Tubal Reversal ladies, just moved from WTT!!!

I can't believe your girls are that old already, Brandy. Time has sure went by quickly.
Today was my last baby's due date. To make myself feel better I went and started purchasing baby clothes. Just to remind myself that everything is right there for me if I just keeping fighting for it. Never gonna give up. I will be the 72 year old mother..

Daniel and I finally settled on a date: October 19th should be around my cycle start date so I have researched motels, airline, passport, and come up with a rough estimate of about 5600$ The hubby is working all he can and I am looking for part time work so we will begin saving. If it doesn't work, I will try again...and again. I sure am praying for this to be our time though cause it's so tough.

LLawson, I hope your baby and you are doing well.
Cupcake, it's been awhile..
I don't even get to try till October so someone bring some good news soon..
Brandy I cant believe your girls are 27 months already. Youll have to post more pics.
Angie I admire you and your determination.
Baby Kye and I are doing great! Im still not sleeping but other than that no complaints. Seems like hes on the move 24/7. I was worried about that so I asked the doctor at my visit last week and she just said hes perfectly fine and just a Happy Baby! I go for another ultrasound on the 21st and then the dreaded sugar test and Rhogam shot on the 30th. Its been a busy month. Seems like the days are flying by. I still have so much to get done before he gets here so I think thats helping the days fly by. I had just turned a spare bedroom into a big craft room when I found out I was pregnant. Now we are trying to figure out where to put all the new craft stuff we had bought and turn it into a babys room. LOL. I bought a Cameo and started doing vinyl crafts so we bought a table that takes up half the room and a huge desk. Its been a mess here to say the least.
I hope everyone is doing ok and enjoying this weather. Summer is finally here! Yay!
My oldest just graduated, and we're enjoying the summer before he goes off to college. Then it's getting boy child #2 ready with college applications, since he's set to graduate next year. He's also going to Marine Corps STEM camp in July, so we're getting ready for that as well. DD is on the verge of chronologically becoming a teen, even though she's been one emotionally for a while, LOL.

I'm going back to college in the fall to FINALLY finish my degree. After that, I'll probably head to grad school. We're planning a trip to Disney World this fall as well. My GYN asked me about birth control my last visit and I started laughing, mainly because we've spent so much money trying to get pregnant and been unsuccessful. I'd like to think the laughter was 95 percent being okay with it and only 5 percent sadness. I know he just wanted to make sure we'd be okay in case some sort of miracle happened and we did get pregnant, and if not to make sure we were taking precautions.

Other than that, I have to have a LEEP done. I don't have it scheduled, and I'm trying not to think too much about it since I also have to have a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound on Righty Boob to see if the mass has changed or grown.

ExDH and his wife had their baby in February, and once I got over all the sadness and jealousy, I've been able to enjoy the baby snuggles and am genuinely happy for them.

So glad everyone else is doing well and all the TR babies are growing so quickly! Angie, I hope this cycle brings your THB.
I have cried 5 times already today. Sometimes I hate being a woman. Just wanted to throw that out there....
My son graduated this March too, Navy. He is gone to stay the summer with my family which he hasn't done since he was little and it has given me a glimpse of how very much I will miss him when he leaves home. I thought it was tough raising kids, but nothing compares to the sadness of them leaving home.

Still not sure how we are going to save 6 grand in 4 and half months. Seems impossible.
Brandy, do you have CJ on your Facebook? If so, tell her I say hello and I think of her so often.
Hope everyone is having a great summer!
Also, love the name, LLawson!
How are the girls that old already, Brandy?! Time goes too quickly.

Asher's going to be 2 next month. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how my first TR baby is going to be TWO.

And Nora...where has this year gone? I swear I had her last week, but she just turned 4 months old.

I'm looking at September to start trying for my 6th and final baby, assuming my cycle has returned. Almost 19 weeks PP and still no sign of the witch. This is the longest I've gone with her PP, but I have my OPKs ready for when she returns.

Good luck Angie!! I hope you get your sticky baby.
I've had a crazy week. My tortoise was taken from my yard before I left for vacation. I had to leave on the 8th without having him back. Thankfully he was found and a friend picked him up and cared for him while we were gone. We took a kid free vacation to St. Croix. It was amazing but I sure missed me kids. I went scuba diving and swam with sea turtles and sharks. It was the highlight of my trip. I'm still struggling to get this weight off. I dropped 10lbs before vaca but gained 3. So back on the wagon. I decided to take a class this summer to lessen the load next semester. I'm not sure if it was a good idea or not but oh well. I'm still planning for FET in Sept.
Fluter, vacation is no fun if you dont gain a little weight. Eating is one of the things I look forward too on vacation. LOL. 4 of us took a cruise a few yrs ago and I swear we all put on 10 pounds a piece in one week because there was free food available 24/7. Im ready for another cruise. I would Love to swim with Sea Turtles. We did the snorkeling with Sting Ray and it was pretty Awesome!
Im glad you got your Tortoise back. Is he a big one?
Ive had a few scares this week. I overate Saturday and had acid reflux in my sleep and aspirated it into my lungs. I literally thought I was dieing! I could not catch my breath. I have asthma and havent had an attack for quite sometime but when you get in that situation and cant breath I panic cause Im associating it with an asthma attack. I thought things were back to normal and Tuesday night I had a panic attack after laying down to sleep. Ive not been able to breath through my nose after laying down for months and was having a little congestion in my chest and throat (I think still from Saturdays mess, Ive been coughing stuff up since) anyway, one thing lead to another and I got to thinking about Im only going to get much bigger and it be even harder to breath..... And by that time I was in a full blown panic attack! Things are hitting me all at once! Ive had anxiety before but only one other time have I had a panic attack. Anyone have this happen or any suggestions? Im waiting to hear back from the doc. I never had asthma until after having my other 3 so this is the first pregnancy with asthma and I havent had any asthma attacks during the whole pregnancy I think these few incidents are trying to trick me into thinking I am.
Other than those crazy things Im doing great. I go back Tuesday for another ultrasound.
Have a nice day Ladies! Its going to be a hot one here today at 92!
LLawson, when I feel anxiety coming on I sit straight down and tell myself the best things that's happening in my life. I have a bit of medical anxiety so when I get to where I think anxious thoughts, I tell myself how much stronger my body will be soon, how happy my heart is right now with where me and my husband are, how proud I am of my son---all the positive things ease their way into my mind and push out the negative thoughts. I am almost fully anxiety symptom free now, thanks to lots of prayer and working thru techniques to find what worked for me. I hope you find your happy place!

Glad you got your turtle back, Fluter. I love turtles.

AFM: I am just trudging along. Life is good.
Angie, Im doing much better. Saw the doctor yesterday. My panic attack was triggered by not being able to breathe well. I freak out and think one of my asthma attacks are coming. She put me on a higher dose of magnesium and calcium that helps with that and other issues like the restless legs.
Had my ultrasound yesterday and baby boy is weighing in at 2 pounds. Everything looked great! I get to go next week for the dreaded sugar test and rhogam shot.
Hope everyone is doing well!


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Aww. You look beautiful! That baby is pretty cute too!

I am jealous for sure.

I have restless leg syndrome too and just found out that my greater saphenous vein is not working well so I will have EVLT to close the vein. I talked to my hubby and prayed about it and I plan on being pregnant this year and with an infant, my mobility is important. I struggle right now with my leg swelling and it burns and aches a lot. I never imagine that my valves in the vein were so bad. I honestly thought it was just anxiety as my symptoms have moved from area to area since last October. I know I could probably wait, but I figure doing it while I am young would be better. It is definitely genetic as my aunt and my grandma both have horrible varicose veins and my aunt has even had most of hers removed. I am nervous a bit, but I am to take Lovenox shots for 5 days so that eases a teeny bit of my problem. I am going to start paying for parts of my IVF soon. I am going to email the doctor and see if he will work with a doctor here when it comes to ordering meds, or at least trying to find out what he will prescribe me so I can try to get them ahead of time to save a thousand dollars or so. If my insurance pays for it, then I'd like to use it. I may even be able to get a doctor here to write me a prescription for the IVF or have them work together. I have months to go anyway so it won't hurt to try. I have a filled nursery already, down to even the diaper ointment.. I even ordered the car seat already. I have been supplying it for months so I would have zero things to stress about during my cycle or the pregnancy. I have found an acupuncturist there and I will be ordering my passport soon. The vitex and Coq10 and Maca root have taken my cycle out to 28 days. I have been on it 2 months or so already. It was 25/26 days. I will be going back to Garza no matter how long it takes. If I need an egg donor, I will find one--same with a sperm donor. One thing I will not do though, is be on steroids ever again! I am still at right under 140 and I work out for 2 hours a day. Only been doing it for about 3 weeks, but I would like to see better results already. I am praying to be ready by middle Oct/Nov. I definitely have taken care of enough health junk to be on top of the world. I am ready already. I guess my prediction that I would be able to try once a year was pretty accurate. *Sigh* It has been a long time coming...
Sheww you definetley got your ducks in a row Angie! I wish I was that organized. Im stressing trying to just get the babys room done and its been a battle. LOL I wish you the best! I know it will happen for you when the time is right.
Hi ladies. I haven't been on here in a while. I was told that my AMH was super low and FSH was high, so I was referred for IVF with donor eggs. This was in the beginning of April.
Well, last week AF was late and I was nauseous. I made an appointment with my OB for this past Tuesday even though I knew my risk of ectopic, but I was more scared of a BFP and MC. I didn't think I would have an ectopic. Well, Friday I start vomiting. I felt a strong pain in my right lower stomach and rectum area. I thought appendix, so we go to the ER. They confirmed that I was pregnant and betas were 12000. They sent me to u/s. She wouldn't tell me anything. I go back to my room. I was spotting, so I thought I was MCing. The doctor said it looked like a ruptured ectopic so he called in an ob surgeon who confirmed it. I had surgery early Saturday morning to remove my only open tube and my baby. The ob pre-op said she believes I was at least 6 weeks with my levels. May's AF was very light almost just spotting which I thought nothing of given my hormone levels in April. So I assets I got pregnant the cycle the doctor said I would only get pregnant with donor eggs or maybe with Gonal F. If I go by that cycle, I was 8 weeks the day of my surgery. I am going tomorrow to the ob because I feel really dizzy and nauseous when I am not laying flat. I will ask her how far along I was.

Ladies, please learn from me. Do not trust low or high hormone levels pointing towards infertility. I did, and almost lost my life because of it. My ectopic did not hurt like what I expected it to hurt.
I only knew that something was wrong with my pregnancy because I couldn't pee. Every time I tried, I almost passed out. Nothing was horribly painful, just a full feeling that was all over. It's good that you went to the doctor. I almost didn't go myself and my brother and son were leaving for the day. I can only imagine what would have happened had I not gone cause I tried to write it off in my head..
12,000 seems a high number to me. I am sorry about your baby and your tube. I definitely know how you feel.

LLawson, I struggle with being prepared-- to the point of constant worry so I know that to save myself that, I have to be ready beforehand. I know there are some things that I can't prepare for, but as far as clothing, baby beds, car seat, and all the essentials--- I got finished ahead of time. The car seat and co-sleeper should be here next week sometime. I would go nuts with worry if I put it off, plus it helps me to be faithful in my belief that God is going to give us our keep baby this time. Backing up my faith with action...
One thing I don't have is diapers. I want to cloth diaper, but it seemed time consuming to me and so I did some research and financially it is a way better option. The diapers are initially more expensive, but in the long run you save more than double the cost. It is pretty busy work though with washing them. I don't mind that though. I have my leg surgery on the 6th of July so on my 37th birthday I will be laid up. I will have to wear a full compression stocking for 4 weeks so I find myself nervous and wondering if it's worth the struggle.

Anyway, have a great weekend everyone! It's almost July!
I think most of you ladies on here who still post are on my Facebook, but still wanted to share my sweet lil hunny bunny... Miss Addisyn is almost 9 months old already and such a joy to my life :)


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Adorable!!! I love her pics on FB

Lyndon is 15 months now and he's all over the place. He's a funny guy with a big personality and a popular natural hairdo lol

I'm delaying FET to October because of my school schedule but that's ok. It will give me a June baby if it's successful

Hope all is well ladies


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He is so handsome, Fluter!
I am shooting for October too. I am aiming more for the end of October though. We finally started saving and I have been on those vitamins for months. My cycle has been 28 days for the past two months so I can definitely tell a difference. I am not having any testing done before I go. I am finally emotionally ready to try again. Thought I'd never feel that way..
Hope everyone is well and I hope your little boy is doing good, LLawson.
Fluter, hes Adorable and looks so Happy! Looks like my husbands hairdo. He has a faux hawk going on that I wont let him cut cause its just too cute!
Angie, Im doing great! I cant believe its this close. Im seeing my midwife weekly now. She told me last week with the way hes measuring she thinks he will be here in 10 weeks or less. I cant wait to meet him!! We have the nursery done. We just have a few pictures to hang in there. All of his big stuff is purchased and my baby shower is Saturday. I cant wait!! All I need now is the baby. ��
I wish you both the best in October. I think about you all daily. I havent been posting much cause I stay so busy but I do try and check in and read at least once or twice a week.
Have a nice day ladies!
My husband and I been together for 16 years, we have 2 boys who are 7 and 14 and we thought we were through with having kids, but my husband wants to try for one more (and so do I) we are hoping for a girl, but a healthy baby is what we want most :)

I had essure reversed last month (permanent implanted birth control) so our chances for pregnancy is about 50-70%. So I feel as though I have everything ready and set up to conceive, I got the ferrying microscope, pre-seed, I also have ovulation test strips as back up.... My cycle is typically 28 days and OV on day 14 or 15, but this this reversal, my last cycle was 37 days :(

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