twin mamas to be when are you due and what/who are you having?

I'm 28 1/2 weeks and just did my GD test last week. I was just informed this morning that I failed.

They want me below a 7.8 and I was a 9 something so I guess only slightly elevated but now I have to do the 2 hr fasting one. Blah.

Anyone who's done it already did you fail the first but pass the second? I've heard that's common and since my levels only slightly high I'm hoping that will be the case.

I failed the first but easily passed the 2hr. 2hr is much more accurate.
So I think I've seriously started nesting! I got up this morning wanting to tidy the kitchen and move some baby things from the nursery into the living room (readying the house for babies! Yay!) and those 2 tasks turned into a massive day of cleaning and organizing. I completely decluttering my living room, gut cleaned my kitchen and moved a lot of baby stuff around as well as packed up my car with a low of stuf to move into storage. Granted i was stopping regularly to sit or lay down but I kept finding more things to do. And I've got a list of more things I want to try to do tomorrow. Will see if I feel up to it after today. Might spend tomorrow in bed!

Hope this nesting thing doesn't mean babies are coming soon...

I have been feeling this way too, but am not doing the work myself. I employed dh and some of our older ones, my girls especially have been enjoying helping organise for babies.

We got our crib set up, organized and pretty. Dressers painted watermelon pink, we lined the drawers with fun scrapbooking paper prints, and all the little clothes washed and in the drawers. Today we are organising dresses in their closet. We also organised the bigger sizes in totes and marked for size. Dh has a bunch of assembling to do, swings, stroller, bouncy chairs and get new infant seats set up and installed. But my bag is packed and in the van, yay! So hoping we won't have to use it for another month. :D

I've been knitting and crocheting like mad, it helps me to rest but gets my nesting needs satisfied!
so.....much.....PAIN!!!!! :haha:

how are you ladies doing?
Pain! Haha seriously lots! I'm actually doing better than I thought I'd be at 31 weeks (tomorrow! Yay!) but I have a lot of pain at night. My hips an lower and are super sore!

Had a doc apt today though and heartbeats are nice and strong. Babies are moving a lot, no diabetes :)happydance:) and starting every other week apts now. I think I get ultrasounds at every apt now too which I'm happy about!

Last day of work tomorrow!!!! Soooooo happy for that! I'm a bit sad leaving the family (I work as a nanny and have been with this family for 3 1/2 years) but I'm physically so ready to be done working and so excited to take care of my own babies!

Hopefully these little munchkins stay in there baking another 6-8 weeks and give me plenty of time to rest and finish up all my "nesting"! :haha:
awww, cute bump pic - congrats on passing hte glucose and your last day of work!!! yay!
So excited for you all! It's fun to watch the next round of twin mommies :)
Wanted to share my 22 week bump pic from the gender reveal Saturday <3

Hope everyone is doin' well!


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I was in the shower at the gym today, and my foot slipped out a few inches to the side. I quickly pulled it back in, so it wasn't a fall or anything, but WOW - the pelvic pain from the SPD at this point - talk about PAIN!! I cried, oh my, I cried!! :blush: Just that little movement to the side and back hurt worse than most of my two previous labors. I will be sooooo glad once pregnancy's over and SPD dies down - then I can walk in stores again, go for a walk, kick, put on clothes without sitting down, spread my legs a bit, etc - as much as I'm terrified of taking care of so many little kids, at least I'll be able to move once the SPD's gone, right? :haha:

Hope everyone's doing okay. :flower:
Hi! I'm 29 weeks and due in November but my doctor wants to take them by c-section on October 28 at 37 weeks. We are having twin girls.

I also failed my first GD test (My score was 10.0) took the second 2 hour one and should hear today at my doctors appointment the results of that one.

Pregnancy so far has been uneventful....discomforts are itching, tons of bh, and carpal tunnel.
I am 33 weeks today with identical girls! My dr will induce or schedule a c-section for 10/1. It's coming soooo fast! Hopefully, both girls will be head down when I go for my ultrasound tomorrow fingers crossed :). I am on bed rest due to my cervix starting to shorten. Hopefully it has not gotten shorter! Best wishes to all of you :)
fides - have you tried seeing a chiropractor for your spd yet?

It's been an absolutely lifesaver for me!

That I am still upright, fully mobile and pretty well pain free at this point is nothing short of a miracle as far as I'm concerned lol. Things got REALLY bad there for awhile, but after prodding from my OB I relented. They did a simple hip adjustment that quite frankly CHANGED. MY. LIFE.

There's absolutely no reason you should have to just live with that pain!
Messica - cute gender reveal!

Welcome new twin mamas! :)

Awful aches and pains...mine got REALLY bad for about a week due to babyies positions but then I guess they loved because I've been better ever since. Hope yours lets up. Look into chiropractor or physical therapy maybe? Might be able to help

I'm 32 weeks today!! :happydance:

I'm on my first week of mat leave now. It's weird not working but also such a huge relief. So great to be able to lay down and rest whenever I need it. And so good to be home getting things done and ready when I can.

Anyone experiencing menstral like cramping in 3rd trimester? I thought it was BHs but I've heard those make your belly contract rock hard and these aren't doing that. Just feel crampy like the start of my period. Blah. Anyway that's what had me up at 6:40 am unable to sleep.

Is everyone in here planning on a c section? Anyone planning to try for a vaginally birth? After a lot of research and discussion with DH and my doula I'm thinking I really want to try for a natural unmedicated vaginal delivery. I know, I'm nuts! lol
My doctor is pushing an epidural but told me it is my decision. I feel so strongly that our bodies are made for labor and delivery and that the best thing for me and babies is to deliver naturally without drugs. It's hard to find twin moms who have gone this route but they're out there and their stories are amazing. Anyway, all that's been on my mind lately. Have an ultrasound on monday so we'll see if my baby Brooke is head down and cooperating. If she's breech we may be going c section anyway!
MamaMac, if the babies are presenting favourably, I want to try vaginally. My only worry is that from my reading it sounds like uterus muscles can get so stretched and tired by twin pregnancies that even though we are, as you say, made for labour, they might just not have the strength left to push the babies out!!
Ladies i'm part of a group on FB which is about birthing multiples naturally. They are all for the vaginal, unmedicated route. A little too much sometimes (very sad story just been posted the other day when something went wrong) but 99% very positive and some amazing birthing pictures, but still very informative group. It's very much aimed at the USA, although there are a few UK ladies, but our system is different to USA. If you would like a link pm me and i'll send it - you have to be approved to join and message the admin and prove you are a having multiples. Like i say if you want to join i'll send the link via pm. x
I'm a ways away but I hope to deliver vaginally, as long as baby a is head down (ideally both will be) but I will be medicated. I have the lowest pain tolerance ever and that may make me the biggest wimp but the thought of Unmedicated scares the heck out of me.
Mamamac. I've been having menstrual type pains, well I did have some days/weeks back quite a few times, never had them really in pregnancy in the other trimesters, they are not super strong but they can be annoying. Told GP and OB, both said it was normal from all the weight and stretching down there X
Haha I may be a total wimp as well! I keep joking that I'll probably be begging for the epidural at 2 cm! And honestly I'm totally open to the epidural if I decide I want it I just don't want to be forced into it just because it's twins. However the more I hear about internal version (where the doc sticks his hand up in there to flip baby B if they're beech) the more I start thinking maybe I do want that epidural. It's supposed to be crazy painful! I guess for me I just want to see how I handle labor. This is my first pregnancy so I have no idea how I'll feel in labor. I just want to be informed and keep as many options open as I can.

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