Ultrasound - Missed Twin Stories?

Totally agree with Messica - Even twin pregnancies don't typically form a proper bump until the usual 16+ weeks, and it looks similar to a singleton pregnancy really.

I'd be SUPER concerned with your bump, especially if it's hard already (it looks firm) as babies are still quite small at this point and wouldn't form such a huge bump like that...

I hope it's just twins or at least a healthy big baby but I'd definitely look into a scan MUCH sooner than end of November!!
I hope it's just twins or at least a healthy big baby but I'd definitely look into a scan MUCH sooner than end of November!!

HUGE emphasis on that point.

If something is medically wrong that's causing the distension it could put any pregnancy you're carrying at risk.

If it is twins, or more, you really need additional prenatal care. Supplements, diet and additional monitoring are imperative. The care I needed during my singleton pregnancies is NOTHING compared to what I've needed to do to keep myself and my babies properly cared for with two in the oven this go round.

It just blows my mind that your doctor isn't at all concerned about it either way. That makes absolutely no sense so at this point it boils down to you advocating for yourself and your little one/ones.

Not to be dramatic but this could be a matter of life or death for baby(ies) or you.
To compare - this is me at 26 weeks. My bum is a bit larger than yours lol, but your distension rivals mine and my boys are measuring quite large for their gestation.


  • 26weeks.jpg
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I don't have an actual date for the scan yet, it will be during the last week of November as that is when the ultrasound techs fly-in to our town. My bump is typically this shape, and I do typically start showing early, and get quite round quite quickly, it's just that this time, it's a lot earlier than normal. I don't feel that there is anything medically wrong, and I think if my midwife suspected something medical she would refer me to a doctor. I've never had any issues with any of my pregnancies, so I don't have a reason to think there would be something wrong with this one. That being said, I do appreciate the concern and the suggestion to make sure that there is nothing medically going on that could affect me or the baby/babies. I think because of my figure I have all-belly pregnancies and it's why I get so round so quickly. I have an appointment with my midwife on October 15th and will see what she has to say about me having such a big bump already. I have been measuring 3 weeks ahead consistently since 8 weeks, and I am 12 weeks now and measuring 15 weeks. (I know you can't really go by that til about 20 weeks but that is where I'm measuring). If she decides she suspects twins, she could do another scan on me herself... that would be great if she would! Otherwise I will have to wait another 7 weeks! Ugh. I feel like in Canada, midwives and doctors are a lot more scarce with ultrasounds. I hear of so many women in the US who get scans done any time they want, or it's routine at each visit, or 3 times throughout the pregnancy, or whatnot. Here, you routinely only get one unless you need an early one done because you're unsure of dates or twins are suspected. (Of course it's different if problems are expected or being experienced). I think in low-risk pregnancies they're just typically not done.

I have had some pretty severe all-day nausea that gets worse at night, but the last few days that seems to have subsided for the most part. I couldn't even take my prenatals without gagging them up. I had some pretty bad headaches too a few days, but that's not happened lately either. Hopefully those won't come back! I haven't had morning sickness before in my other pregnancies.

I'm starting to think that I'm going to go for my scan at the end of November, and I'll come back saying there's just one baby, lol, and you will all have been on the edge of your seats (as will I) for nothing! lol I think I'm frustrated with waiting and I can't tell on my doppler if I'm picking up two heartbeats. Sometimes I think so, sometimes I don't. I will still be thrilled with one baby but it's frustrating not knowing!!
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but are you aware the placenta gives off a hb also? I don't think the doppler is the best way to find out twins, as I've found our baby's hb from multiple angles, not to mention it moves around a lot. As well as hearing the hb in a different location that doesn't move, which I'm assuming is the placenta, which doesn't sound too different from the baby's hb.

Just a thought.

Not sure if it's twins, you are definitely huge for 11 weeks in that photo. Of course, like you said it's your 6th pregnancy. And you can't judge it based on any of yours or anyone else's pregnancies as each pregnancy and baby is different regardless. I'm in the US, and by 15 weeks we'll be having our 3rd u/s...sucks that they aren't so readily available there! Maybe at your next appointment your midwife will be shocked by your size and do one. Good luck!
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but are you aware the placenta gives off a hb also? I don't think the doppler is the best way to find out twins, as I've found our baby's hb from multiple angles, not to mention it moves around a lot. As well as hearing the hb in a different location that doesn't move, which I'm assuming is the placenta, which doesn't sound too different from the baby's hb.

Just a thought.

Not sure if it's twins, you are definitely huge for 11 weeks in that photo. Of course, like you said it's your 6th pregnancy. And you can't judge it based on any of yours or anyone else's pregnancies as each pregnancy and baby is different regardless. I'm in the US, and by 15 weeks we'll be having our 3rd u/s...sucks that they aren't so readily available there! Maybe at your next appointment your midwife will be shocked by your size and do one. Good luck!

Yes I know the placenta can be heard as well. I know a doppler isn't the best way to detect twins but I'm desperate to do what I can to see if I can maybe figure it out, at least enough to get my midwife to do another scan :wacko: I'm hoping she will be shocked by my size too and do one! lol I'm basing it all on a few reasons, not just that I'm big for how far along I am.. but hopefully the big belly will make her think twice and give me another scan either at my appointment or a few days after. The machine is there, but there are no techs here to use it - but she knows enough how to use it to take a peek.
i actually disagree with posters who push for emergency scans and check up, stating stuff like "this could be a matter of life or death for baby(ies) or you. "

this just adds up to the anxiety and since this is OP's 6th pregnancy, i'd reckon her body and her instincts can tell if something is really seriously off. Also, if it were something THAT serious, little to nothing can be done for the baby at 12 weeks gestation.

considering where she lives, it's not that she can just walk in a clinic and access a medical professional just like that. and as she said, if her midwife wasn't concerned, and the OP as well feels like nothing is off, except for the twin hunch, then i see no use in raising panic and anxiety.

ALL women and pregnancies are different. I have friends who popped at 12-14 weeks and friends who were well into their 7th month and not showing in their normal clothes (and one of them, not even in a bikini at 6 months. nothing. just a four-pack).
so sure, that IS an insane bump for 11 weeks, but that's HER bump. and comparing her to this or that really doesn't make much sense.

there were women having twins also earlier in history, before the sensitive ultrasounds and all that and still having babies. if i ain't wrong, there's a lady here on BnB that discovered she was having twins at 38 weeks, and it was all just fine.

sure, getting checked up is important, but trusting our bodies is even more so.
I think it's possible for your symptoms to differ from one pregnancy to another. It's really frustrating you weren't able to get a u/s any earlier than the end of November. I really hope that your mw does a u/s on your next appointment and you can find out for sure.

My mom had her worst ms that lasted 6 months when she was pregnant with me, and I'm a twin (but our twin story wasn't a happy one so I won't share it here) but she doesn't believe twins can cause extra nausea as a woman she knew was also pregnant at the time and had ms of similar severity. she just believes they both had hg and just didn't know they needed extra care because of it- they didn't have Internet back then! I feel I'd lose my mind if I didn't have access to dr google during pregnancy even though it rarely gives good news!!

My nausea is different this time than it was with my daughter. I also don't have sore bbs this time when with my daughter the hurt a week before my missed period. But I feel I had awareness that something is going on before testing. Sometimes our instincts make sense! They're there for a reason. I don't think I'll be disappointed if you turn out not to be having twins, I think half of what I'm feeling is wanting you to have a u/s!!
i actually disagree with posters who push for emergency scans and check up, stating stuff like "this could be a matter of life or death for baby(ies) or you. "

this just adds up to the anxiety and since this is OP's 6th pregnancy, i'd reckon her body and her instincts can tell if something is really seriously off. Also, if it were something THAT serious, little to nothing can be done for the baby at 12 weeks gestation.

considering where she lives, it's not that she can just walk in a clinic and access a medical professional just like that. and as she said, if her midwife wasn't concerned, and the OP as well feels like nothing is off, except for the twin hunch, then i see no use in raising panic and anxiety.

ALL women and pregnancies are different. I have friends who popped at 12-14 weeks and friends who were well into their 7th month and not showing in their normal clothes (and one of them, not even in a bikini at 6 months. nothing. just a four-pack).
so sure, that IS an insane bump for 11 weeks, but that's HER bump. and comparing her to this or that really doesn't make much sense.

there were women having twins also earlier in history, before the sensitive ultrasounds and all that and still having babies. if i ain't wrong, there's a lady here on BnB that discovered she was having twins at 38 weeks, and it was all just fine.

sure, getting checked up is important, but trusting our bodies is even more so.

I think this *really* trivializes the risks involved with not just multiple pregnancies, but pregnancy in general.

Are there some women who manage to birth healthy children despite never knowing they were having multiples, or even one child? Sure! Without having access to healthcare at all? Absolutely. But that's the exception to the rule and any educated individual knows that's fact.

Earlier in history maternal and fetal death was common in pregnancy, labor and delivery. To this day it's still a common occurrence where prenatal care and knowledgeable staff isn't available during delivery is sparse. You look at the stats in any third world country. Tell them your one example here on this board means they're all fine too. It's simply not true.

As far as trusting ones body goes - again, I think that's really unfair. How many women here do we see here on first tri board swear they're pregnant despite loads of negative tests? How many women swear throughout pregnancy that there's something wrong with their baby, who end up giving birth to healthy and happy at the end of the day? How many on the flip side of that go in for a normal appointment thinking everything is fine and then are rushed off for emergency deliveries or monitoring because it's not. Saying it should all boil down to simply trusting your body is dangerous, and seriously discounts all women who have had the unexpected thrust upon them. That again is the exception, not the rule, and is super dangerous advice when talking about a potential multiple pregnancy.

I'm not meaning to add to the anxiety, but to be fair put that concern where it actually belongs - the anxiety exists not because I'm voicing concern about the risk to both mother and potential babies, but because OP says she doesn't have the access to sort this out one way or another. Sticking ones head in the sand hyping someone up about a healthy twin pregnancy isn't fair, and imo that's about all this thread has been thus far. It's pretty alarming to be frank. Where is the concern that without enough folic acid supplementation, this could end tragically for the potential children involved? If mo/mo or mo/di - TTS could take the lives of one well before 20 weeks without intervention. Without checking my levels for vitamin D specifically and supplementing, my body would not have been able to offer my boys enough to properly develop their bones - possibly ending in a lifetime of deformities and pain.

You talk to (almost) any mother who's been pregnant with twins and they'll tell you it does change the prenatal care rules - for very good reason - and well before 20 weeks. At that point any potential damage may well have long since been done.

I realize Canada is run national health service style, but that doesn't mean privatized care isn't also available. If I truly believed a multiple pregnancy was a possibility and that were my only option to sorting out the issue either way, I'd take it - as should OP. I do hope she pushes her midwife and pushes her HARD for some answers. I would refuse to leave until I had an explanation because advocating for your own health is so incredibly important.
messica: I think op mentioned that there just aren't private clinics where she is, so all she could hope to do is push at her mw appointment.
OP - At 11 weeks babies would be the size of two bitty brussel sprouts. The rest is a combination of something else's your body is doing. While I'm not at all saying everyone woman's body is the same when I put up that comparison shot, yours is doing an extreme amount of something.....whether it's bloating, internal inflammation......it's anyone's guess without a trained pair of eyes to examine you. I could easily find two heartbeats with my Doppler at that point, but many doctors still can't and with multiples don't even try until much farther along. The womb itself is so small at that point, and babies still so tiny that it can be really tough to sort out if you're hearing one, two or none at all. Only reason I could is I have one on my extreme right and one on my extreme left. It usually doesn't happen that way so pin pointing who is who can be impossible when they're just centimeters (or less) apart.

Has your doctor done anything to address your severe morning sickness?

Do you feel like you've been able to eat enough throughout?

As I said before, I wouldn't leave that appointment until you have some real answers! You can't "feel" deficiencies, TTS etc. Advocate for you and your baby (babies) until you all get what you need - don't take no for an answer or I fear you may regret it later on.
I think this *really* trivializes the risks involved with not just multiple pregnancies, but pregnancy in general.

Are there some women who manage to birth healthy children despite never knowing they were having multiples, or even one child? Sure! Without having access to healthcare at all? Absolutely. But that's the exception to the rule and any educated individual knows that's fact.

I remind you that all of us that post here on bnb belong to that 10%-15% of developed world, and that 85-90% of this planet lives in extreme poverty, often at the limit of starvation and with hardly ANY medical care.

so i'd say, A VAST MAJORITY of women manage without a medical care. which doesn't mean WITHOUT risks - and any educated person should be aware of that (otherwise, all those third world countries wouldn't be so densely populated, wouldn't they).

it is not that she hasn't had ANY care. She's been checked up by a midwife - TWICE. she had no other issues so far. and she will be re-checked in a WEEK. so she is getting some medical care.

i didn't mean underestimate the risks of pregnancy - i've had losses myself despite all the care given, so i know how hard it can be.

YET - i also think putting additional pressure on someone WHO CAN'T just walk in to her OB's office isn't useful at all.
Ok, this seems to be getting a wee bit out of hand. Although I have not previously been pg with twins, I've had 5 other pregnancies and know what to expect, listen for, feel for, etc. I've also done LOADS of research on pg itself because I'm planning to become a midwife after this LO is in K full time (not to mention because I want to make my own informed decisions and am not medically-inclined). I don't discount that every pg is different, or that one can't feel certain issues. I do trust my body and my instincts, and I also trust my midwife. I wouldn't ignore something or hope it goes away on its own just because I don't have good access to care here - if I need it, I get flown out to a hospital and get the required medical attention. I will be asking my midwife about everything and I will trust what she says unless my gut says something different.

I'm not anxious, I'm not worried, I'm not scared. I just want to know if theres one or two, and if there are two, figure out what type of twins they are so I can get the proper extra care. There are plenty of women who dont find out they're having twins until way later. I will definitely listen to my instincts or what my midwife has to say if she or I suspect something is wrong, don't worry. I am much more naturally-inclined and believe that yes, there are issues that arise in pg that need medical attention, but also that in many cases the world of medicine does more damage than good.

At the end of the day if something is going on other than a normal, healthy pregnancy (singleton or otherwise), I will seek the proper attention, be that a midwife, natural care or if necessary, medical care. Right now I have no reason to think something is going on that shouldn't be. I am eating like a horse, which is normal for me anyway (just more so with this pg), and am back to normal regarding morning sickness. It only lasted for about 3 weeks at its worst. My belly seems normal to me in shape, just way earlier than expected. No cause for concern just yet! :)
I also just want to say that I'm quite comfortable with the level of care I'm receiving. I have more regular visits with my midwife here than I did for all my other pregnancies in a large city. I wouldn't want any more care (unless an issue arises that needs more attention) because as I said, I'm naturally-inclined and prefer as little interference as possible. The only thing I would like is access to a scan before 19 weeks but if that's the way it has to be, that's thd way it has to be. I'm not worried at all, just frustrated. And I'm not being naive about it, I'm very knowledgeable and passionate about all things birth and labour and pregnancy. I just don't feel that something is wrong or that there is cause for concern. But I do appreciate the concern of others :)
I have modi identical twins and I was able to find two distinct heartbeats at this point for each even though they shared the placenta and had just a very thin hairlike membrane between sacs....we've never seen this "hide behind the other scenario.." Mine were transverse, head down, etc, sometimes both Hb's were on the right side, but there were TWO Hb's

My assumption based on administering the official fb modi twins group (we're 5000 members strong and have seen it all) and also being part of the fb momo group is that you're carrying a singleton. If they suspected two babies sharing a sac, it is highly risky with about a 50-50 shot at those momo babies making it. You'd be seen every 2 weeks for cord entanglement, compression, and TTTS at this point. With modi ID twins who have sacs separated by a hairlike always moving membrane, you're talking about a 1 in 6 risk of TTTS and a 90% chance of morbidity if left unchecked. TTTS can go from level 1-4 in 96 hours ending in death to recipient and donor. Weeks 16-24 are riskiest.

It's really imperative that you be scanned if you think it might be twins, especially if they're identical. Our group has ladies in places like Stoon where there's not many resources being scanned fortnightly. Some of our girls drive 4 hours to other Canadian provinces to be sure to have these scans. I would recommend venturing to a private clinic to find out what's going on. Some of our members are so high risk that they will lie to be seen by their OB citing cramps, bleeding, etc.

I guess my question is why not do it instead of waiting? If this is a fraternal pair with two sacs and two placentas, it may be fine to wait. But, if we're talking about modi, momo, or conjoined identical twins, it's in your interest to be seen ASAP.

In addition to TTTS, we see forked cords, iugr, short cervixes, PPROM, velamentous cords, TRAP, TAPS, heightened risk of preeclampsia, short marginal cords, end diastolic flow, placental abruption, and more....
LucyLake - thank you so much for chiming in. You put that very real concern together in your post so much better than I managed.

It's absolutely nothing to take lightly regardless of how many times you've been pregnant before or how well one assumes things are going.
Messica, congratulations on your beautiful boys!! <3. I loved your posts and concur that something might be going on that needs further observation in this case. Until you are pregnant with twins, it's hard to imagine the risks involved. Unfortunately, I still recall a case where the mother refused all scans and went natural with a midwife. She had a very rare (1% of the time in identical twinning) momo gestation that wasn't discovered until she simply no longer felt any kicks. They suspected two based on measuring so large and fetal movement. Had she been monitored, she would have been inpatient on hospital bedrest with the babies Hb's constantly monitored for decels due to cord entanglement and compression past 24 weeks. Instead, she has a broken heart and two dead babies. They would have been her first.
Thanks! Mine are di/di and the ride even with far less risk has been scary enough! I don't belong to any mo/mo or mo/di specific groups but rather several general MoM's fb groups and I too have heard the horror stories of those who for whatever reason go on un or under monitored :(

I understand the excitement for those who don't fully understand to an extent, but after going down this road and learning all that goes along with a multiple pregnancy.....every single day everyone remains healthy becomes a blessing and you really learn just how important aaaaaall of the monitoring becomes.

Reading about the grief and regret of those who wished they'd done things differently after the worst happens.........how they'd give anything to go back and demand more, and better, for themselves and their babies. As a mother it would be hard enough moving on if one had done everything they could, but on top of that to feel completely responsible knowing something else could have been done? I can't fathom enduring such a thing and wish no one would ever be forced to.... :cry:

Your boys are lovely btw.....what amazing blessings despite the odds! True gifts!!!
You ladies(MESSICA & LUCYLAKE) are awesome.I will leave it at that.Messica knows what i'm talking about lol
yes dont worry mamabean I measured the size of 20 weeks at 10 weeks in terms of belly size ...was simply due to fibroids and bloating no concern...everyone asks if I am having twins but this baby just wants to be seen . May you have a healthy pregnancy singleton or multiple : )

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