Ultrasound - Missed Twin Stories?

I wish you a healthy pregnancy either way also. When we start comparing bellies women everywhere will be in trouble, just look at the bumps board. They come in all shapes and sizes and different times. My fundal height is quite high even for twins. And you ARE getting prenatal care. I dont believe in this forum being about scaring and doom and gloom for women. Maybe if she wasnt being seen at all. I think we should all be more supportive. You need to trust your midwife and not a forum. And if not then seek a new one.
I wish you a healthy pregnancy either way also. When we start comparing bellies women everywhere will be in trouble, just look at the bumps board. They come in all shapes and sizes and different times. My fundal height is quite high even for twins. And you ARE getting prenatal care. I dont believe in this forum being about scaring and doom and gloom for women. Maybe if she wasnt being seen at all. I think we should all be more supportive. You need to trust your midwife and not a forum. And if not then seek a new one.

Thanks lanet! :)
I have appropriate care that I'm comfortable with and will have appropriate further care should it become necessary :) I'm also not completely hnaware of potential complications and risks with multiple (and even singleton) pregnancies. I will take the necessary steps as needed, IF I find out that it's twins.

I don't understand how this has suddenly turned into a share and scare of twin stories. By my lmp dates I am 10 weeks in to my pregnancy and yet I have not seen a doctor or midwife once (my appointment with a doctor scheduled for today was cancelled). This lady is only 2 weeks further on and already has had two appointments with a health care professional and has another one approaching. I'm in the uk and even now hear of many people who have no early scans and go for their 12 week nhs scan and find out they are unexpectedly pregnant with twins. It does happen and I'm sure if the op honestly thought there was something wrong with her and her baby(ies) she wouldn't just be sitting around and waiting
I don't understand how this has suddenly turned into a share and scare of twin stories. By my lmp dates I am 10 weeks in to my pregnancy and yet I have not seen a doctor or midwife once (my appointment with a doctor scheduled for today was cancelled). This lady is only 2 weeks further on and already has had two appointments with a health care professional and has another one approaching. I'm in the uk and even now hear of many people who have no early scans and go for their 12 week nhs scan and find out they are unexpectedly pregnant with twins. It does happen and I'm sure if the op honestly thought there was something wrong with her and her baby(ies) she wouldn't just be sitting around and waiting

Thank you george83 :thumbup: I haven't been scared into thinking there's something wrong though. I will also say that this bump is very normal for me in how it looks - just never this early before. I will *also* say that I was definitely picking up a heartbeat on two opposite sides of my belly last night.... Whether one was a second one or an echo, I have no idea. But one was way over in my left, and I moved the wand about 6 inches to my right and voila, another heartbeat. The wand was not angled towards where I heard the other heartbeat, it was basically pointing straight down I both cases. One was low 150's, one was high 150's. Like 153 & 159, consistently. My MIL heard it, too (they are visiting). Now to my understanding, baby is only 3" CRL at this point... So moving 6 " away and picking up a heartbeat..? I wonder what the odds are of getting an echo at almost 13 weeks... I would think the chances of it being an echo would be smaller and smaller as the pregnancy progresses and babies get bigger, right?
I think some members are irratated because its like everyone is giving false hope for twins(could be) but I say one.Its like twins are more important than one baby and it feels like its all you want.I told you how I lost mine and you kind of skoffed it off and didn't say sorry or anything like people normally do.I hope you get what you want.
I think some members are irratated because its like everyone is giving false hope for twins(could be) but I say one.Its like twins are more important than one baby and it feels like its all you want.I told you how I lost mine and you kind of skoffed it off and didn't say sorry or anything like people normally do.I hope you get what you want.

I'm sorry I didn't say anything about your loss. Of course my heart goes out to you for that, I can't even imagine what that must have been like. I certainly didn't scoff it off, sorry if if seemed that way. Twins or more are no more important than any one single baby; every one is equally as important. I will be happy either way; just frustrated and searching for clues or answers either way, the best I can in the meantime. It's normal for anyone to ask questions and get others experiences and advice and suggestions. I don't feel I'm getting a sense of false hope; I'm just gaining people's experiences and thoughts either way (twins or singleton). I certainly didn't mean to downplay your experience.

And yes it could still be one. Won't I be the laughing stock if I come back after my scan to say it's just one. But my thoughts and feelings and questions are still very real to me and until I get a definite answer one way or another, all I can do is ask and put my own experiences out there. Even if gathering others' experiences and suggestions doesn't solve my issue, it helps to just talk about it and read other real people's experiences.
I would want to know for sure if there was one or two. If you have any reason to believe there might be multiples it's only natural to be curious. Mama bean in no way asked for stories of twin miscarriages. Seriously ladies get on the right forum.
I would want to know for sure if there was one or two. If you have any reason to believe there might be multiples it's only natural to be curious. Mama bean in no way asked for stories of twin miscarriages. Seriously ladies get on the right forum.

It's not about stories of twin miscarriage, but about the fact that prenatal care for a multiple pregnancy IS significantly different than it is for singletons. The supplements and monitoring are important, so important that it can mean the difference between life and death. And you can't turn back the clock.

That's all that was being pointed out.

I'm going to exit this thread for good now but please know what's been said on both sides comes from a place of care and concern. It's not gloom and doom, but rather facts offered in an attempt to share with you the risks involved with waiting so long to confirm either way. Sharing with each other is so important, I know I've learned loads here from others even though I've long since been a mother. Being open to things I never considered before I know will only serve to help me in the future. Even if it's things that initially are unpleasant to hear.

Either way this turns out, I do wish you the best mamabean.
I'm late but read everything and subscribing to see what you find out. :)

My only concern would be long term not being able to take prenatals! I'm hoping you have been able to hold some of that good stuff down by now. Baby(ies) need those vitamins, which I know you know. :)
You ladies(MESSICA & LUCYLAKE) are awesome.I will leave it at that.Messica knows what i'm talking about lol

Thank you so much for your sweet compliment <3

You will always be a twin mommy. Always <3 Please feel free to join the modi twins group me and my friends administer on FB if you so choose as we welcome all angel twin moms:

I will pm the link <3
Following to see how this story plans out :)

I'm currently following another mama who is also convinced shes having twins as well, yet to be confirmed at 19 weeks. Shes trying to find a sonographer who is willing to just do a quick head count and placenta check, but they all told her she will be getting an hour long morphology scan which she does not want, so shes in limbo too.

I have heard stories of twins hiding one directly behind the other, and their heartbeats so synchronized they couldn't be distinguished, and combined with your scan just being done by a midwife not a qualified technician its definitely possible one was hidjng somewhere.
I would want to know for sure if there was one or two. If you have any reason to believe there might be multiples it's only natural to be curious. Mama bean in no way asked for stories of twin miscarriages. Seriously ladies get on the right forum.

It's not about stories of twin miscarriage, but about the fact that prenatal care for a multiple pregnancy IS significantly different than it is for singletons. The supplements and monitoring are important, so important that it can mean the difference between life and death. And you can't turn back the clock.

That's all that was being pointed out.

I'm going to exit this thread for good now but please know what's been said on both sides comes from a place of care and concern. It's not gloom and doom, but rather facts offered in an attempt to share with you the risks involved with waiting so long to confirm either way. Sharing with each other is so important, I know I've learned loads here from others even though I've long since been a mother. Being open to things I never considered before I know will only serve to help me in the future. Even if it's things that initially are unpleasant to hear.

Either way this turns out, I do wish you the best mamabean.

So very well said. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: Wishing you all the best on a safe delivery messica <3<3

My job is simply to inform mamabean1. I'm so very grateful for my rainbow baby boys who would NOT be here if I hadn't understood the risks early on. I choose to use my time now to discuss the risks and understand that the person hearing them will then make her own educated decision. Paying it forward, if you will, because God was so good to me. We were so very lucky to discover it was modi identical twins at 6+0. I delivered due to eclampsia with HELLP and pulmonary edema at 33+4.
I think this *really* trivializes the risks involved with not just multiple pregnancies, but pregnancy in general.

Are there some women who manage to birth healthy children despite never knowing they were having multiples, or even one child? Sure! Without having access to healthcare at all? Absolutely. But that's the exception to the rule and any educated individual knows that's fact.

I remind you that all of us that post here on bnb belong to that 10%-15% of developed world, and that 85-90% of this planet lives in extreme poverty, often at the limit of starvation and with hardly ANY medical care.

so i'd say, A VAST MAJORITY of women manage without a medical care. which doesn't mean WITHOUT risks - and any educated person should be aware of that (otherwise, all those third world countries wouldn't be so densely populated, wouldn't they).

it is not that she hasn't had ANY care. She's been checked up by a midwife - TWICE. she had no other issues so far. and she will be re-checked in a WEEK. so she is getting some medical care.

i didn't mean underestimate the risks of pregnancy - i've had losses myself despite all the care given, so i know how hard it can be.

YET - i also think putting additional pressure on someone WHO CAN'T just walk in to her OB's office isn't useful at all.

Just because 85-90% of the world population live in abject poverty doesn't mean the rest of us DON'T have options. And mamabean1 absolutely can go to a private clinic, emergency room, lie to her OB and say she's very worried if she really wants to. By your logic, we should just ALL pretend like we're slumming it in Ethiopia :dohh: We're not though.
I think this *really* trivializes the risks involved with not just multiple pregnancies, but pregnancy in general.

Are there some women who manage to birth healthy children despite never knowing they were having multiples, or even one child? Sure! Without having access to healthcare at all? Absolutely. But that's the exception to the rule and any educated individual knows that's fact.

I remind you that all of us that post here on bnb belong to that 10%-15% of developed world, and that 85-90% of this planet lives in extreme poverty, often at the limit of starvation and with hardly ANY medical care.

so i'd say, A VAST MAJORITY of women manage without a medical care. which doesn't mean WITHOUT risks - and any educated person should be aware of that (otherwise, all those third world countries wouldn't be so densely populated, wouldn't they).

it is not that she hasn't had ANY care. She's been checked up by a midwife - TWICE. she had no other issues so far. and she will be re-checked in a WEEK. so she is getting some medical care.

i didn't mean underestimate the risks of pregnancy - i've had losses myself despite all the care given, so i know how hard it can be.

YET - i also think putting additional pressure on someone WHO CAN'T just walk in to her OB's office isn't useful at all.

Just because 85-90% of the world population live in abject poverty doesn't mean the rest of us DON'T have options. And mamabean1 absolutely can go to a private clinic, emergency room, lie to her OB and say she's very worried if she really wants to. By your logic, we should just ALL pretend like we're slumming it in Ethiopia :dohh: We're not though.

No she can't as A) shes not seeing an OB and B ) she'd have to then drive 17 hours to have a scan done.
...and she's had an ultrasound that showed one baby in there for sure, plus some shadow she wasn't sure about, and her midwife didn't find it necessary to scan further. the reason she's suspecting twins is because she's measuring ahead and is curious about it (in her 6th pregnancy, btw).

so it's a very different situation from yours Lucylake. You had a scan where mo-dis were clear since very early on (and if i remember right, you thought they were momos actually until around 20-23 weeks, so THAT WAS an emergency situation); but that's not the case here. and you can't generalize your experience to everyone.

i am sorry to hear you had all those complications, i almost lost a friend to HELLP with a singleton pregnancy, but it was obvious very early on she was having a rough one there, so she searched for help.

my point was not to say we should all act like in Ethiopia or wherever but... mamabean IS getting prenatal care, being checked out on and at the level SHE is comfortable with.

i find it more dangerous to drive for 16-17 hours somewhere while pregnant at 12 weeks to get a scan and discover it is most probably a singleton (as her first scan indicates), rather than waiting it out until october 15th to get checked by HER midwife again and. and even if it were to be twins - nothing can be done for them at 12 weeks - so any kind of rushing to a hospital now, especially in her living condition, really wouldn't make sense.

and why i felt people needed a reminder of what the world really is like is this: there is a certain exaggeration in medical management today. if you'd spent one day working in medical or pharma industry, you'd know very well that the primary thing for hospitals and pharma especially, is how much money they can make out of each patient. just look at the increase in the C-section rate in the US over the past 30 years (for singleton pregnancies). i really doubt that american women suddenly unlearned how to birth.

so i don't say that medical care is unnecessary - but it should stay within reasonable limits. and mamabean's situation here is VERY different from yours.

your original post listing statistics from your facebook group sounded really like you were accusing the mamabean for being careless, uneducated, irresponsible and not doing enough for her babies - and that personally set me off.

because it is more than clear that she does. she is getting her care. she is also in a situation where she CAN NOT get more. and driving 16-17 hours while pregnant is ALSO quite risky, especially while having other 5 kids at home. so i really feel that mamabean, as a mother, is doing the right decision here with trusting her midwife and her own body and instincts FOR NOW.

if the situation changes, she might take different decisions. but a post like yours - to someone who's US looks like a singleton more than anything and who at the time was only TEN WEEKS pregnant and in such remote location was slightly judgmental and unnecessary.
I was also going to ask earlier (but my battery was about tondie so I just hit post) what , if any, is the actual medical benefit of confirming a multiple pregnancy and determining a multiple pregnancy prior to 20 weeks ? In my opinion, I feel like it would only cause unnecessary stress because as far as I am aware simply knowing at that gestation won't improve outcomes at all.
I couldn't agree with you more about the medical industry, skyesmom. I think more problems are created than fixed, and when you get right down to it, it's all about money. It's sad. I am well aware that a twin pregnancy CAN be more risky than a singleton and I'm not naive about that. But it does not AUTOMATICALLY mean there WILL be problems. I'm not saying it can't or won't happen to me, but my body seems so well equipped for pregnancy and birth, I have zero complications in pregnancy or birth, and no genetic markers for anything, nothing in my husband's side, etc. I have no reason to believe that my body isn't capable of growing two healthy babies just as it can grow one. However, I wouldn't be stupid about it and not get more care AS REQUIRED. I would also make my own informed, educated decisions about what's really needed in care and treatment, not just do whatever a doctor says. I would make the best decisions for my babies and myself. And no, I CAN'T get private care, as Skyesmom mentioned, because I have to drive hours and hours to get it and skyesmom is right, that's just not feasible with all my young kids and my husband's crazy schedule.
I'm going with my midwife, and a natural home birth in the water like usual, UNLESS there are true complications that arise due to a twin pregnancy.

While I appreciate the experiences and info, the somewhat condescending tone from a few posts is really unnecessary. Kinda set me off too but I tried not to post anything equally condescending. I'm definitely the LEAST irresponsible person when it comes to my pregnancies and births, and I am doing everything I should AT THIS POINT and in my current situation. As I mentioned in at least one post, I will be going to complete my degree in Midwifery as soon as this little one (or these little ones) are in Kindergarten full time... So I am not stupid and naive and uneducated about pregnancy in general. Plus as it's been mentioned several times, this is my 6th pregnancy. I've kinda done this a few times before. And I've been educating myself and making informed decisions since the first one 7 years ago. If I am told there is a problem and given proof, I will obviously make the right decisions in as natural a way as possible. I don't believe that drugs and interventions are the be all and end all 95% of the time. If that makes me irresponsible than you can think of me as you will... I happen to think the complete opposite. If I research a problem and discover that that's the only way to ensure the health and safety of the babies, then obviously I'd go that route.

First I need to determine if there even ARE two first before anything else. For all I know there's only one healthy bub in there. No point in any worrying until (and if) necessary.
I was also going to ask earlier (but my battery was about tondie so I just hit post) what , if any, is the actual medical benefit of confirming a multiple pregnancy and determining a multiple pregnancy prior to 20 weeks ? In my opinion, I feel like it would only cause unnecessary stress because as far as I am aware simply knowing at that gestation won't improve outcomes at all.

Not opinion, just sneaking back to impart some fact here....you are 1000% wrong about the additional monitoring not improving both fetal and maternal outcomes. Ask any leading authority on multiples, and they'll confirm. I'll be happy to provide links to reputable sources if you're still curious.

- *Prescription* dose folic acid is **needed** to offer developing fetuses the same reduced risk of birth defects as a singleton on regular dose. By 20 weeks any damage to brains and spinal cords is long since done and irreversible. Average amount in a regular prenatal vitamin is 400mcg, average prescribed to a woman having multiples is 2-4mg, or more (conversion is 1000mcg/1mg).

- Additional blood work is needed to rule out other vitamin deficiencies such as the Vitamin D deficiency I mentioned I had. Had I gone all the way to 20 weeks without prescription supplementation to correct my severe deficiency, there is a very real chance both of my boys would have been born with serious and permanent bone/joint deformities - not to mention continued to deplete my own resources and put me at further risk of things like PPD, osteoporosis etc. Vitamin D deficiency is very common, especially for Canadians. The further north you live, the higher the risk (in Alaska for example stats are that as much as 90% of the population is affected). If OP lives somewhere where alternate care is 17 hours away I'd venture to guess she lives way, waaaaaaay up there.

- That same additional blood work (and/or urinalysis) can also detect glucose intolerance and gestational diabetes early on, which is important because the risk of developing it with a multiple pregnancy skyrockets compared to pregnancy with a singleton. Left untreated/undiagnosed often causes preventable miscarriage/stillbirth.

- Same goes for anemia - skyrocketed risk that can definitely cause preventable miscarriage/stillbirth as well as serious maternal risk.

- And preeclampsia.

- Additional early ultrasounds to clarify if multiples are mo/mo, mo/di or di/di save lives. There are babies who were diagnosed before 20 weeks with TTTS who were able to undergo laser therapy that saved their lives. TTTS has a near 100% mortality rate if left untreated.

- Depending on maternal history (and often times just depending on results from the additional monitoring) - progesterone therapy may be necessary in the form of suppositories from day 1 of confirmation or in the form of injections of hydroxyprogesterone starting at 16 weeks. Since risk of preterm labor skyrockets in women pregnant with twins with or without a history of it, it's so important for many to have that additional therapy on board.

Almost to all of the above is completely undetectable by the mother. And not knowing doesn't negate risk.

There are plenty more, but those are the biggie's.

(ETA - I'm not judging your choices mamabean, but I do disagree that just because you had other singleton pregnancies with no problems that you'll be fine either way. Singleton pregnancies are night and day compared to multiple pregnancies. You can neither predict similarities, or avoid complications singlehandedly with good intentions alone. I completely respect that you need to do what you feel comfortable with, but if most mothers of multiples took your approach, fact is, their little ones wouldn't be here today. That doesn't mean if that's what's going on here that yours won't or wouldn't be fine - they certainly could be even with zero monitoring throughout - just speaking in terms of odds because the stats are what they are. All that aside and I can't stress it enough, I wish you and yours well no matter how this turns out for you.)

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