I am 6 weeks tomorrow! The only downfall with finding out this early is the fact that it seems to have a slow start.
Im still feeling very nauseous. pretty much constantly but i havn't thrown up for a week. So thats an improvement.
Ive been having a bit of insomnia (despite having a 10 month old that stinks at sleeping! go figure.)
My acne is close to clearing.
Ive been feeling dizzy a lot. i felt that way before my

but still feel that way occasionally.
Other than that, not much else to report...except TMI but my CM is lots and creamy. I had creamy CM with DS1 and the pregnancy i MCed, but it was not nearly as much. This is just messy.
I called the HB MWs. They are setting up an early ultrasound for me around January 20th-somewhere in there. She wants it down during the 8th week. So guess we will find out if there is one or more in there!

Then i have to call the MWs back (after i have the scan) and they will schedule me for my first appt. the following week. I went with these MWs with DS2 and i love them, so im excited about that!
i can't wait to see my "honeybee" (or honeybees, perhaps?
