Symptom Update
1dpo - Moody, increased cm, twinges on left side that feel kinda like O pain, but on and off, not constant like O pain, twinges on right, gassy, had a burst of energy this morning, but can quickly crashing around 1pm, CP is low, wet, firm.
2dpo - Moody, fatigue (despite going to bed two hours earlier than normal and sleeping for 8 hours...usually get 6/7 broken hours), gassy and bloated (gas is even worse than yesterday), one bout of diarrhea late at night
3dpo - Cramping, gassy, moody, nausea, small burst of energy in the morning, but exhausted only a few hours later, headache, vomited once, increase in CM
4dpo - Cramping, gassy. moody, heartburn, on and off nausea, increased hunger and increased sense of smell (but couldn't finish eating anything), exhausted, diarrhea was worse initially, but cleared up completely after a few hours, headache, had some twinges on the right side, cervix position is high, soft and closed, decrease in CM but still lotiony
5dpo - Cramping (worse it's been all week...seriously feels like AF is going to rear her ugly head), gas, bloating, heartburn, nausea, moody, hungry, exhausted, increased sense of smell, weepy, vivid dreams, cervix position is high, soft and closed, increase in CM and is still lotiony
6dpo - Cramping (even worse than yesterday, like AF was seconds away),O pain on the left for about half an hour (implantation?), gas, bloating, heartburn, moody (more like SNAPPED), HUNGRY, exhausted, increased sense of smell, nausea when stomach is empty or smelling a food aversion, cervix position was high, hard and closed, CM is lotiony and stringy
7dpo - Many symptoms have disappeared..HUH? Today, I had cramping in the morning and NOTHING since. Was only nauseous after I ate supper but fine the whole day. VERY hungry, haven't stopped eating all day, moody, increased sense of smell, major craving for hard boiled eggs, was energized all day, but exhausted early and can barely hold my eyes open now (This is about 3 hours early for me), bloating and gas starting in the evening, cervix position is low, firm and closed, cm is sticky, mostly dry, but some stringy. May have had a very faint second line today. Finally, peeing a lot today, but probably because I'm extremely thirsty and been drinking lots of water all day.