Valentines Babies, 2013!

I don't drink coffee, but I do drink caffeinated soda once or twice a week, and I don't pump and dump. I don't think caffeine is a problem unless you're taking in a, more than 200mg a day. You could try it and see if you notice any difference in the baby, like fussiness or not sleeping well.

The babies have slept through the night consistently for the past week :happydance: The only downside to that is they are not gaining weight as well now. Over the past week, Lily has only gained 3 ounces, and Gunnar has gained nothing. I was shocked when I weighed him, because he has gained 1.5 oz a day practically since he came home. Going from 10 oz a week to nothing is a big change! However, it's only one week, so I'm not going to worry about it yet. I'm just going to make sure DH gets as much milk into them during the day as possible. Yesterday, lazy Lily didn't get up for the day until noon (she had fussed until after midnight, so we let her sleep in), so it was really hard to get all her calories in before bedtime. She went to bed as usual at 10ish, but woke up a little later for another bottle, so at least I know they'll wake up if they're really hungry.

I am continually amazed at how different my two babies are when it comes to food and sleep. Gunnar practically lives to eat, and he'll eat and eat until he barfs if you don't cut him off. Lily doesn't particularly like to eat, so she'll just eat until she's not hungry anymore, making disgusted faces the whole time, then she's done. He eats 8-10 oz every 2-3 hours during the day, and she eats 4-5 oz every 3ish hours during the day. Haha, that's why he's 25% heavier than her!

As for sleeping, Gunnar's the easiest baby ever. If he's tired, he falls asleep wherever he is, and he transfers to the crib beautifully. He also goes to sleep on his own if you put him down awake, just give him his pacifier and he drifts off in minutes. He's somewhat of a restless sleeper and usually wiggles around until he's perpendicular to where he started (usually ramming his head into Lilja or smacking her in the face lol). If he wakes up on his own, he never cries unless he's hungry or if he spit up and needs to be cleaned up. This morning, DH and I heard some noises from the crib, so we went over to check on them...Gunnar was lying awake, just looking around and singing to himself "ahhh, oohhhh, eeeee..."

Lily is a terror when it comes to sleep. If you put her down awake, there's about a 95% chance she will scream her head off within 3 minutes no matter what you do. She likes being rocked to sleep, but she does NOT transfer well...if you don't wait until she's deeply asleep, she'll wake up and scream as soon as you put her down. Even if you wait until she's completely unconscious, you only have about a 50% chance that she'll stay asleep when you put her down. She seems to hate going to sleep, and fights it tooth and nail, but when she finally goes down, she sleeps soundly for up to 12 hours at night.

Gunnar has said his first word! It's not a real word :haha:, but he uses it consistenly for the same thing. Whenever he wants his pacifier, he says "ning." He started it on his own, and we've encouraged it by saying it every time we put the pacifier in his mouth, and he says it all the time now. As soon as that pacifier falls out..."ning!" and if we're not fast enough getting to him, "*whine whine* NIIIING!!" He even does it on command. Last night, he was whining and DH thought he wanted the pacifier, so he said "Do you want your ning? Tell me what you want." and Gunnar looked at him and said very quietly "ning." We were peeing our pants, it was so cute. Lily has said it a few times, but she doesn't say it in reference to anything, I think she just sees that Gunnar gets a response from it, so she's trying it out too.

They're so cute and precious, I can't stand it sometimes!
Omg, "ning" is too cute!! I would just die! :rofl: Gunnar and Lilja are so lucky to have each other. They will never be lonely or bored :D

Sierra, I haven't been sick with Max yet (knock on wood) but have been super sick before with the girls. It's so hard, but as they get older they understand more and want to try to help instead of need me to do things. I hope you aren't sick! :hugs:

Thanks for the responses about caffeine. I drink decaf almost daily, since I was hugely addicted to coffee pre-pregnancy (I'm from Seattle, remember? lol) I read that babies can't process caffeine before 3 months though, and it just builds up in their system. I think it's a high amount like you said, Dragonfly. I drink caffeinated sodas once in a great while, but nothing wakes you up like a big cup of Kona coffee. I miss the zing!
I miss the zing too! Lol.

Dragon I love updates on your twins- it's so interesting how different they are from one another!

Thanks Wamommy- so far so good! It's beautiful here- I can't wait to get outside soon for a walk with Camden!
Has anyone ever been on medications to increase milk supply? My doctor is trying this with me right now because we're wondering if Camden's fussiness is from not getting enough milk? (He'll take a bottle after he's nursed for an hour, and he nurses literally every hour). So, Ive started meds for it yesterday. Just wondering if it actually works?
I tried all of the herbal and natural medicines for increasing milk supply, but none did much for me. I've heard Fenugreek helps a lot of people though. As a last resort my Doctor offered me Reglan, but DH wouldn't allow me to take it. It increases the risk of depression, which I am already prone to. At least I was then. I really hope you have success with medication, Sierra, so that you can have a break! Wouldn't it be great if that was the problem and Camden was suddenly chilled? :D

Completely random: I registered my daughter for Kindergarten today! I'm torn between so proud of my big girl and really sad :cry: Something must be wrong with me! We registered DD#2 for pre-k too, so starting in the fall I'll have mornings with just Max. Maybe my house will actually get clean :haha:
Thanks Wamommy! Reglan is what they're having me on. It would be amazing if suddenly Camden was a layed back baby! Wouldn't that just be wonderful?!

Awww I'd be sad she's growing up so quickly!! But days with just Max sounds wonderful! You won't know what to do with your time! Lol
And the MIL woes continue. . .

My MIL texted DH and told him she was coming up Monday-Thursday next week. She wants to watch Camden. The problem is, I work all day--from home---so she'll be here all day while I'm trying to work, and Camden nurses every hour right now. . . (and once she holds him, she doesn't like to give him back to me)--so I'll have to fight all day to try to get my fussing son back so I can nurse him. She'll want to give him a bottle, and I don't like to give him a bottle when I'm right here and can nurse him. She doesn't understand that. Also, he's such a particular baby and fussy, that it's SO hard to get him into any sort of routine. . .and slowly but surely I think we're finally getting something down, he and I---but I'm afriad if she's here all day, then it will ruin the progress we've made (ie, she'll want to hold him instead of putting him down for a nap). I talked with DH about this and he just avoids the whole thing. . .but I know she's planning on being here for most of the day with Camden--and I can't have that. So, DH needs to call her and let her know that she can come only in the evenings (or maybe a few hours early when I designate. But Id really DH be here to deal with his mum instead of me). And the kissing. .. blast if she kisse him on the lips again! . .. argh. . .I feel so mean, but the lady really gets on my nerves when it comes to my child---she won't listen to me!! :(
Dragon - Thank you for the adorable story about "ning" that is so awesome! I can't wait until Teagen begins to try to verbalize specific things. We are also trying to teach her baby sign language so hopefully she'll be able to communicate in two ways.

Sierra - I feel for you about your MIL. That is a tough situation. I agree that you DH needs to step up and tell his mom that she is welcome to visit any time that you are not working. I would be ticked off if someone interrupted our routine.

Today stunk. DH wanted me to go to a class about investing and playing the stock market to learn how to trade stocks and whatnot. This meant that I had to leave Teagen with another mom and her 6 month old. Single hardest thing I have ever done was walk out their front door. I obsessively asked for updates and pumped at every break. It is a three day class, but I don't think I will go tomorrow or the next day. For one I am a horrible classroom learner, two Teagen came home with heat rash. She was also covered in cat hair (yes, we had a cat but I never let her be covered with hair). And she didn't have a nap because the other mom couldn't get her to settle down. Now I am left with an overly tired baby who has a rash. :(

I am dreading next week. Next Monday DH takes the moving truck and drives to Texas from Georgia while I stay overnight with friends and board the plane Tuesday night with Teagen. I finally asked DH what we were going to do about the smoking issue and he said we will get a hotel room (no hesitation on his part which was awesome!). My MIL is ticked because DH told her that anyone who smokes will have to hold Teagen wrapped in a blanket as he doesn't want nicotine transferred from their skin or clothes. I am not looking forward to being there as MIL doesn't agree with or understand my parenting style.
Like your MIL, Sierra, she wants to give Teagen a bottle. As you said I can't see giving her a bottle when I am right there and available to feed her. When she was here for Teagen's home coming she told me I was selfish for breastfeeding and not letting other people have time to bond with the baby (um... she'd been in the NICU for 6 days and I only got to hold her when she was feeding, excuse me for wanting to be the first to bond with MY baby). She formula fed all her kids and just doesn't understand why I want to exclusively feed Teagen via me.
She also asked me if Teagen had any of the same food allergies that I do because she wanted to get her a cake for the baby shower. :saywhat: She is only 3 months old! She doesn't eat solid food! "Just a taste?" Um, no! We aren't going to introduce any foods to her until she shows interest and no sugar until after a year at the very earliest.
This last part is just picky and I could be completely unreasonable, but I come unglued when she refers to Teagen as: "My baby." I am always thinking, "No, I gave birth to her she is MINE! She is your GRANDdaughter, not your baby." Whenever she says: "Give my baby girl a kiss" I always reply: "I will give your GRANDdaughter a kiss." It just peeves me in ways unfathomable. :shrug: Okay, my rant is all done.
Oh Kellen I'm sorry to hear that Teagen has a rash! My mom always tells me- no one knows how to care for your baby like you do. It's so true! I know we need babysitters but it's so hard knowing that our lo won't be taken care of the way we take care of them!

Next week sounds sooooo rough! I'm super glad your Dh agreed to the hotel room and to tell your mil that they have to hold her wrapped in a blanket. I think those are very wise choices, and kudos for your Dh standing up to his mom!

I hate how the mil always say it's their baby too! So annoying! my mil keeps calling me now. She always called Dh before but now that I've had Camden, she has to call me for updates on him. Wtf? I'll update you when I want to- and you can call your son. I feel like she's using me to get info on the baby instead of really being interested in talking with me. :( I've stopped answering her calls and won't text back. I need to do my own thing without her interfering- plus I'm way too busy to keep her updated all of the time!
Wow! I totally understand why you're frustrated with your mothers in law, Kellen and Sierra! I would be upset, too. I never understand how people can think breastfeeding is selfish...obviously they have never done it, because let me tell you, it would be a lot easier for me to formula feed, but I want my kids to have the best start possible. I hate that I even have to supplement their milk with formula, and I've fought the doctors on it, but they say it's 100% necessary. I disagree, but I didn't go to medical school, so...

As for other people calling your baby "theirs," I get this ALL THE TIME. My mom, my aunts, even my co-workers say "So how are my babies?" Apparently since I had twins, they belong to everyone :haha: At first it was a little WTF, but now I hardly notice it. Of course they're my babies...nothing anyone can say would change that. People just like to feel included and part of their lives, I think.
Oh Kellen and Sierra, how tough! I don't envy your situation! I'm pretty non-confrontational, so I think I'd have a really hard time telling a MIL how I felt. Hopefully as time goes on they will recognize that you are amazing mommies, and not try to intervene so much! Until then, hang in there :)

As for breastfeeding, I think it's one of the most unselfish things you can do! I know how hard it is and how much time it consumes. Believe me, I would do it if I could!! I feel like a jerk every time I make a bottle, but in my case it would be selfish to continue to try to exclusively breastfeed, since it's more about my issues (guilt, feelings of failure) than what's best for Max. To mommies who breast feed or pump, I salute you! I'm almost to the 3-month goal I set for myself for providing 10oz a day, and I'm trying to decide if I should go to all formula or continue to give Max 10 oz of breast milk a day. Do you think there are even any benefits to that little?

Sorry, random tangent! I'm off to the zoo :D
I think there are benefits to any amount of breastmilk you can provide...I think even 1 oz would be better than nothing! 10 oz is great, that's probably more than a third of his intake!

I had a dream last night that I was pregnant again! I kept trying to find more tests to take, because I didn't believe it!
Thanks ladies. I'm non-confrontational, too--which is why I tend to just avoid and not answer calls! ;)

wamommy---I agree with Dragon---I think there are a lot of benefits from 10 oz a day--that's terrific! And the zoo sounds SO fun! Maybe DH will take us to the zoo this summer--I'll have to bug him about it! :)

Dragon---that's an awesome dream--maybe wamommy is right and it's a premonition! You'd really have your hands full with a THIRD baby on the way!

I had a dream last night that Camden was 14 years old and in a huge swaddle! :rofl: Hopefully he'll grow out of swaddling by then!! :lol:
I forgot to tell everyone--today was Camden's first day of physical therapy! He is having trouble turning his head to the left (they say because of womb position), and in turn is getting a *slight* flat spot on the right side of his head. He will have therapy twice a week for 6 weeks. He did fabulously and they said his case is very mild-- thank goodness! I have to do exercises with him at home, too. It's all very interesting and I hope it keeps him from having to wear a helmet when he's older (which they said it most likely will not get that bad). Anyone else experience this?
Sierra - I haven't had anything like that happen with Teagen, but actually had it done to me when I was an infant. I got stuck on the way out and ended up with a severe case of torticollis so my mom had to take me to PT. I never had to wear a helmet. So I suspect with Camden responding positively to the PT that he will be fine. My neck problems resulted from three things 1) being stuck for 20 hours before my mom had an emergency C-section, 2) an elongated vertebrae in my neck and 3) a cervical rib that wasn't discovered until my 20s during a neck x-ray. So I am positive that Camden will do awesome!

Teagen is recovering from her big day away yesterday. The rash on her face is all gone and she slept for 13 hours (with a feed at 7am). Her normal schedule is all wonky today, but I care less about the clock than I do the routine that we normally follow so as long as everything seems normal to her she doesn't care about the time. DH mailed off the extra carseat to my parents so that they can have it installed for when we arrive on the 4th (10 days!). The house is almost completely packed up.

Wamommy - I am very non-confrontational as well. Hence I choose to bring up touchy subjects with DH when I know he is in a positive frame of mind, especially if they have to do with my MIL. He is very protective of his mom (is cool up to a point). So for him to tell her we are getting a hotel and she can only hold the baby in a blanket is HUGE!
Thanks Kellen! That's great to hear!

Wow--you sure do have a lot to think about---I wouldnt' have even thought to mail a carseat! My hat's off to you and your organizational skills!

So glad to hear that Teagen is doing a bit better. . .poor girl!
*Takes a bow* Thank you! I would kind of hope my organizational and planning skills are semi-okay given that my previous job was as a government planner and I was in charge of a state program. :) But since DH will still be driving the moving truck with our car in tow I didn't want to have to check the car seat with my baggage at the airport. I don't trust them not to damage it in someway. Our church got us an extra car seat and we hadn't unboxed it yet so I figured we might as well mail it ahead of us so that there is one waiting. Our current moving itinerary looks like this:

4/28: Pick up moving truck. Load moving truck.
4/29: DH sleeps all day while I finish up a few errands around town. DH drops Teagen and I off at friend's house. He drives to Texas.
4/30: Friend takes Teagen and I to the airport that evening. DH arrives in our car and picks us up.
5/01: I try not to kill my in-laws.
5/02: I use Teagen as an excuse to nap and escape from people.
5/03: Drive 2 hours away to see DH's friends and my oldest nephew.
5/04: Fly to Oregon and happily reunite with my parents and grandma. DH leaves for Arizona to visit friends.
5/05: My dad flies down to Arizona to meet DH and drive up to Oregon.

After that who knows?

Now Teagen is taking another nap in her swing. Poor baby was apparently more stressed than I realized. Her babysitter yesterday said that she refused to nap. I guess she is making up for it today.
Oh my goodness Kellen! You are SO busy!! Make sure you definitely escape and get some rest!! WOW!!
Sierra, I wouldn't worry too much about the flat spot. My second daughter had a dramatic flat spot on the back of her head and I thought she would need a helmet. I asked my pediatrician and he said to wait and see what happens, since the helmets are a TON of money. Luckily, by a year old her head was perfectly round :D If I think about it, you don't see a bunch of older kids running around with flat spots, so maybe the body is pretty good at correcting it? Either way, I'm SO glad Camden is responding well to therapy and turning his head :)

Kellen, wow...that is some schedule!! How exciting! It's almost 70 degrees in Washington today, so you're arriving just at the right time. The winters here can make me a bit blue, but it's SO worth the gorgeous spring and summer.

OK, I'm really leaving now! DH slept until 10 this morning, so we're just now heading out.

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