Bab-glad you are in higher spirits today.

My dr told me that when you hear the heart beat and see that it is in the uterus the mc rate goes from 30% down to 3%. So get on calling your dr this am, bother the fudge out of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went in for first scan at 8 weeks!!
Ready-Glad you are keeping ms at bay, I still am that way at 19weeks. I HAVE to eat as SOON AS I get out of bed or I am dry heaving. I am fine as long as I don't go too long without eating, if I go too long then I start to feel bad, so I eat! lol Just a few more days and it is your scan!!!! How are you? I am sure all will be fine, you are almost into your 2nd trimester!!! Oh and how do you get that little tracker thing, I want one but have no idea how to get it!!
Perse-Glad you took a sick day. I never did but def should have, although mine always seemed to be worse on the weekends, which sucked but atleast I didn't have to use a sick day, I like to save them for fun days!!

When is your next dr apt?
Ren-How are you holding out? Did you start your med, when do you expect to O? Or wait you are back on bc until your butt dr right?! I am sure it is somewhat relaxing to take some time off for a bit.
Mommy-How are you? Is your MS slowing down at all?
Hope all you gals had a wonderful Valentine's Day!! Anyone do anything? DH got me a massage, chocolate covered strawberries and took me maternity shopping!! I am a pretty lucky gal! I started crying when I tried on the swimsuit, dh was so sweet to me and told me that I am beautiful and how much he loves me and our little Miss. I have a dr apt tomorrow and we get to see Little Miss again. I am kind of nervous, this is the ultrasound that they make sure all is well, no cleft lip, heart defects, etc. I just pray she is growing good and all is well. I am back to work today, bummer, but it is slow so that is nice. Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday and I will update tomorrow with some new pics!!