TWW starts today! Who's with me?!

Snow: I'm so happy! Yay for the trigger. Let those spermies attack your egg. :happydance:

Onebump: Loving the temp. Truly hoping you are right. :)
hi ladies!!! im 4 dpo testing :test: on the 15th! just wanted to give u all some baby dust :dust: and good thoughts your way... hoping for a :bfp: for all who are trying!!
Snow and Onebump - Exciting times for you both! Fx'ed that you BOTH get your BFP's this month!!!!
Onebump - Fertile CM was my biggest clue to my O. I want to see when FF gives you your crosshairs.

Snow - Tomorrow is the big day! I'll be stalking the thread to find out how it went. After the procedure, do you just continue on as if you're in a normal TWW? Or do you go back in to see them at all?

Babyhopes- How are you feeling? How is it to be back at work?

Leinz - How did your Dr appt go yesterday?

Hi want2b - Hope you get your bfp on the 15th.

AFM - I see my OBGYN today at 2:45. I'm excited but also nervous. :loopy:
Yipppppeeee Torres! U/S day for you!! I don't think I have to go back for anything else. We'll see though. It will be nice to take a break from that place - been there 4x in 2 weeks!

Onebump - Looks like you OV'd on CD16 to me!! Hooray!!

Leinz - Hehe! I am picturing spermies attaching my egg!!

Hey there want2bemommy!

Well, giving myself the shot wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Wasn't too bad at all. Very small needle, so that was good. I'm a bit nervous though. I am so afraid I am going to OV before the actual IUI. I had a + OPK yesterday which would normally mean I would OV today. I don't know what to think or if I should call the RE office and see what they say. I don't know if I should just be patient. I don't know what to do. I feel lost.
Snow - If you have any doubts, I would call. You are paying a lot of money to get this done and you def don't want to miss O. Just give them a ring to see what they say, otherwise you will be worried all day and you don't want to stress out your body the day before the big day! :)

I'm not sure if I'll get an u/s today. They called me yesterday to remind me of the appt and they didn't say anything about drinking water for a u/s. I wish I had a better memory as I don't remember if I had to drink water or not before my 12 week scan in Spain. I don't think I did, it may have been trans vaginal though. Even if he doesn't do an u/s in office, I have an appt for the 11th for an u/s where I had my dating scan. Ugg, I really don't like not knowing what to expect. *lightbulb* - In Spain, they give you what they call a "pregnancy journal*, you bring it to every appt and they fill it in. I put it in my daughter's baby book. I'm off to read it now. (That is one thing I def prefer about the Spanish health care, they give you copies of EVERYTHING! Anytime you go for bloodwork or any type of test you get to keep a copy of the result. This was extremely helpful to me when I came back to Canada 6 months preggo, I had all my pre-natal care info with me. I can't believe I didn't think of this till now!)
Oh Torres, that's handy. Good Luck this afternoon.

Snow, you did a BD in though didn't you? Hopefully if you did O early that would help, but I agree with Torres, it's your money in the end, at least ask, if nothing else they might be able to put your mind at rest. :thumbup:

GL wantobe.

:hi: leinz

Keep going babyhopes :thumbup:
Well, I never ended up calling and now I am kicking myself. My aches were more pronounced this AM. Now they are barely there. I bet I already OV'd. I am so mad at myself for not even calling. I am such a wuss when it comes that kinda stuff. I hate to be a bother to other people. Ugh. Also, I just want to trust the RE and the staff. And I am working on trying to be more patient. Guess we'll have to wait and see what tomorrow's temp is. I temped this AM and it was a normal pre-OV temp so... I just know it's going to be up tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll be pleasantly surprised and it will be down. Not counting on it though.

We did BD last night around 10pm but the reason why I am getting the IUI is because my CM is less than desirable. It's horrible so hubby's swimmers can't swim in it. So they can't make it to the stupid egg - they all just die. Ugh.
Well, I never ended up calling and now I am kicking myself. My aches were more pronounced this AM. Now they are barely there. I bet I already OV'd. I am so mad at myself for not even calling. I am such a wuss when it comes that kinda stuff. I hate to be a bother to other people. Ugh. Also, I just want to trust the RE and the staff. And I am working on trying to be more patient. Guess we'll have to wait and see what tomorrow's temp is. I temped this AM and it was a normal pre-OV temp so... I just know it's going to be up tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll be pleasantly surprised and it will be down. Not counting on it though.

We did BD last night around 10pm but the reason why I am getting the IUI is because my CM is less than desirable. It's horrible so hubby's swimmers can't swim in it. So they can't make it to the stupid egg - they all just die. Ugh.

:( I know. Well I'm really hoping that your temp stays down tom fx'd
Torres: Waiting to hear about your appt./scan? I didn't get a 12 week scan here in the US. (Just a 9w and 20w.) I did go private 14w and will do so again at 28w. That book sounds amazing. I've did pregnancy journals for all of mine and I love going back and seeing how my pregnancies differ. Etc.

Onebump: Feeling so good! This month is the one. :hugs:

Snow: That sucks! I also wish you'd of called. Maybe you didn't O. You can have O pains before O. Hoping your temp stays low. :hugs:

AFM: Appt. yesterday went great! Quad screening came back a perfectly negative. And also my anamoly scan came back with great results. Next appt. in 4 weeks!
Snow - I am the same way with calling people, I hate it. I really hope you wake up with a low temp again tomorrow. Think positive! :hugs:

Onebump - Excited to see where your chart takes you tomorrow.

Leinz - So happy to hear everything is fantastic!

AFM - I love my OBGYN. He is seriously the best Dr I have ever met (and he's hot too!). Everything is good so far. My BP is "beautiful" and I have no protein in my urine. He said I have a less than 10% chance of developing pre-eclampsia and/or HELLP syndrome again. He is going to watch me like a hawk though. He gave me his cell phone number and told me about 25 times that if ANYTHING comes up, anything at all, to give him a call no matter what time it is. He did say that if anything happens he will admit me to the hospital stat, so we have to have a plan for our daughter just in case. He also does not think he will let me go to 40 weeks for 2 reasons. 1 - The longer I go, the higher my risk gets. #2 - My daughter got stuck in the birth canal and she was only 6lbs 9 ozs, so he doesn't want the baby to get too big.
I'll be right back......
Spent the day in emerg after passing tissue at school. BhCG was only 900; I'm miscarrying. I'm going to sign off for a while for some space to figure out what I'm going to do.

Best of luck to all you ladies- you've been a wonderful support. May you all have healthy, happy pregnancies in the very near future.
NOOOO! I'm so sorry Babyhopes! I truly hoped and prayed with all that I had that the bleeding didn't mean this. Don't ever give up! Whenever you are ready come back and hang out with us. We will miss you, however, I understand you need time away. All my thoughts and hugs are with you. My heart just aches. :hugs::cry::cry:
Babyhopes - :hugs: I was really praying that your spotting wasn't a m/c. My heart is breaking for you. It's understandable you need time away, but just know that we will be here for you anytime you need and you will be in our thoughts. Take care of yourself and I hope hubby takes good care of you too. A rainbow baby is in your future when you are ready.
OH Babyhopes, I just don't know what to say. I wish you all the best and completely understand your need to switch off. I hate that this has to happen. I really hope that you get your rainbow baby as soon as you are ready to try again. I'm so so sorry hun... :hugs:
I am so very sorry for the MC Babyhopes. I am sending you the most biggest hug in the entire world right now. I am so sorry. I understand completely about taking some time off from BNB. See us when you are ready. We will be here for you.

Well, I am done with IUI #1. Things went well. However, our timing was so absolutely horrible. My bbt temp today rose a half a degree. So that means I OV'd yesterday. I bet it was when I was feeling all those pains around 10am. If that's the case then the egg would have been already dead by the time we did the IUI today.

Alls I can hope for is that some of hubby's swimmers made it up to wait for the egg during our Tuesday night BD. Or that I possibly OV"d later than I think yesterday and the egg was still alive. Either way I feel for sure out already. What a waste of money.

Good news is that hubby's numbers were freaking awesome. They want > 5 million. Hubby gave up 35 million post wash with 97% motility. He's got some superman swimmers.

I feel like giving up though. I don't know how much longer I take this and be strong. I am so sick of things not going right for us.
I am so very sorry for the MC Babyhopes. I am sending you the most biggest hug in the entire world right now. I am so sorry. I understand completely about taking some time off from BNB. See us when you are ready. We will be here for you.

Well, I am done with IUI #1. Things went well. However, our timing was so absolutely horrible. My bbt temp today rose a half a degree. So that means I OV'd yesterday. I bet it was when I was feeling all those pains around 10am. If that's the case then the egg would have been already dead by the time we did the IUI today.

Alls I can hope for is that some of hubby's swimmers made it up to wait for the egg during our Tuesday night BD. Or that I possibly OV"d later than I think yesterday and the egg was still alive. Either way I feel for sure out already. What a waste of money.

Good news is that hubby's numbers were freaking awesome. They want > 5 million. Hubby gave up 35 million post wash with 97% motility. He's got some superman swimmers.

I feel like giving up though. I don't know how much longer I take this and be strong. I am so sick of things not going right for us.

BUM!!! Hopefully you are wrong ;)
Snow: Hope it was late yesterday, and that the egg was still viable! Do you only get 1 treatment per payment? Or is it like IVF where you get 3 tried with each 'session'?

AFM: Had the F/U U/S this morning, and they are suspecting ectopic. For some reason I find this extremely reassuring. It means that there's truly nothing I did wrong (not that it would have had it been a reg MC but you know it feels that way), and that it was my "female intelligence" the doc called it knowing that this could have become life threatening for me had it of not proceeded this way. They found no sign of uterine pregnancy at all (surely something would still be there? this only happened yesterday!), and told be I have an anteverted uterus - it tilts forward. This shouldn't really affect my fertility or ability to carry, but is interesting anyway. It looks like my body is doing it's job in clearing out everything that's there, so I don't need any sort of invasive treatment (no D&C thank god). I just have to wait for hcg levels to go back to trying. I think we're going to NTNP for a while once we get the ok. After all that's what got me knocked up this time! I guess my body works better unstressed.

Thanks for all the support and kind words ladies. It's amazing how much better I feel each day, and thanks to the u/s results I feel like I can heal faster and get back to life. I think I'll even go back to work tomorrow - idling around at home moping and sleeping isn't going to help.

Best of luck to you all!
Snow - I really hope you O'ed late. Isn't it kind of their fault if they missed your O? That's wonderful news about hubby's swimmers! I really believe IUI is going to work for you! This is going to be one long TWW eh?

Onebump- I see FF gave you your crosshairs! So you're in the TWW too! Exciting month for you too!

Babyhopes - I'm so glad to hear from you again. I would def think that they would see something in utero at 6 weeks. I know it's devastating but thank goodness it happened now if it was ectopic. They can get nasty and dangerous fast. You will have your rainbow soon, I know it.

:hugs: to all
Oh Sweetheart :hugs: I understand why it's fairly reassuring for you that it was an eptopic and I'm pleased you caught it early.

Mind stop by once you have a baby cooking and you feel comfortable sharing :hugs:
So I've been on antibiotics for a week for my supposed "kidney infection", and well, the pain hasn't gone away. It was quite intense this morning so I went back to my Drs. He tested my urine - clean. So now he said it sounds like "kidney problems". I asked if he thinks it could be stones and he said no because they don't present like that. So I asked him what he thinks it could be and he didn't give me an answer. He referred me to a urologist. My Drs receptionist is awesome and she said she would make sure I get in asap, as specialists here normally take months to get in to. She called me a few hours later and my appt is on Monday! If it would have been even in a few weeks time, I would have went to the hospital. Hearing you have kidney problems is concerning and I don't want to wait forever to find out exactly what's going on. The reason why I'm so worried is because one of my mom's closest friends has kidney disease from having severe pre-eclampsia, which I had with my daughter. And she didn't get it right away either, her kidneys started failing about 3 years after she delivered. I'm going to have to look at my hospital records at my blood work and see if there are any indicators. I know my liver was failing and my platelets were dropping, but I'm not sure about my creatinine levels.
I know it's probably not that serious, but my dumbass Dr did nothing to calm my fears.

How's everyone else doing? How many DPO are you Snow and Onebump?
Babyhopes - Did you go back to work today? If so, how was it?
Leinz - How's little Zoela?! Kicking away?

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