TWW what will it lead to?

Needs- I'm a 2-6x a day person too... good ol' IBS for ya. Though I've been more backed up lately... which adds to my bloat. Considered breaking out the maternity clothes cause everything is so uncomfortable but decided 7w is too early for that :haha:
Nix- I don't know how you ladies who aren't regular do it. If I even miss a day I'm so uncomfortable and grumpy and gassy!:nope:
I never reached beautiful skin stage with last pregnancy or since going off the pill for that matter so maybe I do get that... however since I wrote that message I got two painful new spots emerging from the depths of hell that is my face :growlmad: knew it was too good to be true... could also be the poutine for lunch. :haha:
I'm glad you have some drive friend... I had a very very vivid dream this morning before waking and now I can't wait for DH to come home :blush:

Needs- I have my fingers crossed that thaws are good symptoms for you!:hugs:
I was out on an antidepressant a few years ago that causes constipation. I was sent for a review of my medication to a psychiatrist and she asked me have I been having much problems with constipation. I said I’m really enjoying it as I was only going once a day and saving a fortune in toilet roll!

So, this wet feeling downstairs.... what is that usually like? Today I’ve been feeling like I’m really wet but when I’m check I’m not. Like I feel so wet it feels that it is leaking out all over my downstairs but it actually isn’t at all.
I honestly have never felt like that downstairs before! Last time pregnancy was a possibility I knew I wasn’t because it all felt “normal” down there. This is definitely very different for me. Old age and an under active thyroid mean I rarely ever feel “wet” unless it is really hot and I’m sweating :haha:

I don’t know whether to be excited or terrified. You know you spend your life waiting for so long for something and then it may happen and it’s like SHIIIIIIIT! I don’t know what I’m doing :wacko::wacko:
Got my fingers crossed for you needs, I hope this is your month. It’s all sounding good so far.

Wish - ah it’s awful sometimes. We went to festival last year and I didn’t got for 6 days. I was smaller then and looked like I’d swallowed a beach ball. It was sooo uncomfortable as well. It can really hurt at times. I buy a tea that can make me go when I’m suffering too much, but I don’t like taking senna too much as your body can get used to it. Since we started this poo convo though, I have been twice. Perhaps I should talk about it more often lol
I went on an exploratory journey this morning. I can report back conditions as creamy lotion in copious amounts. No wonder I feel so wet with all that in there.

Poo??? Yes please. I am like Nix not going for days. By the time I do I feel sick to my stomach. I'm not reqular at all. Especially on the prenatals. As of late, I've discovered raisin Bran does the trick quite nicely:winkwink:

Wish: OMG...ur hubby will be thankful for your dreams:haha:

Nix: What tea do you drink to get things going? I have IBS like Wish but my intestines spasm shut on anything in it so it's like food feels like it's moving through a pair of super small leggings. Bout double over in pain and look like a bowling ball is sitting under my shirt. Like you mentioned about your belly sticking right out....miserable. Are you intolerant to milk?
Lol needs, love your description. Hope it’s a good sign.

FTale - the tea I drink is called “slimatee” it’s in my health stores in the uk. Not supermarkets though. You do NOT want to drink it before 9pm at night as you’ll be up in the night. It’s like a peppermint tea. Does the job every time for me.
NIX: I wonder if I could just Peppermint tea a few times a day then.

Well, I dont think I got pregnant this time either. My body is going through its normal 'getting ready to start AF' routine. Meh, we tried. I should start AF August 3rd. :cry:

Really thought it would work this time. Felt like I had so many old wives tales come true :shrug:

I'll still test to see if we can pull off a miracle bfp. :blush:

So..about this Poutine..can I use shredded mozarella cheese or block cheese melted?
:hugs: ftale hoping you can pull of a miracle BFP too x

My boobs are now feeling full and achy. They are only normally sore when I have my AF.
:hugs: ftale hoping you can pull of a miracle BFP too x

My boobs are now feeling full and achy. They are only normally sore when I have my AF.

Awww....thanks. It'll be a miracle at my age an no IVF.

You got full and achy bbs? I'd kill for that....some thing. My nips just burn like hell.

Hey I do have one strange thing today. I took an opk with fmu and then another at noon and it got darker.:shrug: What? Am I gearing up to O again :haha: I took an hpt but nothing at 6dpo. :coffee:

Welp, I'm done with this already....bring on some bfps or AF so I can get on with drinking coffee and cider like I REALLY want to :winkwink:

:dust: for you Needs/NIX gonna happen. Why? Because your friend here failed to tell you she found a 4 leaf clover in her front yard. Yep, a week ago. :flower:
I generally have no sensation in my nipples at all!

Yikes! Now that is interesting but confusing! Hopefully the OPKs are picking up a bit of luck! Think that four leaf clover is for you!
I now have so many spots that I look like I have chickenpox all over my face, neck, chest and back. If it wasn’t for my body being clear I would think I had the pox!

Nipples are now constantly erect which is highly unusual for me.

I’ve had no pinching sensations since yesterday morning. Even at that it was a bit less pinchy and a bit duller. Having very mild cramps since yesterday. Like period cramps but way milder.

I’m still drinking about a liter of juice a day and my poo is fine! No mad dashes to the loo. So for that I’m counting myself as constipated as typically a glass of juice 3 days in a row has explosive effects on me.

Can’t really comment on tiredness as the heat is very atypical of here plus I’ve been given the extra meds by GP for anxiety.
Needs: what dpo are you? I'm 7dpo and all my aches and pains are fading like typical.:coffee:
I’m 7dpo (I think).

Just dipped an opk because I was curious and didn’t want to waste an frer....


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Hey everyone. I'm 8DPO and excited about testing this weekend :) I keep comparing this month's chart to last month (preventing) and my temps last month began to decline at 6DPO while mine are steadily increasing, which I hope is a good sign. What do you think? Here's my chart. I only added BD around ovulation.
I’m 7dpo (I think).

Just dipped an opk because I was curious and didn’t want to waste an frer....

lol...we did the same thing! Mine aren't positive but never really went blank. Yours look to have good color. I'll be tracking with mine till this weekend then test. FX for you
First off. Poutine. I'm glad I've started a trend here. I found a great recipe and explanation page for you here so enjoy this and let me know how it goes for you
She goes through proper cheese selection and preparation.

Second- oh my. You ladies have my sympathy. I couldn't imagine that constipation pain. I get the other. The sore bottom from going so often lol. I think I'll stick to this side... however sometimes it hits so sudden one must make an emergency stop for a toilet. You get good at knowing were you can stop to go. :blush:

Needs- those boobie and discharge symptoms (exploratory mission :haha:)sound pretty positive to me. FX for you! I've had gentle cramps, aches, pulling and very localized stabbing pains off and on since what I now assume was conception time. So who knows? Hope you are able to find some calm in your stressful days. It will help you a lot. Maybe try some meditation if you can? Remember your goal of mindfulness. :hugs:

FTale- I am of the persuasion to read the hidden messages from the universe. I like that you found a 4leaf clover. :dust: headed your way! FX :hugs:
Did you give up coffee for the TWW? This time around I've been more conscious of my caffine intake, keeping it under the recommended max of 200miilligrams/day. My Bump app gave me a great resource of caffine content of popular drinks.
There is no way I could give my all my coffee... especially with starting back at work again :coffee:

Nix-How you doing girl? :flower: what's your body telling you this month?

AFM- (thanks for helping me with this Nix) I'm nearly halfway through the last day of my first full week back to work after my leave from losing our Angel. It's been a long week and I'm happy I have the next week and a bit off now. It's coming up to the long weekend so we are heading out to the mountains with friends for 7 days. It's our long weekend and also my birthday, and then :angel: babies due date the day after my birthday. Lots of emotions are catching up with me and I'm so exhausted from this pregnancy, as well as being back at work... I'm welcoming some time away to deal and process.
I've been really worried by every creak and ache, slight cramp, extra cm, less cm & is this cm normal? So I need to really take some time to chill, meditate, relax and let go. No use putting extra stress on my body I suppose. Busy weekend before we can get away and just before we leave, it's Dating ultrasound (Monday at 1430) so I am just praying all is good. Don't know what I'll do if it isn't and all of the bad lines up into one week. So therefore trying to stay positive and sometimes failing miserably... but one foot in front of the other ladies.

Have a fab Thursday every one and :dust: to all.
Wish::hugs: Praying for you Wish. Its a hard road you are on. Its been over a decade that I did exactly what you are doing and I didn't think I would make it. Now, I have an 8 year old daughter and I know way more about ttc, pregnancy, and loss than I ever thought I needed to know. Please keep us in the loop on how you are doing always. You got this.
Hey ladies, my god work has been busy, I didn’t manage to get on here yesterday.

Ooo FTale and needs, you’re on the same DPO. Hope you test positive together too. And lady, you aren’t far behind.

FTale - don’t count yourself out yet, it’s way too early mrs.

Needs - you have a lot of symptoms going on, I hope it all real. Do you feel different this month compared to others?

Lady - you chart is looking good. Were you temping at a different time for the last 4 days? I use a temp adjuster if I wake up at a different time. I’ll be temping from tomorrow.

AF is officially gone for me. Time to start temping and digging out those opks

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