Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

Cupcake I think weight loss is one of the hardest things to do! It's a very emotionally taxing journey too just like ttc. I wish you the best

Angie I'm very excited for you to start the process. For me the full cycle worked and I wish the same for you.

Brandi I'm sorry to hear about court. I hope asher has a fun birthday though.

We are doing well here. I have put the girls on a preschool waiting list and hope that we get picked! It took me a long time to apply to the school I wanted so I dunno. I heard it's a 3 year wait. The girls are 16 months and just as awnry as can be! They keep me on my toes for sure. It's been an adventure going from the corporate world to a stay at home mom. I couldn't imagine them doing to daycare now I'd be an emotional wreck.

I tried to post a pic but bnb never let's me so weird.
Brandi those girls are growing so fast! Thoughts of pre-school would break my heart. Part of me hates that they have to grow up. Can't they just stay little? I wish we could see a pic of them.

Lyndon has really changed. In this last month he has become the happiest easy going guy (unless sleepy or hungry then he's a bear) he sleeps through the night almost every night in his own bed. I swaddle him, give him a paci, turn on the vibrating thing on his bed and turn on his light and sound spa and in a short few minutes after talking to the fish lit up on the ceiling he's out! My husband's sis bought this video monitor that connects via an app on our phones or tablets. It's awesome. I can see him, hear him, talk to him and even snap a still pic. We love it
Fluter I'm not sure if it's the same for you but my first 2 older children were a nightmare at night! But the twins have been a blessing at night! I think they've slept 12 hour night since about 5-6 months. Once they got over needing a bottle at night it was easy sailing!
I am almost finished with my second week of birth control.
My mock transfer, testing for NK cell stuff, and some other things is on the 4th of August in New Jersey. I couldn't find anyone in my area to do a estrogen test stat so I will have to drive all the way to the clinic which is almost 5 hours away. I am gonna be checking out acupuncture as well and seeing if I can do that a few times before and after my transfer. My hubby and I have had some big talks about babies lately. I have even been buying items for our baby room. I mean furniture items.. I refuse to be beaten by this. I will not be the person that gives up until there is no hope and that will only come with aging.. I am readying our house and our life as if I will be a Mother in a matter of months, because I will be. I admit that some days it is really hard to keep that mind-set.
I won't actually be starting any meds or anything until around the middle of August. I haven't even gotten my protocol yet and have no idea what my testing results were. I can feel myself getting pretty antsy. I have not told anyone but my supervisor at work since I had to request my transfer dates off way in advance. Since I told her though that means that all my co-workers are now aware.. It is gossip-central.. I hate it. but I love the company for what they do for people like me cause without them, I would have little hope.
Anywho, I am on my way to being a Mother again. It is both wonderful and terrifying.

Brandy and Fluter, After so many years between your children, was it difficult to adjust your lifestyle to accommodate a new baby? Was it tough on your marriage? What areas was the easiest/toughest?
For me Angie it wasn't tough but we we're very boring home bodies. It really depends on your life style. I'm an early morning person, straight to work, straight home, chill with the family, then bed. I never go out and neither of us drink and my friends circle is pretty much 1 so my social life is next to nothing. So really they became my everything once they had arrived. So nothing changed for me except I'm completely wore out all the time now lol.

I'm super excited that you're on your way. I was thrilled once I had my protocol because then I had a road map and a plan to focus on.
Congrats on getting started Angie! I bought mostly clothes for our little one in the beginning, but some over-anxious people have already given us baby gifts when we 1st started TTC :( I gave away a few things over the last year, but the remainder are put away in totes, which I sometimes visit & daydream about...Not often as it can either make me hopeful or sad :/ I am in a place where I just feel in my heart that we WILL be blessed though. I'm like you in a sense I guess. I don't think we will ever give up & will always have a glimmer of hope. As for attempts at IVF, well the 1st & hopefully only cycle ;) will be fully funded up front, after that not so sure what's in the cards. I mean I can't fathom going like $100,000 in debt like some I know to end up with nothing. I guess we will cross that bridge if we have to...I believe even if IVF fails, it could happen, but I really wish if God was planning a surprise Miracle, that he would do so BEFORE we pay out thousands for IVF!!!! Hope everyone is well & happy!
Brandy, my husband and I are the same way with staying home and hanging out with just each other. It has been just us two and my son for many years now, but I have to admit that I am nervous about silly things, like remembering to lock up my aspirin and cleaning supplies and honestly, just being ready for the full-time job of parenting again since my 16 year old basically can do for himself all day. I guess I am just scared I am too old, or that I live too old anyway...

Cupcake, this journey to be a Mother again has taken my heart and mind down roads I never thought I would have to go. I am 36 years old and working in a fast-food restaurant for the babies I WILL have. I would do almost anything to be a Mother again; including let people degrade me and ridicule me on a daily basis, and if the customers don't do that, the teenagers/idiots that I work with do.. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I go to work and tell myself so many times during my shifts that I am there for our baby. No other reason. I also have to say that over 95% of people that do IVF, succeed within the first three tries. I have paid up-front for one cycle already that failed, so this one I am paying for daily now and after 6 months, I am still working for the financing for this cycle. If I have too, I will continue to work for Starbucks until I use the insurance fully and will even go as far as to do Micro IVF again after the insurance is gone if I have to.
I definitely understand your heart. I am set on this path and there is nothing that will move me from it. I stopped getting on the forums because my heart just hurt so bad from my failed IVF, but I know that if I quit, then I am the one that takes away the chance that I have. Failure can be overcome, but quitting is forever..
I am scared to death! No joke. It's terrifying after you have already spent thousands of dollars and failed.. I figure this time to do a big cycle and give myself more chances to have some frozen babies, plus if we can, we want to donate some embryos to someone. I don't mind a few of my kiddos running around in someone else's heart..
Sorry I wrote so long again. Something about this forum makes me wanna yap my head off..
Angie, yap away :) Its nice to be able to talk and get feelings out with women who support and love you, because we all do.

My youngest just turned 10 and my grandson 1. I feel old sometimes lol. I went on the hospital tour. Same hospital I have had all my kids at, but it was re-done and is so modern... I was hoping for bigger revamped rooms, but the scenery is really nice. There are so many things that have changed since my lil one was born. I have somewhat taken to this pregnancy as if it was my first. I have been reading all the new books and technics on newborn care and breastfeeding, so much has changed.

Me and my DF live a rather boring (drama free) life. Neither of us drink or go out, even prior to getting pregnant. I know life will change, but my life and heart are ready.

I pray for each of you daily, although pregnancy at 37 has proven to be a little more taxing then when I was 27. I take it all in stride and enjoy this blessing.
I do have to say that this time around I really have much more patience! I am so happy that I did end up being blessed and having these girls. The first time around I was very young and my life was so busy. While I believe I did the very best I could with my 2 older I really think this time around is totally different. But now I really have the ability to slow down and smell the roses if you know what I mean. I realize that just enjoying the tiniest moments can be a big deal now.

I am on my laptop so I can upload a photo finally.

While I know some of you are still struggling I feel bad posting pictures but I know you will be blessed.


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I feel that I will be that way too, Brandy. I think because I was so young when I had my little ones I was selfish in lots of ways. I know that because of this battle and because of my age, I will know better what I should have done differently. I am afraid about the age since almost all the women who have children at our age say the pregnancy was more difficult. I don't feel older most days, but I know that I will probably have a difficult pregnancy like others my age.
I have just 12 more days until my mock transfer and stuff. I wish I could have done the cycle in August but September it is for us. I think she said that she is shooting for my cycle day 2 or 3 to be around the 28th of August. I admit to not really knowing what is going on really. I am just following blindly. I still have 1100.00 more dollars to save for the cryo. I don't even know if we will need it, but if we do, I want to have it ready. I a just waiting for my protocol... BRING ON THE CALENDAR!!
I gotta go slave away and sell coffee. I am on the closing shift tonight so I get home at 11pm or so and have to be back up at 6am for my shift tomorrow. Fun times..
I am praying for all you ladies..
Hope that baby girl is doing well, Jen, and your babies are so beautiful, Brandy!!
Brandy - Lyndon pretty much sleeps through the night now. He may wake up once around 3:30am to nurse for a few minutes and goes right back to sleep. He has also been sleeping in his rock and play and not in my bed!!

Angie - as far as changes. It was a big change for us. We have a small social circle that we do things with. We were used to going out whenever we wanted because our other kids are old enough to stay home (or they would be at their own friends houses). However, while I was pregnant that gave us some time to adjust. I obviously didn't want to go out too often as I was so tired often. But, with all that said, we knew going into it that it would be different so we were ok with it. It hasn't caused us any problems in our marriage. My husband is a wonderful father and is very hands on and patient. If he wasn't I wouldn't have wanted more kids with him.

Being older, going through all we went through to get Lyndon, I (we) appreciate it so much more. I'm more patient and I soak up every minute of his little self. We would like to have one more. I'm thinking we will try to get the frozen embryos next Sept/Oct when he's just a little over a year old. I'm really struggling with my weight and need to refocus on getting that back under control before I get pregnant again.
I don't know how my husband is as a father to a child.. My son is 16 and he has never been around small children as his ex-wife left him when their son was 6 months old. He isn't very patient. He is actually pretty aggravating. I also am not sure if he will be hands-on. I know that when we talk about us being parents, He lowers his eyes and his voice gets low and I can hear his fear. He says he is afraid he won't know how to be a good dad.. That he won't be a good provider, that our child won't like him, and mostly I hear how he says that he is going to teach our child to run thru the house saying, "We're under a snack." How he talks about how our baby will be the smartest kid alive. How he can't wait to sing songs to them when I am pregnant, and how he can't wait to use the phrase, "Well, it's time for me to go to work" when I ask him to change a diaper, etc, etc...

The next few weeks I have to work a lot.. I guess it will help the days go by faster. The lady hasn't told me anything about my husband's SA results... Can you ladies tell me what these numbers mean?
Volume: 3.0 ml
Viscosity: high
Sperm concentration:48 mil per ml
round cell concentration: 0 mil per ml

Motility: 5% rapid progression, 30% slow progression, 10% non-progression, 55% immotile

Morphology: 20% normal, 75% abnormal, 5% immature
That test was gibberish to me and the nurse has not gotten back to me with what any of the test results mean.. (This was his test for our other IVF) I just got the medical records from there..

Thanks ahead of time to anyone who knows anything about SA tests..
Angie I'm by no means an expert so take this with a grain of salt so to speak.
Viscosity looks like he has very thick semen and this can make it difficult for sperm to get out and about so to speak
Motility looks a little low. This measures if they swim in a straight line without kinda going in circles. It looks like some do immediately but the most take longer to get going.

Morphology is a little low as well. I think it's supposed to be greater than 30 but not positive
Volume, concentration and cells all look in the normal range.

Are you having ICSI done?
Yeah, we are.. It is included in the IVF. I know it's the weekend and the nurse will probably get back to me sometime this coming week, but it sure is hard to wait.
When I went to my consult with this doctor he said my result for my fsh was 9.. (If that is my egg quality) I had that test taken 6 months before that and it was at 4.. I didn't see how it could drop so dramatically in under 6 months time.. I was shocked as the IVF place I did the mini cycle at said NOTHING about my eggs not being good and being on the border...
I have taken that test again cause I didn't remember fasting when I had it before and she said that was very important for accurate results.. I just wanna know the results now..
These tests are so tough. I am just ready to move ahead..
I can only imagine. I don't think the SA is anything to worry about especially since you are doing ICSI. If you had more time is tell you to take CoQ10 for your egg quality but you need that for at least 90 days before hand.
I'd say Fluter was right on about the SA results.

No matter what course of action taken, this is a frustrating process I feel some facilities could care less about. Hopefully all your answers will be answered soon.

AFM... moving along... went to a prego expo yesterday... that was alot of fun and I love free stuff :)

I met my DF cousin and his wife yesterday. They are about to go through IVF with icsi. She is going through the same RE I did for my IUI. She had to put it off because she's a teacher and they wanted to do her transfer when it would be the second week of school, shes hoping for soon though.

Ive had some issues with DF sister... she is younger, but has tried for a baby for some time. Her regular GYN isnt doing much, but put her on Clomid. I tried to help the girl so she can get the proper testing for herself and her OH, but shes a rude, disrespectful lil snot. She clearly has some issue with me. (everyone says its jealousy over this pregnancy) But once you are rude to my kids, thats when I stop being nice. I kinda just poofed her. I dont and will not stand for negativity surrounding myself or our daughter.
We did icsi by recovery. Meaning the eggs that didn't fertilize were manually fertilized. Our girls ended up being the icsi babies! So I am totally on board and believe in icsi
Angie, do you know if Starbucks insurance coverage for the IVF is country wide? Or available in only certain states
As far as I know, Jen, it is world-wide. I am not positive though as I would think that each state would offer different insurance so really, it is probably not, but I know that each girl that I studied up on before I applied for this job said that their insurance covers it. Starbucks actually offers three different types of insurance, and of course it is the most expensive, but honestly, I pay 65 dollars every two weeks and that is for health and dental insurance, I get free college, tips, coffee, stocks, and 401k plan.. Not to shabby for a part-time job.. If you want to know for a particular state, you could probably research it online. The insurance my Starbucks offers is Premera, Blue Cross Blue Shield.. Also, the fertility meds is covered separately and is not taken off the 15,000 that is available for the infertility, (if your nurse codes it right.) Also if I read it right, and I think I did.... even mail order specialty drugs cannot cost more than 100$ oop... I really hope I am right on that one..

My husband has been taking coq10 for about 6 months now. I made him start taking it after our failed IVF. Also, I know that my egg quality is not bad as the doctor that took my tubes last July told me that my eggs were better than my age should be. It went from better than average, to borderline horrid in 6 months... There's no way unless one was wrong.. I am hoping it was the little back-woods hospital I went to in January.. I will deal with whatever comes though. I am definitely opting for no less than a 5 day transfer this time.. I am also doing acupuncture as my insurance covers 12 visits a year.
The nurse told me to stay on the birth control. I will not be having a cycle until my IVF at the end of August.
I still have not told anyone but you girls. It is so shameful that I don't want to tell anyone for fear of their back-biting my family, or their gossiping.. It is what it is, I guess..
I have not told my husband that his SA was not so good as I don't want him to worry. I told him he was Super-man.. There is no reason for him to know. He is the most awesome and we are gonna get our baby from this anyhow so it will have no bearing and will just make him feel less than what he really is for no good reason.
Gonna go count up some monies and see what I got left to take care of this next month..
Sorry about your boyfriend's sister.. Sounds like she is in denial about her fertility.. I still go through that when I learn that all is not right and I have to do one more thing to fix it, but the crack head next door pops out children as often as she does her nasty butt..
I would ignore her and brag all the more.. I am gonna struggle with not bragging about my pregnancy. I am going to be such an aggravation... :)

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