Fx'd Jen that you beat the odds & avoid GD this time around!
Flutter-Any news?
Brandi, Brandy & Angie, along with anyone else how are things going?
Afm-Staying busy, as usual lol Not anything new on the TTC front....as usual...:/ Just trudging along with weight loss efforts & saving money...Losing weight seems MUCH hard this time around, guess cause I'm almost 5 years older now? UGH....I never thought I would consider being 37 "old" but I guess this Journey changes that too! lol I have started Calorie Counting & a new work out routine with my trainer this week & so far, so good I guess. Down 4 pounds since Monday & since af showed up 2 days ago, I know its not fluid that I lost. Hoping by Monday I can drop a couple more pounds, so I can finally break my Plateau & get below 235! That would put me with only 35 pounds before I schedule our RE appt, of course then I have to lose another 15 pounds before I could cycle but I'm sure that would be a great motivator to lose faster!
Dh & I have had a rough patch lately, Ok so honestly I have REALLY just wanted to rip his face off at times!
Not really related to ttc, but I feel like I get stuck doing EVERYTHING! Granted, He works "12 hours a day, usually 6 days a week"(which I'm SICK of hearing) BUT I get up everyday at 230am to get him up & off to work, then go to work out(now only 3-4 days a week
) then I go to work early, so I can get home early. I have done pretty much all the home repairs this summer so far, keep up the house, cook most everyday, fix his lunch, help with church activities & fire dept. stuff, try to spend time with my kids & take care of the animals. I feel like I'm still expected to wait on him & cater to his needs, which is really pissing me off lately! I'm sure part of it is feeling resentful of all the work I have to do & all the crap I have been & will have to go through to have a baby, as he does NOTHING! But I'm just freaking tired all the time too! I really have thought, why am I SO determined to keep ttc, when it will be more work for ME to do? I know that's selfish, but I just feel like I'm running on Empty.....
Sorry for the rant, ladies. I have friends who AREN'T ttc that go through the same things with their dh, so I know its not all about that. I blame his mother for his raising! Well I'm off to bake cakes for our fundraiser today. Hope eveyone has a good weekend!