Valentines Babies, 2013!

Argh...I don't understand why it's so hard to get someone to help me. I left a message for my family doctor (the one who is not comfortable prescribing anything besides prozac because I'm nursing) on Thursday, letting her know about the 3 month waiting list to see the psychiatrist, and how I can't find anyone else to take me. I'm pretty sure I sounded really desperate on the message, but I haven't heard from her yet. I called my insurance plan to see if there is anything they can do, and they gave me a few phone numbers of independent doctors, but they were all closed on Friday when I was calling.

Friday was a BAD day...our car broke down on Wednesday and was towed, so DH had to go to the mechanic's to pick up the car seats and a loaner vehicle, then he had to pick up some things from his mom's place and go to a meeting. I was working from home, but even though I wasn't going to be done until 5:30, he had to leave at 4 because that's the only time his sister could drive him to the mechanic. Gunnar was sleeping and Lily was happily playing on her play mat, so I told him it was ok and I should be able to finish work.

Pretty much as soon as he walked out the door, Gunnar woke up hungry and Lily started screaming. I had work that absolutely had to be done, but I had to take care of the babies so I shut down early. I was already stressed out, and I think the babies picked up on that because they would NOT calm down no matter what I did. Finally I got Gunnar to bed, but Lilja was completely melting down and was screaming like I was killing her, which woke up Gunnar and he was so scared by her screaming that he started screaming too. I had to call DH to come home early because I hadn't pumped in almost 8 hours, and I was just falling apart. After all that, I was so exhausted, but I had to get back on my laptop at 10pm to finish work. I didn't get to bed until after 1am and I was just sobbing the whole time.

Saturday was better. DH had another appointment, so I was going to be alone with the babies all day again. DH realized that I was not in any shape to do another day by myself, so he asked his sister to come help me. She came over with her husband, and her two boys, age 5 and 2. At first I was worried having so many people in the house would be more stressful, and if she had to take care of her kids she probably wouldn't be able to help me much. HOWEVER, her husband took the boys to the park and she kept Lily occupied long enough for me to pump, eat lunch, and do a load of laundry. Just that little bit helped so much, and I was so much more relaxed.
My child has been an absolute terror today. Earlier DH and I wanted to put together the crib so I took Teagen out to have some quality time with my parents (they live a whole 500 ft away from the house). I made sure she had a bottle, blanket, diapers and wipes. She was happy and laughing. Twenty minutes later I get a frantic call from my dad and hear Teagen screaming in the background. I went over and nursed her back to a normal level of calm and took her back to our house. She was fine.

I then decided to eat dinner. DH was on the bed so I left them together. Five minutes later I hear bloodcurdling screams coming from the bedroom. It was Teagen again. DH was walking around trying to calm her. He motioned me away and managed to calm her down after about 5 minutes. She wasn't wet, she had just been fed... she was just mad that she couldn't have me.

Then after her bath tonight I laid down with her to nurse, but she was super fussy and bite-y. She has been somewhat teething for the past week, but one of the upper white caps is really visible now. So after fighting to get her to nurse properly for 45 minutes DH put her in her swing where she is sleeping right now. She also managed to poop through her diaper twice today, and pee through it once (that was my mom's fault as she forgot to do up one side as she is not used to dealing with a screaming baby).

Dragon - my heart goes out to you. It was terrible trying to deal with one super fussy baby and relatively no responsibilities. I cannot imagine how difficult it was for you to try to handle two screaming babies while finishing up work. I pray that you get the medical help that you need.
Dragonfly, what the heck is wrong with your Doctor? No offense, I'm just really upset on your behalf. They are REALLY dropping the ball. I would call over and over tomorrow until they have to call you back! I'm also really sorry you had a tough weekend :( I'm glad your sister-in-law was able to help some. I hope you get some relief soon! :hugs:

Kellen, teething can be so hard! Poor Teagen. We haven't hit that stage yet, thank goodness. I think both of my girls got their first teeth around 7 months, so I'm hoping the tough teething phase is still a while off for us.
Thanks. I finally got a call back from my doctor's nurse (the doctor used to call me back directly, but it's like she doesn't want to talk to me about this), and she was entirely unhelpful. She basically said the exact same thing as last time, that the dr would prescribe Prozac. I tried to stay calm, and politely explained again that I have tried that before and it did not work and had unacceptable side effects. I asked what I should do since I can't get in for an appointment with a psychiatrist, and she basically said I'd just have to wait the three months.

I told her I absolutely can NOT wait three months, but she had no answer for me, so I started suggesting things myself. I suggested the doctor contact a pharmacist or psychiatrist to get more information on medications that are safe for breastfeeding. I suggested she put me back on a medication I was on in the past that helped (I read some studies and it only passes through to breastmilk in less than 0.06% of the maternal weight-adjusted dose, and has shown no harm to nursing babies). I suggested that she contact the psychiatrist group herself to see if they can squeeze me in for an evaluation (a call from another doctor would carry much more weight than one from me). I suggested she try other psychiatrists in the area, etc. I laid out several options that they obviously hadn't considered...come on, wtf, you are health professionals. The nurse said the doctor was simply not comfortable prescribing anything but Prozac, but that she would see if she could contact other doctors or request I be moved to the front of the wait list for the psychiatric group. She's supposed to call me back today. We'll see what happens.
Good work pushing dragon. If you need to stop nursing for the sake of your mental health thats ok.

That's what I am telling myself. K is now 70 percent bottle some days, it varies. But it's the start that is the really important time, those first few weeks.
I felt I just didnt have enough for her and tbh with all my stress I just needed to make things a bit easier for myself...she certainly seems to be benefiting from my choice - chubby rolls popping out all over:) though I do feel a bit of disappointment.

Helena, I understand the feeling of disappointment. I have been combi feeding for 3.5 months now! I'm SO proud given the obstacles, but also have been feeding him less and less breast milk and more and more formula. I pumped this morning and saw how far my supply has dropped. I know I shouldn't be upset, because 3 months was my goal and I've made it!! I suppose it's just a reminder that I "fail" at BF :( In your case though, it sounds like you're doing exactly what's right for you and your baby, which is always the right decision :D

My girls have a checkup tomorrow. We're planning on getting vaccine boosters so that they will be able to start school in the fall, but BOTH girls are sick today. I'm thinking I should wait on the boosters until they're well. What crummy timing!! I'm just hoping and praying that the baby doesn't get this cold. He hasn't been sick yet (knock on wood!) and I'm pretty sure it would push me straight over the edge.

How is everyone doing? How was Mother's Day?
Kiara hs a cough :(

She also had a cold when she had her vaccines. I would check with the doctor but probably would go ahead and get the vaccines anyway, might as well get all the crappyness over in one go? Though mine rarely react to vaccines badly. The doctor didnt even suggest waiting when K had a cold.

Up early today. There aren't many who can wake me at 5 am, poop in my bed, grin at me and still make me smile. Well done Kiara! X

Latest project for K - trying to sit. My boys think its hilarious to prop her up and see which way She slides...poor (She doesn't cry!)
Often she slumps but she is getting stronger so fast
Wamommy, I agree with Helena- talk to your doctor but it might be okay to get the vaccines anyways.

Helena, how adorable! What a strong little girl!

Well, u
I think we're finally getting to the bottom of Camden's fussiness.... but it isn't good news. We found out yesterday that he has a pretty bad urinary tract infection. :( he was having unexplained fevers a few weeks ago, then this week his urine started smelling really bad almost like paint. They say he has probably had it for a while :( I'm sooooo sad they haven't found this sooner, but proves it's good to be persistent- I just kept telling them something was wrong, his crying sounded too pained- he screamed most of the time. Turns out my precious boy WAS in pain :( they started him on antibiotics yesterday, but are concerned because its apparently rare for a baby his age to have a uti. So, they are calling me in the morning to schedule some tests an ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys and a test where they insert die through a catheter to see how his body processes urine- to see if part of his urine is flowing the wrong way. (Called bladder reflux) :( if that's the case, we'd be referred to a state hospital for specialist treatment: ( my poor baby! It makes me cry so much I feel like he's been trying to let us know something was wrong this whole time and it took me this long to finally get an answer :(

If you gals can pray for him, I'd really appreciate it.
Oh bless Camden! Poor little guy. At least he has the antibiotics now. They usually start working within 24 Hrs .
You should feel proud for having kept on pushing. Babies are tricky to work out. So true that mummy knows best!
It sounds like they are checking everything out now and taking action so that's great. Good luck, xxx
Oh poor Camden!! In a way that's great news, though. If they know what's wrong then maybe they can help him :D Good job following your instincts and getting to the bottom of it. I hope the antibiotics bring you both some relief :hugs:
His tests aren't scheduled until the 28th! :( at least they're scheduled though... so much time for me to worry...
But he has his antibiotics so I guess he won't be in pain at least. T infection should be fixed. Try and not panic. Easier said than done though I am sure.
My two year old had a urine infection last year. All out of the blue. Never had it again. I know he isn't newborn and it is different, but maybe it could be the similar - one of those strange things that just happens for no reason. At least you will get to see lovely Camden without pain now - let us know how he is. Hoping you get heaps of smiles and coos for all your hard work and Camden enjoys his new found joy without hurting. enjoy that and try not worry.xxxx
Sierra - I hope that the antibiotics work quickly and clear up the infection immediately. I'm glad that you have the appointment, but hopefully the problem will be gone by the time it rolls around. Poor, Camden, I am glad you were able to be a pro-active mommy and get to the root of the problem. I'm proud of you for sticking to your guns.

Helena - Congrats to K for working on her sitting skills, and for grabbing toys! That is so exciting! Teagen has done a little toy grabbing, and will hold a teething ring... when my dad holds her, when my mom holds her, when DH holds me, but not when I hold her. Ugh, lazy baby believes mommy should do everything for her.

Wamommy - I hope your girls getting better and don't share their lovely germs with Max. Vaccines make me feel a little out of it during the good times so I understand your reticence, especially with your one really scary episode.

Amusing story about DH today. I had an appointment with our new OB this morning because for the past week it has felt like my IUD was coming out of place. Well, it was. So we trundled off to the doctor's and had a new one inserted. Thankfully the nurse had a great sense of humor and we all got along terrifically. While we were making a follow up appointment for July the nurse asks if we have any further question. DH pops up and asks: "Can we have sex tonight?" (referring to me, but asking the nurse). The poor man normally doesn't blush, but he turned bright red as he stammered, "I mean me and my wife, not with you." The nurse didn't miss a beat: "No, we will most certainly not being have sex tonight, but you may have intercourse with your wife. It is perfectly safe." I found the situation far too amusing.
:rofl: Kellen! That is too funny! The nurse sounds awesome, and good thing you and DH have a sense of humor :haha:

Well, it's official... Max is sick :( The poor girls have been hacking and snotting all over the house, so it was absolutely impossible to protect him from it. He's been super fussy all day and tonight he's snorting and all stuffed up. I'm expecting the cough any time now. It's unrealistic to expect that a child will never get sick, but it's so hard when it happens! It makes me want to cry watching them suffer. I can't imagine how you must feel, Sierra, with Camden being this way for so long. I really, really hope the antibiotics kick in and he feels better.

We skipped the Dr altogether today. DH called first thing this morning and told the nurse that the girls were sick. They told us to reschedule in a couple of weeks. It's prudent, given our history, but I'm a bit worried they won't be able to get the spaced-out boosters before school starts in the fall. Ah well... I guess we'll talk to thr Dr when we see him.

I haven't heard a peep from Jo in a while. How are you doing, lady?
Helena, how did I miss that pic of Kiara? How cute!! And what a clever girl!! She's doing so well :D It's wonderful that big brothers are helping her learn and play. She'll have quite the protectors later on!
Wamommy - Poor Max! I guess it was inevitable, but it is hard since they don't understand how to blow their noses. Congestion really bites! I'm glad that your doctor is taking the girl's illness into consideration, especially with your past history. I hope that they are able to space things out.

Today we had Teagen down on her mat playing with her gym. DH (the romantic that he is) bought me a stuff Dalekk (from Doctor Who) for our anniversary last year. When you squeeze it, it says: "You would make a good Dalek" and "Exterminate, Exterminate!" Because it is on the end of a key fob I hooked it onto Teagen's gym. DH got down and was playing with her and decided to make it talk. She was on her tummy at the time and giggled the first time he did it. For the next five minutes she was laughing and giggle hysterically until I stepped in to stop it because she was gasping for breath she was laughing so hard. It was adorable.

She is also obsessed with a little blonde boy in her book: "Say Moo" that my mom bought her. DH is threatening to draw dresses on the little boy. :rofl:
Thanks so much for your support ladies! No improvement in Camden yet, but hopefully soon.

Kellen , your Dh is a hoot! Sooo funny!

Wamommy-sooo sorry to hear that Max is sick! That's so hard! Poor guy- I hope it clears up really quickly for him!
Think we have a bout of thrush in K's mouth,
She seems ok, I just spotted the white patches inside her lips. We have cream now. Hopefully we can clear it before it gets nasty for her. My boys never had this, to all new to me.

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