TWW - Testing April 1

Exactly. We really do! Im full of cold so not impressed with that. Will try either tonight or tomorrow depending how I feel.

Hope you're doing ok today *hugs*

Only this month and only more for a 2013 baby - we really do need to get a move on don't we!

I'm just getting over a cold but the hubby now has it! Ive been taking cough medicine, i heard it helps with cm too so thought i'd kill 2 birds with 1 stone, lol!

Got my + opk this afternoon :thumbup: x
Hey ladies! Think AF is on its way for me, which is kinda exciting if it is, I don't normally get it on my own. Hope this is the month for you guys! X x
Hi girls. Hope everyone is doing well. I am on CD 16. I took an OPK yesterday and it was negative. I was almost sure that I was ovulating. It was the first day I tested though so I hope I didn't miss it. Hubby was less than enthusiastic about DTD this weekend...we did it on CD 9 and CD 11 and then not again until last night - CD 15. I'm hoping I didn't O yet and I can figure out using the OPKs when I ovulate. I'm getting a little discouraged. Feel like we got pregnant so easy with DD compared to this. My cycles are irregular and I have no clue when I O. I used to O late - I think when I got pregnant with DD I O'd on CD 20 and I had a 12 day LP. No idea what my LP is now or if it's changed or what.
Hi girls. Hope everyone is doing well. I am on CD 16. I took an OPK yesterday and it was negative. I was almost sure that I was ovulating. It was the first day I tested though so I hope I didn't miss it. Hubby was less than enthusiastic about DTD this weekend...we did it on CD 9 and CD 11 and then not again until last night - CD 15. I'm hoping I didn't O yet and I can figure out using the OPKs when I ovulate. I'm getting a little discouraged. Feel like we got pregnant so easy with DD compared to this. My cycles are irregular and I have no clue when I O. I used to O late - I think when I got pregnant with DD I O'd on CD 20 and I had a 12 day LP. No idea what my LP is now or if it's changed or what.

Its so annoying having long and irregular cycles. Mine have always been like that, bizarely, until I lost the baby. Since then i had 6 weeks of on/off bleeding but for the last 3 cycles have ovulated on days 16,17 and 15 which is very early and quite regular for me :shrug:

I know we have talked about it before but i imagine brestfedding plays a big part in your cycles too, keep at the opks :thumbup: Maybe for you a CBFM would come in handy? xx
Hi girls. Hope everyone is doing well. I am on CD 16. I took an OPK yesterday and it was negative. I was almost sure that I was ovulating. It was the first day I tested though so I hope I didn't miss it. Hubby was less than enthusiastic about DTD this weekend...we did it on CD 9 and CD 11 and then not again until last night - CD 15. I'm hoping I didn't O yet and I can figure out using the OPKs when I ovulate. I'm getting a little discouraged. Feel like we got pregnant so easy with DD compared to this. My cycles are irregular and I have no clue when I O. I used to O late - I think when I got pregnant with DD I O'd on CD 20 and I had a 12 day LP. No idea what my LP is now or if it's changed or what.

Its so annoying having long and irregular cycles. Mine have always been like that, bizarely, until I lost the baby. Since then i had 6 weeks of on/off bleeding but for the last 3 cycles have ovulated on days 16,17 and 15 which is very early and quite regular for me :shrug:

I know we have talked about it before but i imagine brestfedding plays a big part in your cycles too, keep at the opks :thumbup: Maybe for you a CBFM would come in handy? xx

Maybe...although I did not really expect a positive too much as I've never had one before and I used them when TTC DD. And yes, the BFing. Ugh. It's just so hard. DD is still do dependent on it. She's going to be 18 months in another two weeks and I thought I'd be weaning at that point but I'm so conflicted. She still takes so much comfort in it and she still wakes up at night and I'm reading a book which is making me feel bad for wanting to take it from her right now. So I dunno. I just don't want it to be keeping me from conceiving.
Hi girls. Hope everyone is doing well. I am on CD 16. I took an OPK yesterday and it was negative. I was almost sure that I was ovulating. It was the first day I tested though so I hope I didn't miss it. Hubby was less than enthusiastic about DTD this weekend...we did it on CD 9 and CD 11 and then not again until last night - CD 15. I'm hoping I didn't O yet and I can figure out using the OPKs when I ovulate. I'm getting a little discouraged. Feel like we got pregnant so easy with DD compared to this. My cycles are irregular and I have no clue when I O. I used to O late - I think when I got pregnant with DD I O'd on CD 20 and I had a 12 day LP. No idea what my LP is now or if it's changed or what.

Its so annoying having long and irregular cycles. Mine have always been like that, bizarely, until I lost the baby. Since then i had 6 weeks of on/off bleeding but for the last 3 cycles have ovulated on days 16,17 and 15 which is very early and quite regular for me :shrug:

I know we have talked about it before but i imagine brestfedding plays a big part in your cycles too, keep at the opks :thumbup: Maybe for you a CBFM would come in handy? xx

Maybe...although I did not really expect a positive too much as I've never had one before and I used them when TTC DD. And yes, the BFing. Ugh. It's just so hard. DD is still do dependent on it. She's going to be 18 months in another two weeks and I thought I'd be weaning at that point but I'm so conflicted. She still takes so much comfort in it and she still wakes up at night and I'm reading a book which is making me feel bad for wanting to take it from her right now. So I dunno. I just don't want it to be keeping me from conceiving.

It really is a battle of emotions isnt it? If id let Amy self wean she would probably still be breastfeeding now, but one morning i woke and just had the urge to push her off me :( She was 26 months and i was 6 months pregnant. Im glad now, it was the right time, but at the time i felt awful! How strange you never got a + last time you were ttc either? Maybe you need more sensitive tests? Im lucky they work for me, although saying that, theyve not been much use so far!

Come on ladies, lets get some bfp's in this month!! xx
Just read an article about BFing and fertility and how even though I have my period back and signs of ovulation I could be failing to implant because of increased prolactin released by BFing and even suckling (which she does a lot). Blah. I don't know what to do. I'm so ready to get pregnant. Maybe we will just jump in feet first in another two weeks and night wean first.
Just read an article about BFing and fertility and how even though I have my period back and signs of ovulation I could be failing to implant because of increased prolactin released by BFing and even suckling (which she does a lot). Blah. I don't know what to do. I'm so ready to get pregnant. Maybe we will just jump in feet first in another two weeks and night wean first.

I can only talk from experience but i fell pregnant while still regularly brestfeeding, and so have lots of other women on this forum, but we could be the exception, im not sure? Although she had stopped feeding through the night about 6 weeks earlier, so thats maybe why. Only you can make the decision hun, you've done amazing to come this far! x
I'm just getting over a cold but the hubby now has it! Ive been taking cough medicine, i heard it helps with cm too so thought i'd kill 2 birds with 1 stone, lol!

Got my + opk this afternoon :thumbup: x

So, we dtd fri, and sun. I got a pos opk yesterday. Would you say I shpuld dtd again tonight?

Know what you mean about the cm and cough medicine!!!

I'm just getting over a cold but the hubby now has it! Ive been taking cough medicine, i heard it helps with cm too so thought i'd kill 2 birds with 1 stone, lol!

Got my + opk this afternoon :thumbup: x

So, we dtd fri, and sun. I got a pos opk yesterday. Would you say I shpuld dtd again tonight?

Know what you mean about the cm and cough medicine!!!


Yes i would deffo BD tonight, also tomorrow if you can! Thats what we or doing, or at least thats MY plan, not sure if DH is too keen on the idea :dohh: lol.
Thanks. fingers crossed we manage tonight and tomorrow too ;) not sure I'll convince DH for 3 nights on the row... but tonight should be ok ;)
Just dropping in to say I hope you are all ok and had a good Tuesday.
We managed to DTD last night, for some reason I'm feeling hopeful about this month... maybe as i've not been focussing on it as much with poas daily, and no cbfm... but more relaxed. We have managed a good few times in the right time area and cm has been increased ... possibly due to the medicine i've been taking for my cold.
We DTD late Fri night, positive opk on Sunday, DTD sunday night and Monday night. Will possibly tonight as well.... but if we don't what do you ladies think my chances are?
Just dropping in to say I hope you are all ok and had a good Tuesday.
We managed to DTD last night, for some reason I'm feeling hopeful about this month... maybe as i've not been focussing on it as much with poas daily, and no cbfm... but more relaxed. We have managed a good few times in the right time area and cm has been increased ... possibly due to the medicine i've been taking for my cold.
We DTD late Fri night, positive opk on Sunday, DTD sunday night and Monday night. Will possibly tonight as well.... but if we don't what do you ladies think my chances are?

Well we are mirroring each other again this cycle, and im not going to bother DTD tonight, it felt like such a chore and effort last night and i felt like i was putting DH out! We BD Fri, Sun and Mon too.

I have this horrible feeling I havent ovulated this month, Im not sure why, I got the + tests but not really any ovulation pain. If i pressed in that area it felt swollen and sore, and doesnt any more, which is a good sign i suppose, but just got this niggle at the back of my head? Probably me just being a pessimist again!

Glad you feel more positive this month :D Some times it happens when you least expect it! xx
I know what you mean! Some months I get back pain when I ov... but nothing this month. ALthough I've had a lot more CM and some months it's almost not there. Its a strange one so I'm not sure. I'm telling myself no back pain as there was light paracetamol in the cold tablets. I'm just ignoring any thoughts that say the tablets could have messed up ov.
Thats good that you got the + test. I'm sure you will have ov.. especially if it felt swollen in that area.
It's natural to feel pessimistic after so long trying and everything that has happened recently. But... we will get there and get our BFPs.
Tomorrow is the joy of the school Valentines Disco... O i can't control the excitement ;) lol. I'm glad it is only primary school... should be finished and out of there by 7:20 and home by 7:30 :)
I know what you mean! Some months I get back pain when I ov... but nothing this month. ALthough I've had a lot more CM and some months it's almost not there. Its a strange one so I'm not sure. I'm telling myself no back pain as there was light paracetamol in the cold tablets. I'm just ignoring any thoughts that say the tablets could have messed up ov.
Thats good that you got the + test. I'm sure you will have ov.. especially if it felt swollen in that area.
It's natural to feel pessimistic after so long trying and everything that has happened recently. But... we will get there and get our BFPs.
Tomorrow is the joy of the school Valentines Disco... O i can't control the excitement ;) lol. I'm glad it is only primary school... should be finished and out of there by 7:20 and home by 7:30 :)

I hope you are going to join in with the dancing?! I imagine Gangnam Style will be played a few times :haha:

Ah yes Valentines day- are you doing anything nice? We dont usually do anything! Bought Ollie his pressies today for his little girlfriend, lol, bless.
I know what you mean! Some months I get back pain when I ov... but nothing this month. ALthough I've had a lot more CM and some months it's almost not there. Its a strange one so I'm not sure. I'm telling myself no back pain as there was light paracetamol in the cold tablets. I'm just ignoring any thoughts that say the tablets could have messed up ov.
Thats good that you got the + test. I'm sure you will have ov.. especially if it felt swollen in that area.
It's natural to feel pessimistic after so long trying and everything that has happened recently. But... we will get there and get our BFPs.
Tomorrow is the joy of the school Valentines Disco... O i can't control the excitement ;) lol. I'm glad it is only primary school... should be finished and out of there by 7:20 and home by 7:30 :)

I hope you are going to join in with the dancing?! I imagine Gangnam Style will be played a few times :haha:

Ah yes Valentines day- are you doing anything nice? We dont usually do anything! Bought Ollie his pressies today for his little girlfriend, lol, bless.

I'm going to be selling the glo-bands! lol .... And yes - they love Gangnam style so that will be on more than once I'm sure!

Thats so cute that Ollie has a little girlfriend! We have no plans but hubby is at a funeral on Thursday so said we would celebrate at the weekend - prob go for a meal somewhere - even if just to the local pub. Will you and hubby be doing anything special?

I know what you mean! Some months I get back pain when I ov... but nothing this month. ALthough I've had a lot more CM and some months it's almost not there. Its a strange one so I'm not sure. I'm telling myself no back pain as there was light paracetamol in the cold tablets. I'm just ignoring any thoughts that say the tablets could have messed up ov.
Thats good that you got the + test. I'm sure you will have ov.. especially if it felt swollen in that area.
It's natural to feel pessimistic after so long trying and everything that has happened recently. But... we will get there and get our BFPs.
Tomorrow is the joy of the school Valentines Disco... O i can't control the excitement ;) lol. I'm glad it is only primary school... should be finished and out of there by 7:20 and home by 7:30 :)

I hope you are going to join in with the dancing?! I imagine Gangnam Style will be played a few times :haha:

Ah yes Valentines day- are you doing anything nice? We dont usually do anything! Bought Ollie his pressies today for his little girlfriend, lol, bless.

I'm going to be selling the glo-bands! lol .... And yes - they love Gangnam style so that will be on more than once I'm sure!

Thats so cute that Ollie has a little girlfriend! We have no plans but hubby is at a funeral on Thursday so said we would celebrate at the weekend - prob go for a meal somewhere - even if just to the local pub. Will you and hubby be doing anything special?


Ah you got out of that one then :winkwink:

No, I dont think so. We got a menu posted through the door from the hotel where we had our wedding reception. It was reasonable for Valentines Day, I asked him if he fancied going and he said not really? :wacko::shrug: We never go out alone together, ever- must be 7 years? He's been working quite long hours mind, its 1.5 hours drive to where he is working at and same back, so think he is just knackered. Will probably eat out somewhere at the weekend, (we usually do) with the kids,of course lol. Even on our wedding night we booked a family room instead of the honeymoon suite so all the kids could stay with us :rofl: thats romance for ya!

Hope you and hubby have a nice time! x

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