Thanks ladies. Today has been dull, long & just plain sad. Dh & I are talking about cycling again in April or May, but I just don't know what we are doing... Mini ivf is cheaper around $5k, but what if I have 2 eggs & neither fertilize? Money wasted, but then a regular cycle costs 3x that & could have the same thing happen or get another bfn...of course Donor eggs gives us the best shot, but it's $35k, but it has a guarantee program, but we may qualify and we would have to refinance our house to afford that much!!! I just don't know what to do or for that matter what dh is willing to do...I guess the ball is in his court. I want to make him a daddy, but if he says he doesn't want to pay out that kinda cash, then I'm going to have to let it go. We have worked hard to have what we have & not be in debt and quite frankly, I'm getting pretty anxious just thinking about it all....