I've never been able to roll my R's!! Maybe that's why. I only found out about my tie last week lol.
To be honest, the more I think about it, I think it's a chemical pregnancy. Those lines were faint, but they were definitely there, and this morning's test had a faint line too.
I have two theories...the first is that I had a faulty batch of Wondfo's, that were picking up my surge a few days later than I was actually ovulating, but I don't 100% believe that, because my last three cycles, my LP was 13 days, which is my normal LP on my 26 day cycle. My cycles have been 29 days, so O on CD17 makes sense, which is when I ovulated the last 3 cycles.
But I'm leaning towards a chemical, not just because of the tests, but because on CD17, I had EWCM and pink spotting. I think that was my body trying to ovulate, but I had massive stress and anxiety that week because of court and my ex husband's child abuse accusations that my body didn't ovulate on time, but tried again 3 days later on CD20 when I relaxed.
The faint positives were positive, but because I ovulated late, my luteal phase was so short this cycle that I couldn't sustain a pregnancy and it resulted in a chemical pregnancy.
That's the theory I'm leaning towards