Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

I have a gynae appt on 22nd, going to request a hycosy or hsg to check my tubes are clear as this is my 8th month of ttc (7 charting, opk's and temping), I know a lot of u ladies have been trying a lot longer. Fingers crossed that they will agree to it.

Jenafyr I hope you are ok. The harmony is relatively new over here (UK), I've met a few ladies that got very high risk factor for downs from the harmony, but after detailed scans and cvs all of the babies turned out to not have downs. my son has severe learning difficulties and attends a special needs school where a fair number of his peers have downs, they are all great kids. Xx
Thank you mumof5. We are preparing for whatever the lord decided to bless our family with :) my specialist appt is scheduled for Monday and I hope to have a little more info then.
Mumof5 glad to see you drop in. Hope your HSG shows wide open tubes!

Lyndon is feeding much better now. I don't have to use the nipple sheild any longer. He has a clogged tear duct I think. I'm calling the doctor in the morning to see if they can move up is appointment (he has a weight check on Friday) I'm anxious to see how much he's gained this week.

Cupcake dieting sucks. I need get back on track eating better but it's hard for me right now.


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Hes a cutie Fluter!
AF hit yesterday. Luckily I got my Gyno appt in Tuesday before that happened. She did a bunch of Labs to make sure the RE was not missing something along with some extra tests on the PAP. I think strep and something else. She didnt agree with the Clomid if I was already ovulating on my own. she did say it would give me more good quality eggs though?? Ive never heard that. My online option with her is IVF which I cant afford or they could do the monitored IUIs but that starts at 600 a cycle and goes up with which meds they use. After having 6 already Im kinda scared to spend that when I really dont have it to spend. So Im so confused as to what to do. I guess Ill wait for the labs and see what happens from there. Shes still telling me my cervix is fine and open and hes telling me its not......makes my head hurt thinking about it all.
LL - fertility treatments are so dark expensive! I will agree with her about the clomid only because I honestly think it's almost irresponsible of him to keep you on it so long. It really creates risks. I hope you're able to sort through and make a decision. I feel for you. I really do.

I have to post his smiley pic from this morning. I'll try not to over load you with pictures


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Aww what a cutie fluter and you could never overload us with pics of your miracle :)
I love being overloaded with baby pics! They were inspiring to me when I was ttc... Now they are just damn cute
I have a gynae appt on 22nd, going to request a hycosy or hsg to check my tubes are clear as this is my 8th month of ttc (7 charting, opk's and temping), I know a lot of u ladies have been trying a lot longer. Fingers crossed that they will agree to it.

Hope your GYN is agreeable to do your HSG. It gave me peace of mind to at least know what we were working with!

Thank you mumof5. We are preparing for whatever the lord decided to bless our family with :) my specialist appt is scheduled for Monday and I hope to have a little more info then.
Good luck at your appt. I'm sure its hard not to worry! Did you find out the sex?

Mumof5 glad to see you drop in. Hope your HSG shows wide open tubes!

Lyndon is feeding much better now. I don't have to use the nipple sheild any longer. He has a clogged tear duct I think. I'm calling the doctor in the morning to see if they can move up is appointment (he has a weight check on Friday) I'm anxious to see how much he's gained this week.

Cupcake dieting sucks. I need get back on track eating better but it's hard for me right now.

Glad he's eating better! Dieting DOES suck, but I'm hanging in there! Now I'm PO'd so it makes me work out harder! lol

Hes a cutie Fluter!
AF hit yesterday. Luckily I got my Gyno appt in Tuesday before that happened. She did a bunch of Labs to make sure the RE was not missing something along with some extra tests on the PAP. I think strep and something else. She didnt agree with the Clomid if I was already ovulating on my own. she did say it would give me more good quality eggs though?? Ive never heard that. My online option with her is IVF which I cant afford or they could do the monitored IUIs but that starts at 600 a cycle and goes up with which meds they use. After having 6 already Im kinda scared to spend that when I really dont have it to spend. So Im so confused as to what to do. I guess Ill wait for the labs and see what happens from there. Shes still telling me my cervix is fine and open and hes telling me its not......makes my head hurt thinking about it all.

Alot of Dr.'s won't give Clomid if your O'ing on your own. As far as making follie's better quality, not so much, but it does help them to mature more and usually gives you more targets lol I've read conflicting reports that say nothing can be done to increase quality, but then I've read TONS where people swear by different herbs/vitamins....I really don't think much can be done, but I do take a few things, as I figure it can't hurt :) I'm sorry your getting the run around & hope you get some more clear info soon!

AFM-My appt. got cancelled for today & rescheduled for Tuesday :/ Which is fine I guess....Just working out & trying to stick to my plan! Getting ready to do some gardening since we are having a brief break from the rain!!!
Cupcake We will find out the gender probably on May 2. The private scan place here asks you be at least 14 weeks, but we are paying for a package which has 3 sono's (1 gender and 2-4D, plus a heartbeat teddy, cd of US and gender t-shirt and some other stuff all for $300) so I'm waiting till after pay day lol. I will be 15w1d
Fluter so glad Lyndon is eating better! Breast milk squirt to the eye and massage it with a warm wash cloth over your index finger to help. Emma had one too.

Cupcake will this be your first hsg? fx for clean and clear tubes that are wide open!

Jen how exciting that you'll get to find out so soon!
Ehhh ok so it wasn't you cupcake but mumof5. My bad! Lol

Mamaspath how are you doing?
LOL Momma! I've been down that path.....twice & figure I'll have to do a repeat when we start our IVF Journey to check for hydro-whatevers? How are you doing?
Had another insemination today, but not in the TWW yet. I'm doing two this week to cover when I normally ovulate, and when I have been ovulating.

Took some OPKs (different brands) and I'm really confused as to why the Wondfo's look so close to positive when I'm still 4 days off of when I expect to ovulate. Normally, I ovulate on CD13 (today), but have been ovulating on CD17 (CD20 last month, due to stress...long story).

So now I'm wondering if I'm going to ovulate earlier than CD17 this month. Other than that, the next insemination is set for Friday.

My daughter fell on Thursday evening and by Friday morning, her fingers and knuckles were black and swollen. I took her to the emergency room and the doctor said they were sprained, but didn't do an xray. The swelling and bruising got worse over the weekend so we went to the clinic yesterday and the doctor got an xray. Got a phone call tonight that she has a buckle fracture in her pinky finger, so we have to go see the doctor in the morning, and he's going to decide if we have to just keep buddy taping it, or if he's going to send her to Children's to have it looked it.


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Ultrasound today shows a thickened nt. Everything else looked good. But not the outcome we were hoping for. They performed the cvs procedure today. That sucked!!! I will know more in a week or so

Good luck Brandi.
I never expected this journey to be so tough..
Momma brown. I am good. Just started my surrogate journey. Currently pregnant :) my first beta draw is tomorrow. I'm hoping for big numbers!

Jenyfr. What is a thickened nt?

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