TWW starts today! Who's with me?!

Torres: Wow! 8 weeks! :happydance:

Snow: That is amazing! I don't know if I could do acupuncture. All those needles scare me. :) I hope you fall pregnant right now. :brat:

Bump: I'm glad your OH is great! I'm disapointed that you haven't fell pregnant by now! But, it'll happen because you are doing all it takes. :hugs: Its time to fall pregnant, this month. :brat:!

AFM: I don't have a nursery planned. (Thanks for asking.) I plan on just putting the baby in DD's room thats decorated in minnie when she gets big enough. We will Co-sleep for the first year. DD will go to a twin bed, as I'm not doing the toddler bed step... and baby will have her crib. (DD is 15 months old.)

I may just be lurking or not around much next week. I'm having oral surgery, getting 29 teeth extracted. I have severe periodontal disease. It's embarrassing that I have to go 4 months without teeth. But, its best for me and baby. Not doing anything will ruin my chances for dentures ever as I'll have no bone to hold them in. Also, getting them out takes away my increased risk for premature labor and stillbirth immediatley.
Leinz as much as it sounds awful, you're right you have to do what's right for you and bump :D

Torres how is your pregnancy ticking along. Everyone is awfully quiet, I want to know how you all are, positive or not :hugs:
Hey chicas!
This thread has been quiet, I can't say too much though, as I've been stalking but not talking. I wish I could give all of you big hugs right now. I feel for what everyone is going through.
One - Was that O? When does that guy come back from vacay? Should it be soon? Will they call you when he's back to make your appt? That's wonderful that your hubby wants this as bad as you. He sounds like a good guy. You will make wonderful parents :)
Snow - How was acupuncture? Did she do the same as last week, or do they mix it up? When are you due to O, or have you already? Hopefully this month with the laid back approach is your month!
Babyhopes - Hope everything is going well girl. Big hugs. How was vacay? Where did you go?
Leinz - When do you go for your dental surgery? Prayers for you and that you heal quick. Take it easy and rest, and get your hubby to wait on you hand and foot! Have you felt the baby move yet?

AFM - MS is still kicking my ass. I really hate to complain, as I know it stems from a blessing, but it's really taking a lot of out me. It's pretty much non-stop from about 10-15 minutes after a wake up, until I fall asleep. I want nothing to do with food, but when I don't eat I feel worse and very faint. Blah.......
I think it's made worse by my increasing anxiety. Ever since I had my daughter, I have suffered from sometimes severe anxiety. I had a wonderful pregnancy up until around the 35 week when I got pre-eclampsia. I was so horribly mis-managed, I ended up with HELLP syndrome and was seriously sick. I could have died.
I thought I would never have another child as I was scared shitless. Over time though, the longing for another baby outgrew my fears. Well they have all come rushing back to me now. I just think, what if it happens to me again and they can't control it? What it if comes on earlier and it affects the baby? I'm scared my anxiety is going to be even worse after this delivery, and I'm scared I'm going to have post-partum depression (as it is very common in women who have complicated pregnancies/deliveries.) My hubby has been working like crazy this past week (70 hours) so he hasn't been home to talk to. Plus I'm feeling a little distant from him because I almost feel jealously that he doesn't have to experience any of this, and he still gets to enjoy our child. I just can't wait to see my OB as he is amazing and so reassuring. I don't see him till the 5th of September though.
Wow, I don't even know where that came from. I wasn't expecting to write about that at all. Guess I needed to get it off my chest.
Monday is my birthday, so my parents want to take us all out for a nice dinner, but just the thought of being stuck in a restaurant with so many different smells of food makes me want to gag!
Thanks if you actually read through all of this! :)
Torres: I'm sorry to hear you are so sick. I wish hubby could be home more with you. 70 hours is terrible. Feel better soon. :hugs: If you need help... Seek it. Talk to a professional, your best friend or family member... Someone! :hugs:

AFM: Oral surgery tomorrow. Ewwww..
Torres: I'm sorry to hear you are so sick. I wish hubby could be home more with you. 70 hours is terrible. Feel better soon. :hugs: If you need help... Seek it. Talk to a professional, your best friend or family member... Someone! :hugs:

AFM: Oral surgery tomorrow. Ewwww..

Oh Good Luck Leinzlove :hugs:

Torres, it is so lovely to hear from you. Yeah hopefully getting it off your chest helps a little. :hugs: I think panic attacks can't be understood by those who don't suffer from them. I have NEVER suffered from them, but think that my worrying has a major impact on me, my aunt who has had them is convinced I will take one one day, due to my inability to relax or compartmentalise what is truly worth worrying about. Gosh that sounds like a ramble. I hope OH isn't going to be working so much, I don't think being alone helps any... Anyway post as much/as often as you want, I'm here, we all are ;)
Leinz - Thinking of you hun! I agree with doing what is best for baby and for you in the end.

Torres - I think you need to make an appt, if you are getting sick that often. My friend was reallllllly sick with her PG. She was in the hospital for 10 days. I have heard of other girls using Zofran when I was PG to help with MS. I really hope you feel better soon. I am so sorry about your anxiety coming back a bit. Happy Birthday girl! Hope you have a grand day!

Onebump - I worry too much too. SO happy to see you aren't having a super long cycle again!

Not much going on with me. Bored in the 2ww. Don't have any temps to obsess about!! Had lots of twinges yesterday but was most likely the cyst as it's way to early to be anything at all. Had a nice and relaxing weekend. Had Acu and got my hair highlighted, hung out with friends which was a nice and relaxing weekend.
Snowflake: This 2ww is the one! How are you feeling about this month being it? :hugs:

AFM: Didn't go so well. I met the same oral surgeon, I met last week. Well he scheduled my surgery for today. He was 45 minutes late... then he was mean! He said that periodontal disease is elective. I said I have a diagnosis that theres nothing else that can be done from a specialist. I got a referral also from my dentist. He was an all go last week with my OB's approval which I took with me today.... Well, he wouldn't do it. DH took off time from work to care for DD and everything. Now I don't know where I go... another dentist. I don't think I give up.

I hate the risks to baby. Even the American Pregnancy Association says the disease poses more risks to the fetus and newborn than having the procedure done.

Well then he said my gums wouldn't be so swollen if I cared for them properly. (Which I do.) I said I'm pregnant with severe periodontal disease. I left the office and tears of frustration fell. I had a hard time spilling it all to DH. So, I have all of my teeth. What a waste of time. 8 Months, 4 specialist visits, 4 different dentists and nowhere. I don't even know what to do.
Oh my Leinz, that's a nightmare! What an ass! Why wouldn't he do it? Does it matter if it's elective or not? Are you going to have your dentist refer you to a new oral surgeon? Big hugs and I hope you get everything sorted soon.
Snow - How are you feeling? Are you planning a test date or are you going to wait it out?
Onebump - I am reading your chart correctly, you are 9 dpo? What about you, testing soon? How are you feeling this month?
Babyhopes - Hope all is well. We miss you.

AFM - Still sick, although I think there has been a slight improvement. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end of MS. Hubby and I had a nice chat over the weekend. Made me feel better. I just wish he didn't have another 65-70 hour work week this week, and to make it worse, he's working midnights. Next week he's back to 8 hour shifts, so I'm looking forward to that.
leinz - OMG, What a nightmare! I am so sorry hun. I hope you can go to another oral surgeon and explain the situation and they will understand how critical it is for you to have this done.

Onebump - Do you think yesterday's spotting I see on your chart could have been IB? Are you going to test soon?

Torres - Have you told your daughter yet? Did you have a grand B-day? How did the dinner turn out? What did you get to eat? Sorry you are still so sick but at least a bit better. But very happy you got to spend some time with your hubby. Next week will be great for you both.

AFM, having a bit of a down day. I am feeling not all that great about my TTC journey. I just feel so bad for hubby for letting him down every month - I feel less womanly for not being able to conceive and provide him a family. I just don't know anymore. I have had a great few weeks of being positive and hopeful but today I just don't have it.

AF is due either Mon, Tue or Wed sometime. I suppose if I don't see her - which I am sure I will - I will test after then.
Leinzlove, :hugs: I didn't get on any journals last night, so I missed this. I can't believe it!! What a carry on and I bet you are super worried now :hugs: Hope you and dentist come up with a solution soon x

Torres, I am so happy your DH will be working less, at least you have something to look forward to. Hope that MS continues to get better.

Snowflakes I'm not feeling great, in general, it is during the TWW and week after AF i feel like crap, so I'm lucky if I get 2 weeks a month feeling positive at the moment. I just don't 'feel' pregnant, I also don't believe I can get pregnant at the moment. However I hope you get your PMA back toot suite ;)

Yup Torres, I think I'm 9dpo and I may have already answered the spotting question. I don't think it's IB considering I spot every month. Only difference this month was dark old blood spotting on 9dpo, last time I spotted this early it was red. Jeez I don't know. Truly fed up. Maybe I'm kidding myself of that I 'should' have children. Maybe I'm just not meant to :cry:
Torres: I hope you are feeling better. :hugs: 9 weeks, moving right alone. :)

Snow: I'm sorry you are feeling down. It totally isn't your fault. I surely hope you are about to be surprised this month with your :bfp:! And definitley don't feel bad for hubby. You are in this together. :hugs:

Bump: NO! Old blood, 9dpo sounds great... Why can't it be IB? It definitley isn't the :witch:. She throws out fresh stuff. Besides she doesn't start showing at 9dpo does she? I love your chart. I will seriously be broken hearted again if this isn't your month. You are definitley meant to have children!! Don't start thinking you aren't. Besides, I don't see a temp drop.. Why are you so sure the :witch: is coming?

AFM: You ladies are so sweet. I really am touched by you all. I feel home in this thread. :hugs: I'm so mad at that dentist and was frustrated because I'm doing all I can. They keep telling me there's a problem that needs fixed but noone wants to help me. I did call the periodontics office that gave me my diagnosis. I asked to talk to someone that knew dental care. The lady I talked to suggested that I didn't call the insurance company as I'd planned. She said they would try to delay treatment for sure and wouldn't want to pay. Instead she told me to find oral surgeons and talk to them and set up consults... So yeah I'm back there again.

I called the insurance company. Asked them for some numbers of oral surgeons that accept my insurance. They sent me 40+ miles away and gave me three numbers. I'm calling them tomorrow to feel it out. And I'll set up consults. If this doesn't work out. I'm calling my dentist and demanding a gum cleaning.

This should hold me over to next Spring. As I won't be able to do surgery until I establish breastfeeding and have enough stored for the meds to run out of my system. I will them express milk and throw it away.

But, If I don't have the surgery within 9 weeks. I won't get it. They will do it in the 2nd tri but not the first or third.

Also on positive note: We've found our baby girls name. Zoela Dawn (Zo Ella)!
Leinz I regularly convince myself that the fact I have trouble believing I can get pregnant is my bodies way of preparing for that truth! It is so sad, but I can't help it.
Bump: I'm sorry hun! I wish your long TTC journey didn't bring you here. I'm so excited that you may have your little bean growing. Oh, how I hope so... :hugs:
Hello my girlies!

I am feeling a bit better today. Oh well. Have a fun weekend planned to get my mind off things. Friend is having a big B-day party with a S'mores bar with 2 fire pits! Tomorrow - Acupuncture & we're taking the boat out on the lake!

LOVING the raise one bump!! Test! Test!

Leinz - Hope you get some more answers soon!

Torres - Thinking of you!

Babyhopes - Missing you girl! Check in soon!
Hello my girlies!

I am feeling a bit better today. Oh well. Have a fun weekend planned to get my mind off things. Friend is having a big B-day party with a S'mores bar with 2 fire pits! Tomorrow - Acupuncture & we're taking the boat out on the lake!

LOVING the raise one bump!! Test! Test!

Leinz - Hope you get some more answers soon!

Torres - Thinking of you!

Babyhopes - Missing you girl! Check in soon!

Yup babyhopes, I know you were thinking of not TTCing at all, but we would love to know how you are doing x

Torres, hope that sickness is disappearing..

Snowflakes, so chuffed you are feeling better!!

I think I 'might' test tomorrow, even although I will probably only be 12dpo....I don't really think I'm pregnant, don't think I can think I'm pregnant though!!
Hey ladies!

Snow - Sounds like a great weekend! How did your friend set up the S'mores bar? Sounds awesome!
Onebump - I hope you get a nice BFP tomorrow when you test! I'll be checking the thread as soon as I wake up!
Babyhopes - Miss you girl.
Leinz - Did you get your appts for your consults? Zoela is a nice name, how did you come up with it?! I was talking about names today with a friend, I really don't have any ideas. I like the name Adelaide (Addy for short), but I'm not sure if I LOVE it. That's the only girl name I've thought of so far. For boys, the only name I've thought of is Lucas. But I don't know. We still have a long way to go though, so we have time.

Tonight I'm staying in with my daughter. Hubby is working (of course), until 7am tomorrow. Tomorrow is our 6 year anniversary, but we don't really have anything planned. I don't want to go for dinner, I probably won't enjoy it because of the nausea. I would actually like to do something as a family, as both my daughter and I miss him. Sunday we're taking my daughter fishing at the harbour. I'm not to keen on fishing, but she really wants to try it. Should be alright though, as they have a nice beach and park right there as well.
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!
Snow: Sounds like fun. A weekend party! 9dpo... Just about to get your BFP! :) I'm glad you are in a better mood.

OneBump: You know I can't wait for you to test. Your temps have had me excited since crosshairs. :)

Torres: Yes, I have another consult set up for Sept. 6. I've decided to just do all I can and leave all the dental stuff in God's hands. It's been stressing me out and not worth taking even an ounce of my pregnancy joy.

As for Zoela. We came up with it as DH wouldn't come off Zoey. Wanted Zoey as DD is Chloe. But, I couldn't stand it rhyming. We had Bella on our list for weeks. But, I kept thinking Twilight. I put them together and go Zoela. DH liked it and so did I. :)

I knew we still had plenty of time. But, I'm relieved that is over. lol DH was driving me mad with the Zoey. Adelaide, love it... Especially Addy for short. Have you thought of Addison? I love that too. :)

Happy Anniversary. I have scheduled a 4D scan for mine. Making a family experience day. Which isn't until November. I hope the nausea settles down so you can enjoy fishing with DD. :)

I'm going to my brothers wedding. A weekend 3 hours south with family.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Snow, with the awareness of pg and bfp. Bump's BFP in the morning. :) Its gonna be sweet!
Hey girls! Still on vacay. Thanks for thinking of me! Have been without web for most of it (camping/hiking Mt Rainier, St Helen's, Yosemite, and Sequoia National Parks). We're heading back into civilization - wil be in San Fran until Tuesday when we get back. Just read all the previous posts, but don't gave tome to comment on all the posts (but OMFG - what an Orthodintic Asshole). Glad everyone is for the most part keeping well (Torres: talk to your doc about Meds if you're inability to eat is affecting YOUR health! I had a good friend on Meds - I forget the name- daily for 6 months and she felt so much better).

AFM: not expecting any good news thus cycle. Only 1 BD session during window, even while on vacay :(. We've been moving around so much, it's been difficult. But it worked for Torres, so who knows. I think if this isn't it we're going to switch to NTNP and wait out the 1 yr referral limit. AF is due in 2ish days, just before I get home, so I'll only be testing once I get home if AF is late.

Take care ladies, I'll try and check in again soon!
:hi: babyhopes. Sounds like your vacation is jam packed!! Woohoo, I am hoping you get a sneaky BFP, just like Torres.

Happy Anniversary, hope you have a pleasant time :)

Leinz, hope you enjoy the wedding.

Anyone who hasn't seen the journal news :bfn: No tears as I am still in the 'convinced it won't ever happen', therefore it was hardly a surprise.

Take care ladies, hope you are doing well Snow :hugs:
I see AF came Onebump. Hugs hun. You can add me to the "convinced it will never happen" group.

I tested today - 12dpo and BFN. I just want AF to come so I can get started on the IUI stuff. Then I can feel like I am doing something.

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