused, I know after a miscarriage your very fertile. I'll be bedding tonight morning and night again lol. Praying for this cycle
Momma they do not want to do any more surgery in my abdominal area. I hear Stanford has a recanilization they do while you are awake. My left tube was reconnected more towards the uterus end and is blocked. My right tube is connected more toward the fimbrea and is open. I keep praying to see those two lines again in my life and smell their heads after bath time. Congratulations again.

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