That's sweet! Dh has been awesome this last 3-4 weeks! He's excited that this is the best chance at a thb we've had, but trying to curb the enthusiasm since we don't know the outcome. I mean I'm trying to be positive, but part of me is in disbelief that it could actually work! I guess it's PTSD from the last 4 years of TTC/losses??? I have been looking at names, going through some baby things we still have and trying to encourage them to grow & implant with pep talks! Lol plus LOTS of prayer! I know it's all in His hands now, we have done all we can at this point. My clinic has been very proactive with the scratch, assisted hatching & putting THREE back in there! So we wait.....I suck at waiting! Fortunately I'm trying to keep busy. Toddler sitting my besties toddler today, little red headed princess! Then this weekend our youth trip to the Smokies, Thanksgiving dinner at church Sunday, work for 3 days next week, Thanksgiving day then test!!! So hoping it won't completely drag by.....even though part of me dreads test day, as I think I drather stay in my pupo bubble, unless of course it's a bfp!!!