TW - (Traditional Weaning) Support Thread

ok so this weaning buisness really stresses me out....

LO had baby rice and porridge and rusks with formula from 3 months and had no problems..... a few weeks ago I started buying jars and she really enjoys these and also bought some yoghurts this week and loves them (although haven't given her strawberry ones as people in my family are allergic.)

so is what im doing ok here is what Izzy has in a day....

Morning Milk feed 8oz
Breakfast - porridge with mashed banana (mixed with formula)
Milk feed 8oz
Lunch - Baby jar of fruit and a yoghurt
Milk feed 8oz
Dinner - Baby jar of a main meal and jar of a dessert
Milk feed 8oz

ok so this weaning buisness really stresses me out....

LO had baby rice and porridge and rusks with formula from 3 months and had no problems..... a few weeks ago I started buying jars and she really enjoys these and also bought some yoghurts this week and loves them (although haven't given her strawberry ones as people in my family are allergic.)

so is what im doing ok here is what Izzy has in a day....

Morning Milk feed 8oz
Breakfast - porridge with mashed banana (mixed with formula)
Milk feed 8oz
Lunch - Baby jar of fruit and a yoghurt
Milk feed 8oz
Dinner - Baby jar of a main meal and jar of a dessert
Milk feed 8oz


It looks great hun. Well done :thumbup:.
This is where I am upto so far- will LO just start to naturally drop milk? He is on 3 meals and a dessert each day, starting trying him with some veg, fruit on highchair to encourage BLW and get ready for finger foods. Day usually goes like this:

730 wake up
830 5 oz milk
9am porridge
1130 7 ounce bottle
1230 lunch- some home made concoction from Annabel Karmel normally
330- 7 ounce milk
5pm dinner
bed by 630-7, doesnt always want milk here, but will wake before 9pm as a rule and take 8 ounces.

I am at the moment using a sippy cup with water in at mealtimes, should I change this for milk?
Megan's dr told me to use water in sippy cup at mealtimes if she was getting 18oz a day or more.
i was told that i shouldnt give harriet bread / pasta (anythin with wheat) till she was at least 7 months...?

views on this?? she must be gettin really bored with fruit and veg!! x

I read the same about pasta too - 7months+

I am assuming she is not just on fruit/veg? What about meat/fish/yoghurt/cheese

i wrote that rather rubbish lol - makes me seem like im making harriet live on carrots!!

she has cereal for breakfast, then lunch and dinner which will be chicken / beef and vegetables, then a fruit puree or petit filous (which she actually cant get enough of - loves em!)
I've started to give her finger foods too like bits of fruit, she has biscotti biscuits (i kno they say 7 months but she grinds them down with her teeth n loves them) erm... cant remember what else!

what fish can she have? i know tuna has to be in water? and also cheese, like bits of cheese or cheese in things?

Oh im so confused...!! sometimes i think it would be sooo much easier just to give her jars everday!
Connor has been on one meal a day for about two weeks now. When should I add in a second meal?
For the people who started weaning at 4 months how much were your lo eating at this age? He could easily eat a whole jar but I'm not sure if thats too much food.
ive always let rhys eat as much as he wants hun so if he wants the jar let him have it id say!! as long as it doesnt effect his milk intake too much xx
I'm getting nowhere fast with this lump problem.
Some days she can eat them fine and others she just pukes everywhere - everything she's eaten.

Last night she had a heinz biscotti which she has had before with no problems cos they melt in the mouth.
But last night she tried to swallow some before it had chance to melt and she just puked.

I keep telling myself she will do it when she's ready and not to worry but it's so frustrating.
She doesn't eat half as much solids as she should either. Just a few spoons here and there.

Just a bit fed up and frustrated. Thanks for letting me get it off my chest!
I'm getting nowhere fast with this lump problem.
Some days she can eat them fine and others she just pukes everywhere - everything she's eaten.

Last night she had a heinz biscotti which she has had before with no problems cos they melt in the mouth.
But last night she tried to swallow some before it had chance to melt and she just puked.

I keep telling myself she will do it when she's ready and not to worry but it's so frustrating.
She doesn't eat half as much solids as she should either. Just a few spoons here and there.

Just a bit fed up and frustrated. Thanks for letting me get it off my chest!


Omar is good with lumps & finger food. But for the past 3 days he's been gagging & throwing up all what he ate. I'm sticking to fruit jars, porridge, yoghurt & fromage frais for few days. I think it's teething, this is why he's finding it difficult to swallow lumpy food.
Well I had a better day yesterday.
I went back to textured food - not runny puree - and gave food a good 2 hours after her bottle.
She ate 3 good meals (for her), had all of her bottles and kept everything down.

This morning, she has refused her yoghurt breakfast but is really tired so I think that may be the problem.
I'll keep away from lumps for now and maybe try again in a couple of weeks!
I'm getting nowhere fast with this lump problem.
Some days she can eat them fine and others she just pukes everywhere - everything she's eaten.

Last night she had a heinz biscotti which she has had before with no problems cos they melt in the mouth.
But last night she tried to swallow some before it had chance to melt and she just puked.

I keep telling myself she will do it when she's ready and not to worry but it's so frustrating.
She doesn't eat half as much solids as she should either. Just a few spoons here and there.

Just a bit fed up and frustrated. Thanks for letting me get it off my chest!

Zach had problems with lumps it took me ages but i just kept trying (not forcing him) and after every mouthful i would be really entusiastic telling him how clever he was and making yummy noises and showing him how to chew he soon got used to them and now will eat most lumps! But those Biscotti biscuits always make him sick he will bite chew and swallow but always bring it all back up!!
Connor tried to feed himself tonight :haha:
Yummy Oatmeal (porridge) with pears!


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oh ladies lottie-may is going to be 4 months next week ive been buying bits and pieces sticking them in the cupboard ready for when we start weaning but im so scared what if she chokes when we get to finger food stage i feel sick with worry i brought one of them food feeders today from smyths toy store £2.99 and the replacement covers £1.99 so im getting myself prepared for the road ahead of me you all seem to be doing well and know when to start everyone keeps saying 6 months but i dont know because she always seems hungry aqnyway will speek to hv wednesday.xx
Hi Lottiemay!

Don't fret about the finger foods stage. Whilst I've mainly traditionally weaned, Mairi's always been allowed wee bit's like the carrot stick crisps and wee rice cakes you get from Boots. She sooks on them until they're soft enough and then manages to chew them no problem. It's really daunting from the start. We managed to get to 5 months with Mairi. I know folk who started at 4 months without problems, but the HV will try and get you to wait till 6 months. Good luck when the time rolls round, weaning's great fun really!
i think the best thing i have done so far is to make up purees in ice cube trays and then put them in freezer bags. that way rhys can have sweede peas carrots and parsnip for his tea lol.

anybody else got any tips or ideas? xx

I would've never thought to do this!! How great!!
i think the best thing i have done so far is to make up purees in ice cube trays and then put them in freezer bags. that way rhys can have sweede peas carrots and parsnip for his tea lol.

anybody else got any tips or ideas? xx

I would've never thought to do this!! How great!!

hehe its so easy once uve made a big batch :) x
Hi everyone :hi:

I'm really hoping someone will be able to help me. My DD is just over 9 months old and has stopped eating solids for the last 3 days. She isn't teething, isn't sick and is otherwise happy. I contacted my HV and she said that she may be on "hunger strike". Has anyone else had this problem at all and if so how long does it last? She is a very tiny baby anyway and eats very little in comparison to most babies but now she is just opening her mouth for food and spitting it straight back out. I'm so worried about her. :cry:

I started her on solids at 6 months and she took to them fine with no problem. However at just before 9 months she started to reject all cereals and won't eat lumps of any sort. She'll eat toast and more solid food if I pop it in her mouth but won't actually feed weird is that? :wacko:

Introduction to solids was supposed to be fun but I'm finding it sooooo stressful. I don't let her see that though as I know it can make the situation worse. :sad2:
Hi everyone :hi:

I'm really hoping someone will be able to help me. My DD is just over 9 months old and has stopped eating solids for the last 3 days. She isn't teething, isn't sick and is otherwise happy. I contacted my HV and she said that she may be on "hunger strike". Has anyone else had this problem at all and if so how long does it last? She is a very tiny baby anyway and eats very little in comparison to most babies but now she is just opening her mouth for food and spitting it straight back out. I'm so worried about her. :cry:

I started her on solids at 6 months and she took to them fine with no problem. However at just before 9 months she started to reject all cereals and won't eat lumps of any sort. She'll eat toast and more solid food if I pop it in her mouth but won't actually feed weird is that? :wacko:

Introduction to solids was supposed to be fun but I'm finding it sooooo stressful. I don't let her see that though as I know it can make the situation worse. :sad2:

sorry i havent got anyhting to say that will help as i havent been through a stage like this with my LO yet. hope one of the other ladies can help u hun xxx
Hi everyone :hi:

I'm really hoping someone will be able to help me. My DD is just over 9 months old and has stopped eating solids for the last 3 days. She isn't teething, isn't sick and is otherwise happy. I contacted my HV and she said that she may be on "hunger strike". Has anyone else had this problem at all and if so how long does it last? She is a very tiny baby anyway and eats very little in comparison to most babies but now she is just opening her mouth for food and spitting it straight back out. I'm so worried about her. :cry:

I started her on solids at 6 months and she took to them fine with no problem. However at just before 9 months she started to reject all cereals and won't eat lumps of any sort. She'll eat toast and more solid food if I pop it in her mouth but won't actually feed weird is that? :wacko:

Introduction to solids was supposed to be fun but I'm finding it sooooo stressful. I don't let her see that though as I know it can make the situation worse. :sad2:

Omar doesnt feed himself. & all of a sudden started to gag when I give him cereals. I think their taste buds develop while growing up, this is why they start rejecting food they took before. :shrug:

I also cut finger food & feed him with my hands. It's exhausting, but this is the only way I can get some food into his tummy. There is a growth spurt at 9 mnths & it's major. Mine goes off food during growth spurts, & gets fuzzy over food. xx

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