Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Congrats Fluter he is absolutely gorgeous! Welcome to the world baby Lyndon!!!

Afm my sweet Emmaleigh turns 2 today! Where is time going!?!


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I think I might have gotten my BFaintP today.

Anyone else see it?


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Brandi not sure why but on my phone I can never make the picture bigger so I'm not sure.
I've had a few people say they can't see it on their phone (me included) but can see it on the computer
Momma-Such a pretty girl!

Flutter-What a sweet face!

Brandi-I don't see anything just yet.....
Fluter, Congrats, you are both ADORABLE! Im so glad you had a good birth experience and everything went well. Hes a cutie!
Momma, sweet little girl!
Brandi, I cant see anything but not sure what Im looking for. Ive had almost all those same symptoms as you but Im not holding my breath anymore cause I feel all those quite often in my tww.
I've marked where I see the lines, but my FRER after a 4 hour hold tonight was stark white negative anyway.

Still not worried. Asher didn't show positive til 10dpo and his levels were 16.


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Brandi- Looks like I might see something from my computer but I will wait for updates :)
Thank you ladies. We are waiting to leave the hospital but my little tiny peanut has to go see his doctor tomorrow because he is dropping weight. He's down to 5lbs 11oz. I may have to supplement with formula until my milk comes all the way in
How is his latch and suck? Does his upper lip seem tight or does he have a heart shaped tongue or a "dent" in his tongue? He might have a lip or tongue tie. Any clicking or gas? Sore nipples or painful latch? Does he swallow air or his shallow?

Tongue and lip tie are one of the top causes of weight loss. Hope you get it all figured out for him.

AFM- Woke up to blood this morning, but it's not getting heavier. Had another faint positive on a dollar store test regardless. It's heavy enough to need a liner but not fill a pad, so I'm thinking either the witch came early this month, or it's implantation bleeding.

If it's not heavier by morning, I'm gonna use an FRER.
Fluter one of my little ones dropped from 5lbs 3oz down to 4lbs 9oz in the first few days but quickly bounced back when I supplemented. Do what you're comfortable with. I forgot the name of it but I used the little tube that you attach to the nipple so when they are latched they are getting formula and breast milk. This also gives you nipple stimulation.
Fluter, being tongue tied is a common problem with that but some just have a hard time getting to latch regardless. Im tongue tied and my first grandson is tongue tied. My daughter tried breastfeeding him for days and he lost alot of weight but she was determined. I got to looking at him and I said OMG hes tongue tied. Why didnt a doctor or nurse catch this but they didnt until I mentioned it so she was unable to breast feed him. The second one was not tongue tied and she did breast feed him and hes an eater!! That kid will eat anything! LOL
Asher was tongue tied, and I had him clipped at 5 weeks old, and everything got so much better. I am also tongue tied, but my only issues (not treated) are that my mouth gets tired eating, and I stutter.

So the witch turned full blown WITCH today. I have a theory about what happened.

I think I had a batch of defective WONDFO's. I remember feeling pain and spotting blood around the time that I normally ovulate, but my WONDFO's didn't go positive until a few days later (March 29). I think I inseminated too late.

So based on normal ovulation, I'm set to ovulate now on April 21, but based on WONDFO's, closer to April 27/28.

Matt and I are going to do two inseminations this month, one at CD13 and one at CD17, and hope to catch that egg. If it doesn't happen, then I'm going to put it off until Asher is a year old before trying again. Might even wait until September when the three older kids are in school.
Brandi, I had mine clipped at the age of 13. I was having a tooth cut out and the surgeon told my mom he could clip it for free while I was out and she let him.....
I had no speech problems before or after the clipping except Spanish. I failed Spanish cause I couldnt roll my Rs. LOL my only problem was eating something like an ice cream cone. I honestly cant tell a difference. It pretty much grew back fast. I was supposed to do these tongue exercises and didnt do them like I was supposed to cause they really hurt.
Im sorry the witch showed!
AFM, I had a horrible night. This is TMI but I started with some stinky sulfur type burps yesterday evening I went to bed and no sooner than laying down I felt like my stomach was swelling by the second with so much pressure like gas and I literally felt like I was fixing to explode if something didnt happen. I got up went to the bathroom and had a never ending burp. After that, I was in the bathroom with diarrhea about every 5-20 minutes from about midnight until 10 this morning while having those stinky burps one right after another. I was miserable! I was trying not to take Immodium but I couldnt go any longer. I took one and it got a little better then took another cause I was going to be stuck in a car for a few hours. No BM since... No one else in the house was sick. I did eat a Krispy Kreme donut and they usually give me a good BM but never have I experienced anything like this. I dont know if there was a reaction with my Metformin or what? Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
I've never been able to roll my R's!! Maybe that's why. I only found out about my tie last week lol.

To be honest, the more I think about it, I think it's a chemical pregnancy. Those lines were faint, but they were definitely there, and this morning's test had a faint line too.

I have two theories...the first is that I had a faulty batch of Wondfo's, that were picking up my surge a few days later than I was actually ovulating, but I don't 100% believe that, because my last three cycles, my LP was 13 days, which is my normal LP on my 26 day cycle. My cycles have been 29 days, so O on CD17 makes sense, which is when I ovulated the last 3 cycles.

But I'm leaning towards a chemical, not just because of the tests, but because on CD17, I had EWCM and pink spotting. I think that was my body trying to ovulate, but I had massive stress and anxiety that week because of court and my ex husband's child abuse accusations that my body didn't ovulate on time, but tried again 3 days later on CD20 when I relaxed.

The faint positives were positive, but because I ovulated late, my luteal phase was so short this cycle that I couldn't sustain a pregnancy and it resulted in a chemical pregnancy.

That's the theory I'm leaning towards

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