fluter, how often is he nursing? Asher nursed literally every hour to hour and a half...two hours if I was lucky. I thought he was just a barracuda baby who loved his milk. It turned out, he had a minor tie and he wasn't transferring milk properly when he was latched on, so he wasn't eating enough. He would feed so often to compensate for what he wasn't taking during a "normal" feed, and I ended up producing enough milk to feed triplets because of it. I have 300oz in my deep freezer. Then someone pointed out to me when he was 2-3 weeks old that he may have a tongue tie, and I had him evaluated by what we call a "preferred provider", a doctor or dentist who is trained in diagnosing tongue and lip ties (not many pediatricians are, as it wasn't taught during the formula feeding age, so the art was lost). It turned out he did have a tie and clipping it did the trick.
As for LP, when I went back and looked at my last three cycles, they've all been 29 days with O occurring on CD17, giving me a 13 day LP. Even for my normal cycle, 26 days with O on CD13, that leaves me with a 13 day LP, so it's almost as if my LP had never changed, just the length of the cycle.
Last cycle was really weird cuz I had EWCM and light pink spotting on CD17, and I never spot during ovulation, but when I did ovulate, CD20, the EWCM was barely there. It was such a wonky cycle, but I had such promising symptoms too.
AF is VERY heavy, heavier than normal for me, so hopefully it's a big clearout paving the way for a new baby