I to am proud of how my son turned out from my milk that in no way is meant to make a mum who formula feeds bad and I dont get how it could do. Its just a personal thing, I made the milk and its clearly good enough for him where as so many around me claim its not good enough and he needs formula so it makes me feel better to be honest knowing I done that, I not only carried him for 41 weeks and went through a bad labour but I am still growing him. I love the closeness of breastfeeding and the fact I can lye there and type or read a book while doing it.
And I am proud of the way my daughter turned out from formula I think we should just all be proud that we have healthy babies regardless of how they're fed
but we are... I was speaking for me I am sure you feel the same way to and that wasnt rubbing your face in it so no need to get defensive.
I wasn't getting defensive, I was just saying we should all be proud regardless