Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Wow this is very complicated. Thanks for your reply.
I did a bit of reading on it.
I need to ask more questions at my next scan as my gestational sac seems to be in the middle of the screen, so suggests not in a 'horn'.

My son was transverse when pregnant also so not in a 'horn' then.
Maybe mine is only slight.
Will keep researching and will check back in when I know outcomes (:
the breech position is actually pretty common with bu as usually the baby just passes half the body at the other side and lies transverse. ..but anyway. .I ll be very interested to hear if you ever find out ��
Hi ladies, hoping for some support here after just finding out I have a bicornuate uterus at a scan yesterday. It was never noticed with my ds and I carried him to term 39+6.

Also struggling with hormonal imbalances so ttc #2 has been COMPLETELY different than my ds!

Anyway just saying hi!
fxmummy hi! !sorry to hear you re struggling with ttc #2 but hopefully it's something "fixable" and you can soon share happy news!! Are you sure it's something hormonal?? also how did they diagnose you with bu? it's amazing you carried your son to 39+6 although I too carried my first to 38+4! anyway, ask away any questions, hopefully one of us can help ��
Thanks for the reply! They diagnosed me after a scan. I've just had more news where they've told me my ovaries are full of cysts 🙁 It's been a crap few weeks of nothing but bad news!! Are there varying degrees of bu? Can you have a mild/bad case? Do you know if it can affect growth/small placenta? I had this with my ds and wondered now looking back on it his low birthweight and small placenta was because he didn't have a lot of room in one side due to the bu? The Drs have told me NOTHING about any of this. Seeing a different Dr on Monday hoping to get more information.
Just a normal scan? If so don't put all your money on that diagnosis...yes a bu can have varying degrees (more arcuate or a big split) but many septate uteri have been diagnosed as bu (mine more than once!). I don't mean to say I know better but that maybe you should double check..had I known it was a septum and not bu I would have resected it way sooner and could have avoided 3angels :( anyway yes both bu and su can cause growth restriction (my son was only 2300kg and had a single artery ambilical cord) and breech position. A su is more likely to cause an early mc while a bu creates space problems and preterm labor in some cases.
I m so sorry about the shitty few weeks..do they know what's causing the cysts?
Thanks for the info, it was a trans abdominal and transvaginal ultrasound. How would they diagnose a septate? I have another appointment on Monday so I can ask then about it. Yeh my ds had a small placenta and cord with a velementous insertion, so that wasn't great. He was only just 6lbs when he was born.

They haven't said what's causing the cysts, other than a hormonal imbalance. I'm really hoping this new Dr on Monday is helpful.
A tv ultrasound is very very unreliable in diagnosing MA. You could ask for a hsg (the one they inject the blue dye), a 4D us or a hysteroscopy. I was diagnosed wrongly twice and then finally had a 4D us which showed the extend of my septum). Anyway I hope your doc can shed some light I know how nerve wrecking this all can be
Hi ladies,
I am new here and I just found this thread. I have a unicornate uterus, myself, and was told I would not likely ever carry child to term. But, 12 years ago, I did. She was born at 40+1 by cesearean because she was a footling breech. She was small, but in perfect health. Since she was 2, I have been trying to conceive #2.
I suspect I have conceived and miscarried early a handful of times in there, but nothing has stuck yet. I can't ever feel certain because, with my daughter, I never did have a BFP HPT. Only in my blood could they ever get a positive result.
I am getting older and starting to feel like my chances may have passed now, but I have always held to the idea that it happened once and, if it is meant to, it will happen again - and this month I feel different. Maybe I'm reading too much into things, but after a decade of this I think I've gotten to be pretty honest with myself and I am hoping against hope that maybe, just maybe, it is my time.
I am really glad to have found this thread. So few people understand what it means to have a condition like this.
Enigmomma welcome on the thread. It is not many of us as you say but hopefully we can help and support each other. I am truly amazed you made it to 40+1 with a uu I barely made it to 39+3 after I had my septum resected!!! I hate doctors with their certain diagnoses...I was told I 100% would never have kids..I have 3 in heaven and 3 on earth so never ever let anyone tel you otherwise! Anyway I really hope this is your month and your gut feeling is right and hope you can share this journey here :)
Hi everyone!
Well my sweet little girl Aria arrived last Friday at 38+4 weighing 7lbs 5oz of pure perfection.
Eva is thrilled to be a big sister.
Hope everyone is well.
Sbl congratulations my friend!! What a beautiful name for a rainbow!! How are you doing? Enjoy your sweet bundle and this new awesome journey!

I just stumbled upon this forum after a year of discovery on the fertility front. During an internal scan with my first ever pregnancy the sonographer starts asking lots of questions which is never a good sign (sigh). Well after several other ultrasounds and lots of umming and aahhhing by respective sonographers about the shape of my uterus I eventually insisted on having an MRI done. Sadly my first pregnancy just under a year ago ended in early miscarriage (~6weeks) and I just wanted to know why.

Well fast forward 2 months (which is pretty quick by NHS standards) and the consultant is telling me the MRI shows 2 ovary, 2 uteri, 2 cervices and 2 vaginas (separated by a thin septum). Well I was gobsmacked by that news to get to the age of 39 and to not even have a clue! Apparently I should have been sent for a scan years ago when it was found out I only have 1 kidney, as uterine abnormalities are common alongside missing kidneys.

Anyway I get pregnant again 5 months later and all they can say is I have a slightly higher risk of preterm labour but equally there could be no problems. Well sadly I gave birth at 21 weeks with no warning at all. I felt a bit unwell and started to bleed a bit so went straight to the hospital. Within half an hour of arriving my waters had literally popped and gone and 5 minutes later my baby boy appeared with virtually no pain and definitely no pushing from me. Such a shock so now I am trying to learn more about whether didelphic uterus might be responsible. No-one spoke to me at all whilst I was in hospital and I have my consultant appointment next week which I am dreading. Does anyone else here have any experience of this?
Hi all,

I'm not pregnant yet but am going to have an IUI done this Friday. If I get pregnant, this will be my first.

In 2015 I was diagnosed with a unicornuate uterus. I spoke with a perinatal specialist to have her sign off on fertility treatment and not only was she confident that I could successfully carry a baby, she was confident I could carry to term (at least to 38 weeks).

My question is for anyone who has experienced this: is pregnancy in a unicornuate uterus considered high risk, and therefore not eligible for birth with a midwife or at a birthing center? I ask because I truly despise hospitals...I despise IVs unless they are actually needed and I would very, very much prefer to give birth at a birthing center. Does anyone have experience with that?

Thanks for your input!
Babydaydreams hi! We ve "spoken" on the IC board but wanted to welcome you on this thread too!

Co-fostermom hi. With a unicornuate uterus there is a very high risk your baby won't be head down. It's not impossible but they normally turn head down when they re a bit larger at which point there is usually not much space to turn in an MA uterus. So I m guessing that a birthing center might be difficult if your bub is footling or breach. If it's head down then I don't see why a uu would be an issue.
My first was breech second head down. I’m uu w/left horn.
It is high risk. Most of time you will delivery early as well. You’ll have to deliver in a hospital because of the potential of complications at delivery. Most likely you’ll need a c section. Usually around 37-38 weeks.
I guess I should get used that now then. There is one "birthing center" inside the hospital I want to give birth at should the iui I had yesterday be successful and the pregnancy goes well...if there are complications then I'm already at a hospital. I do appreciate everyone's input though! It helps me prepare for and accept a different kind of birth.
Cofostermom I guess what you said last is the most important thing..to be prepared mentally...it's not impossible but it's best to be prepared...ds1 was head down and full term, 2mc then dd1 a footling with IC born prematurely, another mc and dd2 full term and head down....of this all what scared me the most was being unprepared. I truly hope it all works out perfectly and we get to follow your pg :)
So here’s a new question: how many of you had a successful IUI? What were your pre-bfp symptoms and were you able to tell the difference between them and the hormone meds? I’m 13dpiui today and still getting bfns so I’m pretty discouraged. Any help or encouragement is super welcome!

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