Turning 31, TTC #1- would love a TTC buddy!

Yes, Thejoie, welcome to the TWW! I can read your joy as you text :-)! and im so glad you got this encouragement by ovulating. Every little bit of encouragement counts im telling you in this TTC business lol.

Purple, im glad you got encouragement from your work crew :-). It only helps!

Illa, i am feeling well today, less crampy. My breast are large and tender, much the way they usually get the week leading up to my period. Purple, its like you said, so many changes feel like they might be a symptom of pregnancy but they all are symptoms of progesterone just before our period starts too, lol. Uye. Illa and purple how are you all feeling? Illa are you feeling better?

Any plans this weekend ladies?

Come on 11/10. It seriously feels like light years away!

I feel you on the symptom side of things! The last few days I've had headaches off and on with waves of nausea and hot flashes but I do work in a hospital so you also ask did I catch something? As for weekend goes I'm on call so keeping it easy in case I get called in for any emergency surgeries.

Joie that is really one dark stick! Your enthusiasm with this process is extremely contagious! Thank God for this group or I think I'd go crazy doing this on my own!
6 weeks old... awwww!!! I love when they are that little and helpless

For me- it was so helpful to see other people's charts and opk's to compare. I never know for sure until I start doing something and seeing it myself and even then sometimes I second guess myself!
Yes, Thejoie, welcome to the TWW! I can read your joy as you text :-)! and im so glad you got this encouragement by ovulating. Every little bit of encouragement counts im telling you in this TTC business lol.

Purple, im glad you got encouragement from your work crew :-). It only helps!

Illa, i am feeling well today, less crampy. My breast are large and tender, much the way they usually get the week leading up to my period. Purple, its like you said, so many changes feel like they might be a symptom of pregnancy but they all are symptoms of progesterone just before our period starts too, lol. Uye. Illa and purple how are you all feeling? Illa are you feeling better?

Any plans this weekend ladies?

Come on 11/10. It seriously feels like light years away!

I feel you on the symptom side of things! The last few days I've had headaches off and on with waves of nausea and hot flashes but I do work in a hospital so you also ask did I catch something? As for weekend goes I'm on call so keeping it easy in case I get called in for any emergency surgeries.

Joie that is really one dark stick! Your enthusiasm with this process is extremely contagious! Thank God for this group or I think I'd go crazy doing this on my own!

Working around sick people ALWAYS makes me second guess everything too! Is it my period, pregnancy, or a result of me looking down the throat of that sick kid?!?! I played that game for two week last month... NOT fun!!

Thank you for using the word enthusiasm- my husband calls it "obsessive" haha.... we did talk yesterday too and are both in a better place of understanding now. Which is good. It's my personality... I do everything 100% I dive head first into every endeavor and read everything I can to understand it. I may or may not have some control issues. But doing the opk's and temping,tracking and having a schedule... that's just me. I'd have a harder time just guessing and hoping for the best!
Hi Ladies!! It's Friday :D
My UTI is almost gone, the antibiotics really helped. but my temperature is still low, so I didn't ovulate yesterday like I thought I would, and we didn't get a chance to BD last night:dohh: :( Will try to get one in tonight but not sure:blush:.. Hopefully I would be able to join you girls in the TWW soon.:shrug:

Joie, I am so happy for you, your happiness was really evident in your posts :D
Purple, That is great to have a such an encouraging group at work.
Perky, that sounds like a such a sweet visit to look forward to.

Although I am longing to have ovulated, I can't say I am looking forward to the tww. I just hate it. Every small thing I feels like a pregnancy symptom for me, and I just go crazzzzzy. Joie, I am going to delete the links that you provided from my memory, I think they will make me go even more insane (if that is possible).
Nothing much planned for the weekend. Taking it easy, and bask in the extra hour of sleep that I would get from the time change :D
I forgot about our extra hour to sleep!!!! Wooohooo!!!!!

Haha!! I have those bookmarked now and will reference them oh probably 573727274 times a day for the next two weeks!! Haha. I feel the same. The two week wait is THE WORST.... hopefully we make thru with our sanity and a bfp!

My husbands birthday is this week. Part of me thinks he doesn't need a gift- he just got to see the Cubs play and win the World Series but I am a nice wife and will get him something and probably bake him something when I'm off tueaday.
Happy Friday! TheJoie, that is so exciting that you are O'ing and that you and the DH got a heart to heart in. I feel once they understand our feelings they come around because they only want to make us happy in the end :)

The DH birthday is also in November, he is turning 40 and I am throwing him a surprise birthday party in two weeks. He has absolutely no idea, he thinks he is going to my brothers engagement party. I am super excited and have kept my mind busy planning that, however, I would love to have a BFP so that I have another surprise to give him. Although I do not know if I would be able to keep it a secret!

AFM - 4dpo/6dpt, i have been reading that you cannot test if you had a trigger shot until 10/dpt because it is still in your system and can get a false positive. So I am really trying to hold out until late next week. I work in finance and am on the computer all day long so all I do is symptom check and read. Ugh, I want next weekend to get here quicker!!
November birthdays are awesome. I always love celebrating our birthdays together with my hubby. That would be an ammmmmazing gift! I was hoping I'd have some news by DH's bday but that's definitely an impossibility. Oh well.
Hopefully I can get a BFP for MY 31st bday!

My friend had that happen with the trigger shot. It was kind of sad once she found out that that's the reason she got the positive. I felt terrible... she's been trying for quite some time...

4dpo... just think.. less than a week and you can test!!! There needs to be some studies done about the TWW... there's like a time/space warp that happens and time slows down. It's mind boggling.

Only 4 more hours of work. Then home,gym, and relaxation time.
TTC, I would wait the required time to flush out the trigger to test, I wouldn't want a false positive, can't imagine how difficult that would be.

I wish I can find something to keep my mind occupied and forget about TTC for the next two weeks
Me too! I need a project or something! Baking on a Tuesday will be good bc that takes a lot of effort for me. I can cook well but baking is hard for me.
Our younger dog turns 2 on the same day my husband does so I'm gonna make them both cupcakes. There are doggie safe ones that I'm gonna attempt. LOVE my boys!!
That is so cute, cupcakes for both your boys! I have a fur baby too, he is such a lover. DH and I were talking last night about how he is more like a human than a dog, we love him so much. He goes to daycare every day because DH and I work pretty long hours, it kills me that he has to be there for so long, I can only imagine what will happen when we have a baby. What is the name of the doggie cupcakes you are making?

@Illa, you are right. I am going to wait, I would hate to get a BFP and it be wrong.

What can we do to keep our minds occupied?!? I have been reading everything related to getting pregnant I can find.
Here's the recipe!! It looks good!! I'm gonna replace the maple syrup with honey... he's gonna love it!!
Not sure what I'll do for hubbys cupcakes... lol not as concerned about those haha... jk!!!! He will get those and some brownies as he loves both...

Here's a pic of my beautiful birthday boy...we rescued him around Thanksgiving after Wilbur passed away. He has been the greatest and silliest dog and such a great fit with me and DH. We have an older dog too who really appreciates having a youngin to keep him active and busy (aka:annoy the crap out of him...)


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Thank you for the recipe, I will totally try it.

He is a cutie, I want to get another dog so badly but DH won't go for it. We already have crazy schedules and it wouldn't be fair.

Here is my little love bug.. He is 2yr old, we got him together when we first moved in with each other. His name is Fitzgerald. We just moved to California from NY at the begging of the year, it has been hard for me. But knowing I have the two of them is all worth it.

Hopefully, my attachment worked...

IMG_8227 (1).jpg
Fitzgerald!!! Love his name!!! My baby is Enzo. They are such perfect souls. My dogs are my world and I truly couldn't imagine life without them. Enzo was a stray that was picked up and never claimed by his owners. He spend 5 months in the shelter and has been the most trusting, sweetest, and smartest dogs I've ever known! He has so much personality... it literally kills me. My mom dog sits when we go on vacation and she says Enzo is preparing us for parenthood with how he acts and how needy he is!!! Hahaha!!!

A move from New York to Cali is QUITE the move!! I have always wanted to get out of the Midwest. I wanted to move to North Carolina as they seem to have perfect weather. But I just can't seem to leave everyone here... I love the life we have built for ourselves and the people in it.
They are such pure souls! Cannot wait to pick him up in a few hours. He was giving me the stink eye all week because it is his first full week back at daycare, DH got a new job and doesn't work from home anymore. And it was torchure pulling him out of bed. He loves to sleep. lol

I know exactly what you mean, I lived in New York my entire life (a few years in Boston for school) and had all my friends, my running/tri clubs, my work that I loved and was at for 9 years. It was a tough move and really hard to transition. You have to find all those things someplace else. I get lost all the time! lol But we are loving it now, we live right on the beach and everyone is so laid back here compared to the rat-race in NY. I actually take a lunch break as opposed to eating as fast as i can at my desk in NY.

North Carolina is nice and you can live like Kinds/Queens there because the cost of living is amazing compared to what we are used to (I am assuming you live in Chicago.) However, they do get some nasty hurricanes and those suck.
Oh yea!!! We thought about it for a while but decided to stay put. We need to anchor ourselves a bit first. It's been a whirlwind last few years with school, moving in, finishing school, getting engaged, new job, wedding planning, and now baby planning. We are going to be looking to buy our first house in the spring too. All that adds up to a lot of craziness
Good morning, ladies! Happy Saturday! Just checking in :-)

I am POD8 today, still moderately crampy with heartburn/reflux (had it all week). My temps have been steady. I tested this morning with a Wondfo stick and so far BFN. Keeping hopeful and will use my Walgreens brand digital in the morning (5 days before I expect AF). Will keep you all posted.

My hubby surprised me with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers and a sweet love note he wrote me in my journal yesterday. It made my day! I'm so grateful to be on this journey with him and I seriously thank God for him everyday.

I'm SO glad I have you ladies as well and we are are this journey virtually together :-). I'm seriously rootin' for any one of us to get a BFP this month! It would be so encouraging to all!!! Now headed to the gym. Have a great Saturday :-D! xoxo

Anyone else planning to test with a digital this weekend?
Good morning, ladies! Happy Saturday! Just checking in :-)

I am POD8 today, still moderately crampy with heartburn/reflux (had it all week). My temps have been steady. I tested this morning with a Wondfo stick and so far BFN. Keeping hopeful and will use my Walgreens brand digital in the morning (5 days before I expect AF). Supposedly 5 days prior, it's 99% accurate. Will keep you all posted. I got super discouraged yesterday ... :-(

I think i spent too long reading about other people's BFPs on day 9 and 10, on other threads and websites. It really just made me start feeling a lot of pressure and anxiety for this cycle, sigh. So I had to do a lot of reflection yesterday to remind myself that we literally JUST started trying this past week, I likely ovulated while I was out of town, and it's really not the end of the world if I don't get my BFP this month. In fact it would be a miracle if I am, hah. My hubby surprised me with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers and a sweet love note he wrote me in my journal yesterday. It made my day! I'm so grateful to be on this journey with him and I seriously thank God for him everyday.

I'm SO glad I have you ladies as well and we are are this journey virtually together :-). I'm seriously rootin' for any one of us to get a BFP this month! It would be so encouraging to all!!! Now headed to the gym. Have a great Saturday :-D! xoxo

Anyone else planning to test with a digital this weekend?

Sorry to hear about the BFN, I understand about the feeling with setting other BFP, I'm 7dpo and I could not help myself I used a stick today and got aBFN but I was expecting that lol I will use a digital at the end of the week if AF doesn't show.

FX for everyone would love to at least see someone with a BFP this month!!
Perky and Purple, I am sorry about the BFN. Just remember that you guys are still early. Everyone is different and just because others are getting a BFP at earlier days doesn't mean it's that case for everyone.

Perky, that was very sweet of your husband. Although this journey is stressful we should try not to let it consume us and enjoy it as well.

Hope you all have a great weekend
Perky- here's something that cheered me up. Implantation occurs anywhere between 6-12 days after ovulation. Average is 9.... in order for a pregnancy test to detect the right levels (some do about 25... I think the early response are like 10). Hcg doubles every 2-3 days... so sometimes if implantation is later it can take a few days to get your hcg high enough.

I found this interesting calculator but haven't had time to play around with it yet...
Thanks, ladies, i appreciate the encouragement! I feel so much more knowledgeable with you sharing all of your experiences, i feel way more prepared!!

Purple, i feel you! Hang in there, you have a full week ahead of you and a lot can happen in that week!

Illa, you are so right about not allowing it to consume us, haha. It IS supposed to be fun and it starts with taking the pressure off and relaxing. I aborted my plans for the maze and to see my girlfriend and her hubby and 6 week old and opted to workout, nap, and read for pleasure. I roasted a chicken for Sunday lunch today which im excited about :-D.

Thejoie, i didnt know that actually! Thanks for sharing. Also, on that note, i read the fineprimt on the digital pregancy test and it is only a curate 50% of the time at POD 9. Lol. The 99% was for testing the day before your period. It must be for the exact reasons you share: that the hcg levels are just not high enough if you test too early. Any updates? How are your temps holding up?

TTC: happy Sunday! How are you managing the TWW? Any symptoms yet?

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