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US/UK Food: You call it whaaaaaaaat?

Megg when I was in school my compulsory subjects were;

Science (when you get to year 10 you could choose to do single award or double award. It just means when you do your GCSE's you either get 1 grade or 2 grades)
Religious Education
Physical Education
Music (up until year 9... after that we prepare for our GCSE's and can pick 4 subjects we want to do)
Welsh (only taught in Wales)
History (until year 9)
Expressive Arts (from year 9 onwards)
French (until year 9)
Drama (until year 9)
Geography (until year 9)
IT (until year 9)
Art (until year 9)

I think that was it.... When I got to the end of year 9 I chose French, Music, Drama and History as the subjects I wanted to do for GCSE.

These were still compulsory

English (we do literature and language for GCSE so got 2 grades)
Physical Education (no GCSE exam)
Religious Education (shortcourse - it means you can only get up to a C at GCSE. GCSE ranges from A* to E I think after that it becomes unmarkable)
Welsh (same as RE)
Expressive Arts

I might have missed some but think that's it. Sorry it's so confusing :dohh:
that what i was trying to say :lol: we only got to pick 3 options it differs round the country & i did triple award science :lol:
that what i was trying to say :lol: we only got to pick 3 options it differs round the country & i did triple award science :lol:

oooh! Our school only went up to double... I know other schools do spanish and german too!
we only did french :haha: i hated my teacher, she picked on me to speak outloud for everything! x
Religious Education? Really? That's shocking considering that we aren't allowed to incorporate anything religious into our schools unless its a private, religious-based school!!! Is it a study of all different religions? Or...??
yeah! it's compulsory in my school! :shock: :lol: theres even some like mainstream church schools! xx
in my high school (public) we had to have parents sign permission slips for kids to read portions of the bible. We were reading John Steinbeck's East of Eden and they wanted us to have some of the biblical passages to read since they were referred to and quoted in the book.

So religious study isn't always banned in public schools, lol.. its just highly controversial :)
:) it's so cool how things differ! x
in the UK religious education in schools cover a range of different religions which personally I feel is a very positive thing.
Could they even do the permission slips now, Lisa? Because, I don't know. I know they could when WE went to school... but I don't think that would work now.

I think it would be great if there was a class that taught ALL religions and non-religious points of view. However, Americans would NEVER go for it. Most of the Christian community would have a fit if their child was taught anything other than the ideals they chose to present... Or, that's how it seems to go here! I think everyone should be taught all perspectives and allowed to make up his/her own mind!
I'm not sure if the permission slip thing would work now... not really up to date on how much has changed? But then I hear crazy things like parents not being able to bring cupcakes to schools anymore or bake things for a bake sale etc... (they have to buy grocery store baked goods)
Religous Education -

we looked at different faiths, their customs, traditions, celebraations and gods, we aaso sometimes used this class to discuss world issues, morals and ethics

heeres a link to some more info

I really wish we had a class like that! That's amazing! We're so uptight here!

I don't think they can do anything of the sort anymore. Too many parents raise hell if they try! Its changed A LOT since we were kids. You definitely can't bring homemade stuff anymore. That's a big thing now. But, the religion in schools has become a HUGE no-no. It all started when they wanted Creationism taught alongside Evolution... But, no one wanted any other religion covered. Just GOD vs DARWIN in some death match! I'd be happy for my kids to learn about all different faiths' beliefs and customs... and this is coming from an Atheist! My children will be allowed to make up their own minds on what they believe, and I think that sort of class would be just perfect! I suppose I'll have to do that curriculum on my own though! LOL
that website link has sections and lesson plans fr teachers, so book mark it for when ur lil ones r bigger
This thread made me giggle!!! So weird how so many things are called different things. When I first came on here I was always like huh?? what the heck is that??
just read through all this thread !! its really interesting !!

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