thanks everyone!
jenni - I told everyone after my mc that I was going to have twins next, I then started looking at twin related stuff when I ovulated because my chart looked strange this time round. My ovulation dip stayed down for two days and although everywhere I searched and read said it wasn't anything I thought back then that it could be two eggs being released!
2 days before I think af was meant to be due I got really bad cramps which lasted a few weeks.
I then got violently sick very quick, which only lasted a few weeks, I thought I was going to mc again up until my scan because all my symptoms went away. I think the real morning sickness has just started up now though, its awful!
I brought the next size up in pants at about 5 - 5 and a half weeks.
I felt a lot of pressure in my pelvic region, not sore but just a fulll feeling, kinda stretched like hard to explain.
I had a vivid dream about having twin girls a few weeks ago and then a few days before the scan I dreamt they actually found triplets!(I posted in the may 2012 thread about my dreams well before my scan!!! also all my symptoms daily if you want to see how I was feeling)
I kept seeing twins everywhere I looked......could all just be a coincedence though.
Oh's grandma rang me to say she had a dream we were having triplets.