To be honest, I don't understand why everyones so bothered about formula milk. If you want to breastfeed. Great. If you want to formula feed, great! Why are we all so concerned about breast being best. It's nothing to do with you how other people feed their baby.
Be it formula milk or breastmilk. We're all aware of the benefits of breastmilk. Well done the NHS. We can all make our own decisions. Why is everyone so concerned with the fact that breastfeeding figures are falling etc?! Just curious?!
I can only answer for myself, but the issue of interest to me because public health is of interest to me. Poor breastfeeding figures relates to poorer health in general which relates to allocation of funding and resources. Again, of personal interest to me.
If all babies were breastfed for the first 3 months (and I'm not implying that ALL babies
can be breastfed or implying anything negative about anyone who chose not to) it is estimated that the NHS would save over 50 million a year on gastroenteritis treatment alone. So anyone in the UK with any opinion on NHS resources, funding, quality of care and treatment provision probably SHOULD be interested in this issue overall.
On an individual basis, it is sod all to do with me how people choose to feed their babies and I support those around me who choose either and recieve the same in return from most of them. I support personal choice 100%.
On a wider level the issues of informed choice and health promotion and it's challenges are the business of all current and training health professionals, but also of interest to all who have any interest in the health service, and as everyone in the UK will be an NHS user at some point in their life it is likely to be of interest to many imho.