Yesturday u/s showed I had 2 19 mm follicles and he wants me to do my ovidrel shot tomorrow at 8pm is that to long to wait ?? Isn't 19mm a good size ??
I'm just nervous I may according to my opk ov before tomorrow and I was told not to do my inj if my opk is positive
I always thought opk's just tell u if u release the Lh hormone doesn't totally mean u dropped an egg right?
And the ovidrel inj ensures the mature follicle will release the egg ?
So many questions sorry
Before they would give me my shot, i had to have between 1 and 4 follicles at 18mm-24mm so 19mm today sounds perfect for a shot tomorrow. Good luck xxx
Thanks, I did the shot thrusday and we've been BDing like crazy wanna catch one of those eggs !! I read that the egg will drop usually 36 hours after the inj ??? Any one else heard that before?
i did my hcg injection the day after my u/s showed a 16 and 17mm follies (any a bunch of smaller ones). i was also worried that it was too early but i think they also go off of the E2 levels...
we are doing IUI and our clinic does it 36hrs after the shot. so yes, that is the time frame i have heard of.....
19mm is a good size. My doc wouldn't give me my HCG shot until they were atleast 19. Thankfully I had 4 follicles! 20.8, 20.6 19.4 and 19. I also had two 17s. Hope this is your month.
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