Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

I don't think it's tongue tie. He was like a champ latching on. My nipples are very sore but it's because he wants to nurse constantly. I went through all the samples Od formula and found some that is for supplementing during breast feeding. He drank less than a 1/2 oz and went to sleep. I'm going to let him drink a little tonight. I'll still nurse some but this will give my nipples a break. I'm sure my milk will be in soon. My boobs are huge and heavy. I weighed myself tonight. Bad idea!!!

Brandi sorry about AF
LL I hope you feel better
LL-The "stinky" burps sound like a sign of reflux. My dh had it alot before he got his gall bladder out. The diarrhea was probably the donut! lol

Flutter- My nipples were cracked & bled when I bf my son, to the point of me giving up after a week, only later to find out he wasn't latching on properly :( I plan to try to bf again one day ;)

Brandi-Sorry about af. Your LP shouldn't be shorter if you O'd later though. LP doesn't usually vary much, maybe a day or 2 at most normally. If you O'd later af would have been come later, making your cycle a few days longer in general, any way that's how its been for me.... May have just not took this time, even though you have got lucky in the past on 1st tries...I'm sure you'll be pregnant again soon though. Hang in there!
fluter, how often is he nursing? Asher nursed literally every hour to hour and a half...two hours if I was lucky. I thought he was just a barracuda baby who loved his milk. It turned out, he had a minor tie and he wasn't transferring milk properly when he was latched on, so he wasn't eating enough. He would feed so often to compensate for what he wasn't taking during a "normal" feed, and I ended up producing enough milk to feed triplets because of it. I have 300oz in my deep freezer. Then someone pointed out to me when he was 2-3 weeks old that he may have a tongue tie, and I had him evaluated by what we call a "preferred provider", a doctor or dentist who is trained in diagnosing tongue and lip ties (not many pediatricians are, as it wasn't taught during the formula feeding age, so the art was lost). It turned out he did have a tie and clipping it did the trick.

As for LP, when I went back and looked at my last three cycles, they've all been 29 days with O occurring on CD17, giving me a 13 day LP. Even for my normal cycle, 26 days with O on CD13, that leaves me with a 13 day LP, so it's almost as if my LP had never changed, just the length of the cycle.

Last cycle was really weird cuz I had EWCM and light pink spotting on CD17, and I never spot during ovulation, but when I did ovulate, CD20, the EWCM was barely there. It was such a wonky cycle, but I had such promising symptoms too.

AF is VERY heavy, heavier than normal for me, so hopefully it's a big clearout paving the way for a new baby
I will certainly have him looked at today for it. One of my friends had a baby that had it as well. He is eating about every two hours at night but not as much during the day because he seems to sleep more then. However at the hospital they wanted me to feed him every two hours and would come and ask me. I still don't have milk today so we shall see. My new pump should be here today and I'll try to use it.
Dr just called and said my harmony test came back showing baby is at an increased risk of down syndrome :(
Don't sweat it jen. If your over 35, most people get an increased risk result, but usually everything is ok
Baby will be loved either way its just scary. Im praying all good
Jen don't stress. I've read that the tests aren't that accurate. They should offer you an amnio. Did you find out what you are having?

Baby update - he weighs 5lbs 10 1/2 oz. He doesn't have tongue tie. He is shallow latching and that is causing the cracked (and now bleeding) nipples. I've not nursed since this morning but my milk did come in this morning and I'm able to pump. I'm trying to let my nipples heal a little today. I can't seem to get him on a proper latch so a trip to see the lactation consultant (that I did not like) may be in order. I don't want to fail at this. I've never had this issue :( Baby has to go back in a week for weight check
I see a specialist soon. They will call by monday. I really don't want an amino but will as a last resort. My dr said they will do more detailed labs and sono but i really wont know till i see the specialist. Im praying and trying not to stress but im not doing so good
Sorry Jen...I'm glad baby will be loved either way. I have a child with special needs so if you need to chat if more tests confirm, don't hesitate.

Fluter, shallow latch is still a symptom of lip tie or a high palate. Most pediatricians don't know how to recognize a tongue or lip tie unless it is the classic one, so he may still have one. The lactation consultant, if she's an IBCLC, will be able to recognize it. It might be worth it to have him re-evaluated by the consultant. With Asher's, 3 NICU nurses and the pediatrician said he didn't have one and it turned out that he actually did. He could stick his tongue out, but not lift it up to transfer milk. His tie was a minor anterior but classic posterior tie.

If you can get photos under his tongue and flip his lip up, I know of two doctors that you can email the pics to and ask their opinions. I can also help you find someone in your area who is trained in diagnosing tongue and lip tie.

Sorry if I seem insistant on the TT and LT diagnosis. I would just hate to see you fail because you got the wrong diagnosis and it affects your supply and his weight. My mom's friend's daughter also dropped weight quickly and her pediatrician said it wasn't a tie and she went to a "preferred provider, Dr. Newman, and it turned out that it was. They had it clipped and now she's thriving. She put on two pounds in the first week after having it clipped.
Jen hang in there. I've seen this multiple times where mom's are told this and not a thing is wrong. Like you said, babe is going to be in a loving home anyway!!

Brandi - thanks for all the info today.
Jen, Im sure its hard to not be worried but if it helps at all, Ive had several friends and family members told that and their babies ended up completely healthy. Praying you get more testing and everything is fine so you dont have to worry.
Jen same here I've heard many times they come back at an increased risk and everything is just fine. Hang in there.
Im trying to stay positive. My oldest daughter sent me the sweetest text. Made me feel so much better, no matter the outcome. I dont want any negative thoughts or feelings surrounding the baby. I want this xhild and will love it just the same. I was blessed with this child and thats how i want to remember this. :)
Jen we had the same thing happen to us. They proceeded to do the nucleal fold scan and look for other abnormalities such as a smaller head ratio to body, cleft lip, and even looked at her brain, and her heart. Emma is 100% ok. Try not to worry-although everyone told me the same thing I still worried and cried up till we seen the specialist and he confirmed she was perfectly healthy. Hugs Hun.
I got a tubal reversal in June 2014 still ttc. I'm 8 dpo feel bloated have direaha I'm sorry TMI, niplles are sore tummy feels gassy but hurts took a test got a BFN AND CREAMY CM.. DONT WANT TO GET MY HOPES UP CUZ IT HAS HAPPENED LIKE THIS FOR THE PAST 4 MONTHS AGO HEN AF GET HERE N I CRY AND I GET IN A HORRIBLE MOOD WHERE I HATE EVERYONE
Welcome Marlin. TTC can be so frustrating. All of us in here know that! Hopefully you won't have to wait much longer :)
Welcome Marlin, it's a rough journey but a Surely rewarding one in the end. Hang in there it will happen!

Fluter how is Lyndon doing with his feeding now?

Just a quick stop in to see how all our ladies are doing as well. Hope good fortune and bfps find those still ttc. And that our pregnant mommies are all doing good!
Nothing new here momma. Still hitting the gym, even though my scale seems stuck! Grrr...halfway through week 3. I figure if I keep at it, it will work, but hard to stay on track at times! My clothes are looser tho so something is going on!

Marlin- welcome! I hope your journey is shorter & happier than mine, but I'm sure it will be...I've seen lots of people get their babies after tr, we just aren't that lucky & are working toward ivf.....

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