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Type 1 diabetes

I don't have a pump infact I've never had one so I dnt actually know if that's a lot sorry!! X
Lol i used to be on roughly 30 a day... Its an increase! Lol...
mines at the moment 50 ish , depending what I eat throughout the day. I'm going through lots of lucozade at the moment. not havin rebound highs so thats good. scan day friday. can't wait xx
Yup, lucozade lucozade lucozade, I carry it everywhere now, I feel much safer than having just glucotabs on me. It works faster too.
Can't be good for my teeth though :wacko:
My dentist actually said ' could you not eat cheese and crackers when you are low as it's kinder to your teeth'. I'll tell you what mr dentist, we'll put you in a hypo and you wait and see how long cheese and crackers take to work when your feeling rubbish.:shrug:
Omg cheese n crackers lmao...when ur low u dont want to feel that way for an hour! Lol!

I have my 28 week growth ultrasound today... Im just so nervous...i feel so big and stretched already :( kind of feeling like a failure if they tell me baby is big again! Agh!
Ladies quick question , does anyone get hypo sickness. Every time I go low I feel sick. Xx
Omg can't believe your dentist came out with that lol obviously has no idea.

Hope your scan went well!! How was baby measuring? Mine is tomorrow morning my 20 week one :)

I haven't felt sick after having a hypo but there have been times I've felt
Really rough an needed to sleep it off. Are you actually vomiting? Xx
When i go low i get sick too!nauseous first and if i dont treat it in time then i throw up...

Ugh scan overall was good except shes measuring 74 percentile at 3lb 3oz at 28 weeks! Im so upset... An amnio will be sheuled a 37 weeks to check her lung maturity and then if that comes back ok will schedule induction for later that day or a few days after..blah.
When i go low i get sick too!nauseous first and if i dont treat it in time then i throw up...

Ugh scan overall was good except shes measuring 74 percentile at 3lb 3oz at 28 weeks! Im so upset... An amnio will be sheuled a 37 weeks to check her lung maturity and then if that comes back ok will schedule induction for later that day or a few days after..blah.

Glad to hear it went well, I am sure your little one will be fine. Must've been nice seeing the little fella at your scan?

I feel sick after a hypo sometimes, especially if it's been a bad one, and I get really really cold after too.

I had my check up with diabetic team/ midwife/student doctors/everyone that fancied popping in today. Sometimes it feels like I see 12 people every tine I go!

Anyway, they want me on iron pills as my iron levels are apparently too low? Has anyone had this?

I've had iron pills in the past and they play havoc with my tummy! :cry:
awe sorry to hear about your iron... i personally have not had any problems til after birth, but if they give u iron pills, they do constipate you so be sure to drink lots of water and eat lots of fiber haha.
The growth may slow down hun. What did your daughter weigh?

Never had problem with my iron levels but heard the same about them making you constipated!!

Also had our scan today an we are having a boy!! :) x
I'm on iron tablets to and have been for a while should give you a bit more energy .
Not to many lows this week but still getting through the lucozade lol x
My first was born at 37 1/2 weeks at 7lb 14oz but she didnt start to be chunky until around 32 weeks...im only 28 werks now which is why im freaking out if shes already chunking up... :/

Congrats on ur blue bundle!:)
Oh ok hun. Maybe see how you get on at your next scan as she may not grow so fast over next few weeks.

Aww thank you we are really excited. We won't know how big or small he is until next week when we get our scan report x
I've got the eye clinic tomorrow, I've had laser in the past, so I am hoping all is ok now... Can they laser you while you are pregnant?

Because of the massive lows I have had, they have reduced my basal rates, but I also think I am over treating my hypos now. I was doing the whole 15 grams and wait 15 mins and test again, but I think I'm doing, eat everything in sight, then correct the high which is making me feel so guilty but I have had my OH use a glucagon on me 4 times this week, which is about the same amount he has had to use in the previous 8 years together!

I am lucky and have a lot of time off work this month as they owe me holidays, but I am going to have to tell them soon as I have a feeling I am going to have a LOTG of check ups.

Sorry for my ignorance, I am completely new to pregnancy as I was previously told I was infertile, so never even read up on any of it before, but, what percentile should your baby be? How do you know she is growing too fast?
Optimal is 50% for baby... That just means out of 100 babies 49 would be bigger at that point and 49 would be smaller.....my example is baby is 74%... Meaning 26 out of 100 woukd be bigger than her at this point and 73 smaller ( meaning shes big)...

I think eye lasering would be fine, but im sure they know ur pregnant right?

Ouch thats a lot of glucagon, i never once used a glucagon since i was diagnosed at 15. Does glucagon have any side effects? Nausea? Etc?
Makes me feel a bit sick afterwards and really not hungry for half a day after, but that's just my reaction. I'm usually really tired too but I think that's down to the hypo.

Interesting about the baby size info, I was almost 10lb when I was born, my mum was 11lb and my OH was 8lb, if size is also hereditary along with the diabetes, I might be expecting a bowling ball... :winkwink:
I had my first bad hypo this morning , luckily husband was around and managed to get me out of it pretty quick,
Getting nervous for scan tomorrow, I feel sick and other things but I just want to know everything ok and baby watts is growing nicely xx

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