Valentines Babies, 2013!

Thanks wamommy. ((Hug))
How's your sleep going?

I think we have a growth spurt here. k has extra crying and extra feeding going on.
She used to feed at 10pm then 3am then 6ish. She is squeezing in an extra small feed at 1 am now.. And during the day it's every three hours at latest, sometimes two. She is now only having two feeds from me a day. But I am trying to not feel bad. What with all that has been going on maybe my milk just wasnt enough for her. She is happy with a bottle except first thing she likes a snoozy snuggle and boobie feed, and one other during the evening too.

And wow she is growing, and learning - she now grabs at toys and takes things to chew on. And she has started drooling - teething time!? And she has a favourite toy that she is forever smiling at or "talking" to. So cute.

Hope you are all doing well xxx
Helena how cool that Kiara is grabbing at toys and chewing on things! I can't wait for Camden to start doing that! Was it all of a sudden one day she could grab at things? Camden clutches at my shirt when he's nursing and bats at my face when I'm talking to him but doesn't seem interested in grabbing toys. He did grab his foot the other day when I was holding him in a sitting position but that's it. And oh is he drooling too!!! We were at the mall yesterday and it was stringing onto the floor while I carried him!! And he loves to blow bubbles with it! Haha
Ah yes we have lots of bubbles! Ha!

Yes I think it was within a week she started grabbing. One day I thought "did she wave her hand at tht toy?" When she was on her baby gym / arch thing. And a week on she saw her doll hanging in front of her and grabbed straight out and took her hat in two hands, one each side of Dolly's head. Things do seem to happen fast, like they have a sudden download! While we were at my parents we didnt have much baby equipment and she was happiest sitting in her car seat if no one was holding her. I hung toys off the seat handle. so I guess she spent time sittibng there practicing grabbing. Clever girly :)
yay for milestones! I love that the twins are starting to grab things and reach for toys. we're having lots of drooling and chewing on hands, so I guess teething is starting!

the doctor finally got back to me and offered to prescribe Prozac, but I decided to be referred to a psychiatrist. I just don't think my gp has much experience with antidepressants, and I'd prefer to ser a specialist. unfortunately the waiting list is suo long to see a psychiatrist that it will be up to 2 weeks before they call me, and who knows how long before I can get an appointment.

I may try one of the other medical groups in the area. I really don't want to wait weeks and weeks to be seen.
Dragon - I am sorry you are experiencing this, but I am glad that you are actively seeking help. I pray that someone calls you sooner rather than later, and that they can get you in to be seen immediately. Hopefully they will understand the recognize the importance of this situation.

Congrats to all the little hand chewers and toy grabbers!

Teagen has three little while teeth buds that are visible. Some days they seem to annoy her and other days she doesn't seem to care. I took her to the doctor on Monday because she was running a mild fever and had a slight cough. Turns out it was just a precursor to teething and there is nothing to worry about.

I think she has finally adjusted to the time zone change. She is sleeping soundly as I type and has been since 8:30 last night (it is now 7). She didn't even whine for a quick feed at 5, which is what has happened the past couple of nights. Of course as I type that she started moaning and wiggling in her bed. My grandma purchased a nice crib and mattress set for her that should arrive today.

DH is having a somewhat of a difficult time adjusting. He gets along really well with my parents, but never had the change to really get to know my grandma. She is sweet, but set in her own ways and can't hear 90% of the conversation because she forgets to "put in her ears" as she affectionately calls her hearing aids. Last night we had to go to the store at 7:30 because we had to get a wireless router because DH couldn't find ours and my grandma had complained to my mom about DH being on her computer and playing games... this was after she had said: "Any time I'm not on it feel free to use it!" DH was insulted and swears he'll never touch her computer again. :dohh: He also needs to remember she is 87 years old, doesn't remember everything she says and just lost her husband of 67 years 6 months ago. We will adjusted, but it is a bit rocky right now.

Yesterday I received an email from my old HR manager asking me to call her ASAP. Apparently she never put me in for leave without pay and I've been receiving my full salary. I thought I was receiving the 60% I had coming to me for short-term disability. Now, she told me, the state wants close to $4,000 back... which we don't have because we just moved across the country. I sort of fail to see how I can be held responsible for something I didn't do. Lots of tears were spilled over this yesterday.

DH also misplaced my breast pump. Teagen hasn't eaten in 11 hours. Can you say painful? I'm tempted to wake her up just for relief, but I won't. I want her to sleep for as long as possible.
Kellen, sorry to hear about the rocky start to your new life in the PNW!! I hope things start smoothing out soon. That really sucks about your HR department! I would be very upset too, that's a lot of money they're expecting you to come up with. My experience wasn't as bad as yours, but my HR dept did swindle me out of about $900 during my leave. I paid to add supplemental short term disability to my benefits, which would have increased my pay to 80% while I was on leave...but because my leave started in December and continued into the new year, they said they could only pay me based on my benefits at the start of the leave. It didn't matter that the 80% should have kicked in on January 1st. So now I'm paying $250 for a benefit I can't even use, and I got paid $900 less than I should have. I cried too.

Yesterday I took some time off from work to go have some "me time," I went to get my hair cut and to see a movie. The first part of the afternoon went great. I got 4" cut off my hair, got a free eyebrow wax, went to see Iron Man 3 in 3D (fun!), and had dinner at one of my favorite restaurants. After that, I needed to get a prescription at the pharmacy. I was running late, and I wasn't going to make it before they closed, so I called them and asked them to transfer it to another pharmacy that's open later. They said they would, so I went to the other pharmacy to pick it up only to find that the first pharmacy didn't reverse the the insurance wouldn't let them run it through a second time. ARGH. So I had to pay full price for it and I'll need to bring the receipt back in a few days to get reimbursed.

THEN, as I was driving home, I noticed the temperature gauge in the car had climbed almost into the red. I pulled over and found that the coolant was low, so I filled it up and tried again, but I only got about a mile before the temperature started to climb again. I pulled into a gas station and checked the coolant again, and it was completely empty. I figured there was a leak, so I poured more in to see where it was coming out. I actually watched the level drop all the way down in the reservoir, but it wasn't coming out anywhere! No leak that I could see.

I tried turning the heater on full blast to take the heat off the engine, but the heater only blew cold air. I called DH and he thought the thermostat might be sticking, and he told me to get to an auto parts store to see if they had any advice. He couldn't come get me because he was home with the babies and I had the carseat bases :(.

So, I poured more coolant in just to get me to the auto parts store...but then the car wouldn't start. The started just chugged and chugged but wouldn't catch. So I was stranded. I called a tow truck and asked my brother in law to come pick me up and take me home. I ended up waiting for almost 2 hours, and by the time I got home I hadn't pumped in about 7 hours. I was full to bursting, and pumped 17 ounces lol.

What a night!
All of these babies are so talented! Max can grab his own clothes to put in his mouth, but that's about it :haha:

I can't believe Teagen is teething already! Wowzers. Is she handling it well? We used wet wash clothes rolled up and then put in the freezer for my girls. It's crunchy and chewy and wonderful on sore gums (yes, I tried it :blush:)

Dragonflywing, the first part of your day sounds heavenly! The second part sounds pretty crappy :( I told my DH what happened with your car, and he had a couple of suggestions. He used to own a chain of car stereo stores, so cars get him all excited, lol. He says that there are 3 options. Either the radiator's water was completely gone, which can cause overheating, and can take up to THREE gallons to fill. Each gallon you pour in will be instantly sucked into the radiator until it's full. Another option is a leak, but it sounds like you ruled that out since you couldn't see where it was coming out. The third option is the one you don't want. It's a cracked head. If it cracks, water is poured into the oil reservoir, where it mixes with the oil. It can ruin the engine. The way to tell if this happened is to check to oil's dipstick. If it's regular black/brown, it's fine. If it's grey sludge, the head is cracked. I hope this helps!

Kellen, I'm glad the move went well! I can imagine getting used to living with your Grandma is pretty tough. I hope it gets better. In the mean time, getting your own router is probably a good idea if it eases some tension. Also, I'm so sorry about HR. If it was their fault it seems like they should pay it! I hope it gets resolved. You don't need this kind of stress.

Helena, thank you for asking about sleep :hugs: It's thankfully getting a bit better (knock on wood). The last few nights he's slept from 10pm-1am, then again from 2am-4am, then from 4:30am-7, when he's up for the day. It's been so nice! It's not quite sleeping through the night, but I'll take it! :yipee:
Thanks so much for the advice, wamommy! The car is at the shop now, so hopefully they can tell us what's wrong with it. I sure hope it's not a cracked head...although I'm not optimistic since the car stopped working entirely after I poured a gallon of coolant in :(

I'm about at my wit's end. I found out the waiting list to get into the psychiatry clinic is almost 3 MONTHS. There's no way I can wait that long, so I tried the other medical group in my area. They said they won't take me without a referral from a doctor within their group. My doctor is not in that group. I called my doctor again to get some guidance, and she's out of the office until Monday. So I have to get through the weekend. I'm having an especially hard time today. I just can't focus, and work is so busy that I'm totally stressed out. I had a really bad moment on my lunch break...I went out on the 5th floor balcony to get some air, and had to go right back inside because I was afraid to go near the railing. Then I lost 10 oz of breast milk because the lansinoh storage bag split along the seam after I poured it in. I cried.
Oh Dragonfly, I'm so sorry :( I don't understand why it isn't a bigger priority for someone to help you?! Did you tell them how you're feeling, and that you can't wait that long? If you did, then shame on them for not seeing you sooner! Hang in there until Monday, and then I'd call your doctor's office and raise holy hell. It's important. You're important. Make them know that. (Sorry, I just want you to be ok!)

I hope everyone has some great plans for Mother's Day this weekend. Wait, it's different in the UK isn't it? Over here it's this Sunday :D I'm not expecting DH to do anything, but we're meeting my Mom for a picnic at the zoo with my kids and their 3 cousins. It should be fun. DH mentioned that I may get contact lenses for Mother's Day :( I've been wearing this pair for way longer than you're supposed to, so I really do need contacts, but come on... for Mother's Day?? I mentioned I would LOVE a nice haircut (I really need a makeover) and DH said, "sure, there's a sale at the Hairmasters down the street." I want a REAL haircut this time, not a trim :( I'm being such a baby!
Dragon that's just aweful that no one is responding quickly! I'm so sorry! Would it be at all worth it to try the med your dr suggested until you can get another appointment with a psychiatrist? Maybe it will help a little to give you some relief? It sounds so miserable- I am so sorry! :( :hugs:

Wamommy, I think you should set up the haircut anyways! It's mother's day and you have three kids so I think that entitles you to a great haircut/ color/ pedicure/ massage- all sorts of niceties! ;).

We're still struggling with Camden- he still screams so often (and I say" screams" because it's different than his cry he'll stiffen up, turn red-faced, and let out a piercing scream instantly all throughout the day for no apparent reason- it's the same scream he had when he got his immunizations) the dtr still thinks he's in some sort of pain but can't figure it out... we're trying culturelle now to see if it's his intestines or something. I'm not convinced it will help but at least we're eliminating things I guess. :shrug: I feel bad for the poor guy... and I'm exhausted- he hates being set down, so I'm holding him for most of his wakeful hours. :( I just wish there was a for sure way to find out what's going on instead of just trying all of these different things... :(
Thank for the kind thoughts. Yes, I told them I couldn't wait, and to cover their asses they just told me to go to the emergency room if I felt like I might hurt myself. Well, I'm not going to, so that's not really helpful. I just find it so negligent...I've read stories of this happening to other women with postpartum depression, and they actually killed themselves or hurt their children before anyone took them seriously. I'm certainly not going to hurt myself or anyone else, but how do they know that? They didn't even ask. I mean, a 3 month waiting list? Shouldn't there be some kind of triage that determines the most serious cases to prioritize? I'm sure there are people having a harder time than I am, but I'm also sure that there are people who's situation is not as urgent.

Poor Camden! I sure hope they figure out what's causing his pain soon, that's so sad. Do you think he could be teething at all? I think my two are starting to teethe, and Lily has been doing that same thing with stiffening up and screaming in the evenings. She keeps skipping her last bottle because she screams and screams until she finally passes out from exhaustion. The rest of the day she's fine...and she wants to bite on my fingers, so I think her gums hurt. Tylenol also helps temporarily, but I keep trying other things first because I can't really give her Tylenol every single day, can I?
Dragon, thats so horrible! Is there another psychiatrist near your city maybe? Even if you have to drive a bit it might be worth it!

I'm not sure on the teething- he's always been like this except for the hand sucking. Is there a for sure way to tell? I'd try to stay away from giving her tylenol every day... I don't know if it's safe or not but I think you're right to limit it.
Could Camden be still hungry? Maybe try topping him up with a bottle? Helped my little lady at least.
Hope its sorted soon, poor you and poor him!

Kellen, if you feel you may burst again could you feed while baby sleeps? Each night before I go to bed I feed Kiara when she is already sleep in her bed. She stays asleep throughout but has a full feed to maximize the amount of sleep I will get:) google Dream feeding.

Happy mummy's day weekend my American friends x x x
Helena - We typically do a dream feed around 5 or 6am, but she was sleeping so soundly I couldn't bear to wake her up. Typically I pump a little in the mornings to make myself comfortable and supply my stash. However, at the time, we didn't know which box contained either the manual or electric pump. :dohh: Oh, the joys of moving. Today we uncovered the electric pump so no more uncomfortableness! And the issue with the half a cigarette was that it was in the house and they had promised us that they were no longer smoking in the house. I don't care how much they smoke as long as it isn't around my baby.

Dragon - It is awful what you are going through. I agree that there should be some sort of triage or assessment that allows at risk patients to be seen earlier. I am very sorry to hear that they don't seem to be taking your case seriously.

The good news is that our crib came yesterday and the mattress arrived today! I am excited to rearrange our room and get everything set up. In the next couple of months I will be converting our huge walk-in closet into a room for Teagen. Due to my rather nautical background we have some super cute decorations. I'm also going to get creative and pain the upper half a light blue and the bottom half a sandy color with a cute chair rail border of sailing ships or a beach scene. Her crib is white with red, white and blue bedding with sailboats on it. I am excited!
Helena, I've tried the bottle after nursing and he usually doesn't take much-maybe half an ounce more? But more often than not, he falls asleep while nursing, so I'm assuming that means he's full? Maybe I should try the bottle again just in case though!

Kellen- Teagen's room sounds like it will be sooooo cute!!

Well tomorrow evening marks the first time I have left Camden alone with his dad to babysit! I'm going to my nieces dance recital so he's on baby duty for about 4 hours. Is it weird that I'm a little nervous and it's my own husband watching him? I think the thing I'm most nervous about is camdens fussiness- I know Dh gets frustrated so easily by this and I'm usually there to help out. I'm curious how it will go while I'm out and worry a bit that Dh might just let him cry a lot- especially if he's frustrated and needs a break :( Dh is a good dad, just doesn't have as much patience as I do with the crying. I know it won't be the end of the world, but I still get nervous! I think it will be great practice and bonding for Dh though!
I think it will be good for you Sierra, and daddy and Camden. They need time alone for boys stuff :) you will come back to them watching football and talking about girls ;)

I know my husband isn't as confident with baby as I am, though he is good, but it its good for them to bond without mummy interesting sometimes. I tend to head straight in when K cries, even if she is with daddy. I am trying to stop that.

Have a great time and let daddy do what he sees as right - after all its his baby too. If he lets him cry a bit more then that's ok, he loves him, he can make decisions regarding care too...not that I am saying you are controlling, I am thinking how I can probably be sometimes! Lol. he'll be fine I bet. Enjoy yourself and having your arms back for a bit :) x
Thanks Helena- that's definitely me! I'm always running in even when Dh has Camden! It was a lovely time out! I had tons of fun and Dh and Camden did great! They had a good time too!! I'm so glad!
Thank you Dragonfly! :D Happy Mother's Day to you too! I hope everyone is able to relax and enjoy a happy day.

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