TWW starts today! Who's with me?!

Hi all.

Snow - Worried about you babe, everything okay?

Onebump - only two more sleeps! Can't wait to hear how your appt goes. Like you said, hope you have an understanding doctor. If for some reason, he won't answer the questions you have, because it's a "discussion, no appt", then ask him how you can get an appt to get answers! Make your concerns known.

Leinz - This is your second pregnancy right? Is it any different from your first so far?
This is my third pregnancy hun. They've all been different.

My first I had no MS at all. Cramping, frequent urination, sore boobs all starting within the 2ww.

My second ended in a MMC in March at 9w3d. In the 2ww I felt like I was coming down with something. Then the symptoms took longer to get here. Like my boobs weren't sore until 6 weeks. I had vivid dreams, frequent urination.

This is my third. I had no symptoms in the 2ww, except for 8dpo I kept smelling things that weren't there. I have sore boobs which started week 4, frequent urination, vivid dreams, heighten sense of smell, fatique. I also have MS that occurs mainly in the evenings or if I don't eat frequently. I've never had MS before this.

They all have been sooooo different.
I'm here girls. Everything is good.

Leinz - I have heard that each PG is different!

Torres - Thinking you might be OVing soon??

One bump - Oh tomorrow is the big day for you! I really hope you get some answers! About to go and chart stalk you! I like that raise today girl!

AFM, the HSG hurt a bit more than I thought it would. Friday after the procedure, I just laid low around the house. We ordered take out from our fav asian restaurant here in town. I was a bit crampy and nauseous after. Saturday, I woke up a new woman and felt great. All in all good report though, Ute is normal (not reverse or tilted) and my tubes aren't blocked.

I get my Ultrasound tomorrow to check out my Follicles and my Ute. So I am excited about that. It will give me a better idea of when I will OV. But really wishing it was today instead...

Which I think I am going to OV soon. Like tomorrow or Wed. My OPK was getting a good line yesterday but no smiley face on the digital. I test again today at 2. :thumbup:
Apologies to anyone who reads my journal, but here is my account of docs today:

Well I had my appointment with the gyno today. He was SO nice and listened to everything I had to say, he asked me questions and then he asked OH some questions about his health too.

He then asked when we stopped using the pill, I said last April. So he said that we can now move forward and do some testing!! I can't believe it. My GP said now way. Foquita, I had thought I would have to be much more assertive like you said, but he was on top of it all. He took blood and is testing me for PCOS, blood count, HCG (just incase) and I can't remember others. He is booking me in for an HSG, but said there is a waiting list, so prob. won't be before July and then consider getting OH SA done.

WOW!!!! I am so shocked, but excited. IF all tests came back normal I would consider asking him to wait 6 months before using any medication, further treatments. However at least if anything shows up, we will be able to look at treating it. I CAN'T quite believe it.

It also turns out the dose of thyroxin I'm on, is a bit much so will need to speak to GP about that, but he made suggestions. I am excited, who would have thought 'infertility' could cause excitement in me!!
Oh my One Bump! That is wonderful news! I am so happy for you! Sounds like you got a good OBGYN there! I know what it feels like to have a plan in place and know that you are getting treatment to help. It just lifts a huge burden off your shoulders and you can't help but feel good about things and bring a new sense of excitement!

T-2 hours til my U/S... ;)
Oh my One Bump! That is wonderful news! I am so happy for you! Sounds like you got a good OBGYN there! I know what it feels like to have a plan in place and know that you are getting treatment to help. It just lifts a huge burden off your shoulders and you can't help but feel good about things and bring a new sense of excitement!

T-2 hours til my U/S... ;)

Thanks, I'm already nervous about the HSG though. LOL, I don't have a high threshold. Hoping for some pretty follicles there Snowflakes.

I am totally ignorant, what is 'UTE'?
Onebump - Wonderful!!!! So so so thrilled that you got an understanding and kind OBGYN!!!! When do you get your test results back?

Snow - Can't wait to hear about your u/s!

Babyhopes - Where are you girl? You okay?

AFM - Things have been a bit crazy the past few days. Hubby and I are considering moving back to Barcelona. Because of this uncertainty, I am now questioning TTC. Life is so messed up some times.
Onebump - Wonderful!!!! So so so thrilled that you got an understanding and kind OBGYN!!!! When do you get your test results back?

Snow - Can't wait to hear about your u/s!

Babyhopes - Where are you girl? You okay?

AFM - Things have been a bit crazy the past few days. Hubby and I are considering moving back to Barcelona. Because of this uncertainty, I am now questioning TTC. Life is so messed up some times.

Wow Torres. Tell me more, when did you live in Barcelona or is that where you are from? As long as it is the right thing for your family. :) A wee one wouldn't be long in coming I'm sure.

I know I'm missing a few of the ladies :( Noodlesnack, babyhopes???
p.s. 3 x weeks for test results... not particularly stressed about the length of time, considering the doc told me I'd have to wait till April 2013 before getting any, I'm 10ish months ahead of schedule ;)
Oh wow Torres! Spain! I wanna come and visit! That is a very hard decision about moving but I am sure you will make the right decision that is best for y'all.

One Bump - Ute is Uterus. Ha! I just kinda abbreviated it! I took 4 Ibuprofen's 1 hour before the procedure. I would do the same if I were you. I am sure it helped some. I am a wuss when it comes to pain as well. So don't base yourself off my experience - there are lots of girls that I read about that they said it didn't hurt!!

Yea Baby Hopes - where ya gone to?

+++++ OPK for me!!! ;)
Oh wow Torres! Spain! I wanna come and visit! That is a very hard decision about moving but I am sure you will make the right decision that is best for y'all.

One Bump - Ute is Uterus. Ha! I just kinda abbreviated it! I took 4 Ibuprofen's 1 hour before the procedure. I would do the same if I were you. I am sure it helped some. I am a wuss when it comes to pain as well. So don't base yourself off my experience - there are lots of girls that I read about that they said it didn't hurt!!

Yea Baby Hopes - where ya gone to?

+++++ OPK for me!!! ;)

I'm still here - stalking away.
It's been a touch couple weeks for me - work is piling up (marking, end of classes, reports, end of year functions...), and I'm trying to train for bike races/runs at the same tie. I haven't had an evening home in forever.

I'm trying to loosen my rein's on TTC, and not let it dominate so much of my life. I think the stress is getting to me, and it's starting to affect DH and I's relationship. So I'm just trying to 'casual observe'. I think I O'ed on Sunday or Monday, so I'd be 2-3dpo today. Hopefully Sunday, cause we only DTD on the Tues/Thurs/Sat leading up to it. Monday was probably too late to catch the egg. DH sat me down for a 'I dislike Baby-Making Sex' talk.... I guess it's too structured for him and is weighing him down. We've been bickering a lot, which I'm going to attribute to stress at this point, but it's tough, some days I don't feel like he's 100% on board. And if he isn't, I automatically assume it's cause there's a problem.

So here I go again, over thinking everything.
I guess I just thought it'd be so much easier than this...
But at the same time, part of me is now actually nervous about seeing that BFP. (Right now anyway, I'm sure I'll feel differently at 12dpo). Hopefully it's just a phase that will settle. I'm looking forward to summer - being able to focus on just him and I and sort out SMEP that works for us both.

But in the meantime, we're doing the best we can.

Sorry for the novella, hope you ladies are doing well.

Torres - Are you excited about the Spain idea? It sounds awesome to me! Do you have family/history there? And how are those crazy kitties? Are you going to keep them all or have them adopted out?

Snow - It'll be a long wait for the results, but at least knowing it's done and things are 'in progress' must offer you some tranquility. Fingers crossed everything looks great!

OneBump - that's AWESOME that your OB is so receptive and willing to work for you. I hope eerything comes out fine and you conceive naturally of course, but it's good to know there is someone on your side fighting for you.

Alrighty - I'm off to work (yawn). I don't know why I bother - the kids are SO checked out they're not learning anything anyway! I feel like a glorified day care provider :)

Take care ladies, and sorry for being so invisible!
Awe! So happy to hear from you Baby Hopes!

Torres - Any more decisions made on Spain?

One Bump - Do you think you are going to test early at all? Any sx's?

I OV'd yesterday - I am officially in the 2ww.

I had my U/S. It turned out well. I had 1-26mm & 1-18mm Follicles both on my right. The 26mm is a bit big from what I read and that it will hard for sperm to penetrate for conception to take place but then I read that it ok. IDK. So I am hoping that I OV'd that egg and the other one or just the 18mm - because that one is perfect. Basically I just hope that i get a BFP.

Anyways, I went ahead and made my appt with the Fertility Specialist - the soonest they could get me in was July 23rd - so I have little bit of waiting. I want a BFP before the appt so I won't have to go. It was a hard pill to swallow making the appt because going to the RE means that I def have something seriously wrong with me...
:hi: babyhopes!! and all :)

I understand where you are coming from babyhopes. I think I will have to find a way of distancing myself from the process if this continues. I am in a mediocre place right now, thanks to knowing I'm being tested. I can't believe how much I want this!!

Awe! So happy to hear from you Baby Hopes!

Torres - Any more decisions made on Spain?

One Bump - Do you think you are going to test early at all? Any sx's?

I OV'd yesterday - I am officially in the 2ww.

I had my U/S. It turned out well. I had 1-26mm & 1-18mm Follicles both on my right. The 26mm is a bit big from what I read and that it will hard for sperm to penetrate for conception to take place but then I read that it ok. IDK. So I am hoping that I OV'd that egg and the other one or just the 18mm - because that one is perfect. Basically I just hope that i get a BFP.

Anyways, I went ahead and made my appt with the Fertility Specialist - the soonest they could get me in was July 23rd - so I have little bit of waiting. I want a BFP before the appt so I won't have to go. It was a hard pill to swallow making the appt because going to the RE means that I def have something seriously wrong with me...

Really hope you get that BFP before your appointment :thumbup:

I probably won't test early, although I'm not promising anything. I'm just not 100% convinced about O, therefore whether I have even O'd. Still how long can I live in no man's land without peeing on something!
So I did the math finally (I've been trying not to micromanage so much) and it looks like 14dpo for me is going to be fathers day! I wonder what the chances are that I get a 13dpo BFP to be able to share with happy on Father's Day. That would be lovely.. but crushing if it doesn't happen. I feel like every cycle I'm not going to get my hopes up, but there's always something... Like there was the ovulating in Jamaica - I wanted SO badly to get pregnant there, but alas, no Jamaican baby and I was gutted... and now this. If I start to actually see it happening, it'll really mess me up if it doesn't go that way.

I hate the head games... I wish I could be one of the people who just 'try' but stay totally relaxed, not revolving their lives around their cycles. Maybe after a few more months of disappointments I'll stop obsessing and just roll with it. Or, I'll obsess even more. I just wish I had some sort of direction! I feel like with the CP on the first try I either "lost my chance", or that I screwed something up and now can't conceive. I never went to the dr after it happened cause it was so early, and TBH, what were they going to be able to do??? But now I worry that there may be some sort of lasting damage that's making it harder now? I guess I just thought it'd be easier... since it was so easy on cycle 1.

Argh... thank goodness it's Friday, and a PD day at that! So it'll be a VERY long day locked in my classroom writing report card comments. Ugh. I'll have to turn my computer off to prevent hours of wasted wanderings through TTC sites :)

Have a great weekend everyone - TGIF!
So I did the math finally (I've been trying not to micromanage so much) and it looks like 14dpo for me is going to be fathers day! I wonder what the chances are that I get a 13dpo BFP to be able to share with happy on Father's Day. That would be lovely.. but crushing if it doesn't happen. I feel like every cycle I'm not going to get my hopes up, but there's always something... Like there was the ovulating in Jamaica - I wanted SO badly to get pregnant there, but alas, no Jamaican baby and I was gutted... and now this. If I start to actually see it happening, it'll really mess me up if it doesn't go that way.

I hate the head games... I wish I could be one of the people who just 'try' but stay totally relaxed, not revolving their lives around their cycles. Maybe after a few more months of disappointments I'll stop obsessing and just roll with it. Or, I'll obsess even more. I just wish I had some sort of direction! I feel like with the CP on the first try I either "lost my chance", or that I screwed something up and now can't conceive. I never went to the dr after it happened cause it was so early, and TBH, what were they going to be able to do??? But now I worry that there may be some sort of lasting damage that's making it harder now? I guess I just thought it'd be easier... since it was so easy on cycle 1.

Argh... thank goodness it's Friday, and a PD day at that! So it'll be a VERY long day locked in my classroom writing report card comments. Ugh. I'll have to turn my computer off to prevent hours of wasted wanderings through TTC sites :)

Have a great weekend everyone - TGIF!

:hugs: babyhopes, I know how you feel. Hope you finished those report cards, mine were due in last Fri I think it was. So glad it's behind me for another wee bit :)

Have a lovely weekend all x
Hey ladies.
Where is everyone?!
Snow - when is your test date?
Onebump - How many DPO are you? You did O right?
Babyhope - Hope you're all finished with your report cards. That would be so amazing to get your BFP just in time for father's day! Fx'ed

AFM - We didn't try this month. I don't know what is up with me, I knew when I was going to O, and I avoided BDing. Maybe my mind just needed another month off.
Moving to Barcelona is still up in the air, but it's looking like less of an option by the day. With the news of Spain's bailout, and the prediction that the economy is only going to get worse this year - job prospects look bleak. As for why we would move there - my husband is from Barcelona. We met there, and lived there for 4 years before moving to Canada.
Hope everyone has a good day.
Hey ladies.
Where is everyone?!
Snow - when is your test date?
Onebump - How many DPO are you? You did O right?
Babyhope - Hope you're all finished with your report cards. That would be so amazing to get your BFP just in time for father's day! Fx'ed

AFM - We didn't try this month. I don't know what is up with me, I knew when I was going to O, and I avoided BDing. Maybe my mind just needed another month off.
Moving to Barcelona is still up in the air, but it's looking like less of an option by the day. With the news of Spain's bailout, and the prediction that the economy is only going to get worse this year - job prospects look bleak. As for why we would move there - my husband is from Barcelona. We met there, and lived there for 4 years before moving to Canada.
Hope everyone has a good day.

Uch that's a shame Torres. I spent 2 hours in Barcelona; loved it. Would love to spend a little more time there. Did you like it Torres? What are the big 'lifestyle' differences between Barcelona and Canada? I REALLY want to visit Canada, maybe I will get the chance one day.

Hope DD is doing well :)

I may or may not have O'd Torres, if FF is correct I'm 11dpo today. I have typical post O symptoms, so think I probably have, but not sure of when exactly. We did BD mostly every 2nd day this cycle, considering it's length I think we are becoming athletes at it ;)

I want to be a mum. Some days it just takes over, today being one of them, it's all I think about. Finding it so hard. I know I have better days though, so hopefully tomorrow...
One bump: I hope this is your month! :hugs: I'm always around, rooting you on. I didn't realize you had a journal. I hope you don't mind if I start stalking! :hugs:

Torres: I hate hearing about the no BD this month! I hope it is when you try again soon.

Babyhopes: I hope you get your June BFP! It took me 5 cycles TTC to get my BFP in January. :hugs:
Hey girls! I'm back from our NYC Vaca. It was super nice to get away and just chill out with my BFF. Man, I miss her!

Anyways, hang in there onebump & babyhopes. We will do this!

Torres - I'm glad you listened to your heart - if you need another month off then do it! You will try when you feel ready enough. I plan to test on Mon. 6/18. I will be 12dpo and it is my would be EDD so I figure it will be a bad day already so I might as well make it a horrible day as I'm sure I'll get a BFN anyways. I'm afraid of how I might react with the EDD and then if I test a day or two later with a BFN. I'll just be super upset. At least by doing it all in one day it will done and over with in 24 hours....

I got the paperwork for the Fertility Specialist. Holy crap, they need a TON of info. Good thing I like to fill out forms. I also got a letter from my OBGYN. I'm super bummed - he is retiring and his last day will July 8th so I will only get another cycle or so with him. I love him and the way he monitors me - it's gonna be hard getting another OBGYN that is so awesome... :(

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