Valentines Babies, 2013!

Maybe he needs a lot of burps before bed? I envy his napping skills! I was soooooo thankful to get one 1.5 he nap from Camden today! Three hour naps would be lovely!!
I too have a: "I'll sleep a night, but I refuse to nap" child. Teagen slept for 8 hours straight (7 in her own bed as I nurse her to sleep in ours ans DH transfers when he comes to bed). I heard her fussing a bit at 7 this morning so DH grabbed her for me and she nursed for a couple of minutes before passing back out. Now they as snoozing whilst I pump. She will probably sleep until 9 or 10 and wake up in time to be social at church.

We too typically give her a couple ours of expressed milk in a bottle and then nurse to sleep. Naps are getting better as I have taken to laying down with her to nurse at her 2pm feed. I will dose with her for an hour and then get up and she will sleep for another hour.

We have also developed a bedtime routine to help her know that it is time for sleep. I don't know if this contributes to her sleeping all night, but it certainly helps keep her calm and easy to soothe. Last night I did hear her stir a couple of times, but she found her fist and sucked on it for a moment before going right back to sleep.
Kellen how much milk do you get when you pump? I usually get about 2 ounces total which I find frustrating because I feel I should be getting more !
I generally pump in the mornings when I'm engorged and Teagen is still sleepy and only wants a taste. This morning I got 8oz combined. Next week will be the real test. DH signed me up to go to a financial class for three days to learn about business investing (since we'll be starting our own company in a couple months). I already let the people know I will be leaving every three hours to pump. I am curious to see how much I get each time. I go for about 15 minutes on each side during the morning since I finally got the electric pump from the insurance (only took them 8 weeks to send it!) Before that I was getting around 4oz with the manual pump.
Wow. That's great Kellen! I should try to pump before Camden is awake- maybe that would help me get more! I'm always wanting to sleep more though- so I'll have to force myself a.bit! Haha let me know how next week goes- I've often wondered how much Camden really eats during the day!
I pump a ton to try to increase supply, and have found that the pump first thing in the morning gets WAY more than the rest throughout the day. I get about 4 ounces total in the morning, and any other pump is lucky to get 1 ounce. I feed him from the breast throughout the day too, but he gets frustrated after 5-10 minutes and want a bottle. I figure that combined with pumpings/feedings he probably takes 10 ounces of breast milk a day, and about 20 ounces of formula. It's not ideal, since I'd love to ebf, but it's what works for us.

I almost got up the nerve to take the baby to church today. We haven't been since he was born! Every time we've gone pre-baby there are people hacking away like their lungs might explode, so I'm terrified Max will get sick. I just KNOW everyone will be so excited to see the baby that they'll touch him and breathe in his face. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I'll probably wait another couple of weeks before I brave it. By then at least cold and flu season will be over :D

Kellen, the class sounds fun! It's great that your DH is so supportive :) When is the big move?
Wamommy, I feel like I'm very similar to you in regards to pumping (except I haven't tried morning pumping because I'm always sleeping until I nurse him!) Did you ever go to a lactation consultant? I'm contemplating trying to go so they can weigh Camden, then weigh him again after nursing to see how much he eats.. just to see if I have low supply or not. I'm worried that I do since he nurses all day long with very few breaks.

I've taken Camden to church for a few weeks now. I.just don't let anyone get too close, but he usually gets fussy after the music part is over, so I spend the rest of the time nursing him in the infant calming room where I can still hear and see the service. It's better than nothing I suppose but it's always a bit embarrassing when he starts getting fussy and mad during prayer! Lol

Yes Kellen, when is the move? Also, what kind of business are you starting? How exciting!
DH heads out on the 29th and Teagen and I will fly out the next day. DH is starting a renewable resource company. The are more subsidies, grants and tax breaks in Oregon than Georgia so DH is super happy about that.

I generally only pump in the morning or during a night feed if she doesn't eat off both sides. She eats every 2-3 hours during the day so I'm not too concerned about supply. My child is hue... She is currently wearing 6 month size clothes and in a size two diaper. I am curious as to how much she weighs and how long she is now. Our appointment is on Tuesday. Not looking forward to the jabs. Anyone thinking of doing selective vax?
Very cool Kellen!

Wow Teagen is a good size! Camden is still in 1 size diapers and 0-3 clothes still.
She is my chunky monkey, yet she has very few baby rolls. Her cheeks are super chubby and adorable though. She is bigger than our friend's 5 month old. I can't say I'm too surprised. I'm actually the shrimp of the family at 5'6". My sisters are 6' and 5'10" and my oldest nephew is 6'6". DH is 6'3" and the shortest one in his family is his sister at 5'9". I literally have to look up the entire time we visit...
Sierra, I saw a lactation consultant a bunch of times with DD#1. We tried every supplement, pumped after every feeding, phoned every expert we could find, and I was still unable to produce :( It's actually been so much better this time, though. I stopped completely by 2 weeks with both girls (at my pediatrician's request) but this time I'm past 2 months! Even if it's only 10 ounces a day, I"m proud of myself for keeping at it.

Kellen, we're on an alternative vaccination schedule. I'm not an activist about vaccines or anything, and completely believe that our baby should be poked. We just start at 4 months instead of 2, and do one vaccine per month after that, instead of a bunch at one visit. I don't necessarily believe that there's any detriment to following the normal schedule, but DD#1 reacted so violently to her 2-month vaccines that I wanted to find another way to do it. In Washington State there is actually a ton of people who don't vaccinate at all, which is probably why we have one of the highest breakouts of whooping cough this year :dohh: I honestly support what every parent decides to do, since it's such a personal decision.

I just went jeans shopping... Worst...Decision...Ever. I'm about to go do my Ab Ripper X video (after I have a good cry). DH ordered me 2 pairs of my favorite jeans online and they just came in the mail. They are a size BIGGER than my pre pregnancy ones, and they still don't fit :( Helena, did you find it harder to lose the pudge with baby #3 than the other 2?

Kellen, Teagen is so big! Max is in 3 month clothes now and size 1 diapers. He's 13 pounds, 23 inches. His face is super chubby, though, so from the neck up he looks like a chunk! My family is all rather large. I'm 5'8" and my brother is 6'4". DH is only 5'11", though, and is half Japanese (his Mom was 5'3 90 pounds) so who knows how these kids will end up!
Does anyone else's LO hum while they sleep? I am sitting in the living room with DH and Teagen is asleep in our bedroom humming. It is adorable... except when I am trying to sleep. She was asleep in our bed after a nursing session, but kept startling herself by moving arms and legs. I asked DH to come help me swaddle her so she would stay asleep. His brilliant idea was to pick her up, wrap a blanket around her shoulders and put her in her bed. Lo and behold she woke up two minutes later. So I gave her two oz of milk and she started snoozing on my shoulder. Now she is in a loose swaddle and humming contently to herself. Sometimes mommy knows what she is talking about (given Teagen normally flips out if you swaddle her so I understand DH's reticence to actually swaddle, but you need to read the situation). I'm going to get a Zipadee-Zip for her. I think it will work great for when we are in Texas and settling into our new home in Oregon.

Wamommy - I knew that the Pacific Northwest has a huge number of anti-vaxers. We are going to get all her shots for 2 months on Tuesday, only because we are traveling via airplane two weeks after that. Once we settle in in Oregon we are thinking of doing a selective vaccine schedule. There are some vaccines that I don't think are particularly needed, but others like Whooping Cough are a must.

This is the link to the sack thing. I think it is cool especially since she has been having really cold hands when I pick her up to nurse in the middle of the night (nothing wakes one up more than tiny cold, icy fingers running down your rib cage!)
Wamommy, that's wonderful that you've stuck with it so long!!! So cool! Does anyone else's lo cry when they're nursing? Camden will do this about every other feed... on and off the nipple crying. Breaks my heart (and so frustrating!)... another reason I might call a lactation consultant.

Kellen- that's so cute about the humming! Camden doesn't hum in his sleep but hums and squeaks and makes contented sounds when he nurses (if he's not doing the crying thing!) I love it!

Camden's appointment is on Thursday and that's when he'll be getting his first vaccines. I haven't really been able to think about any alternative plans because Dh is adamant that we get vaccines and stick to the schedule. Wamommy, now I'm curious-- how did your dd react to vaccines? Should I be worried about Thursday?
Can't help with the crying whilst BFing but Olovoa cried if her teat on her bottle needs replacing or if it's been in the steriliser for too long and tastes of milton. Not sure if that helps at all though :dohh:
No, Teagen doesn't cry much except if she needs something or is startled. She is like a little leach when she is hungry and wants to latch. I'm not sure what to tell you. Poor Camden. I'll let you know how Teagen reacts to her jabs.
Sierra, I wouldn't be worried about the jabs . Most babies handle it completely fine. If anything, they may be fussy for a day or 2. My DD#1 spiked a fever and got a rash all over her body. I freaked out and took her into the ER, who said it was anaphylaxis and had to keep her over night. My pediatrician has assured me that it probably won't happen with the other kids, but I'm still scared.

I'm glad you're seeing a lactation consultant, Sierra. I hope they can help you and Camden so that he's more content and gives you a bit of a break! Max does hum and squeak while he's nursing and eating, though. Sometimes he sounds like a kazoo!
Kiara can cry s bit when nursing, sometimes she will be on and off the nipple hurriedly, getting upset and generally it is when she has trapped wind, needs burping or needs a poo. After whatever needs moving has moved she can feed and be less frustrated.
She also does it when I don't have enough milk flowing for her liking - if I give her a bottle then she calms right down.

I am very pro vaccines and can get quite annoyed by people being scared based on rumors that they can cause autism etc. It's why the uk has a measles outbreak and a whooping cough outbreak.both a diseases we can prevent and yet people are ill and dieing. Risk of autism v the chance of death...
If everyone was vaccinated it wouldn't be able to travel. I just tend to trust my doctors advice.
This is based of the fact my kids haven't had any reactions to the ingredients of the vaccines.
Kiara's vaccines have been moved forward a month so we can travel to the uk and risk inflight germs and whooping cough..

Just had a bath with Kiara and I laughed and she laughed back at me! With the most beautiful big wide grin and laugh. LOVED it!! Am on cloud 9 :)
Oh, Helena... that must have been wonderful!! I can't wait for the first laugh :D There's nothing better, huh?

One reason I'm so careful exposing Max to people is because he isn't vaccinated yet (but will be). I'm not concerned with the autism link, but rather the allergy. Apparently it's the egg component used in vaccines? Albumen or something, however you spell it. Anaphylaxis after vaccines is about a 1 in a million (literally) problem, so I shouldn't be concerned with Max, but can't shake the fear. My girls are fully vaccinated now, since they'll start school this fall :D
Horrible tragedy in Boston. I pray that everyone affected will be okay.

In other news Teagen was fussy while trying to eat so I propped her up to burp her. When I did she spit up nice chunks of "cottage cheese." While smiling at me she gets her "poop" face so I know it is coming. What I didn't know was that DH was trying to finish out our supply of size ones. Tricky baby managed to get poop on my pants, my underwear and somehow my bra.

Took my motorcycle out for a spin and to the shop. DH accidentally killed my battery this winter...

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