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TWW starts today! Who's with me?!

Hi ladies.... I'm sorry I haven't posted for a couple of days..i feel guilty. Because on my first month of trying I have found out I am pregnant!!!! I tested yesterday at 9dpo and got a pink line! It was faint but easily visible. Have tested again today on another frer and another pink line and slightly darker. I am sooooo happy of course and in denial at the same time.... Me, pregnant??? Crazy!!! I hope it is ok to tell you girls at the mo as I know
You are having a bit of a hard time.
Sending you lots of love and baby dust that your dreams will come true very soon. xx

Woohoo! Congrats! Don't ever feel bad - we'll all get our turns.
H&H 9 months. Hopefully you are the first of us all.
Congrats Busy! Wishing you a h&h 9 months!
Come on ladies......who's next!?!?!
snow - :hugs: How long have you been trying? How many DPO are you?

We started TTC in June of 2011. I am currently 10dpo.

So basically I already know I am pretty much out this cycle. :cry: Good bye my dream of a 2012 baby. I got my results from my Progesterone test and they were still too low even with the 2 medicines I took so I have to go back to the OBGYN next week to get a new plan of action that will hopefully raise my Progesterone properly. I am going to test on Friday which I am 99.9% sure it will be BFN - then I stop the Prometrium and AF should show a few days later.
:hugs: snow. Sorry TTC has been so difficult for you. It doesn't seem fair sometimes does it? All those women who get pregnant who don't even want a child and here we are, willing to do anything. Frustrating. You will get your BFP snow, and we will all be here to celebrate and cry tears of joy with you!!!
Snowflake I am so sorry, that is gutting. :cry: Hopefully you will have that 2013 baby growing in you in 2012 :) - sooner rather than later. And Torres is right we're here for you just as you are here for us. :hugs::hugs:

So probably 9dpo for me. I had the most exciting amount of red tinged CM yesterday, thought it might even be IB. Today I had brown spotting on my panties (unfortunately) when I got home from work. Sooooo who knows. I am still hopeful but scared of the reality of how difficult this is.
tested on Monday but BFN - but I have tested way too early (just couldnt help myself) so might be still hope.

Congrats Bee and Snowflake keep your chin up! :thumbup:
onebump - it could most def be IB. FX'ed!!!! Are you still temping? How's that look for you?
Still no symptoms here, think AF is due in the next two days. Keep you posted.
Torres I didn't realise you were that close to AF, I so hope you are super fertile this month. Fx'd

I am temping, they have been funny, but above control line. Since returning to work I've been waking half an hour before my alarm, so take my temp, because I know I won't get the requisite rest to test at alarm time. However I'm convinced that makes my temps a wee bit lower than they would normally be.

I'm just up and down all the time, last night I was so positive and tonight, just scared. If I knew it would happen for me I would relax, knowing that it was on its way, but it's the not knowing. A wee bit of relaxation and visualisation at bed time should help settle me. :)

I think our thread need some :dust::dust:
So I think I'm out. I'm either 13dpo or 15dpo. Either way, a FRER should show if I'm preggo, and still stark white negative :(

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, or what I should do differently. I feel like a failure.

How long do you have to be TTC to get seen by a FS? I know it's usually a year, but I think if you're over 30 they take you sooner? I was so excited with my early BFP. But at least I figured "if it was that easy, it'll happen again" and it's just not. I feel like I lost my chance with my MC, and that now I'm sh*t outta luck.

Sorry for all the negativity. TTC doesn't bring out the best in me. I was fine until like, yesterday, and now I'm like let's either get this done, or start over. I hate this.
Hope - Sorry about the BFN. Personally, I am holding out as long as possible to see a FS because I don't have any fertility coverage so all my appts I have to pay 100% and the costs don't go towards my high deductible. Right now, I am being seen by my OBGYN and he defo knows his stuff so I will exhaust all options he has for me before I go to a FS. But I still have to pay 100% with him as well because he codes it as infertility but believe me it is much cheaper than the FS that I called and got prices on. Not only has this been a long journey for us but an expensive one as well. But it will be so worth it. I know here in US - they want you to TTC for 1 yr <35 yrs old and TTC 6 months >35 yrs old.

One bump - Chart is looking good girl! Maybe it's IB! Mine was brown with like darker threads in it that looked fiberous!

Shelly - Sorry for the BFN. Keep your head up!

Torres - Thanks so much hun. You made me smile with your post. FX AF doesn't show for you.

AFM, I'm testing tomorrow and don't really have any high hopes. Awe well!
Babyhopes, I know what you mean, TTC really gives you highs and lows (although for me so far none of those MAJOR BFP highs). Remind me how long have you been TTC?

Thx Snowflake, I thought that on the first day, but not so sure yesterday. I did bleed post dtd today, but I have an erosion of cervix, so think that's what caused it. Ben gone for rest of day.

Snowflake I hope the OBGYN can do the did with you and your OH's help of course ;) :haha:

For those who don't read my journal (apologies for those who do). I got my thyroid results back and for the first time in around 9 years I have to up my thyroid from 100mcg to 125mcg. Don't know if that means getting pregnant recently have effectively been pointless or not...

I'm feeling pretty down, hopefully you've picked up Babyhopes, for some even FRER doesn't pick them up before 14dpo. :hugs:
We've been TTC since January. Which I know isn't really long, but after my BFP on the first cycle I got my hopes that this would be easy, and it's not :(
I'll be 31 in a couple weeks, and feel like I'm getting old and don't want to waste any time, especially since I want at least 2.

I'm also on synthroid - I thought it had no effect on fertility? Or are you saying that having low levels could be the culprit? I had mine checked a couple months ago and they were ok... on 75mcg for a couple years now.

I'm leaving for Toronto tomorrow morning to take a team to Provincials, so at least I'll be distracted. I'm torn between trying to test again today (dpo 14 or 16). Although I went back and checked logs for that first month I got my BFP - I got it the day AFTER AF was due... so presumably 15dpo. I "know" intellectually that I'm not out unti AF shows, so I'm holding on to that. I promise myself every month I'm not going to put myself through this... I was doing so well this round - so calm and collected - until just now. Eek! I guess it's better than feeling crazy the WHOLE 2ww...

XO to you all!

Babyhopes, I know what you mean, TTC really gives you highs and lows (although for me so far none of those MAJOR BFP highs). Remind me how long have you been TTC?

Thx Snowflake, I thought that on the first day, but not so sure yesterday. I did bleed post dtd today, but I have an erosion of cervix, so think that's what caused it. Ben gone for rest of day.

Snowflake I hope the OBGYN can do the did with you and your OH's help of course ;) :haha:

For those who don't read my journal (apologies for those who do). I got my thyroid results back and for the first time in around 9 years I have to up my thyroid from 100mcg to 125mcg. Don't know if that means getting pregnant recently have effectively been pointless or not...

I'm feeling pretty down, hopefully you've picked up Babyhopes, for some even FRER doesn't pick them up before 14dpo. :hugs:
My TWW starts today also.
I don't know how to feel. This is my first cycle since my M/C. I also started using the Ovacue this month.
We BD on the 17th and 18th( O day) and I got my pink box confirming ovulation today on my Ovacue. I didn't have EWCM this month which is crazy.I always have lots to spare. YUCK. But on the 17th when we BD there was so much CM it was everywhere.
Also I didn't get any ovulation pain which I always get.

But as with my first son as soon as conception or fertilization or whatever happened I like felt it, I swear it was like it just struck me during the BD. I just KNEW it happened. And on the 17th I felt the same way. So I don't know.

Since M/C been taking prenatals, and vitex. Trying softcups, and royal jelly next month also.
Hopes - I hear ya on the age thing! I turned 32 on Saturday and it was reallly hard as I feel I don't have time to spare as well - I want my 2 kids in my arms by the time I turn 35. With my birthday just passing - I know it's going to be even harder and I'm prolly going to have to start TTC right after I give birth seeing as how long it is taking us just to conceive this 1st one!!

I know last month when I had my CD3 bloods done they also checked my Thyroid because it can cause issues with TTC. I don't know much about it but I am sure you can do a google search about it.

Welcome Dizzy! GL to you this cycle!
Sounds like you know what to expect dizzyblue. GL :thumbup:

Babyhopes I know how you feel. I feel the exact same and I only started trying in Dec. However I haven't suffered a loss. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

As for synthyroid, my research tells me that when you know you are on the right dosage it shouldn't affect you at all. The advice is to make sure you are tested at least 6 months before trying, so you have NOTHING to worry about. I am shocked as I was on my dosage for 9 years, but I hope that if it has been causing a problem, it's on the way to being sorted. :happydance:

I always promise myself calmness babyhopes, but sometimes our emotions/heart rules over the head. There were two pregnant women in the surgery when I went to pick up my prescription, I honestly welled up. One was around 16 and sitting on her own; suppose that can't be easy for her either.
Another FRER and BFN. Why do I do this to myself? And why do I let myself spend that much??? My hubby is going to kill me when he finds out how much I blew on pee sticks!!!


I'm almost sure it's negative. I don't see a thing... inverted or otherwise.

I think I'm calling it quits until when I get back from TO on Sunday night. I'll save the FRER for Monday FMU if AF hasn't come yet. This was fun for the first month or two, now it's just getting annoying!!!
BabyHopes, I really hope you have a lovely time and will deal with the rest when you get back.

AF was due today - she was a no show. Did a dollar store cheapie - BFN. I'm not getting my hopes up at all, I figure my cycle is just a bit mixed up due to the chemical last month. AF will probably show tomorrow.
In other news, my 4 year old daughter is at her first sleep over tonight. It is with 3 girls (sisters) that are like her cousins. Our families are extremely close (their grandmother, whose house they are sleeping at, is my mom's best friend and she's been like a second mother to me since birth.), and although I have no worries that anything bad will happen to her, I still don't like it. Night time is a very special time that I love to share with my daughter. I'll be surprised (and not going to lie, a little heart broken) if she doesn't want to come home. I don't think I'm going to sleep well at all tonight!
How are you ladies doing?
Torres, that must be worrying, either way. It will be a worrying night either way. I remember my first sleep over when I was 5. I was staying there as my grandad had died, so there was a lot going on at the house. My friends parents had to call my mum and dad to come and get me as I wouldn't stop crying.

I hope AF doesn't show Torres, but either way we are here :)

I'm convinced I'm out, had some browny red spotting over night. Cramps just like AF. Don't think I'm due till Monday though so waiting to see if she turns up before trying a test. Have a funny feeling I won't even get the chance though.

Any other updates?
I'm out. AF got me overnight. I guess 30 days is my new cycle length. On to the next one. To be honest I don't mind week 1 of cycle cause there's no stress or pressure, just waiting for time to pass. I think I'll try SMEP next month. They say the average couple waits 4 months... Maybe that will be us.
Have a good weekend everyone! Good luck to thOse gearing up to test.

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