Alot of women ovulate right after a loss due to the 'period' they have. You don't have to have a real period to get pregnant. Looks like you dtd and got another bun in the oven. I would go get my numbers checked. There is a slight possibility that it's just a fluctuation, but looks like it's getting way too dark for it to be going down.
I will jump the gun and say congratulations!
I have changed our diet here and begun taking royal jelly along with the hundred other vitamins I am taking, plus the hubby is on vitamins. I will be calling on Monday to set up an appt for acupuncture. Mostly for anxiety, but in this small town it's better to be an established patient. I will go once or twice a month I guess.
This is all I will be taking for the next 5 months:
Royal jelly twice a day
Vitex twice a day
Maca root twice a day
Coq10 once
Methyl B-12
Fish oil twice a day
I have changed our diet to no red meats, but nuts and eggs and grapenuts cereal for protein. I have not cut out caffeine, but only have one coffee a day. No more chocolate. I will be starting acupuncture in May, probably twice a month until October. The hubby will take a multivitamin, coq10 and in Sept will cut out all alcohol. He is already trying to quit smoking. I had to begin the pills already as I read 6 months out is the best time to give them time to be normal to your body. I will add things like pineapple in a few months before. I wrote me out a calendar and all the things I am using. It's a bit tough to keep up with. We also have started hiking for exercise. I am pretty excited even though it's months and months away. My hubby says he doesn't want to be a 'fat daddy'. Sometimes it's hard to talk about it to each other since we both have such high hopes. We def know we are giving ourself the best chance we will have this try though for sure.
Hope you got a new little one growing strong, Fluter!
Hope your baby is doing great, LLawson! Cupcake, I bet you are excited for August to get here!
MommaBrown, I hope your Metformin has you testing with those double lines soon!