I dont see the problem with a company offering advice on all-things baby related??
So what they sell formula? Its another way of feeding a baby. What's the problem?!
I think some people are just too sensitive to things like this. The ad got your attention, which is job well done to their marketing department. They are promoting a service that im sure countless people have found helpful, because of that ad. If the ad wasn't there i wonder how many people would be worried about something in silence not knowing who to ask.
Information of BF and FF is always contradictive, misleading and sometimes completely wrong. Its up to the mother to seek out which methods work best for her, + her baby.
Well said BFers are always saying how they don't feel they get enough advice/support. But if FFers get support then it's a bad thing? We are all mothers trying to feed our babies. Why is it ok for BFing to be out in the open but FFing to be kept in the dark? FFers worry as much as BFing mums do so they should have the opportunity to ask for advice