Personally I'm in a bit of a quandry about education. My husband is currently embarking on teacher training - it's going to take him 5 years including his first degree in biological sciences, and then he'll be able to teach science at KS3, 4 and 5. I'm a history graduate with a love of literature and poetry - between us we probably have the ability to meet the educational needs of a child.
However, I do feel that school is a necessary part of growing up. The interaction and the skills you learn around the classroom as well as the knowledge gained within it. I actually went to boarding school, so maybe I had a different line of sight, but at 15 my school closed down and I went to the local comp, hated every minute, got bullied, barely went, and still came out with 10 A grade GCSEs because I basically only went to school to learn. I probably could have done it at home but my parents weren't supportive/didn't know that they could/weren't willing to do what was necessary.
Earl is obviously bright - and I do want the very best for him. I've researched all of the options, and we do have a montessori pre-school and an 'outdoor nursery' in our area, which I'm keen on him attending before he goes to school at 5. I just don't know what to do after that as I can't afford £10k a year on private school, none around here offer bursaries etc. Homeschooling may actually be an option for us, but I can't help but think that I would be stifling Earl by keeping him at home, despite the obvious benefits of missing out on bullying and any negative educational experiences . We shall have to see how we get on in future years.