Valentines Babies, 2013!

It can't be anything bad and urgent then I say, or they would be calling. It will be an admin issue xxx
Have a wonderful trip Helena! So excited you're finally going!

Wamommy I agree with Helena-but still so frustrating! :hugs:
You guys are probably right! It seems like they'd call me right away if the numbers were off. :flower:
I called and finally talked to a nurse, who gave me my lab results. I'm even more confused... My other thyroid levels were in the normal range, which is great. The issue now becomes why my TSH is so low. TSH is made by the pituitary, not the thyroid, so it's weird that my thyroid levels in the blood are normal but the pituitary is saying that there is too much? I'm going to ask a family friend, who is a Doctor, to refer me to a good endocrinologist. So the good: It's very unlikely that my thyroid cancer has returned, because severe hyperthyroidism was my first sign last time. The bad: Something's still funky with my levels, and it's going to take an expert (not an ob) to interpret them.

On a much lighter note: My 5-year-old was sitting with Max and they were cooing at each other. DD jumped up and announced, "He said his first word!! Max is talking!! He said RACOON!!" She was so excited, it made me smile :D I can't wait until he can really talk. The girls will enjoy him so much more then!

How is everyone else doing?
:rofl: racoon!!

So glad that you have had good news, lets hope that there's more to come too xx
Thanks for updating us Wamommy! So glad for the news! Hopefully they will figure it all out soon!

Love the raccoon bit!

Mil is coming over tomorrow and Tuesday- so wish me luck ladies!! Lol. I gave her strict hours to adhere to, so hopefully it won't be too bad! Andddd she's offered to take Camden and I clothes shopping for him on Tuesday, so I'm excited about that. :).
Hello Everyone!

Teagen and I finally made it to Oregon. She did awesome on all the plane rides and completely charmed all the fly attendants. She only cried once during take off and never during the actual flight. I was so relieved!

So... we didn't get a motel because DH didn't want to hurt his mom's feelings. The house stank of stale cigarettes, but thankfully we were out and about visiting friends for the majority of the time. MIL had told DH that they had stopped smoking in the house, but I found a partially smoked cigarette in an ashtray in my MIL office. Pretty sure that is the last straw for me and we will never be staying in the house again. I immediately washed all of Teagen and I's clothes when we got to our new home.

Right now Teagen is crashed on our bed. Tomorrow my grandma is taking us crib shopping (as we never had a crib in Georgia, but used the Pack'n'Play). I am pretty excited! Also my sister and her family will be visiting next week and we will be getting us a highchair. Does anyone have any suggestions for highchairs? It isn't something I've researched yet...

Teagen's internal clock is all messed up. Last night she went to bed at 7pm, which was 10pm Georgia time. Tonight she laid down at 7 as well and was soundly asleep by 7:30. I'm actually okay with this as it gave me time to finish laundry and put all our clothes away. In Georgia we were doing bedtime at 8 or 9, but I like 7. She did try to get up at 4am this morning since she apparently thought it should be 7am. I managed to nurse her back to sleep until 6:30.

Helena - I hope that you and Miss Kiara had a safe flight.

Wamommy - I pray that your doctors are able to figure everything out.

Dragon - I too hate fighting with DH. Mine is super passive aggressive when he argues so I always end up feeling guilty... even if it isn't my fault! We have spoken about it though and he is trying to be better. I pray that everything resolves itself.

Sierra - My mom took Teagen and I clothes shopping today. However, she did make me buy myself a pair of non-maternity jeans :rofl: It actually felt good to be wearing normal pants again. But Teagen has some super cute stuff now that is all maritime themed, which is cool since I sail and DH is a merchant marine.
Sierra, have fun clothes shopping! How fun! Hopefully it will be a nice time with your MIL and the neutral ground will make it fun for you both.

Kellen, welcome to the Pacific Northwest!! I'm so glad the plane ride went well (yay Teagen!) Congrats on real jeans too. I finally started wearing a pair of my old jeans (my "fat" jeans, but still) and it feels nice. It did take me a while to get used to unbuttoning and zipping to go to the bathroom, though. I had become way too used to the comfy maternity band. :dohh:

As far as high chairs go, I'm clueless. We didn't use one. Out casual dining table is one of those high ones, and all of our chairs are high that go with it. We couldn't find a high chair that was high enough to bring DD#1 up to table level, so we bought a chair that clamps on to the table. We just put a mat down for her to eat on. By the time DD#2 came around we passed the chair down to her and paid to have a huge piece of clear plastic fitted to our table. Now the kids can bang, smash, stab, color, spill, etc and it doesn't hurt the table. I think Max will be getting the same chair, because despite 4 plus years of use it's still in great shape!

Helena, I hope your trip is going well and that you're getting some really quality time with your Mom.

Dragon, how are things with DH?

Jo, I love the new avatar!

It's supposed to be over 80 degrees today, so I'm off to get some yard work done. :dance:
Oh ladies---how the heck do you get over this MIL stuff? I know babies are resilient and everyone has their different ways of dealing with babies--but for some reason, my brain and heart HATES it when MIL has lo. . .and I find everything that she does annoying. Like when he was crying, she said: "Camden, you're hurting my ears!" I know she was just talking to him, but still----he's CRYING. . it's not about YOU, it's about HIM! Then, when he's crying, she talks to him louder and louder until she's almost yelling at him (and DH and I always talk to him in calm voices). I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so I know I can't correct everything she does, but it just stresses me out, though! Then, when I can't take him crying and crying, I suggest that he needs to eat. So, I take him, and she goes, "Well don't you have a bottle?" Yes, I have a bottle, but no I don't give him a bottle when I am RIGHT HERE to feed him. We go through this EVERY time. :( It's so frustrating and I get so worked up about it each time she's over. I know that everyone feels like this with their MIL's, but dang. .. I don't know how I can deal with this for years and years and years. And, I honestly thing the biggest hinderance here is my emotions on this---if I could just be more laid-back about things, I would be fine. . .but instead, I'm all tensed up and boiling my blood! :(
Sierra - firstly, it will get easier :hugs:
Secondly, why not just pick one thing that really annoys you and stand up to her about it, kind of pick your battle? A small victory might make the other things seem less big x
Things are fine with DH, thank you for asking :). I've been feeling very depressed, so my doctor is looking into antidepressants that are safe for breastfeeding. She told me last Tuesday that she would do some research and call me in a day or two with suggestions, but I still haven't gotten a call from her. I tried calling on Friday, but she wasn't in the office. It really bugs me when people say they will call and then don't. If you don't plan on calling me in a day or two, then just tell the truth and tell me you'll call me when you have more info. And if you DO commit to a timeframe, stick to it! Sheesh.

I thought she'd call me pretty quick, because she had me fill out a postpartum depression screening questionnaire, and I checked that I sometimes think of harming myself. I didn't want to talk about it with DH and the babies + two nurses in the room, so I just left the questionnaire when we left. I thought that would give her some incentive to do her research a little quicker than a WEEK.
Dragon, I'm really surprised the Doctor didn't call you right away after reading the questionnaire! I would think that answering "yes" to that last question would put you at the top of the list of priorities. I hope they call you tomorrow (or that you call them and they answer!) and they get you squared away with some medication. I understand not wanted to talk about it with DH in the room. With DD#1 DH was in the room at my 6-week check-up where I told the Doctor I was struggling with feeling depressed. The doctor asked if I would like to start a medication, and DH said, "she's fine. She doesn't need medication for something in her HEAD." Ya, so... I never mentioned feeling depressed or anxious to DH again. He thinks it's weakness. I, personally, think asking for help shows how strong you are, and how amazing of a mother you are!! You will be so much happier, which will benefit the twins and your DH more than anything else could.

Sierra, I'm so sorry it's still so difficult with your MIL. I agree with Jo that maybe choosing one thing and winning that battle may help you feel better. It sounds like she means well, but is just kind of clueless about how things affect you. Maybe if she knew it was causing so much stress she would stop. Either way, I hope it gets better. :hugs:
I highly recommend the ikea basic high chair with tray. The easiest to clean, transport, cheap and cheerful. Really practical. I love ours. Big complicated ones can be awkward to clean. this is easy.
Cheap enough to be able to get a spare for baby friends too :)
I highly recommend the ikea basic high chair with tray. The easiest to clean, transport, cheap and cheerful. Really practical. I love ours. Big complicated ones can be awkward to clean. this is easy.
Cheap enough to be able to get a spare for baby friends too :)
I highly recommend the ikea basic high chair with tray. The easiest to clean, transport, cheap and cheerful. Really practical. I love ours. Big complicated ones can be awkward to clean. this is easy.
Cheap enough to be able to get a spare for baby friends too :)

Dragon, sorry you are having a tough time. Hopping that doc calls back soon. Just don't do anything drastic.,talk to us first xxxx

Kiara did great on the flight to London. But screamed most of the way back! Lol. I think she was just so tired. And she does seem to be developing a very strong tantrum...

Seeing mum was tough, she seemed so unwell. Perhaps worse than I thought in many ways. Dad cried, that was hard. Hopefully we will go back next month too. It's heart breaking. But K made everyone smile with her grins.

Kellen, maybe they are trying? Your smoking inlaws? I don't know, half a cigarette sounds ok to me.

Sierra, MILs are tough going....I don't want to create issues between DH and his mum when I know how suddenly life can change....but it is hard! I keep as much distance between me and in the inlaws as I can get without being too rude...
Ps Sierra, it do get easier. 4 years after my first was born I still get that blood boil, but I have learnt to avoid them better! I send weekly photos of the kids which gets me points, but often I am absent from Skype calls....
Thanks ladies- one more day of her, then I should be good for another month! I was so proud of Dh yesterday! We had been on a long walk together then mil wanted us to go home and let her walk alone with Camden. I squeezed dhs hand to tell him I didnt want to and he told his mom no. She kept pushing but he stood up to her and I was so proud! He agrees that she is a pushy woman. He told me to stand up to her and speak my mind because it's MY baby! I feel so relieved that he said that!

Dragon, please do call your doctor today- its so important! And talk to us when you need to we're here to listen!
Don't worry ladies, I'm not planning on actually hurting myself...I could never do that to my family. It's just that it's very concerning to me that I even THINK about it. I will call the doctor this afternoon if she doesn't call be by then.
Helena, I'm so sorry your Mom is so unwell :( I'm sure it was amazing for her to meet Kiara, though, and I'm glad you both made it home safely.

Sierra, hurray for DH! I'm glad he's so supportive. :D

Dragonfly, did you talk to the Dr? I've been thinking of you :hugs:

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