TWW Support group to help get you through the nitty gritty...and beyond

Helloooo pretty line!!!!
As far as symptoms don't put too much energy in to them right now. The real symptoms dont kick in until after 6 wks when hormones start to really rise.
If you compare your fresh test from tonight with the fresh test from yesterday night, you can clearly see that today is darker. You are certainly one of those ladies who tests better in the afternoon. Looking good lady.
Ready- I have been obsessing online and eased my mind a bit reading that the symptoms will come and go, sometimes for a while, for the first few weeks of pregnancy. As much as I know I will hate feeling sick, i am excited for it none the less xD

Ren- The first one was Saturday afternoons test :3
Still, it is a slight increase and makes me feel a bit better.
And yes, I will only test in afternoon from now on xD
Mrs- missed your comment!!
Thank you! I feel better seeing it :) I keep going and looking at it! lmao!
Woohoo!! I love being right! This is looking very positive Babs! I'm currently still in bed - my nausea was so light yesterday it had me worried but oh no it is back in full force this morning. Already dry heaved twice and its only 7:34am... Might call in sick today. I just don't have the energy to fake it. Not to mention I didn't sleep all night between getting up to pee and crazy dreams that made me not want to close my eyes...

I'm so grumpy today :(
Bab-they definitely come and go. If u remember i was panicking around 6 or 7 weeks because my tatas were sore and then they wouldn't be. Both with this pg and with dd the daily consistent symptoms weren't until closer to 8 wks. I can't wait to see the next test.
Mrs-The snow is ridiculous but nothing like Mass is getting. We have had a deep freeze for the past 3 days which is brutal. As far as the ms it's not bad as long as I eat regularly. I have to eat as soon as I wake up or its gag city!
Pers- Sorry to hear about your bad dreams :( I know how they can be, especially if it is based off of something that actually happened.
Glad and sorry to hear ms is back! Hopefully you can find a food that will help to make you feel better :3
And I would call out. You need a days rest! If your work knows you are pg then I am sure they will understand.

Ready- I thought I did but I was too lazy to skim through all the comments to find it xD I feel like I will probably be panicking a bit until at least the 2nd trimester since everything says mc is decreased significantly!
They don't know yet but I have sick days that I can take so I just used one of those. I was able to choke down a bagel this morning but now I'm just a gurgling blob. Lol. Its funny because I hate when I don't have nausea and yet it makes me so cranky when I do. Haha
LOL! Yeah I keep getting excited over the smallest waves of nausea and get bummed out when they don't happen xD I had some nausea this morning before eating, and while eating. It is going away now but still 100% manageable at this point. But I was soo happy when I got all dizzy and felt like upchucking lol
I think I will be right in your position in a few weeks :P
Forgot to add, when do you plan on telling them?
Bab-glad you are in higher spirits today. ;) My dr told me that when you hear the heart beat and see that it is in the uterus the mc rate goes from 30% down to 3%. So get on calling your dr this am, bother the fudge out of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went in for first scan at 8 weeks!!

Ready-Glad you are keeping ms at bay, I still am that way at 19weeks. I HAVE to eat as SOON AS I get out of bed or I am dry heaving. I am fine as long as I don't go too long without eating, if I go too long then I start to feel bad, so I eat! lol Just a few more days and it is your scan!!!! How are you? I am sure all will be fine, you are almost into your 2nd trimester!!! Oh and how do you get that little tracker thing, I want one but have no idea how to get it!! ;)

Perse-Glad you took a sick day. I never did but def should have, although mine always seemed to be worse on the weekends, which sucked but atleast I didn't have to use a sick day, I like to save them for fun days!! ;) When is your next dr apt?

Ren-How are you holding out? Did you start your med, when do you expect to O? Or wait you are back on bc until your butt dr right?! I am sure it is somewhat relaxing to take some time off for a bit.

Mommy-How are you? Is your MS slowing down at all?

Hope all you gals had a wonderful Valentine's Day!! Anyone do anything? DH got me a massage, chocolate covered strawberries and took me maternity shopping!! I am a pretty lucky gal! I started crying when I tried on the swimsuit, dh was so sweet to me and told me that I am beautiful and how much he loves me and our little Miss. I have a dr apt tomorrow and we get to see Little Miss again. I am kind of nervous, this is the ultrasound that they make sure all is well, no cleft lip, heart defects, etc. I just pray she is growing good and all is well. I am back to work today, bummer, but it is slow so that is nice. Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday and I will update tomorrow with some new pics!! ;)
Mrs-what tracker are you talking about?
Dh sounds super sweet! I'm not a big valentines person so we usually just get cards for each other. We took the kids out for dinner too!
I am trying to be positive but I told dh to prepare for the worst just in case. My bday is next wk so we have dinner with my fam Sat and dh fam Sun. It would be nice to have a surprise for them. I of course have read too much but there are a lot of factors that could affect hearing the hb with the doppler. I can hear the placenta so hopefully that is a good sign.
I'm sure all will be well tomorrow. She will look like a real baby with everything proportionate.
Ready-I found it, the one that says how far along you are, in the signature! Yay, your birthday!!! What day is it? I can't wait for you to tell them that all is well and the third baby is on the way!!!!!!!!!!
Mrs. Yay I can see how far along you are! I always wonder and the tickers make it easier for all you ladies.

I am just chilling here. I stared the nuvaring on Friday. So I'll be on birth control until we start the IVF protocol. Gi doc is in one month. So no new stuff until then.
Babs - I don't know exactly when I will tell work, maybe at like week 14 or 15 if I can last that long.

Ready - I have everything crossed for you, and I'm thinking only the best of thoughts. It will be so amazing to tell them the good news, just focus on that!

Mrs - I can't wait to see her again! I know everything's going to be perfect and she'll make you fall in love with her even more.

Ren - So glad things are on track, and how you're remaining so amazingly positive! I need to be more like you!

AFM - I'm feeling off today, I've had a lot of achey pressure in my pelvic area and in my back above my hip bones. It doesn't really feel like cramps per se but it just feel like there is...too much stuff in there. LOL. I am keeping my fingers crossed all is well in there, but its hard to stay so positive.
I soooo appreciate all of you! I realize how selfish of me it is to be expressing my frustration about the gender disappointment but you girls have been so understanding and supportive ! Thank you so much for that. No one I know understands and that's hard I'm so glad I have you all!

I'm getting over it and trying hard to enjoy this pregnancy! I tried to go to the gym to work out some but dh and I think its better if I wait until the dizzy spells and sickness subside. It isn't getting any better ...: YET. Lol I'm staying hopeful

I see a bunch of good news going on so I'm so excited to go back through and read!!!!! Battery is dying I'll b right back!
Mrs-u had added the ticker when I read it thats why I didn't know lol. Thanks for all the support. I can't wait to see more pics of Bristol.
Ren-u r so patient and positive it's amazing. I can't wait for the summer when u announce u r pg!!
Mommy-being dizzy at the gym is not good. I have moments where I feel like my head is spinning slowly but I just take it easy and drink water. Better to be safe than sorry though.
Bab-did u poas????
Perse-from about 8-11 wks I had weird full feelings. I think a lot was constipation and bloating. Hopefully it subsides soon.
I don't remember if I said anything but my gf that had her 2nd round of ivf is pg!! Her hcg is awesome and she has an early scan in a wk. I have everything crossed for her...10 years is a long time to wait!!!!
Pers- Yea I hate the in and out sickness too! I wish it would just be out already tho.... They have meds but I've been hearing that it causes harm to the baby so I'll just tough it . I hope you feel better soon ! When's your next scan ?

Ready- I'll try to keep water with me because I was about to pass out from dizzy spells twice while in the stores this weekend. And you're so right! sons will leave one day for another woman ): I'm laughing thinking about you not liking her already! And yay! You get to see your baby !! Let us know how he/she looks!

Bab- :happydance: Sooooooooo knew your bubby was on his/her way!!!!!! And I'm so glad you got this on your bday!! Happy bday !!! Yay! Have you contacted your dr yet? I'm jumping up and down in my head for you! Lol so excited to hear how it's going

Mrs- Aaaaaaw so sweet your dh <3 I have a feeling little miss will be sweetly spoiled!! My dh spoils my DDS like crazy! Sometimes it's so cute and other times I'm like HEY don't forget about me lol and now with 3 girls tah I can forget about it!! lol but really it's so sweet , post some pics when you get the chance !

Ren- so glad their working this out for you, or atleast have a plan in and rolling keep us posted

Hope I covered everyone

Oh yes happy bday to you too ready !! Hope you enjoyed

I have an appointment with my new dr on Friday just to do more bloods and meet her. I've been trying to come up with girl names but I can't think of any nor seen any that I like so far. Any cute girl name suggestions??
Now I'm worried, its a constant ache in my groin on either side now. My midwife appointment is tomorrow but I just can't stop getting upset. :cry:

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