Two week wait suckks.. (TTC#1)

Miracleshappen I am sorry to hear this...but at least you are staying positive. Next month will be your month i'm sure :) And Ashley's too :),

Essexgal...well surely it is a good thing af isn't here're still in with a chance (some women get their bfp later than others).

Maybesoon...i'm trying over in 1st tri but like you say not really fitting in! Have tried to start threads etc but not really getting much response.

COME ON GIRLIES YOU NEED TO JOIN US IN 1ST TRIMESTER!! ...lonely there without you :)

:dust: x

Ah I wanna join you guys so bad! I am hoping sept is mine and miracles month!

Miracles I am so sorry. :( That stupid :witch: is terrible. She has been so awful to me this month. I am so glad she is on her way out finally! I was hoping you would get to move to first trimester but since your not i am totally okay with you hanging out with me and me and you making our way to first trimester next month. I know we will!!!!!

essexgal- any sign of af yet? thats a good sign if not!
I just know you girls will join us very very soon!!!! Geme & I need yall over in First Trimester!!!!

Stay positive girls, as hard as it is.... Make sure you're having fun with it. I really think if you & your partner go at it from a fun outlook then your body will respond "positively"!!!
I just know you girls will join us very very soon!!!! Geme & I need yall over in First Trimester!!!!

Stay positive girls, as hard as it is.... Make sure you're having fun with it. I really think if you & your partner go at it from a fun outlook then your body will respond "positively"!!!

At this point we have put "baby" making out of the picture. We are just going to :sex: whenever we are feeling up too it and not just because i am ovulating. Practiced for it last night and things seemed so much more relaxed and 10 times better. So hopefully this method will work. Fingers Crossed
Sounds like a really great plan Ashley!!! Fingers Crossed for ya!!!
Miracleshappen I am sorry to hear this...but at least you are staying positive. Next month will be your month i'm sure :) And Ashley's too :),

Essexgal...well surely it is a good thing af isn't here're still in with a chance (some women get their bfp later than others).

Maybesoon...i'm trying over in 1st tri but like you say not really fitting in! Have tried to start threads etc but not really getting much response.

COME ON GIRLIES YOU NEED TO JOIN US IN 1ST TRIMESTER!! ...lonely there without you :)

:dust: x

We will both be there soon!!! We will miss you ladies too much to not get a :bfp: in September, right Ashley?! :thumbup:
hi ladies im not getting my hopes up have been late before and would have thought the tests would have picked something up. tmi alert i went to the toilet today and as wiped noticed this cm was quite alot not had anything like that in the past.
Ugh why does this have to be so stinkin hard?? I was strangely calm about it all this morning but can't help but sit and cry for the moment. I'm not necessarily upset about this one particular cycle, more upset over the looming feeling that it won't happen for us. I have always had the suspicion and I totally believe in trusting your gut. Why would I have spent the entire time, since I've been old enough to comprehend having children, feeling like I wouldnt be able to if there wasn't truth to it?? I was so hoping it would just happen during our time NTNP and prove me wrong. I keep trying to remind myself even perfectly healthy couples take about 5 months to conceive, even if things are perfect, and this will only be month three. My head knows to just relax but my gut feeling is taking over yet again and I dont think it will happen. I feel like it's my fault as well. I'm to blame here. I was all okay with it until I got home with DF and I'm just so so sad because I know how much he wants it too and how much I'm sure he is pained by the truth behind my telling him I can't have children. Nobody ever said this is so heart wrenching. I read today that fertility problems are right behind the stress and emotional toll of losing a loved one and I believe it. It's hard like nothing I've ever experienced and I'm just starting out.

My pity party is over. On the bright side I get to chat with Ash for another few weeks and we get to have lots of fun BDing! Thanks to all of you ladies for sticking around and just being there when we need to vent. You're awesome!! Again so happy for those of you who will be having spring babies! :)
Awww Miracle... My heart is breaking for you. I wish there was more I could do for you. I know what you are talking about. My dh & I started having some issues just before I got my BFP. I wasn't sure if we were gonna be able to pull through. But it was just the both of us stressing. Me wanting a baby & worried I couldn't & him wanting to give me my baby & worried it was him. I know it's hard but try to remember why the 2 of you are together. Try doing something different this month. Go on a date, have a picnic, noting too too big, just something little for the 2 of you.

Hang in there, your day is just around the corner & when it gets here all of this will have been worth it!!!! Hugs.
Awww Miracle... My heart is breaking for you. I wish there was more I could do for you. I know what you are talking about. My dh & I started having some issues just before I got my BFP. I wasn't sure if we were gonna be able to pull through. But it was just the both of us stressing. Me wanting a baby & worried I couldn't & him wanting to give me my baby & worried it was him. I know it's hard but try to remember why the 2 of you are together. Try doing something different this month. Go on a date, have a picnic, noting too too big, just something little for the 2 of you.

Hang in there, your day is just around the corner & when it gets here all of this will have been worth it!!!! Hugs.

Thank you so much! :hugs: It's times like these when I know for sure it was a good decision becoming a part of this website because you ladies understand like nobody else and I couldn't ask for a more supportive group!! I'm feeling MUCH better this morning. I don't usually like to cry but I didnt want to hold it in. I knew if I would let it out I could move on and get back into a good mind set for this upcoming month!!

Have you been having any more luck in first tri yet? How have you been feeling?!
Thank you so much! :hugs: It's times like these when I know for sure it was a good decision becoming a part of this website because you ladies understand like nobody else and I couldn't ask for a more supportive group!! I'm feeling MUCH better this morning. I don't usually like to cry but I didnt want to hold it in. I knew if I would let it out I could move on and get back into a good mind set for this upcoming month!!

Have you been having any more luck in first tri yet? How have you been feeling?!
Good to hear you are in better spirits this am! I also don't like to cry, but I agree letting it out & not holding it in is probably the best thing you can do at this point. I know at times I just wanted to beat the crap out of something I was getting so frustrated. I knew it wasn't good for me to feel that way, but I couldn't help it.

Hang in there girl. You can do this!

As for first tri, I did join a group of April babies. They seem to be ok, but not really connecting with them like I did all of you! Most of them are on there 2, 3 & even 4th pregnancies & didn't have the problems conceiving like all of us. So there really isn't much of a connection there. I'm feeling pretty good, just mostly tired. Thankfully no morning sickness (yet) (knocking on wood)!!! But my OBGYN told me yesterday that if I do get it to get some unisom B sleep aide over the counter & take it at night & that should help with the nausea (nice to know) and it's completely safe! I've had abdominal pains off & on, nothing too bad & they did freak me out a little, but the doc says all is good & I'll be having them (it's all normal). So that made me feel tons better. Thanks for asking...

Hope you have a great day!
Ugh why does this have to be so stinkin hard?? I was strangely calm about it all this morning but can't help but sit and cry for the moment. I'm not necessarily upset about this one particular cycle, more upset over the looming feeling that it won't happen for us. I have always had the suspicion and I totally believe in trusting your gut. Why would I have spent the entire time, since I've been old enough to comprehend having children, feeling like I wouldnt be able to if there wasn't truth to it?? I was so hoping it would just happen during our time NTNP and prove me wrong. I keep trying to remind myself even perfectly healthy couples take about 5 months to conceive, even if things are perfect, and this will only be month three. My head knows to just relax but my gut feeling is taking over yet again and I dont think it will happen. I feel like it's my fault as well. I'm to blame here. I was all okay with it until I got home with DF and I'm just so so sad because I know how much he wants it too and how much I'm sure he is pained by the truth behind my telling him I can't have children. Nobody ever said this is so heart wrenching. I read today that fertility problems are right behind the stress and emotional toll of losing a loved one and I believe it. It's hard like nothing I've ever experienced and I'm just starting out.

My pity party is over. On the bright side I get to chat with Ash for another few weeks and we get to have lots of fun BDing! Thanks to all of you ladies for sticking around and just being there when we need to vent. You're awesome!! Again so happy for those of you who will be having spring babies! :)

I completely know how you feel. I haven't been trying as long as you but it still hurt so completely bad to know this month wasn't our month. esp when you have done everything you could do but it didn't happen. you are going to be an amazing parent and it is going to happen for you. your little bean is just waiting for the perfect time to stick. its hard and it sucks but i will be here with you next month and next month will be our month! we deserve it and we will have it..

did af ever come on full force?
Ugh why does this have to be so stinkin hard?? I was strangely calm about it all this morning but can't help but sit and cry for the moment. I'm not necessarily upset about this one particular cycle, more upset over the looming feeling that it won't happen for us. I have always had the suspicion and I totally believe in trusting your gut. Why would I have spent the entire time, since I've been old enough to comprehend having children, feeling like I wouldnt be able to if there wasn't truth to it?? I was so hoping it would just happen during our time NTNP and prove me wrong. I keep trying to remind myself even perfectly healthy couples take about 5 months to conceive, even if things are perfect, and this will only be month three. My head knows to just relax but my gut feeling is taking over yet again and I dont think it will happen. I feel like it's my fault as well. I'm to blame here. I was all okay with it until I got home with DF and I'm just so so sad because I know how much he wants it too and how much I'm sure he is pained by the truth behind my telling him I can't have children. Nobody ever said this is so heart wrenching. I read today that fertility problems are right behind the stress and emotional toll of losing a loved one and I believe it. It's hard like nothing I've ever experienced and I'm just starting out.

My pity party is over. On the bright side I get to chat with Ash for another few weeks and we get to have lots of fun BDing! Thanks to all of you ladies for sticking around and just being there when we need to vent. You're awesome!! Again so happy for those of you who will be having spring babies! :)

Oh love I am sorry to see you were so upset :( but I understand how you feel.
I am only 26 and dh is 30 so I thought we would get pregnant straight away. I hoped we would. It took 5 cycles to get there in the end. I had been on the contraceptive pill for pretty much all of 12 years (we are childhood sweethearts), so I always worried that it would effect my fertility, even though the dr assured me it wouldn't.
You assume it will be so seems easy for the people who don't try and accidentally get pregnant! But in reality, as you say it can take couples with no fertility problems up to 1 year to conceive and this is still classed as normal.

I'm sure you are worrying about nothing and this will be your month. Are you doing anything to increase your chances? Like preseed (I swear by was the first month we used it we got our bfp) I hear softcups are meant to be good too. Also cutting down alcohol and eating more greens etc. Taking vitamins (him, not just you), sex positions (him on top is meant to be a good one - it's the one we did) keeping your bum up after sex.
And enjoy it :)

You probably know all of this...and as I say this will be your month, and Ashleys and Essexgal :) keep positive xx :dust:
hi ladies a quick update still no sign af is now 4days late gonna do a test tomorow morning. DH brought a newspaper today i was looking through and read the horoscopes on hes its said couples will receive some longed for baby news:shrug:
hi ladies a quick update still no sign af is now 4days late gonna do a test tomorow morning. DH brought a newspaper today i was looking through and read the horoscopes on hes its said couples will receive some longed for baby news:shrug:

Ooooh I totally believe in signs...a couple days before I got mine a car drove past with the numberplate I believe!

GOOD LUCK! Let us know how you get on xx
hi ladies a quick update still no sign af is now 4days late gonna do a test tomorow morning. DH brought a newspaper today i was looking through and read the horoscopes on hes its said couples will receive some longed for baby news:shrug:

Ooooh I totally believe in signs...a couple days before I got mine a car drove past with the numberplate I believe!

GOOD LUCK! Let us know how you get on xx
thats what i thought when i read it i rembered reading about ur number plate will do and thankyouxx:thumbup:
Good to hear you are in better spirits this am! I also don't like to cry, but I agree letting it out & not holding it in is probably the best thing you can do at this point. I know at times I just wanted to beat the crap out of something I was getting so frustrated. I knew it wasn't good for me to feel that way, but I couldn't help it.

Hang in there girl. You can do this!

As for first tri, I did join a group of April babies. They seem to be ok, but not really connecting with them like I did all of you! Most of them are on there 2, 3 & even 4th pregnancies & didn't have the problems conceiving like all of us. So there really isn't much of a connection there. I'm feeling pretty good, just mostly tired. Thankfully no morning sickness (yet) (knocking on wood)!!! But my OBGYN told me yesterday that if I do get it to get some unisom B sleep aide over the counter & take it at night & that should help with the nausea (nice to know) and it's completely safe! I've had abdominal pains off & on, nothing too bad & they did freak me out a little, but the doc says all is good & I'll be having them (it's all normal). So that made me feel tons better. Thanks for asking...

Hope you have a great day!

I am very glad to hear that things are going smoothly for you!! Hope they stay that way and I certainly hope you don't have to go through any morning sickness! I've never heard the Unisom thing but that is very interesting! Your little ticker is so cute! It's amazing to think your baby is only the size of an apple seed but is already developing major organs! So so cool!!

I have also heard that cramping is perfectly normal so don't stress! Relax and enjoy these 9 months, you so deserve it!!!
I completely know how you feel. I haven't been trying as long as you but it still hurt so completely bad to know this month wasn't our month. esp when you have done everything you could do but it didn't happen. you are going to be an amazing parent and it is going to happen for you. your little bean is just waiting for the perfect time to stick. its hard and it sucks but i will be here with you next month and next month will be our month! we deserve it and we will have it..

did af ever come on full force?

I agree! It sucks so much knowing things were timed perfectly and it still didn't happen. That's what I have trouble coming to terms with because it makes me feel like something is truly wrong. Well, I've always felt this way but now it feels confirmed. I'm trying to be patient and wait until at least December and if it still hasn't happened then be worried but I can't help but worry now. Two months we for sure DTD on O and nothing. I might test early because even though a :bfp: from a chemical is devastating I think it would ease my mind if I were to get one because I would know I am ovulating and my tubes aren't blocked or anything (I read way too much on infertility :dohh:)

AF did come in full force, and it has been so much stronger than the last 4-5 months it seems like. The cramps haven't been as bad but it seems like much much more uterine lining has been shed this month as well :shrug: Just wish this would mean things are in working order. But in all honesty I have no idea what would cause this. You're done with AF right? WOOHOO if so!! And just a week more until the big O time!! Hope we both manage to catch it with perfect timing again this month! :thumbup:
Oh love I am sorry to see you were so upset :( but I understand how you feel.
I am only 26 and dh is 30 so I thought we would get pregnant straight away. I hoped we would. It took 5 cycles to get there in the end. I had been on the contraceptive pill for pretty much all of 12 years (we are childhood sweethearts), so I always worried that it would effect my fertility, even though the dr assured me it wouldn't.
You assume it will be so seems easy for the people who don't try and accidentally get pregnant! But in reality, as you say it can take couples with no fertility problems up to 1 year to conceive and this is still classed as normal.

I'm sure you are worrying about nothing and this will be your month. Are you doing anything to increase your chances? Like preseed (I swear by was the first month we used it we got our bfp) I hear softcups are meant to be good too. Also cutting down alcohol and eating more greens etc. Taking vitamins (him, not just you), sex positions (him on top is meant to be a good one - it's the one we did) keeping your bum up after sex.
And enjoy it :)

You probably know all of this...and as I say this will be your month, and Ashleys and Essexgal :) keep positive xx :dust:

Thank you a ton for all the support! It means a lot to me!! Especially since you ladies already got your :bfp:s, you could have been of here but you've stuck around to continue encouraging us and that means the world to me! I'm only 21 and DF is 22, we are young but since I've always felt it would be tough for me I wanted to start early so we will have plenty of time to hopefully come up with a plan/solution. It's definitely hard being young because you have it set in your mind that it will happen no problem. I know sooooo many of my friends who have had babies at a young age and by accident so it's crazy to try so hard for it and still not get it. Grr.

I don't like wasting away a month without a plan but before last month I was on Vitex every month and I wanted to give my body some time to try things on it's own. I take a multivitamin but just ordered prenatals instead, see if the change makes a difference. I've considered pressed but I used Robitussin before BD up to 1DPO and it seemed to work wonders! We will use that and SMEP again this month. I always make it a point to lie down for 10-15 minutes after as well. I don't drink or use tobacco, he does both occasionally but is supposed to try and stop chewing. So besides preseed is there anything you did differently you think might have helped? I'm up for anything! Even superstitions :haha: And how are you feeling?? Everything coming along okay? Hope to be joining you all in another thread soon!
Oh love I am sorry to see you were so upset :( but I understand how you feel.
I am only 26 and dh is 30 so I thought we would get pregnant straight away. I hoped we would. It took 5 cycles to get there in the end. I had been on the contraceptive pill for pretty much all of 12 years (we are childhood sweethearts), so I always worried that it would effect my fertility, even though the dr assured me it wouldn't.
You assume it will be so seems easy for the people who don't try and accidentally get pregnant! But in reality, as you say it can take couples with no fertility problems up to 1 year to conceive and this is still classed as normal.

I'm sure you are worrying about nothing and this will be your month. Are you doing anything to increase your chances? Like preseed (I swear by was the first month we used it we got our bfp) I hear softcups are meant to be good too. Also cutting down alcohol and eating more greens etc. Taking vitamins (him, not just you), sex positions (him on top is meant to be a good one - it's the one we did) keeping your bum up after sex.
And enjoy it :)

You probably know all of this...and as I say this will be your month, and Ashleys and Essexgal :) keep positive xx :dust:

Thank you a ton for all the support! It means a lot to me!! Especially since you ladies already got your :bfp:s, you could have been of here but you've stuck around to continue encouraging us and that means the world to me! I'm only 21 and DF is 22, we are young but since I've always felt it would be tough for me I wanted to start early so we will have plenty of time to hopefully come up with a plan/solution. It's definitely hard being young because you have it set in your mind that it will happen no problem. I know sooooo many of my friends who have had babies at a young age and by accident so it's crazy to try so hard for it and still not get it. Grr.

I don't like wasting away a month without a plan but before last month I was on Vitex every month and I wanted to give my body some time to try things on it's own. I take a multivitamin but just ordered prenatals instead, see if the change makes a difference. I've considered pressed but I used Robitussin before BD up to 1DPO and it seemed to work wonders! We will use that and SMEP again this month. I always make it a point to lie down for 10-15 minutes after as well. I don't drink or use tobacco, he does both occasionally but is supposed to try and stop chewing. So besides preseed is there anything you did differently you think might have helped? I'm up for anything! Even superstitions :haha: And how are you feeling?? Everything coming along okay? Hope to be joining you all in another thread soon!

No we are all in this together. You all helped me during my tww so i'm sticking around!
Check out my thread
I wrote all the things I did in here. It may help, you never know. Plus I think if things haven't worked so far (although they say it is perfectly normal so don't worry!) then perhaps try something different this month? I never thought of using lubrication, never thought I needed to, but heard so many good things about preseed that last cycle when af showed up I thought stuff it i'm going for it. Worth a go, can't do any harm :)

Good luck, keep us updated :)

Me, well i'm ok thank you (5 weeks tomorrow!) occasional cramping, mainly in lower back when I have been doing too much. Eases off when I sit down. Some feelings in my stomach, pulling/twinges but nothing bad. Feel sicky at times, but nothing major and not been sick. I'm hungrier than usual. And my bbs are fuller and tender, but nothing I can't put up with. So far so good :)
I completely know how you feel. I haven't been trying as long as you but it still hurt so completely bad to know this month wasn't our month. esp when you have done everything you could do but it didn't happen. you are going to be an amazing parent and it is going to happen for you. your little bean is just waiting for the perfect time to stick. its hard and it sucks but i will be here with you next month and next month will be our month! we deserve it and we will have it..

did af ever come on full force?

I agree! It sucks so much knowing things were timed perfectly and it still didn't happen. That's what I have trouble coming to terms with because it makes me feel like something is truly wrong. Well, I've always felt this way but now it feels confirmed. I'm trying to be patient and wait until at least December and if it still hasn't happened then be worried but I can't help but worry now. Two months we for sure DTD on O and nothing. I might test early because even though a :bfp: from a chemical is devastating I think it would ease my mind if I were to get one because I would know I am ovulating and my tubes aren't blocked or anything (I read way too much on infertility :dohh:)

AF did come in full force, and it has been so much stronger than the last 4-5 months it seems like. The cramps haven't been as bad but it seems like much much more uterine lining has been shed this month as well :shrug: Just wish this would mean things are in working order. But in all honesty I have no idea what would cause this. You're done with AF right? WOOHOO if so!! And just a week more until the big O time!! Hope we both manage to catch it with perfect timing again this month! :thumbup:

I am finally done with AF. We have been just letting things flow naturally. I am not going to tell my bf when I am ovulating this month. Idk if thats wrong or not. I mean we both agree to try for a baby I just don't want to add anymore pressure to him. I did buy the month supply of OPK just to take. but I am not going to get worked all up over it. I want to keep things as stress free as possible which is hard considering my job has been nothing but stress. :dohh: :growlmad:

At least if you are oing isn't that a good sign? I don't know much about ttc all these things I thought I knew was nothing compared to all the things that really goes along with it. I mean I always though if I had sex I was automatically going to get preggo. I mean thats basically what they teach you in school. Its most def not like that at all. Someone should sue these people. haha Seriously though its going to happen for us soon. Maybe you are going to get a Christmas BFP I seriously hope youd ont have to wait that long but I was thinking over the weekend that everything is timed so perfectly. And things in my life over the past year has just fell into place so perfectly and on their own not when i wanted them too. so maybe thats the case for my bfp maybe it is just waiting for the perfect time to fall into place.

Hope you af is on its way out and you can get to :sex:

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