TWW what will it lead to?

Need - Thanks for explaining! I didn't know that. I got the easy@home box with 50 LH strips and 20 HCG and didn't use any of the HCGs last cycle because we prevented. So I have enough of those for this cycle and it would be nice to not need another box for a while :) We shall see.
Good luck ladies. I have everything crossed for you all.

Not a lot happening this end. Just practicing ready for ovulation.

We ended up doing 37 miles on the bikes yesterday. My bum hurts lol. We don’t live too near the sea. The closest is 26 miles, but that’s a brown muddy sea. We have to drive 100 miles for a nice sea that you would want to get in. We have a chilled day today, roast dinner and cinema.
Well I tested with FMU (11DPO) and both my FRER and E@H are stark white. AF is due tomorrow and I think I won't bother testing again unless she doesn't show. I didn't think seeing the negatives would get me so upset, but I'm already feeling down about my husband's injuries. Oh well.
Lady: I'm sorry. Yeah, bfns do take you down a bit. I tested bfn this morning too. :hugs:

If AF comes, will you try again next cycle or will your hubby's injuries put you back a few cycles?:hugs:
:hugs::hugs: LadyV and Ftale

BFN here too. I don’t feel pregnant. I feel like I’m building up to AF.
FTale - Sorry we're in the same boat. We'll see what the next couple of days bring. If my husband feels up to it then we can try next cycle. He joked and said that nothing down there is broken so hopefully he heals quickly and keeps up the good attitude.
Need - Sorry to hear that! We sure are in good company. I've been feeling like I could get AF at any moment and I'm so moody (but probably due to stress too) but nothing is going on yet.
FTale - Sorry we're in the same boat. We'll see what the next couple of days bring. If my husband feels up to it then we can try next cycle. He joked and said that nothing down there is broken so hopefully he heals quickly and keeps up the good attitude.

Lady: ROFL...I love his

NIX: How are you doing? All pumped up from doing all your activities? I wish I had the energy. Soon enough. I had to change my workout routine. Man workouts tore my right hip flexors. Have a new line up to do in the morning geared for people with bad backs and joints/'m old.

Well, ladies, I did some reading and found its going to take me a while longer to conceive. I've always known my bmi was high but didn't know how badly it can hurt egg quality. So its no wonder IUIs have not helped. I've got a long road in front of me but after much prayer I know it will happen - for all of us.

Nix- Vancouver (coastal city) is over 1,161km away from us... so I am going to do continue to be jealous. We have many lakes near by but they are really glorified sloughs :haha: then in the mountains there are glacial run off lakes, while beautiful, are usually too cold to enjoy swimming in. Water (especially ocean) soothes my soul. Mountains do the trick too and they are about 3hrs away so we get there more often.
I'm glad you guys are getting in some practice. Sounds like you are doing well at being active. FX everything falls into place this month for you! :hugs:

Lady- I had some easy@home tests this last cycle and I found them to be just crap. I didn't get ANYTHING until at was 6 days late and getting great bright :bfp: on FRER for days. There seems to be no slight positives with them. I've seen other people complain about them too. I'd suggest getting some other ones delivered fast or going to dollar store rather than using those. FX for you and :dust: Hope your husband heals fast. Nothing worse than a wounded and whiny hubby lol.

Needs: Don't count yourself out till the :witch: shows. I didn't get a bfp until I was 3 days late. I had super super faint... but not really any color up until then. FX for you. How is the anxiety medication helping? Sometimes (often :haha:) I regret going off my general anxiety meds before this journey... but I'm trying to stay off. I think it is really smart of you to do all you need to manage your stress during this time. I may have to look into something again cause these 8 weeks have been torture already... and still have 31 or so weeks to go lol.

FTale- I'm sorry you are having a rough go. :hugs: when is af due? I'm still holding out hope for you over here. :dust:
Also, ouch! Tore your hip flexor??? That sounds miserable! :nope: are you able to move around ok? How is your finger doing? Sending you lots of hugs and strength :hugs: :hugs:

AFM- another busy weekend is done in the books. My Aunts wedding was amazing and I did my speech without crying. The bridal shower today was good but it was so hot out today I have been fighting a migraine most of it and had to leave the shower early. I'm glad I've helped out so much earlier on with the wedding, cause I feel like I'm failing at my bridesmaid duties these days.
Trying to get my husband to realise that growing a baby AGAIN is really hard work and I'm exhausted, not lazy. I am just to the bone-can't move tired so often. Add in some migraines with only Tylenol as a fix and it is really hard to get things done. He is usually so good but he is worn out from work and injured his back at work just before our holidays too... where he has lots of dirtbiking opportunities in the mountains so he is upset with himself I think. Like I said to Lady- grumpy hubby ](*,)
Dating ultrasound is TOMORROW :shock: and I'm getting really nervous. First miscarriage was at 8.5 weeks I'm 8.3 tomorrow (or so we will see tomorrow) and I've been into the doctor the last 2 weeks (not my doctor as she is away and have had crappy substitutions). I thought I had yeast infection... but never got the itch. Have had slightly yellow cm and then it turned foul smelling (tmi) so I went back and was swabbed to see if it was B.V instead. Have had some cramping off and on... but hard to tell if it is poo cramps sometimes as I'm more backed up than normal. Sometimes I do too much also and I get a little crappy. Anyways. I've read that B.V can lead to miscarriage though the ancient old fart I saw last week didn't seem to know that and so I'm waiting for the results of the swabs to come back so I can stop panicking. (Yeah right) Poor hubby came home from work after a couple weeks but I'm afraid to bd until.i find out what's going on... plus we have been running busy and again... I'm exhausted... this may also be contributing to his grumpy mood haha. Maybe I should be nice to him in the morning.

Anyways ladies... I'm rambling on. Say a little prayer for us and send good healthy sticky baby vibes my way please. I can't wait to get this scan over with. Hoping so much everything is fine... other wise I don't know what we will do. Our vacation includes many many people and a long drive both ways. :shrug: ugh. I need to stop thinking. Anyone got a cure for that? Ok. For real this time. Good night all :hugs:
Sorry about the BFNs ladies. I’m stil routing for you all.
FTale- ouchy, hope your hip flexors heal soon. As part of my works heath insurance I get 40% discount at a posh gym next door to my work. I’m going there tomorrow for a taster session. It has a pool and everything. I’m really struggling with my weight. I’ve put the 7lbs I lost the other week back on. I’m putting on 1/2lb per day. I just can’t stop myself. So new gym, new plan from this week.

Wish - bless you with the migraines. That’s no fun at all. I’m suffering with a bout of bv as well. I often get it after my period. It’s awful, I feel for you. In the uk we have an over the counter treatment that we can buy, not sure if you have that in Canada. It’s just a cream that we can put inside to rebalance the ph. Yikes, you live a long way from the sea. I don’t feel so bad now.

I’m on the late shift again this week, so am currently catching up on a tv programme before I plan to attack the house, it looks like a tornado has ripped through it today!
:witch: not due until Friday so I know in my head it is still very early.

I tried doing my BBT but with my sleep pattern being all over the place it didn’t work out too good. Damn shift work.
Hey needs same here, my temps are all over the place. I just take it immediately after waking and tell FF that I took it at 6:30. I normally do get up with DH at 6:30 even if I’m on lates, just for a cuppa then I go back to bed. Otherwise I wouldn’t see him all week. This morning I didn’t though, so I had to fake my temp time
FTale - My man won't let much stand in the way of BD lmao

Wish - It seems that some people do get faint lines on them and early on while others don't get anything until way later, so I know that I may not be out yet since AF has not shown yet. I have one FRER left that I don't want to use until I'm technically late, which would be tomorrow. Thanks for the well wishes for myself and hubby! He's using his left arm more and more and is much less whiny :) I hope that you feel better soon and that your ultrasound goes well!
Hi ladies :wave:
I'm back. I am TOO excited to be back. DH has decided that he also wants to have another, and the feeling hasn't gone away.. if anything it's gotten stronger. I'm glad, so so glad. I'm so ready for this now.
My brother in law is having another next year and so are two family friends. I'm SO ready for that to be me.
Will try to catch up with you girls by reading back through a few pages. I'm CD15 at the moment, DTD cd12, 13 and 14. I haven't been taking my temps as we're going to take a relaxed approach this time, but I'm right in the "fertile window" in theory, so I'm hoping it's going to be "beginners luck"!
Yay mrsmummy, so glad you are back. We missed you. Go catch that eggy. Wink wink
Running late for work but quick update.... spotting this morning. It looks like normal pre AF spotting.
Hey needs, oh no I hope AF full flow doesn’t arrive. Big hugs
AF isn’t due until Friday. If it is AF I should start getting a headache tomorrow. If not, I will have it on Thursday.
Welcome back MrsMummy :flower:

Needs: Sorry about the spotting. FX AF doesn't show but totally get the headache signal. I already got mine yesterday.

Nix: How is nightshift going? I'm not sure how you do it. I was a total zombie around 2 to 3am. I would wake up again about 6am in time enough to go home and get some sleep. Luckily when I did that it was summer time and the lil one did not have to be in school.

I forgot to check your chart but hope AF is over for you. I'm barely getting ready for it. Totally off my progesterone today and waiting for her to show this weekend. :coffee:

You know I still have exercised like I've been wanting to. Feeling sorry for myself....:haha:. I'll be even sorry when I out grow my new jeans even more. :dohh:

I think tomorrow will be a good time to start a new since its the first day of school for my daughter. I'll get me a lil schedule going and go from there FX.

Lady: How are you doing?
At ultrasound yesterday baby Maple is measuring in at 7w3d and heart rate of 163. Dating from LMP is 8w3d, but lady said there is a week give or take at this point... I'm trying not to freak out about it cause she says it's normal but I don't know what to think either. Was good to see a heart beat.

Made it out to the cabin round 11pm. It's super hot out today and should be the whole week so feels like we get a proper vacation... but also glad there is a.c. indoors. Getting overheated easy.
With my penance for wine always my friends have seen right through me so they all know. Now I'm just hoping this one sticks so I don't have to go through the retraction again.

Hope everyone's week is going well and AF is staying away from everyone.

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