Wow, You're right, Thejoie. It's really helpful to compare your results visually from the previous days too. I will start bringing mine to work too I think. I just need to figure out the logistics of what bathroom to use so I can be discrete, hah.
Also, ladies, I know I mentioned what the guy posted on a thread earlier on bding 4 times in the 36 hours following ovulation, I read further and I'm not sure I agree with a lot of his recommendations...
In redemption for my sharing that, I have truly encouraging news (lol). I just spoke to a friend of mine at work who is about 5 months pregnant and she said that when they were TTC, she and her hubby didn't even BD the day she ovulated so she was really not expecting a positive. She was super surprised that she got pregnant anyway! So even if you, miss a night because your husband is tired or you're sick or not quite feeling well, it can still happen, just do what you can

. Every little bit helps and can be the bit that makes a difference between getting pregnant and not being pregnant.
Another tip she shared was that she tested several days leading up to her AF (with the tests that you can supposedly test 7 days beforehand) and literally ALL of her tests were dead negative even the day before her period. It was day her period was supposed to start, she was expecting AF, and decided to test anyway and she got a faint positive that continued to get darker as she tested daily thereafter

. I'm so happy for her! I thought her story was very encouraging so I wanted to share! That was her first cycle too off birth control for several years (like you Thejoie!!!) and it was their first month officially trying. Her story reminded me of us, so I wanted to share to encourage all of you that no matter where you are in your trial, it isn't over until we say it's over. Be encouraged and keep your eyes on the prize! xoxo