Valentines Babies, 2013!

Thanks everyone!

Wamommy- i was so busy working yesterday, I didn't get a chance to call the lactation consultant. Hopefully today though.

Kellen- oh my goodness! What a poo that must have been!!

Glad you got out a bit- sounds like fun!
Hope everyone had a good weekend. We had a bit of drama on Saturday...DH was trimming Lily's nails and accidentally cut her finger :(. All three of us cried. In all the years I've known him, I have never seen DH cry...he was so upset and guilty. I had to have one arm around him while I held the baby because they both needed comforting. :cry:

However, within 5 minutes, Lily was sound asleep in my arms, and within 24 hours, the cut just looked like a little red dot on her finger. Babies heal so fast!
We had our two month check up today and Teagen got her vaccines. She weighs 13.6lb and is 24 1/2 inches long. We were cleared to fly in two weeks and the doctor advised giving a little Tylenol before the flight to help with calmness and any potential pain from cabin pressure. Because she has such good head control and can roll our pediatrician is classifying her as a four month old in her notes.

Dragon - that must have been very traumatic for all of you. My DH won't get anywhere near Teagen with fingernail clippers. Let's keep in mind that he is a pet groomer. He cuts dogs and cats nails for a living! So I do it when she goes limp while nursing.
Way to go Teagen! Such a smart little girl! How'd the shots go?

Dragon- I'm so sorry- that's so hard! I keep worrying about doing that every time I cut Camdens fingernails! It's scary!
She turned a fantastic shade of purple before letting everyone know she did not appreciate being stuck with three needles. The oral vaccine went well as she is used to taking vitamin d from a syringe. The pediatrician suggested we pick up some infant Tylenol just in case she has a fever or seems to be in pain. We just finished eating and now I am feeling a nap. She is a little more tired than normal, but I expected that.
Dragon, I'm so sorry that happened! How tough for all of you :( I cut the tip of DD#2's finger the night she came home from the hospital, and DH still won't let me live it down. I don't know why I was cutting her nails when she was 24 hours old, but I felt a strong need to :dohh: I cried and called the hospital and told them "I cut my baby's finger off!!" They must have thought I was looney, but it was awful. I'm so glad Lilja is all better.

I meant to ask, did you ever convince DH to go out to eat the other night, Dragon?

Kellen, I'm so glad Teagen's jabs went well :D She's so tall! And do strong! Max is still pretty wobbly. He's getting a tad better with his head, but still has the random head-butt and fall back that scares me. He's nowhere NEAR rolling, though. He flops around on his stomach when he gets uncomfortable and looks completely stuck, poor guy, lol.
Dragon, I'm so sorry that happened! How tough for all of you :( I cut the tip of DD#2's finger the night she came home from the hospital, and DH still won't let me live it down. I don't know why I was cutting her nails when she was 24 hours old, but I felt a strong need to :dohh: I cried and called the hospital and told them "I cut my baby's finger off!!" They must have thought I was looney, but it was awful. I'm so glad Lilja is all better.

I meant to ask, did you ever convince DH to go out to eat the other night, Dragon?

Yes, I did! I finally got him to agree by offering to stop at a client's house to pick up some equipment he had needed for a while. Unfortunately, that stop took about an hour when it should have taken 5 minutes (DH is a talker, and so is his client, so they got on a roll and I was sitting in the car waiting for an hour :haha:) we got to the restaurant about 30 minutes before they closed. It was a chinese buffet, so a lot of the good stuff was gone, and they wouldn't replenish it so close to closing time. Hmph. Anyway, it was nice to get out for a little while.
I Avent cut Kiara's nails yet..must do, she is pretty scratchy. They must've just shortened themselves though as they aren't excessively long..
She is having a mega sleep day today. Apart from an hour she has been asleep from 1pm to now (10pm) and I am putting her to bed. Hope it doesn't mean daytime will start at 3am!
Oh wow helena! That's a huge sleep! And here I thought I was doing well for getting Camden to nap about 4 hrs on and off today! How much do your lo's usually sleep during the day? I'm still trying to regulate Camdens naps. I think the reflux medicine is starting to help because he's never slept that much during the day! Also, where do you have your babies nap? I've been putting Camden down in his swing or pack nplay downstairs during the day but wonder if he should be in his crib?
We have been doing naps in the swing or co-sleeping on the bed. Teagen takes a huge morning nap and a couple of smaller ones in the afternoon. Today is all funky though. She is super fussy and screamy (which is a first) but I know it is from the shots. I just gave her a dose of Tylenol to help her settle. She is a little warm so I suspect she has a slight fever.
Max naps in the pack and play downstairs, and he sleeps anywhere from 2-3 hours at a time in there. It also has a tiny mobile that he loves, and I can put him down in there for about 20 minutes at a time to do dishes, make dinner, or whatever, and he just zones out or coos at his "friends". The best nap he takes is usually when we run errands in the afternoon. I know it's horrible to keep them in their car seats so long, but Max will sleep through up to 3 hours of errands, and then his timer goes off and he needs to go home and get out of his seat. I know I'm so lucky that he naps well... if only he could figure nights out! LAst night he was up until 3:30am and then woke up at 6am for the day. Yes, I got 2 1/2 straight hours of sleep! Unfortunately, that's all I got last night, lol. I still managed to vacuum the whole house today :D I always feel better when I do that, even if there's clutter around, if the kitchen counters are clean and the carpet is vacuumed I feel like I'm doing alright :dohh:
Wow Wamommy- you're ambitious on so little sleep!

Do you put your lo's down awake or do you nurse them to sleep? I can only get Camden to sleep by nursing him! :(
Teagen is getting better about being alone to sleep as she will find her fist to suck on, but typically I nurse her to sleep in our bed. In the morning I can put her in her bed, but in the afternoon she is a much lighter sleeper and will wake up if moved.
G and L nap and sleep in their pack 'n play basinnet. Sometimes they nap in the bouncy seat if they fall asleep there. Once in a while they'll nap in the crib in the bedroom...but right now that's mostly being used as a laundry basket :haha:

I always try to put Lily down awake, because she doesn't usually fall asleep on her own for naps. She'll fall asleep at the end of a bottle, but as soon as she's moved she wakes up. I'd love to just hold her while she naps, but with two babies that's hardly practical. Unfortunately, they don't really have a nap schedule...when I'm home I try to put Lily down when she starts looking tired, but my success rate is only about 40%. Gunnar is such an easy baby, he'll just fall asleep wherever he is, and doesn't usually wake up when you move him. He doesn't fight sleep, either, whereas Lily will do everything in her tiny power to avoid sleeping.
Here is an updated tummy time picture.

Now we have an hour before she can have another dose of Tylenol and she is miserable. She doesn't want to nurse, doesn't want to play. I feel so bad. :cry:


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Sierra, I almost always have to feed Max to sleep, which I know is a no-no. It's the only thing that really works so far, though :blush: I've been trying to put him down awake, but he doesn't self-settle. Maybe once he learns to self soothe he'll sleep longer?

Dragon, it's amazing how babies are so different isn't it? How lucky that Gunnar is such a content boy :D THey will hopefully balance each other out as they grow.

Kellen, oh poor Teagen :( I hope she feels better! She certainly looks great. What a strong girl!
Babies are so different. I love being on this board because we all bring so much helpful information! I know that I'm not alone, yet that each baby is so very different! Thanks ladies!

Kellen, Teagen is soooo strong! And calm! Lol Camden cries all through tummy time! So sad she's feeling so miserable! :( poor girl! Hopefully a nice long night's rest will help!
After an 8 hour snooze she seems much more content. She woke up for a quick bite to eat and is now passed out on my lap snoring.

Thank you. She is super strong. In that picture she really looks like her dad. She does get somewhat upset during tummy time if she can't A) use mommy's to scoot across the floor or B) roll over when done. If these things don't happen on her timetable calm happy baby can instantly turn her entire head purple with silent screams.
So glad she's feeling better!! So funny about tummy time! Babies sure do want their own way on their own timetable!

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