US - new season of Teen Mom

I'm not sure if this works in the UK, but you can try this site.

Oops, nevermind. I just realized the links it gives you are just to! haha. Most shows it will give you a few choices of sites to go to and watch online for free.
Ok I am stupider just for watching this. Farrah just held her puppy over the toilet to "go potty".
Can you UK ladies try Graboid perhaps? :shrug: It's only a free trial and it lasts a month or so, I think.

Watching tonight's new episode....The nerve Ryan's mother has! :growlmad: She's totally instigating an argument between him and Maci about Kyle living with her and Bentley...OBVIOUSLY if Ryan doesn't care enough to ask, he doesn't care at all! And her saying, "Oh it's not healthy for Bentley to be around all those strange guys, etc." Please. :roll: Bentley has been around Kyle consistently - and he is a good role model for him, even better than his real father! Sorry, I just cannot believe the audacity that woman has... :nope: Especially after all her son has put Maci through... I understand wanting to spend more time with your grandchild and being concerned for his welfare, but how about a little appreciation and respect towards the mom who's sacrificed nearly everything for him? :wacko:

Does anyone know if Farrah's parents went through with their divorce? :shrug:
Ahh, Farah clearly went to a puppy mill!!!! Did you see how many pure bred pups they had in that same room!?

And omg, I think my heart sank when Leah was playing with condoms!!!!
Amber's not my favorite, but argh :nope: sometimes I want to beat the shit out of Gary too.
In agreement with my fellow posters, Farrah is an effing moron and the Leah/condom thing was just hilarious. "See, Daddy, you should have used these!"

The Catelynn bit was a tad boring, but I was pretty shocked to find out that adoptive parents can just close an adoption. I thought there were all sorts of legalities involved in an adoption to protect both parties? hmmm.

What is it to Ryan's parents if Maci is living with Kyle? It pissed me off that they were like, "oh, she's gonna have all these guys in an out of her life; it's bad for Bentley", like she's a whore or something. His mom needs to butt the hell out. Going to court because she's living with her bf, the only guy she's dated in the last 2 years? Okay.....

Farrah is an idiot.

Amber is a nutcase. I don't get why they couldn't do a joint party - they could have been civil for a couple of hours. On second thought, um, no - that would never happen. At the end of the segment, Amber was waxing on how she wished she hoped they could all be a family some day; just seconds after telling Gary just looking at him pissed her off. :wacko:
Yeah Gary was a pretty big d!ck in this episode. Seriously, you get wasted the night before your daughters party when you havn't even gotten her party ready or cleaned your house!?

Yeah I didn't think adoptive parents could just close an adoption either. They probably got some fancy lawyer or something that said having the birth mother around was harmful to the child or something...
With the exception of Tyler (and Derek of course) none of the teen moms' baby daddies seem to respect what they do for their kids. Gary was just telling Amber he still loved her and wanted to be with her at the beginning of the episode and gets upset when she doesn't respond the way he wants her to. And Ryan is such a complete dick to Maci - how can he not appreciate how much she does for Bentley?

Honestly they need to round up all the Garys and Ryans of the world and stick them on an island. :dohh:
I just googled around and it seems that adoptions can close without any repercussions... After all, what are they going to do? Take the baby back? And there have to be times when the birth mother is an unsuitable influence (drugs, etc).

Farrah is a freaking moron with the dog and potty thing, heck she is a moron anyway, lol!

I actually saw the point of still having catelynn on the show this time though :)
And I'm guessing one of them will get fired for missing shifts.

I don't get how having a boyfriend with a small child is any different than having friends that are around their child. Like the girl roommate on teen mom 2 (can't remember the mom's name, but the one who stupidly got back together with her ex and hid it from her dad). There will always be people coming in and out of a child's life, as long as the child isn't being prompted to be more affectionate than they want o be, isn't being prompted to call a boyfriend 'daddy' etc.
Truly, can they legally stop them from living together unless they can prove that Kyle is a dangerous person?

You guys already said it all about Gary and Amber.
I think Kyle is taking on a big daddy role with Bently. If he was little younger and a friend around might be different but Kyle seems like he helps maci actually parent too. Which is great he seems like a great guy! A friend in some cases are ok, but I think that has to do with who the mother decides to take into her child's life just like a boyfriend. And I think that is the problem, Kyle seems to have a better relationship with Bentley than Bently and Ryan. Ryan is mad b/c he doesn't want to step up and still wants his parents to care for Bently. Kyle is a great influence and Ryan is threatened! Ryan knows maci wouldn't expose Bently to someone that wasn't good for him. In some cases this might be an issue so he can go to court with it, but I think he knows it is ok and he doesn't care until his mother brings it up!
Anyone in the UK can watch it on "let me watch this . com" (remove spaces)

That site is up to date with the American episodes, that's what I've been watching it on :D
Catelynn is proud of a 65%? I would have been devastated. I get she needed it to pass, but damn, she did not do well on her test and it did not help my (already so-so) opinion of her. I understand Catelynn is a victim of her upbringing, but I really don't like her. It seems like no one ever taught her about responsibility, or the importance of school, or that there are better things in life but you have to work for them. I think she gets that last part, because she put Carly up for adoption so Carly can have a better life, but it seems Catelynn's belief/attitude is that she's fine with being stuck where she is and doesn't have any ambition to at least try to make her life a little better.

With Amber, I'm still not buying the whole "I just need a new house" explanation.....Amber and her mom seem to have a good relationship :wacko: .......

Could Kyle be more useless when it comes to helping out around the house? They are both pissing me off about not doing their responsibilities so they can stay home with Bentley. I thought Maci said she only goes to class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Can't Kyle stay home those days, and on the others Maci can stay home so Kyle can job hunt? They sound rather selfish/lazy to me.
I get the feeling Maci just found school to be too hard and boring and wanted an excuse to drop out. Now on the previews she wants another kid with Kyle?!?! How about having a stable relationship/marriage first? I can't imagine what her custody arrangements would be with 2 baby daddies to juggle.

Farrah's whole thing was just an excuse for drama. There is no reason her daughter needed to come and to be disappointed that it didn mean anything to Sophia just shows how little she understands about kids. Be glad that it isn't sad for her, it's normal to her that her dad is gone and she doresnt know any better or understand what she is missing...don't be disappointed that she isn't in pain! Argh!!

Amber, why the heck did your mom need to be there? She knew that there was the potential for drama going in. The last thing you wan when visiting CPS is drama! I also got mad seeing her try and hang a picture as part of her preparations for leah's room. Ummm, get the basics first, then worry about making it pretty. Also, if 'all you want' is to have Leah with you, then get off your butt, stop talking about it and DO something!! Your friend could have helped you instead of just sitting around.
I don't know if I just don't pay attention, but does it seem like she has different people all the time as 'friends'? Think they are just acquaintances that they pretend are friends? :)
And what was with Amber's comment to her friend about how she "has full custody of Leah", but Leah is just staying at Gary's for now. Huh?
Maci- I lost a lot of respect for you when you said you wanted another baby because you were bored! And you think joint custody is hard with Ryan? What if you split up with Kyle and had to share custody of your other kid with him too?

Farrah- she set new records for attitude! And what was up with her face in California? I think she put on extra bronzer on so she would be more tan but she looked orange and her face was like 5 shades darker than her neck

Amber is just an idiot
Farrah needs therapy. She has more issues than I do! :haha: Something about the way her hair was cut to frame her face was throwing me off, too. My dad would smack me if I ever started calling him by his first name, especially if I was a snotty teenager.

Agree with your Maci comments. If you are so bored, go back to school!!

Still bored with Catelynn/Tyler.
It just sounded so whiny to complain about having to share custody. It not about YOU Maci, its about Bentley spending time with his father.

I'm guessing Farrah's dad isn't her biological dad.... its just too weird that she calls her mom 'mom' but calls her dad by his name. Though why they wouldn't just call him her stepdad is beyond me.

Ok, just googled and got this explanation..
weird, what a brat!
Aha! I seem to remember her calling him Michael way before her mom let her have it....
^ I agree. She used to call her dad 'Michael' on 16 and Pregnant-- long before the incident. I think that's just her story to make herself look better... and make her the victim. Again. :roll:

I realize that everyone loves Maci, because MTV makes her look perfect... but she's really been getting on my nerves lately. :shrug:

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